The FictionMags Index
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de Lint, Charles (Henri Diederick Hoefsmit) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Into the Green [Angharad], (ss) Sword and Sorceress V ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1988
- * Introduction, (in) Author’s Choice Monthly #22, July 1991
- * Introduction, (in) Triskell Tales, Subterranean Press, 2000
- * Introduction, (in) Triskell Tales 2, Subterranean Press, 2006
- * Introduction, (in) Riding Shotgun, Subterranean Press, 2007
- * Introduction, (in) Woods & Waters Wild, Subterranean Press, 2008
- * Introduction to “Homeland”, (is) My Favorite Fantasy Story ed. Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 2000
- * The Invisibles [Newford], (ss) David Copperfield’s Beyond Imagination ed. David Copperfield, Janet Berliner & Martin H. Greenberg, HarperPrism, 1996
- * The Iron Stone [Colum], (ss) Space and Time #61, Winter 1981/1982
- * The Ivory and the Horn, (co) Tor, April 1995
- * Jack in the Green, (na) Triskell Press, November 2012
- Subterranean Press, April 2014
- * John Shirley: Alien Viewpoints, (ar) The Horror Show Spring 1989 [Ref. John Shirley]
- * Journeyman, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2020 [Ref. Emma Melville]
- * Killfile, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2017 [Ref. Christopher Farnsworth]
- * The Kill Society, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2018
- * Kindergarten, (br) Science Fiction Review #4, Summer 1991 [Ref. Peter Rushforth]
- * Kindred Spirits, (br) Science Fiction Review #2, Summer 1990 [Ref. Alan Brennert]
- * Kingfisher, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2016 [Ref. Patricia A. McKillip]
- * A Kingly Thing, (ss) Beyond the Fields We Know #1, Autumn 1978
- * King of the Dead, (br) Science Fiction Review #10, May 1992 [Ref. R. A. MacAvoy]
- * Kissing Frogs, (ss) What the Mouse Found and Other Stories, Subterranean Press, 2008
- * Knight of Ghosts and Shadows, (br) Science Fiction Review #3, Autumn 1990 [Ref. Mercedes Lackey & Ellen Guon]
- * Knight of Shadows, (br) Science Fiction Review #1, Spring 1990 [Ref. Roger Zelazny]
- * Knights Magica, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2020 [Ref. B. R. Kingsolver]
- * K.W. Jeter: From Inner Landscapes, (bg) The Horror Show Winter 1988 [Ref. K. W. Jeter]
- * The Land Beyond All Dreams, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2016 [Ref. Bryan Fields]
- * The Land of the Green Man: A Journey Through the Supernatural Landscapes of the British Isles, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2016 [Ref. Carolyne Larrington]
- * The Lantern Is the Moon, (ss) Quicksilver & Shadow, Subterranean Press, 2005
- * The Lark in the Morning [Cerin Songweaver], (ss) The Lark in the Morning by Charles de Lint, Triskell Press, 1987
- * The Last Adventure of Constance Verity, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2016 [Ref. A. Lee Martinez]
- * Later, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2021 [Ref. Stephen King]
- * Laughter in the Leaves [Cerin Songweaver], (ss) Laughter in the Leaves by Charles de Lint, Triskell Press, 1984
- * Leaves for Mary Ann, (ss) 1974
- * Lifter, (br) Science Fiction Review #61, Winter 1986 [Ref. Crawford Kilian]
- * A Lit Fuse: The Provocative Life of Harlan Ellison, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2018 [Ref. Nat Segaloff]
- * Live Wire, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2017 [Ref. Amber Lynn Natusch]
- * Llew the Homeless, (ss) Woods & Waters Wild, Subterranean Press, 2008
- * Long Miles Home, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2021 [Ref. Emma Melville]
- * Lord Dragon’s Bane, (pm) Dragonbane #1, Spring 1978, as by Wendelessen
- * Lycanthropy and Other Chronic Illnesses, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2021 [Ref. Kristen O’Neal]
- * Madrenga, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2021 [Ref. Alan Dean Foster]
- * Mage: The Hero Denied 00-02, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2018 [Ref. Matt & Brennan Wagner]
- * The Magician Out of Manchuria, (br) Science Fiction Review #1, Spring 1990 [Ref. Charles G. Finney]
- * The Magicians, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2016 [Ref. Lev Grossman]
- * Make a Joyful Noise [Newford], (nv) Subterranean Press, 2005
- * Making a Noise in This World, (nv) Warrior Fantastic ed. Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, DAW, 2000
- * Malediction: An Old World Story, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2016 [Ref. Melissa F. Olson]
