The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Balkan War’s Greatest Battle, (ar) The Outlook November 16 1912
- * Balk at Test of Bullet-proof Vest, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 26 1925
- * Balked by a Wrist Chain, (ar) Flynn’s November 7 1925
- * A Ballad, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1859
- * Ballade of All Fool’s Day, (pm) The Windsor Magazine April 1911
- * Ballade of Fashion, (pm) The Windsor Magazine March 1911
- * Ballade of Great Captains (“Of men of arms who’ve lived or died…”), (pm) The Story-teller April 1918
- * A Ballade of June Roses, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1889
- * Ballade of Old Christmas Presents, (pm) The Windsor Magazine December 1911
- * Ballade of the Gleaners, (pm) The Belgravia Annual Christmas 1878
- * Ballade of the Olive, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine November 1891
- * A Ballad in Praise of Seafaring Men, (pm)
- * The Ballad of a Baby, (pm) The Royal Magazine February 1908
- * Ballad of Annie, (ms) Swank April 1972
- * A Ballad of Balloonacy, (pm) Denver Republican
- * Ballad of Bathybius, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1888
- * Ballad of Bicycling, (pm) The Argosy #464, October 24 1891
- * The Ballad of Breakneck, (pm) (by M. C. Pike) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1874
- * Ballad of Bunker Hill, (pm) (by George Lunt) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1856
- * The Ballad of Cable Hogue, (mr) Adam Film World #12, January 1970
- * The Ballad of “Chevy-Chase”, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1885
- * The Ballad of Chevy-Chase, (pm) The Riverside Magazine for Young People Apr, May 1867
- * Ballad of Faustus, (sg)
- * A Ballad of Greyfriars School, (pm) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1924, 1923
- * The Ballad of Hiram Hover, (pm) (by Bayard Taylor) The Atlantic Monthly March 1872
- * The Ballad of Hugh Dale, (sg) Saga May 1953
- * The Ballad of Ishmael Day, (pm) (by Elizabeth Akers) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1865
- * The Ballad of John Henry, (pm)
- * The Ballad of Johnny Mott, (pm) After Hours v1 #1, 1957
- * The Ballad of Johnny Picklefritz, (pm) St. Nicholas April 1886
- * The Ballad of Judas Iscariot, (pm) (by Robert Buchanan) St. Paul’s Magazine February 1872, uncredited.
- * The Ballad of Luká the Hose, (pm) Playboy January 1974; an imitation of The Ballad of Luká Mudishchev, by Ivan Barkov, 1732-1768, St. Petersburg.adapted by Walter Arndt
- * A Ballad of Marion, (pm) The Dark Blue February 1873
- * Ballad of Old Plays, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1881
- * The Ballad of Sallie, (pm) The Butterfly May 1893
- * The Ballad of Ships in Harbor, (pm) The Smart Set March 1915
- * The Ballad of Smoke Iron Burd, (ar) The Golden West Magazine December 1928
- * The Ballad of Stage-Struck Mary, (pm) Blue Pencil Magazine February 1900
- * Ballad of Stenka Razin, (pm)
- * The Ballad of the Baby, (pm) The Golden Argosy June 13 1885
- * Ballad of the Boatman, (pm) (by May Kendall) Longman’s Magazine April 1886
- * The Ballad of the Brides of Quair, (pm) The Australian Journal January 6 1866
- * The Ballad of the ’Cleopatra’, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine August 1888
- * Ballad of the Grand Duchy, (pm) Punch
- * The Ballad of the Heir of Linne, (pm) The Riverside Magazine for Young People August 1867
- * The Ballad of the “Holiday Annual”, (pm) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1927, 1926
- * A Ballad of the Hours, (pm) (by Ellen M. Huntington) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1865
- * Ballad of the Lincoln Penny, (ms) Collier’s February 14 1942
- * Ballad of the Literary Tyro, (pm) The Grand Magazine April 1907
- * Ballad of the Shop Girl, (pm) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine December 1903
- * Ballad of Uncle Joe, (pm) (by Alice Cary) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1866
- * The Ballad of Valley Forge, (pm) (by Richard Henry Stoddard) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1860
- * Ye Ballad of William Broker, (pm) Life
- * The Ballad of Windy Bill, (pm) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #45, February 1928
- * Ballads for Men:
* ___ The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze, (pm) 1867, as "The Flying Trapeze"
* ___ Oh, My Darling Clementine, (pm)
- * Ballads of All Countries. England: Robin Hood and the Widow’s Sons, (pm) Atalanta January 1888
- * Ballads of All Countries. Ireland: Kincora, (pm) Atalanta June 1888
- * Ballads of All Countries. Scotland: Katharine Janfarie, (pm) Atalanta April 1888
- * Ballads of Famous Schools - No. 1 Greyfriars, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1923, 1922
- * Ballads of Famous Schools - No. 2 St. Jim’s, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1923, 1922
- * Ballads of the Boarder, (pm) The Live Wire March 1908
- * Ball and Chain, (ts) True Marriage Stories September 1927
- * Ballantine Contract, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #11, April 1967
- * The Ballantines, (bg)
- * Ballarat Bill; or, Fighting the Bushrangers [Ballarat Bill], (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #224, 189?
