The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 2554
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Dark, Sidney (Ernest) (chron.) (continued)
- * Pen Pictures:
* ___ 2: Mr. Stephen Phillips, (ar) Crampton’s Magazine March 1902 [Ref. Stephen Phillips]
* ___ 3: John Oliver Hobbes, (ar) Crampton’s Magazine April 1902 [Ref. John Oliver Hobbes]
* ___ 4: Max Pemberton, (ar) Crampton’s Magazine May 1902 [Ref. Max Pemberton]
* ___ 5: W.W. Jacobs, (ar) Crampton’s Magazine June 1902 [Ref. W. W. Jacobs]
* ___ 6: Arthur Morrison, (ar) Crampton’s Magazine July 1902 [Ref. Arthur Morrison]
* ___ 7: T.W.H. Crosland, (ar) Crampton’s Magazine August 1902 [Ref. T. W. H. Crosland]
- * Philip Snowden, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine October 1929 [Ref. Philip Snowden]
- * Points of View, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly November 18 1922 [Ref. Frederick E. Smith]
- * Portraits of Celebrities at Different Ages:
* ___ Sir W. Robertson Nicoll, (bg) The Strand Magazine October 1921 [Ref. W. Robertson Nicoll]
- * Put the Church in Battle Dress, (es) The Strand Magazine July 1942
- * Queen Elizabeth and Her Last Love, (ar) The New London Magazine #13, November 1931
- * Read Montaigne and Live to Be Eighty, (ar) John o’ London’s Weekly March 31 1923
- * Reporting a Peace Conference, (ar) The Strand Magazine September 1945
- * The Revival of the Paris Cabaret, (ar) The Strand Magazine August 1920
- * The Right Hon. J. H. Thomas, (ms) Pearson’s Magazine November 1929
- * “Sapper” in Mufti, (ar) The Strand Magazine March 1922 [Ref. H. C. McNeile]
- * Sir Charles Wyndham, a Character Sketch, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine May 1907
- * Sir William Orpen, R.A., K.B.E, (ar) The Strand Magazine January 1920 [Ref. William Orpen]
- * Sir W. Robertson Nicoll, (bg) The Strand Magazine October 1921 [Ref. W. Robertson Nicoll]
- * The Skirt Dance, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine December 1902
- * Sweet Nell of Old Drury, (ar) The New London Magazine #14, December 1931
- * The Thrill of the Circus, (ar) The Royal Magazine January 1914
- * “Toppie” Edwards: The Man Who Made Photographs the News, (ar) The Strand Magazine August 1922 [Ref. W. J. Edwards]
- * T.W.H. Crosland, (ar) Crampton’s Magazine August 1902 [Ref. T. W. H. Crosland]
- * Uncommon People Pictured by Osbert Lancaster:
* ___ Garbett of York, (bg) The Strand Magazine July 1947 [Ref. Cyril Forster Garbett]
- * What About the Church’s Slum Property, (ar) The Strand Magazine September 1944
- * What Is Art? Some Hints for the Average Man, (ar) John o’ London’s Weekly December 2 1922
- * Who Was Nietzsche, What Was He?, (ar) John o’ London’s Weekly January 13 1923
- * Why I Cling to the Old Faith, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine May 1924
- * Women Who Have Made History:
* ___ 1. Madame de Maintenon—Who Saved the Soul of a King, (ar) The New London Magazine #11, September 1931
* ___ 2. Cleopatra: “The Serpent of Old Nile”, (ar) The New London Magazine #12, October 1931
* ___ 3. Queen Elizabeth and Her Last Love, (ar) The New London Magazine #13, November 1931
* ___ 4. Sweet Nell of Old Drury, (ar) The New London Magazine #14, December 1931
- * W.W. Jacobs, (ar) Crampton’s Magazine June 1902 [Ref. W. W. Jacobs]
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine December 1927
_____, [ref.]
[]Darke, Julian (fl. 1910s-1940s) (chron.)
