The FictionMags Index
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[]Carter, Anna M. (fl. 1850s-1860s) (chron.)
- * Agnes Lincoln’s Cross, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine September 1859
- * Ellis Fairford: The Tragedy of Loch Earn, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine March 1859
- * Leonore of Castile, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine July 1859
- * Ludovico the Moor, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine February 1860
- * Myra the Gipsey, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine January 1858
- * The Prize Picture, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine November 1858
- * The Russian Street Sweeper, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine March 1861
- * The Surprise Party, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine July 1858
- * The Wind-Harp, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine December 1857
- * The Wood-Carver’s Daughter, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine January 1860
[]Carter, Arthur Brewster (fl. 1910s-1920s) (chron.)
- * The Art of the Movies, (ms) The Smart Set September 1920
- * A Defeat of Fate, (ss) Adventure March 1912
- * The Defect, (ms) The Smart Set March 1920
- * The End, (ms) The Smart Set February 1920
- * A Less Than One-Way Ticket, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine August 1921
- * The Savings Grace, (ms) The Smart Set January 1920
- * The Short Way with Dissenters, (ms) The Smart Set October 1918
- * The Silver Lining, (??) The New Parisienne Monthly Magazine April 1921
- * A Three-Thousand Word Story in Sixty-Five Words, (ms) The Smart Set April 1920
- * To the Loves, (pm) The Smart Set March 1911
[]Carter, Branch (fl. 1940s) (chron.)
- * Forbidden Mesa’s Living Dead, (na) 10 Story Western Magazine November 1944
- * Gun Thunder Over the O-Bar-O, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine August 1944
- * Hell’s Fury for Johnny Hardluck [Johnny Hardluck], (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine August 1949
- * Johnny Hardluck Pulls a Boner [Johnny Hardluck], (na) 10 Story Western Magazine May 1947
- * Johnny Hardluck’s .45 Fiesta [Johnny Hardluck], (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine October 1947
- * Johnny Hardluck’s Dynamite Killer [Johnny Hardluck], (na) 10 Story Western Magazine January 1948
- * Johnny Hardluck’s Hot Homecoming [Johnny Hardluck], (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine March 1948
- * Johnny Hardluck’s Pet Bandido [Johnny Hardluck], (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine February 1949
- * Johnny Hardluck Takes a Chance [Johnny Hardluck], (ss) Fighting Western June 1946
- * Meet Johnny Hardluck [Johnny Hardluck], (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine February 1946
- * Meet Kid Trouble!, (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine May 1945
- * Morning Star, (nv) Speed Western Stories September 1945
- * Rock Mountain Dies Tonight!, (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine July 1945
- * Six Slugs for Johnny Hardluck [Johnny Hardluck], (na) 10 Story Western Magazine February 1947
- * That Feud-Bustin’ Fool, (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine January 1946
- * Yellow Forks Doubles for Hell, (na) 10 Story Western Magazine April 1945
- * You Can’t Stop a Fightin Fool!, (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine October 1945
[]Carter, Burnham (fl. 1930s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Army in the Dark, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal June 1941
- * Assassin, (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine October 1957
- * The Betrayal of Tio, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 29 1953
- * Broadway Boy, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 11 1934
- * Cigarette Girl, (??) Collier’s August 17 1935
- * Contraband Woman, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 7 1950
- * Cuba Libre, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly October 1933
- * Danger in Jade, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 16 1939
- * Dangerous Exchange, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 21 1948
- * The Education of Maggie, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 13 1957
- * First and Last Love, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 23 1933
- * Home Is the Sailor, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 4 1942
- * Honeymoon Cruise, (??) Collier’s January 12 1935
- * Journey by Moonlight [Tio Martinez], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 15 1940
- * Just a Little Gun Smuggling, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 16 1954
- * Law of the Islands, (ss) Bluebook May 1953
- * Lesson in Larceny, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 23 1949
- * Madam Will Not Be Dining, (??) Collier’s June 5 1937
- * A Magic Hill in Spain, (ss) Collier’s May 25 1935