- * Ballarat Bill; or, Lumps of Gold [Ballarat Bill], (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #223, 189?
- * Ballarat Bill’s Search for a Big African Diamond [Ballarat Bill], (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #227, 189?
- * Ballarat Jemmy, (ss) London Society Christmas 1885
- * Ballard: Prophet of the British New Wave, (ar) Golden Nugget v1 #9, 1966
- * Ballards of Famous Schools - No. 3 Rookwood, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1923, 1922
- * BALL-erina, (pi) Carnival September 1962
- * The Ballerina, (vi) (by Lavie Tidhar) Nemonymous #3, 2003
- * Ballet at Covent Garden, (ms) The Sphere #3006A, November 8 1957
- * Ballet Baby, (pi) Woman’s Home Companion January 1948
- * The Ballet-Dancer, (ss) Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal June 18 1853
- * Ballet de Belly, (pi) Rogue October 1961
- * The Ballet in Japan, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1882
- * A Ballet of the Table, (ar) The Modern Boy August 24 1929
- * A Ballet to Take Your Breath Away, (pi) Swank October 1971
- * Ball Game Was Ruse, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 25 1921
- * Ball Hammon: History of a Cult, (ar) The World of H.P. Lovecraft #3, Summer/Fall 1995
- * Ball in the Golden West, (pi) Dude May 1962
- * Ballistics - Science That Leads to Successful Battle Training, (ar) Modern World March 30 1940
- * The Ball Is Up, (pm) (by J. W. Watson) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1862
- * Ball of Fire, (ts) True Experience December 1947
- * The Ball of Fire, (ss) Once a Week May 5 1866
- * The Balloon and the Buzzard, (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces July 1938
- * Balloonatics, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1937, 1936
- * Balloon Buster’s Puzzle, (pz) Sky Fighters April 1934
- * Balloon Chasing, (ia) Escapade December 1958
- * Ballooning, (ar) The Argosy April 6 1889
- * Ballooning: A Hobby of Serenity, (ar) Cal Poly Today January 1981
- * Ballooning Broadsheet, (ms)
- * Ballooning for Ladies, (ar) The Lady’s Realm September 1906
- * A Balloon Journey, (ss) The Australian Journal #235, December 1884
- * Balloon Jumpers, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd November 1928
- * “Balloon Navy”, (ar) Modern Wonders January 20 1940
- * The Balloon Race, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper October 30 1880
- * Balloons and Ballooning, (ar) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine March 1866
- * Balloons and Ballooning, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1877
- * The Balloons Go Up, (ar) Look and Learn #50, December 29 1962
- * Balloons Play Tricks, (ar) Modern World July 20 1940; condensed from Western Mail, Cardiff, 1940.