- * All a Matter of Choice, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine September 1927
- * April, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #97, April 1920
- * August!, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #89, August 1919
- * Blue Serge, (vi) The Corner Magazine May 1926
- * Comparatively Speaking, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine February 1927
- * December, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #93, December 1919
- * The Doings of Dora:
* ___ 1: Blue Serge, (vi) The Corner Magazine May 1926
* ___ No. II. Soap and Water, (vi) The Corner Magazine June 1926
* ___ 3, (vi) The Corner Magazine July/August 1926
* ___ 4: Sowings and Sorrowings, (vi) The Corner Magazine September 1926
* ___ 5: Rod and Line, (vi) The Corner Magazine October 1926
* ___ 6, (vi) The Corner Magazine November 1926
- * February, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #95, February 1920
- * A Few Crackers, (hu) The New Magazine (UK) December 1919
- * A Few Thoughts About January, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #94, January 1920
- * Foolishness: A Few Silly Sallies, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine July 1927
- * Going to Grass, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #65, August 1917
- * The Happy Holiday Guide, (ms) The Happy Mag. August 1926
- * The Hardy Annuals: A Few New Year Resolutions, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine January 1927
- * Household Jars, (pm) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #82, January 1919
- * The Interloper, (vi) John Bull October 26 1940
- * July, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #88, July 1919
- * June!, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #87, June 1919
- * Life—and Love, (pm) The Story-teller June 1926
- * Lunch for Two, (ss) The Story-teller January 1927
- * March, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #96, March 1920
- * November, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #92, November 1919
- * October, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #91, October 1919
- * The One Thing That Won’t Wash, (pm) The Story-teller January 1918
- * On the Course, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine June 1927
- * On the Front, (ms) The Happy Mag. October 1926
- * Our Dustmen, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #75, June 1918
- * Our Mouse, (hu) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #84, March 1919
- * The Peace Conference—A Cubist Poem, (pp) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #85, April 1919
- * The Power of Gold, (pm) The New Magazine (UK) January 1927
- * The Right Thing to Do, (vi) The Happy Mag. January 1927
- * Rod and Line, (vi) The Corner Magazine October 1926
- * September, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #90, September 1919
- * The Seven Ages of Christmas (and One Over), (ms) The Story-teller December 1923
- * Soap and Water, (vi) The Corner Magazine June 1926
- * Sowings and Sorrowings, (vi) The Corner Magazine September 1926
- * Their Ideal Partner, (ss) The Happy Mag. Christmas 1928
- * “Top-Hole” Tompkins, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #106, January 1921
- * Up and Down the Garden, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine March 1927
- * A Waiting Game, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine December 1926
[]Darke, Marjorie (Sheila) (1929- ) (chron.)
- * The Birthday Present, (ss) The Methuen Book of Strange Tales ed. Jean Russell, Methuen, 1980
- * Christmas Crackers, (ss) Mists and Magic ed. Dorothy Edwards, Lutterworth Press, 1983