- * Manga Art: Inspiration and Techniques from an Expert Illustrator, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2018 [Ref. Mark Crilley]
- * The Man Who Wouldn’t Die, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2020 [Ref. A. B. Jewell]
- * Many Worlds Are Born Tonight, (ss) Strange Attraction ed. Edward E. Kramer, ShadowLands Press, 2000
- * Maple Sugar, (ss) Mothering #50, 1988
- * Ma Qui and Other Phantoms, (br) Science Fiction Review #7, February 1992 [Ref. Alan Brennert]
- * Masking Indian, (ss) Mardi Gras Madness ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Russell Davis, Cumberland House, 2000
- * May This Be Your Last Sorrow [Borderlands], (ss) The Essential Bordertown ed. Terri Windling & Delia Sherman, Tor, 1998
- * Medicine Road [Seven Wild Sisters], (n.) Subterranean Press, July 2004
- * Melba Toast, Bowie’s Knife & Caesar’s Wife: A Dictionary of Eponyms, (br) Science Fiction Review #2, Summer 1990 [Ref. Martin Manser]
- * Memories of Tomorrow, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2020 [Ref. Dean Koontz]
- * Meran’s Stone, (pm) OSCAR v9 #10, 1981
- * The Mercy of Snake, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2020 [Ref. Dean Koontz]
- * Merlin Dreams in the Mondream Wood [Ottawa and the Valley], (ss) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine #7, Spring 1990
- * Mighty Jack, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2016 [Ref. Ben Hatke]
- * Mingus Fingers, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2020 [Ref. David Sandner & Jacob Weisman]
- * Minotaur, (br) Science Fiction Review #57, Winter 1985 [Ref. John Farris]
- * Mischief Malicious…and Murder Most Strange, (br) Science Fiction Review #9, April 1992 [Ref. R. A. Lafferty]
- * Mission San Xavier Del Bac, (pm) Desert Moments by Charles de Lint, Triskell Press, 1991
- * The Mist, (rv) Science Fiction Review #55, Summer 1985 [Ref. Stephen King]
- * Mr. Mercedes, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2016 [Ref. Stephen King]
- * Mr. Truepenny’s Book Emporium and Gallery [Newford], (ss) Cheap Street, December 1992
- * Mojo and the Pickle Jar, (br) Science Fiction Review #8, March 1992 [Ref. Douglas Bell]
- * Monad: Essays on Science Fiction #1, (br) Science Fiction Review #4, Summer 1991 [Ref. Damon Knight]
- * The Moon and the Face, (br) Science Fiction Review #58, Spring 1986 [Ref. Patricia A. McKillip]
- * Moon-Flash, (br) 1985 [Ref. Patricia A. McKillip]
- * Moonheart, (n.) Ace, 1984
- Subterranean Press, May 2005
- * The Moon Is a Meadow, (ss) Triskell Press, 1980
- * The Moon Is Drowning While I Sleep [Newford], (nv) Snow White, Blood Red ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Morrow AvoNova, 1993
- * Moonwise, (ar) Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine June 1992
- * The Most Recent Madame Fortuna, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2017 [Ref. Kristine Kathryn Rusch]
- * Motor Girl 01-06, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2018 [Ref. Terry Moore]
- * Mount Lemmon, (pm) Desert Moments by Charles de Lint, Triskell Press, 1991
- * The Murder of Jesus Christ, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2019 [Ref. John R. Little]
- * Music of the Fantastic: 2003, (ar) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Seventeenth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow, Gavin Grant & Kelly Link, St. Martin's Griffin, 2004
- * Music of the Fantastic: 2006, (ar) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 2007: Twentieth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant, St. Martin's Press, 2007
- * Music of the Fantastic: 2007, (ar) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 2008: Twenty-First Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant, St. Martin's Press, 2008
- * My Ainsel’, (ss) The Storyteller ed. Dale Hammell, Soda Publications, 1979
- * My Life as a Bird [Newford], (nv) Triskell Press, 1996
- * My Sister Rosa, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2017 [Ref. Justine Larbalestier]
- * The Mysteries, (pm) In Mask and Motley by Charles de Lint, Triskell Press, 1983
- * The Mysterious Disappearance of Aiden S. (as Told to His Brother), (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2021 [Ref. David Levithan]
- * Mythago Wood, (br) Science Fiction Review #59, Summer 1986 [Ref. Robert Holdstock]
- * A Name Among the Stars, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2018
- * Nareth the Questioner, (ss) Valhalla #1, 1979
- * Nebula Awards Showcase 2015, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2016 [Ref. Greg Bear]
- * Network Effect, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2020 [Ref. Martha Wells]