- * Balloons That Once Were Famous, (pi) The Blue Book Magazine November 1946
- * The Balloon That Vanished, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #266, February 18 1967
- * Ballot, (ms) Star*Line Winter 1991
- * The Ballot Box Mystery [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by H. H. Clifford Gibbons) The Sexton Blake Library #190, May 1929
- * Ballot Initiative #1: Elections, (ms) Star*Line March/April 2002
- * Ballot Results—Grand Master Debate, (ms) Star*Line January/February 2005
- * Ball with the Jet Set, (pi) Pix v1 #3, 1963
- * Ballyhoo’s Gold News, (hu) Ballyhoo Magazine January 1934
- * The Ballyhoo Trophy, (hu) Ballyhoo (Australia) Winter 1956
- * Balmain Boogie, (iv) Crime Factory #7, August 2002 [Ref. Cathy Cole]
- * The Bal Masque, (pm) Gaiety December 1921
- * Balm of the Soul, (pm) The Golden Argosy June 12 1886
- * Balmoral, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine July 1897
- * Balmoral, Scotland, (ar) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine April 1868
- * The Balmy Sleep, (pm) The Boston Transcript
- * Baloons of Three Wars, (ar) Modern Wonders February 3 1940
- * The Balrog Awards, (ms) Age of the Unicorn #6, February 1980
- * The Baltic, Largest Vessel Ever Built, (ar) The American Boy November 1904
- * Baltimore: Big, Bold, and Brassy, (pi) Dude September 1962
- * Baltimore Detectives Kidnap Prisoner in New York Court, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 13 1923
- * The Baltimore Oriole, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1877
- * Baltimore Unearths Gigantic Stock Swindle, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 23 1918
- * The Baltoro Glacier, (ar) The Open Road October 1921
- * Balzac (1799-1850), (bg) (by Theodore E. Child) The Cornhill Magazine May 1886
- * Balzac and Rothschild, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1889
- * Balzac—His Life and Career, (ar) (by O’Dell Travers Hill) Dublin University Magazine October 1867 [Ref. Honoré de Balzac]
- * Balzac—His Literary Labours, (ar) (by O’Dell Travers Hill) Dublin University Magazine November 1867 [Ref. Honoré de Balzac]
- * Balzac in Undress, (ar) (by Patrick Kennedy) Dublin University Magazine June 1866 [Ref. Honoré de Balzac]
- * Balzac in Wall Street, (ms) The Popular Magazine November 15 1913
- * Balzac’s “Quest of the Absolute”, (bg) The Argosy (UK) June 1934 [Ref. Honoré de Balzac]
- * Bambi, (pi) Penthouse (UK) June/July 1965
- * Bambi Hamilton, (pi) Cavalier #67, January 1959
- * Bambi Like to Tour, (pi) Duke June 1969
- * Bambi’s Secret Pleasure, (pi) Dapper February 1977
- * Bamboo Baksheesh, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1877
- * Bamboo, Canvas and Guts, (pi) Argosy July 1965
- * Bamboo Curtain Caper, (pi) Snap v9 #2, 1969/70
- * The Bamboo-Garden, (pm) Colour November 1921; Annamite, translated into French by Adolphe Thalasso, then re-translated into English by Griffyth Fairfax.; translated by Griffyth Fairfax & Adolphe Thalasso
- * Bamford, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1891
- * The Banana, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1885
- * The Banana, (ar) The Pictorial Magazine #250, March 12 1904
- * The Banana, (ms) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1889
- * Banana-splits for a Ballerina, (ar) Lilliput April/May 1951
- * Banana Train, (ar) Modern Wonder September 16 1939
- * Bandido, (pi) Adventure October 1956
- * Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide!, (hu) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March 1996
- * Band Interview: Illumina Sheds Light on What’s New from the U.K., (cl) Dark Realms #7, Summer 2002
- * Band Interviews with Midnight Syndicate, Diva Destruction, This Ascension, and Babylonian Tiles, (cl) Dark Realms Winter 2000
- * Band Interviews with The Machine in The Garden and The Crüxshadows, (cl) Dark Realms #8, Fall 2002
- * Band Interview with Bella Morte on Their New Release “The Quiet”, (cl) Dark Realms #9, Winter 2002
- * The Bandit, (ms) Daily Mail Annual for Girls ed. Susan French, 195?