- * Meet Me in Havana, (ss)
- * Memory Green, (ss) Esquire May 1935
- * Men Are Difficult, (??) Collier’s May 29 1937
- * Mr. Elwood’s New Deal, (ss) Pictorial Review December 1935
- * Night Boat from Havana, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 17 1947
- * Night in Havana [Tio Martinez], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 6 1939
- * The Noonday Sun, (sl) John Bull Dec 25 1954, Jan 1, Jan 8 1955
- * Portrait of Love, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 11 1956
- * Portrait of Sill, (ss)
- * Proof Through the Night, (ss) Bluebook September 1953
- * Remember Me No More, (nv) Redbook Magazine July 1939
- * Rendezvous with Death, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 27 1952
- * Richard Stone’s Wife, (??) Collier’s February 22 1936
- * A Ring for Your Finger, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 7 1940
- * Roads Going Home, (ss) Redbook Magazine March 1939
- * Secret of the Cave, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 1 1950
- * Senorita of the Stolen Diamonds, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 29 1952
- * Stroll in to Danger, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 10 1957
- * That Was Her World, (nv) Redbook Magazine November 1938
- * Thief of Diamonds [Tio Martinez], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 16 1955
- * This Way to Glory, (na) Redbook Magazine June 1938
- * Tio and the Neglected Wife [Tio Martinez], (ss) John Bull February 20 1954
- * Tio the Innocent [Tio Martinez], (ss) John Bull August 28 1954
- * Tomorrow Will Be Fair, (??) Collier’s April 17 1937
- * Tonight at Tarara, (ss) John Bull March 28 1953
- * Town in a Turmoil, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 27 1957
- * The Trapping of Tio, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 27 1954
- * The Trinidad Treasure [Tio Martinez], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 12 1956
- * Union Forever, (ss) Good Housekeeping August 1938
- * The Very Real Thing, (ss) Good Housekeeping September 1949
- * Welcome, Stranger, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 12 1941
- * Written in Water, (vi) Collier’s April 24 1937
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[]Carter, Caroline Louise; [née Dudley] (1857-1937) (about) (chron.)
- * Men I Have Loved, (ar) The Scrap Book November 1909
- * Portrait of a Lady with Red Hair, (ar) Liberty Jan 15, Jan 22, Jan 29, Feb 5, Feb 12, Feb 19, Feb 26, Mar 5, Mar 12, Mar 19 1927
[]Carter, Charles Frederick (fl. 1890s-1930s) (chron.)
- * America’s Hanging Judge, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly June 1 1935
- * Another Armageddon, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post December 20 1924
- * Around the Order-Book, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1910
- * Automobiles for Average Incomes, (ar) The Outing Magazine January 1910
- * Big Little Railroads, (ar) Railroad Stories July 1937
- * Big Railroading—14, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1918
- * Big Railroading:
* ___ 7. “The Bridge That Must Be Built”, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1917
- * Birth of the “North Western”, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1915
- * Birth of the P. and R., (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine March 1912
- * Boosting the Circulation: How the Wily Managers Try to Multiply “Our Readers”, (ar) The Scrap Book September 1909
- * “The Bridge That Must Be Built”, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1917
- * Dared Death in the Cab, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine December 1911
- * Doctor of Ailing Locomotives, (ia) Railroad Stories September 1936
- * Dry-Cheek Charlie, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 1st January 1926
- * Early Days in Washington Territory, (ar) Railroad Magazine September 1937
- * Early Railroad Days in New England, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1910
- * Eccentricities of Old Ocean, (ar) Smith’s Magazine October 1906
- * Election Night from Washington to Roosevelt, (ar) The Scrap Book October 1908
- * Engine Cab Heroes, (ar) Railroad Stories May 1935
- * Europe’s Old-Fashioned Railroads, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1911
- * Fantastic Fanaticisms, (ar) The Scrap Book March 1908
- * Fighting the Snowslides, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 25 1909
- * The Fine Art of Running a Freight, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1910
- * The First Locomotive Race, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1910
- * A First View of the Tropics, (ar) The Outing Magazine December 1911
- * The Flying Machine Is Here, (ar) The Scrap Book July 1907
- * Folly in the Name of the Law, (ar) The Scrap Book December 1908
- * The Headlight of Genius, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine February 1910
- * Help for Men Who Help Themselves:
* ___ No. 26. Men Who Hunt for Costly Trifles, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1909
* ___ No. 27. Speed and Power of the Locomotive, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1909
* ___ No. 28. Making Passenger-Cars Comfortable, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine December 1909
* ___ No. 29. Pressing Problems of Rolling Stock, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1910
- * Heroes of the C. P. R., (ar) Railroad Stories July 1935
- * The Howes—An Inventive New England Family, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine July 1909
- * How Little Most of Us Really Know, (ar) The Scrap Book September 1911
- * How McCarty Got Even, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine March 1917
- * The Inside History of Great Inventions:
* ___ No. 7—The Irrepressible Automobile, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1908
- * Into the Dark Continent, (ar) Railroad Stories April 1935
- * The Irrepressible Automobile, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1908
- * Languished in Dungeons to Live in History, (ar) The Scrap Book September 1908
- * “The Last Families of West Virginia” (with Allan L. Benson), (lt) Metropolitan Magazine August 1913
- * The Last Great Buffalo-Hunt, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine February 1910
- * The Live-Stock Limited, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine April 1911
- * Living the Bluff Magnificent, (ar) The Scrap Book February 1909
- * Madame President, (ar) Railroad Stories June 1935
- * Making Passenger-Cars Comfortable, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine December 1909
- * Men Who Hunt for Costly Trifles, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1909
- * Millionaire Lick’s Strange Way of Avenging His Slighted Love, (ar) The Scrap Book March 1908
- * The Narrow-Gage G. & Q., (ar) Railroad Stories November 1935
- * Navigating Interstellar Space, (ar) Science and Invention February 1923
- * Odd Ancestors of the Aeroplane, (ar) The Scrap Book April 1909
- * Old-Timer Tales:
* ___ No. 5. The First Locomotive Race, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1910
- * The ’Ol Home Plate, (pm) Sport Story Magazine June 22 1924
- * One Touch of Nature, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 2nd May 1924
- * On the Pay-Car, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1912
- * Our Busy Switchmen, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine August 1912
- * Palaces of Unrest, (ar) The Scrap Book August 1907
- * Passes of the Past, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine February 1911
- * The Passing of a Historic Hostelry, (ar) The Scrap Book June 1908
- * The Passing of the Pay Car, (ss) The American Magazine July 1907
- * Playing the Railroad Game, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1912
- * Possibilities of the Gyroscope, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine April 1910
- * Pressing Problems of Rolling Stock, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1910
- * Queer Happenings in Wrecks, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1912
- * Queer Railroad Inventions, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1914
- * Railroaders in Bronze, (ar) Railroad Magazine November 1937
- * The Railroads’ War on Dust, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine December 1910
- * The Railway Bar, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1912
- * The Riddle of the Gage, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1910
- * The Rise of an Aeronaut, (bg) The Scrap Book October 1909
- * Running Trains by Telephone, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine March 1916
- * Speed and Power of the Locomotive, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1909
- * Standardizing the Nation, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1916
- * Startling Surprises in Divorce Statistics, (ar) The Scrap Book October 1911
- * Sunk Without Trace, (ar) Railroad Stories August 1934
- * Suppose Everything Born Should Live?, (ar) The Scrap Book February 1908
- * Tinplaters and Such, (ar) Railroad Stories June 1937
- * Tom Thumb Railroads, (ar) Railroad Magazine January 1939
- * Train-Wrecking as an Outdoor Sport, (pi) Railroad Stories February 1937
- * Up the Grades on Rack-Roads, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1911
- * Van Horne of the C.P.R., (ar) Railroad Stories August 1935
- * Weddings in Art, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1899
- * “Went to the Bad” and Then “Came Back Strong”, (bg) The American Magazine February 1917
- * What We Eat in a Lifetime!, (ar) The Live Wire April 1908
- * Whims of the Wheels, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine March 1911
- * Who Was the Greatest Mother?, (ar) The Scrap Book August 1908
- * With a Big “T”, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1911
- * With Their Boots On, (pm) North•West Stories June 1931
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