- * Never Never, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2016 [Ref. Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher]
- * Never Never, Part Three, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2016 [Ref. Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher]
- * Never Never, Part Two, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2016 [Ref. Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher]
- * Newford: In and Out of the City, (si)
- * Newford Spook Squad [Hellboy; Newford], (ss) Hellboy: Odder Jobs ed. Christopher Golden, Dark Horse Books, 2004
- * Night of the Valkings [Colum], (ss) Space and Time #49, October 1978
- * Nightshades, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2016 [Ref. Melissa F. Olson]
- * Night Stalker, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2019 [Ref. BR Kingsolver]
- * Night Visions I, (br) Science Fiction Review #55, Summer 1985 [Ref. Alan Ryan]
- * Nightwise, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2016 [Ref. R. S. Belcher]
- * The Noose of a New Moon, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2021 [Ref. Helen Harper]
- * Not Just Rockets and Robots: Daily Science Fiction Year One, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2016 [Ref. Jonathan Laden & Michele-Lee Barasso]
- * Now Then and Everywhen, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2020 [Ref. Rysa Walker]
- * Nuthin’ But Mech 3: Sketches and Renderings, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2016 [Ref. Lorin Wood]
- * Oakey Bedokey, (ss) What the Mouse Found and Other Stories, Subterranean Press, 2008
- * The Oak King’s Daughter [Cerin Songweaver], (ss) Triskell Press, 1979
- * Oberon’s Meaty Mysteries: The Purloined Poodle, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2017 [Ref. Kevin Hearne]
- * Of Flesh and Bone, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2017 [Ref. A. G. Carpenter]
- * Of Lips and Tongue, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2017 [Ref. A. G. Carpenter]
- * Of Shade and Soul, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2017 [Ref. A. G. Carpenter]
- * Of the Temple in the City of the Burning Spires, (vi) Valhalla #1, 1979
- * Old Man Crow, (ss) Subterranean Press, June 2007
- * Old the Hills of Kernow, (pm) Beyond the Fields We Know #1, Autumn 1978, as by Jan Penalurick
- * The Old Tunes, (pm) Badger in the Bag by Charles de Lint, Triskell Press, 1985
- * “Once There Was a Man with No Name”, (in) A Handful of Coppers, Subterranean Press, 2003
- * One Chance, (ss) Werewolves ed. Jane Yolen & Martin H. Greenberg, Harper & Row, 1988
- * On Forests of the Heart, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #150, Summer 2001
- * The Onion Girl, (n.) Tor, October 2001
- Subterranean Press, September 2009
- * Only Begotten Daughter, (br) Science Fiction Review #2, Summer 1990 [Ref. James Morrow]
- * The Oracle Code, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2020 [Ref. Marieke Nijkamp & Manuel Preitano]
- * Ormeshadow, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2019 [Ref. Priya Sharma]
- * Otherworlds: Past and Future, (si)
- * Ottawa and the Valley, (vi)
- * Our Lady of the Harbour [Newford], (na) Axolotl Press, 1991
- * Outbreak, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2018 [Ref. Melissa F. Olson]
- * Outside the Dog Museum, (br) Science Fiction Review #9, April 1992 [Ref. Jonathan Carroll]
- * Pal o’ Mine [Newford], (ss) Christmas Forever ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor, 1993
- * Pandora by Holly Hollander, (br) Science Fiction Review #5, December 1991 [Ref. Gene Wolfe]
- * Paperbacks from Hell: The Twisted History of ’70s and ’80s Horror Fiction, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2017 [Ref. Grady Hendrix]
- * Paper & Blood, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2021 [Ref. Kevin Hearne]
- * The Paper Grail, (br) Science Fiction Review #6, January 1992 [Ref. James P. Blaylock]
- * Paperjack [Newford], (nv) Cheap Street, December 30 1991
- * Passing [Newford], (nv) Excalibur ed. Richard Gilliam, Martin H. Greenberg & Edward E. Kramer, Warner Aspect, 1995
- * A Pattern of Silver Strings [Cerin Songweaver], (nv) A Pattern of Silver Strings by Charles de Lint, Triskell Press, 1981
- * The Pennymen [Newford], (ss) Black Cats and Broken Mirrors ed. Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, DAW, 1998
- * The Perdition Score, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2017 [Ref. Richard Kadrey]
- * A Personal Journey Into Mythic Fiction, (ar) The Urban Fantasy Anthology ed. Peter S. Beagle & Joe R. Lansdale, Tachyon, 2011