- * The Bandit and the Tibbetts, (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine July 1931
- * Bandit Carried “Etiquette” Book, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 7 1922
- * Bandit Caught on Mail Car, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 7 1923
- * A Bandit Cop, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 3 1931
- * Bandit Cure, (ts) The Passing Show August 25 1934
- * A Bandit De Luxe, (ms) Mystery Magazine #157, June 1 1924
- * Bandit Dogs, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1928
- * Bandit Falls for Flattery, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine May 6 1933
- * Bandit Flees Before Irate Storekeeper, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 1 1919
- * Bandit Found Dead After Robbery, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 11 1926
- * Bandit Gang Holds Up Pacific Train, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 26 1922
- * Bandit Holds Up Paris Shop, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 22 1928
- * Bandit Killed in Holdup, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 29 1919
- * Bandit Kills Self, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 7 1932
- * Bandit Land, (ia) Chums December 1934
- * Bandit Loot Enriched Sheep-Herder, (ar) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly November 2 1935
- * Bandit Offers Booty for Leniency, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 25 1925
- * The Bandit of the Black Hills, (n.) Aldine Wild West Yarns #56, May 1933
- * Bandit Prefer Death to Capture, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 1 1921
- * A Bandit Queen of Seventeen, (ms) Clues September 1927
- * Bandit Robs a Detective, (ms) Mystery Magazine #123, January 1 1923
- * Bandit Routed by Milk, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 25 1925
- * Bandits, (pm) Shangri-La #13, August 1949
- * Bandits Anger Cashier—Fatally, (ms) Clues 2nd October 1928
- * Bandits Barricade a Town, (ms) Detective-Dragnet Magazine December 1931
- * Bandits Can’t Take It, (ss) Wild West Weekly (UK) #20, July 23 1938
- * A Bandit’s Code, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly June 24 1939
- * Bandits Cry for Mercy, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 5 1931
- * Bandits Defy Whole Town, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 7 1920
- * Bandits Dynamite Train, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 30 1922
- * Bandit Sells Cigarettes While Robbing Store, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 21 1925
- * Bandits Enter Jail to Free Friends, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 24 1920
- * Bandits Fall Into Detectives’ Trap, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 24 1922
- * The Bandit’s Friend, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly February 20 1932
- * Bandits Get Mine Pay Roll, (ms) Western Story Magazine September 26 1925
- * The Bandits’ Gold Cache, (ms) Triple-X Western #92, January 1932
- * Bandits Hold Up Doctor, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 15 1922
- * The Bandit’s Horse Was Wide, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly August 26 1933
- * Bandits Kidnap Motorists, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 25 1922
- * Bandit Slain in Theater, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 1939
- * The Bandit’s Last Stand, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly August 17 1940
- * The Bandit’s Long, Lone Ride, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly June 18 1932
- * The Bandit’s Methods, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 21 1935
- * The Bandits of Moon’s Bluff [High, Low and Nippy], (ss) The Magnet August 22 1931
- * Bandits of the Line [Ferrers Locke], (sl) (by Hedley O’Mant) The Magnet Jul 4, Jul 11, Jul 18, Jul 25 1931
- * Bandits of the Stratosphere, (ss) (by Thomas J. Willis) Scoops April 21 1934
- * Bandit Spent Stolen Money for Aeroplanes, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 31 1921
- * Bandits Raid Denver Mint, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 17 1923
- * Bandits Raid Estate; Carry off Employees, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 13 1920
- * Bandits Raid Jail and Are Captured, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 9 1922
- * Bandits Raid Poker Party, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 20 1920
- * Bandits Raid Poker Players, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 27 1928
- * Bandits Rob a Bank, (ms) Mystery Magazine #142, October 15 1923
- * Bandits Rob Hotel by Novel Ruse, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 1 1925
- * Bandits Rob Western Train, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 5 1921
- * Bandits Routed by Little Girls, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 13 1925
- * Bandits Routed by Nerves, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 15 1927
- * Bandits Shoot Girl’s Escort, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 23 1920
- * The Bandit’s Skeleton, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 8 1937
- * Bandits Slay Mine Boss, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 20 1916
- * Bandits Start Fire for Blind, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 17 1923
- * Bandits Steal Safe Near Police Booth, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 16 1922
- * Bandits Tie Victim to Railroad Track, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 10 1920
- * Bandits Try Electric Torture, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 6 1921
- * Bandits Under Guise of Dry Agents, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 21 1928
- * Bandit Suppression Fund, (ms) Best Detective Magazine May 1931
- * Bandits Up to Date, (ar) The Thriller #97, December 13 1930
- * Bandits Use Adhesive Tape, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 25 1925
- * Bandits Use Smoke Screen, (ms) Best Detective Magazine November 1931
- * Bandits Use Strategy, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 24 1931
- * The Bandit’s Vengeance, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly June 13 1931
- * The Bandit’s Warning, (ms) Wild West Weekly November 30 1929
- * Bandit Unmasked by Fire, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 19 1920
- * A Bandit Who Bit, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 16 1931
- * The Bandit Who Forgot His Weapons, (ms) Flynn’s October 24 1925
- * Bandit Who “Squealed” Is Murdered, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 7 1919
- * Bandit Wolf Dog Killed, (ms) Western Story Magazine May 29 1926
- * The Band of Amatia [Queer Stories], (ss) (by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray ,[?]) Truth February 19 1880
- * Band of the Month, (ms) Call-Boy #1, June 1949
- * The Bandsman’s Story, (nv) (by Hugh Conway) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #798, April 1882
- * The Bandsman’s Story, (nv) (by F. J. Fargus) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #798, April 1882, uncredited.