- * Eggshell Saturday, (ss) Black Eyes and Other Spine Chillers ed. Lance Salway, Pepper Press, 1981
- * Flute, (ss) Spine Chillers ed. Wendy Cooling, Dolphin, 1997
- * Hi! It’s Me, (nv) Outsiders ed. Bryant Newman, Collins, 1985
- * Kelly, (ss) Mother’s Day ed. Miriam Hodgson, Methuen Children's Books, 1992
- * Lost and Found, (ss) Ghosts and Shadows ed. Dorothy Edwards, Lutterworth, 1980
- * Maggie’s Window, (ss) The Young Oxford Book of Mystery Stories ed. Dennis Hamley, Oxford University Press, 2003
- * A New Way with Old Transport, (nv) Young Winter’s Tales 7 ed. M. R. Hodgkin, Macmillan UK, 1976
- * Remember Remember the Fourth of November, (ss) The Methuen Book of Sinister Stories ed. Jean Russell, Methuen, 1982
- * Rent-a-Joke, (ss) Twisted Circuits ed. Mick Gowar, Beaver, 1987
- * The Silver Side, (ss) They Wait, and Other Spine Chillers ed. Lance Salway, Pepper Press, 1983
[]Dark Soul; pseudonym (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Behind the Screams:
* ___ Movie: “Am I My Brother’s Keeper?”, (cl) Blood Moon Rising #12, July/August 2002
* ___ Movie: “Forests of the Dead”, (cl) Blood Moon Rising #13, September/October 2002
* ___ Movie: “The Mind’s Eye”, (cl) Blood Moon Rising #14, November/December 2002
- * Demonic Owl, (ms) Blood Moon Rising #27, Fall 2005
- * “Girls Night Out” World Premiere, (ms) Blood Moon Rising #21, January/February 2004
- * Graveyard Cinema, (mr) Blood Moon Rising #13 Sep/Oct, #14 Nov/Dec 2002, #15 Jan/Feb, #16 Mar/Apr, #17 May/Jun, #18 Jul/Aug, #19 Sep/Oct, #20 Nov/Dec 2003, #21 Jan/Feb, #22 Mar/Apr,
#23 May/Jun, #24, #25 Win 2004
#26 Spr, #27 Fll 2005, #28 Jan, #29 Sum, #30 2006, #31 Win, #32 Spr 2007
- * Graveyard Cinema: Dracula 2000, Unbreakable, The Grinch, (mr) Blood Moon Rising #4, 2001
- * Graveyard Cinema: Ginger Snaps, Blade 2, Resident Evil, (mr) Blood Moon Rising #11, May/June 2002
- * Graveyard Cinema: Hannibal, (ms) Blood Moon Rising #5, 2001
- * Graveyard Cinema: Jason X, Spider Man, Scooby Doo, (mr) Blood Moon Rising #12, July/August 2002
- * Graveyard Cinema: Planet of the Apes, Jurassic Park III, Scary Movie 2, Goldfarb, (mr) Blood Moon Rising #7, 2001
- * Graveyard Cinema: The Mothman Prophecies, Lord of the Rings, Rose Red, (mr) Blood Moon Rising #10, March/April 2002
- * Graveyard Cinema: The Mummy Returns, The Forsaken, (mr) Blood Moon Rising #6, 2001
- * Graveyard Cinema: The Others, Creepy Tales, Nosferatu, A Symphony of Horror, Jeepers Creepers, (mr) Blood Moon Rising #8, November/December 2001
- * Graveyard Cinema: The Others, Jeepers Creepers, Shadow of the Vampire, The Mummy Returns, The Forsaken, (mr) Blood Moon Rising #9, January/February 2002
- * Halloween Scare Tactics, (ar) Blood Moon Rising #19, September/October 2003
- * Horror Convention Madness!!! The Wicked Winter Renaissance Faire, (ar) Blood Moon Rising #31, Winter 2007
- * Movie: “Am I My Brother’s Keeper?”, (ar) Blood Moon Rising #12, July/August 2002
- * Movie: “Forests of the Dead”, (ar) Blood Moon Rising #13, September/October 2002
- * Movie: “The Mind’s Eye”, (ar) Blood Moon Rising #14, November/December 2002
- * Nightmare News, (cl) Blood Moon Rising #24, #25 Win 2004, #26 Spr, #27 Fll 2005, #28 Jan, #29 Sum, #30 2006, #31 Win, #32 Spr 2007
_____, [ref.]
[]Darley, George (1795-1846) (chron.)
- * Chorus of Spirits, (pm)
- * The Fairy Pedlar, (pm)
- * Fairy Pedler’s Song, (pm)
- * The Flower of Beauty, (pm)
- * Love’s Likeness, (pm)
- * Morning Song, (pm)
- * Song, (pm)
- * Song of the Mermaids, (pm)
- * Summer Winds, (pm)
- A Victorian Anthology, 1837-1895 ed. Edmund Clarence Stedman, Riverside Press, 1895
- The Argosy June 1911
- * To Helene, (pm)
- * The Unicorn, (pm)
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