- * The Perversity of Things: Hugo Gernsback on Media, Tinkering, and Scientifiction (Electronic Mediations), (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2018
- * Phantom Banjo, (br) Science Fiction Review #8, March 1992 [Ref. Elizabeth Scarborough]
- * Philip K. Dick: A Comics Biography, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2019 [Ref. Laurent Queyssi & Mauro Marchesi]
- * The Piper, (pm) Simba September 1978, as by Wendelessen
- * Pity the Monsters [Newford], (ss) The Ultimate Frankenstein ed. Byron Preiss, David Keller, Megan Miller & John Gregory Betancourt, Dell, 1991
- * Pixel Pixies, (nv) Triskell Press, 1999
- * Playing with Fire, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2017 [Ref. R. J. Blain]
- * Po Bos Yn Weir, (pm) Beyond the Fields We Know #1, Autumn 1978, as by Jan Penalurick
- * The Pochade Box [Newford], (ss) Thunder’s Shadow Collector’s Magazine February 1994
- * Practical Boots, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2021 [Ref. C. E. Murphy]
- * The Praying Mantis Bride, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2020 [Ref. Dean Koontz]
- * The Prince and the Troll, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2021 [Ref. Rainbow Rowell]
- * Promises to Keep [Newford], (na) Subterranean Press, September 2007
- * Providence, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2020 [Ref. Max Barry]
- * Punch Drunk Moustache Round 2, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2016
- * Queen of Angels, (br) Science Fiction Review #4, Summer 1991 [Ref. Greg Bear]
- * A Question of Navigation, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2021 [Ref. Kevin Hearne]
- * Quicksilver & Shadow, (co) Subterranean Press, March 2005
- * Radicalized, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2019 [Ref. Cory Doctorow]
- * Ragged Alice, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2019 [Ref. Gareth L. Powell]
- * The Rainbow Gate, (br) Science Fiction Review #6, January 1992 [Ref. Freda Warrington]
- * Rain Dance, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2018 [Ref. D. N. Erikson]
- * Random Sh*t Flying Through the Air, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2021 [Ref. Jackson Ford]
- * The Rat’s Alley Shuffle [Liavek], (ss) Liavek: The Players of Luck ed. Will Shetterly & Emma Bull, Ace, 1986
- * Raven Sings a Medicine Way, Coyote Steals the Pollen, (ss) The Mythopoeic Conference Program Book #17, 1986
- * Read This: Recently Read and Recommended, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #43, March 1992
- * Real Visitors, Voices from Beyond, and Parallel Dimensions, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2016 [Ref. Brad & Sherry Hansen Steiger]
- * Recommended Reading for 1990 & 1991, (ar) Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine September/October 1992
- * Red Knight Falling, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2018 [Ref. Craig Schaefer]
- * Red Rain, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2020 [Ref. Dean Koontz]
- * Red Spider White Web, (br) Science Fiction Review #3, Autumn 1990 [Ref. Misha]
- * Refinerytown, (nv) Triskell Press, 2002
- * Refinerytown, (ss) Triskell Press, 2001
- * Replay, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2018 [Ref. Ken Grimwood]
- * Reset, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2018 [Ref. Brian Andrews]
- * Resistance and Transformations: On Fairy Tales, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2021 [Ref. Mari Ness]
- * Return to the Halls of the Damned, (ar) Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine August 1992
- * Riding Shotgun, (co) Subterranean Press, 2007
- * Riding Shotgun [Newford], (nv) Flights: Extreme Visions of Fantasy ed. Al Sarrantonio, Roc, 2004
- * The Ring of Brodgar [Colum], (ss) Space and Time #58, January 1981
- * Rise Against, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2020 [Ref. Hailey Edwards]
- * The River Bank, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2018 [Ref. Kij Johnson]
- * Rivers of London: Night Witch, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2017 [Ref. Ben Aaronovitch, Andrew Cartmel & Lee Sullivan]
- * The Road to Jarawen, (nv) A Handful of Coppers, Subterranean Press, 2003
- * The Road to Lisdoonvarna, (n.) Subterranean Press, March 2001
- * Rocket Dragons Ignite: Daily Science Fiction Year Two, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2016 [Ref. Jonathan Laden & Michele-Lee Barasso]
- * Rod Serling: His Life, Work, and Imagination, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2019 [Ref. Nicholas Parisi]