- * Banen-Baden, (ar) London Society November 1864
- * Bang, (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine June 1877
- * The Bang Behind the Bomb, (ar) Modern World October 26 1940
- * Bangkok Bargain, (ar) Mayfair v14 #1, 1979
- * Bangkok Bonanza, (ms) Mayfair v14 #3, v14 #7, v14 #9, v14 #10, v14 #11 1979
- * Bangkok Editor, (br) The American Mercury March 1950 [Ref. Alexander MacDonald]
- * Bangkok Jamboree, (ms) Mayfair v14 #2, v14 #8 1979
- * Bangs on the Line!, (ar) The Modern Boy December 2 1933
- * Bang-tailed Petalmouth, (hu) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July 1994
- * The Banian Tree, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1876
- * The Banished Son, (ss) The Young Englishman September 13 1873
- * Bank Bandit Found in British Uniform, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 8 1918
- * Bank Bandits Shoot Up Town, (ms) Mystery Magazine #125, February 1 1923
- * The Bank Car Puzzle [Nelson Lee], (ss) The Nelson Lee Library #374, August 5 1922
- * The Bank Clerk, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper April 8 1899
- * A Bank Entirely Free from Private Interests, (ar)
- * Banker Defaulter Sentenced, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 14 1925
- * The Banker’s Trust [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by John William Bobin) The Sexton Blake Library #18, 1916
- * Banker Suicide Was Forger, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 8 1922
- * Bankers War on Yeggs, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 6 1925
- * A Banker Who Grows Prize Gladioli, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine September 1913
- * Bank Holdup Frustrated, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 22 1927
- * A Bank Holiday A.B.C., (ms) The Happy Mag. August 1928
- * A Banking Misadventure [Queer Stories], (ss) (by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray ,[?]) Truth January 23 1879
- * Banking Up-Country, (ss) Colonial Monthly July 1869
- * Bank Is Victimized by Bookkeeper, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 5 1921
- * A Bank Manager’s Advice, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper June 4 1881
- * A Bank Messenger Turns Thief, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 17 1928
- * Bank Nite, (hu) Real Spicy Horror Tales April 21 1937
- * The Banknote Bandits [Sexton Blake], (na) (by Donald Bobin) Detective Weekly #344, September 23 1939
- * Bank-Note Making, (ar) Sunshine April 1890
- * A Bank-note Ruse, (ms) Fame and Fortune Magazine 2nd May 1929
- * The Bank of England, (ms) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1881
- * The Bank of England, (pi) Look and Learn #2, January 27 1962
- * Bank of England Notes, (ar) (by Herbert James Gibbins) The Cornhill Magazine August 1894
- * Bank Protects Itself with Machine Gun, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 23 1919
- * The Bank Raiders [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #21, 1920
- * Bank Robber Found in Prison?, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 28 1922
- * The Bank Robbers, (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #23, 1890
- * Bank Robbers Blanked, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 31 1918
- * Bank Robbers Get Lashes and Eight Years, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 8 1926
- * Bank Robbers Get Thirty Dollars Loot, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 25 1926
- * Bank Robbers in Pennsylvania Get Eighty-One Thousand Dollars, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 25 1922
- * Bank Robbers Slay Two Men, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 20 1917
- * Bank Robbery Foiled, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 2 1919
- * Bank Robbery Foiled by Tunnel Discovery, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 7 1926
- * Bank Robbery Proves Girl’s Mettle, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 2 1919
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