- * Rogue Protocol, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2018 [Ref. Martha Wells]
- * The Rolling of the Stones, (pm) Dragonfields #4, Winter 1983, as by Wendelessen
- * Romano Drom [Newford], (ss) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine #5, Fall 1989
- * The Rook, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2019 [Ref. Daniel O’Malley]
- * Root of Horn, (pm) A Pattern of Silver Strings by Charles de Lint, Triskell Press, 1981
- * Root Truths, (pm) In Mask and Motley by Charles de Lint, Triskell Press, 1983
- * The Rules of Magic, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2018
- * Rune, (br) Science Fiction Review #4, Summer 1991 [Ref. Christopher Fowler]
- * The Sacred Fire [Newford], (ss) Stalkers ed. Ed Gorman & Martin H. Greenberg, Dark Harvest, 1989
- * Sacred Land, (pm) Desert Moments by Charles de Lint, Triskell Press, 1991
- * Sacrifice & Terri Windling, Tam Lin, and other tales, (ar) Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine November 1992
- * Saguaro Dream, (pm) Desert Moments by Charles de Lint, Triskell Press, 1991
- * The Saturday Night Ghost Club, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2020 [Ref. Craig Davidson]
- * Saxophone Joe and the Woman in Black [Newford], (ss) Catfantastic III ed. Andre Norton & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1994
- * Scars, (ss) The Horror Show Spring 1988
- * Scorched Heart, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2021 [Ref. Helen Harper]
- * Second Chances, (ss) Triskell Press, 1998
- * Secret Stones, Hollow Hills, (pm) Dark Fantasy #16, 1978, as by Wendelessen
- * Seven Doors in an Unyielding Stone, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2019 [Ref. Tom Hirons]
- * Seven for a Secret [Newford], (ss) Peter S. Beagle’s Immortal Unicorn ed. Peter S. Beagle, Janet Berliner & Martin H. Greenberg, HarperPrism, 1995
- * Seven Reasons Why Terri Windling Should Be Honoured by This Convention: An Appreciation, (ar) Architecture of Fantasy and Horror ed. Richard Gilliam, World Fantasy Convention, 2005 [Ref. Terri Windling]
- * Seventh Heaven, (br) Science Fiction Review #4, Summer 1991 [Ref. Alice Hoffman]
- * Seven Turns, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2019 [Ref. Kim Beall]
- * Seven Wild Sisters [Seven Wild Sisters], (na) Subterranean Press, March 2002
- * Severed Wings, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2020 [Ref. Steven-Elliot Altman]
- * Shadow Born, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2017 [Ref. Jasmine Walt & Rebecca Hamilton]
- * Shadoweyes, (br) Science Fiction Review #56, Fall 1985 [Ref. Kathryn Ptacek]
- * Shadow Hunter, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2019 [Ref. BR Kingsolver]
- * Shadows of Dreams, (br) Science Fiction Review #1, Spring 1990 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Shifting Shadows, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2016 [Ref. Patricia Briggs]
- * Shining Nowhere but in the Dark [Newford], (ss) Realms of Fantasy October 1996
- * Sign Here, (ss) Apprentice Fantastic ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Russell Davis, DAW, 2002
- * Silence Fallen, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2017 [Ref. Patricia Briggs]
- * The Silent Corner, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2017 [Ref. Dean Koontz]
- * Sisters [Ottawa and the Valley], (nv) Waifs and Strays, Viking, 2002
- * Sisters and Strangers, (br) Science Fiction Review #4, Summer 1991 [Ref. Emma Tennant]
- * The Skin and Knife Game [Liavek] (with Marlene Y. Satter), (nv) Liavek: Spells of Binding ed. Will Shetterly & Emma Bull, Ace, 1988, as by Lee Barwood & Charles de Lint
- * The Slab, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2020 [Ref. Jeffrey J. Mariotte]
- * Slayers & Vampires, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2018 [Ref. Edward Gross & Mark A. Altman]
- * Small Deaths [Newford], (nv) Dreams Underfoot, Tor, 1993
- * The Soft Whisper of Midnight Snow, (ss) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine #1, Fall 1988
- The Year’s Best Fantasy: Second Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 1989
- Demons and Dreams 2 ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Legend, 1990
- The Best of Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch, St. Martin's, 1991
- Northern Frights ed. Don Hutchison, Mosaic Press, 1992
- Quicksilver & Shadow, Subterranean Press, 2005
- Stories from Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch, WMG Publishing, 2021
- * Solomon’s Knife, (br) Science Fiction Review #1, Spring 1990 [Ref. Victor Koman]
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