The FictionMags Index
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Burks, Arthur J(osephus) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Gun Dodger, (ss) Sky Fighters December 1935
- * Guns for Gatun, (nv) Thrilling Adventures February 1942
- * Guns of Gobi, (nv) Action Novels August 1929
- * Guns of the Gangs, (nv) Gangster Stories May 1930
- * Hair Trigger Seconds, (ss) The Lone Eagle July 1935
- * Hammer and Tongs, (nv) Fight Stories July 1928
- * The Hands of Saratoff, (ss) High Spot Magazine February 1931
- * Hand-to-Hand Combat, (ar) Popular Sports Magazine Spring 1944
- * Haunted Hangars, (n.) Flyers Jan, Feb 1930
- * Hawks of Jicoro, (ss) George Bruce’s Squadron May 1934
- * Hawks of Vengeance, (sl) Airplane Stories Jul, Aug, Sep 1929
- * Heads for Sale, (nv) Thrilling Adventures January 1938
- * Hell Around the Corner [Sark Clayton], (nv) Thrilling Detective March 1936
- * The Hell Crates, (nv) Sky Fighters January 1935
- * The Hell Diver Twin, (na) Aces April 1929
- * Hell on Wheels, (nv) Airplane Stories April 1931
- * Hell-on-Wheels Marquard [Captain Joseph Marquard], (na) Eagles of the Air June 1930
- * Hell Over London, (nv) Sky Fighters August 1935
- * Hell’s Ammunition, (nv) Fighting Aces March 1943
- * “Hell Ship” [Josh McNab], (nv) Astounding Science-Fiction August 1938
- * Hell’s Oasis, (nv) Thrilling Adventures April 1935
- * Her Lover—The Executioner, (ss) Terror Tales February 1936
- * He Who Flew Alone, (na) Sky Birds April 1932
- * High Boomerang, (ss) War Aces #28, July 1932
- * High Degree, (ss) Sky Fighters March 1938
- * High Destiny, (ss) Sky Fighters January 1939
- * The High Hatter [Baron Laube], (nv) George Bruce’s Squadron February 1934
- * The High Whine, (ss) George Bruce’s Contact December 1933
- * Hi, Soldier!, (ss) Sky Fighters September 1935
- * Honor Bound, (ss) Thrilling Adventures October 1933
- * The Hop Toad, (ss) Wings August 1929
- * Hop to Havana, (ss) Thrilling Adventures February 1936
- * The Hornet Hopper, (na) Aces July 1930
- * Horse Sense Retribution, (ss) Black Book Detective March 1941
- * Hostage of the Tomb, (nv) Horror Stories December 1936/January 1937
- * Hot Shekels, (nv) The Feds December 1936
- * Hot Wires, (ss) Top-Notch April 1934
- * The House of the Curse, (nv) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories July 1925
- * Hurricane, (ss) Sea Stories April 1929
- * Hydra, (na) New Worlds #10, Summer 1951
- * Iceman of Mars, (ss) Sky Fighters August 1936
- * I Have Healing Hands, (nf) Fate April 1957
- * I’ll Hold Your Coat, (ss) The Lone Eagle April 1941
- * The Informer, (ss) The Feds October 1936
- * The Inner Man, (nv) Weird Tales May 1949
- * Into the Darkness, (ss) The St. Nicholas Magazine September 1927
- * The Invading Horde, (nv) Weird Tales November 1927
- * Invisible Threads [Professor Leodas Lahme], (nv) Weird Tales Sep, Oct 1928
- * Invitation to the Morgue, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine April 1936
- * I Ran the Rapids of Hell, (te) Rage August 1957
- * I Remember Harry Tracy, (ts) Ranch Romances 2nd February 1950
- * Irish Eyes, (ss) Sky Fighters May 1934
- * The Iron Leatherneck, (ss) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch October 1 1932
- * The Irrepressible Four, (ar) Ranch Romances 1st September 1950
- * It Doesn’t Take Much Dynamite, (nv) Clues Detective Stories November 1936
- * Jack-in-the-Box [Harlan Dyce], (nv) Clues Detective Stories December 1936
- * The Japim’s Nest, (ss) Triple Detective Winter 1948
- * Jason Sows Again, (na) Astounding Science-Fiction Mar, Apr 1938
- * Jerry the Hawk, (ss) Air Stories August 1927
- * Jewel of Madness, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine April 1935
- * Jinx Hour, (ss) Sky Birds December 1930
- * Jungle Assignment, (ss) Argosy November 1943
- * Jungle Fury, (ss) Thrilling Adventures October 1942
- * The Jungle Hates a Woman, (ss) Man’s Adventure November 1957
- * Juramentado, (ss) The Lone Eagle March 1936
- * Kanaima, (ss) Strange Stories April 1940
- * Kayo Collector, (nv) Fight Stories Spring 1938
- * Keepers of the Black Tavern, (nv) Terror Tales May 1935
- * Keep Your Chin Up, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st April 1929
- * The Keys to Gramercy Park, (nv) Amazing Detective Stories February 1931
- * The Kid Had Courage, (ss) Fight Stories Spring 1936
- * The Kid Shavetail, (nv) Thrilling Adventures February 1938
- * Kill-Dog Kill, (ss) 5 Detective Novels Magazine Spring 1950
- * Killer’s Hands, (ss) Thrilling Detective November 1940
- * Killer’s Powerhouse, (ss) The Phantom Detective Spring 1951
- * Killers Repeat [Professor Leodas Lahme], (ss) Crime Busters November 1938
- * The Kindness of Maracati, (ss)
- * The King of the Pavements, (nv) All Star Detective Stories November 1930
- * King of the Ring, (ss) Ace-High Magazine November 1934
- * Knight of the Skies, (ss) Wings May 1929
- * The Knockover [Duff Braden], (ss) Popular Detective December 1935
- * Kurda’s Corridor, (nv) Thrilling Mystery May 1936
- * Lair of the Black Locust, (nv) Sky Birds November 1930
- * Lama Treasure, (nv) Zoom June/July 1931
- * The Last Barrier, (ss) Ace Sports February 1939
- * The Last Mobsman, (nv) Thrilling Mystery January 1943
- * The Last Taps, (nv) George Bruce’s Contact May 1934
- * The Leather Barrage, (ss) Fight Stories May 1929
- * Leatherneck, (ss) Action Stories December 1930
- * Leatherneck Lightning, (ss) Fight Stories Summer 1941
- * The Left-Footed Dud, (ss) Sky Fighters May 1938
- * Leg Man’s Lead [Carla Stengl], (ss) The Phantom Detective July 1934
- * Let Justice Be Done!, (ss) Detective Tales October 1935
- * Let’s Play Indian, (ar) Exciting Western December 1943
- * Liar by the Clock, (ss) Scientific Detective October 1945
- * Life-Saving Wings, (ss) The St. Nicholas Magazine April 1929
- * Little America on the Moon, (ss) Super-Science Fiction June 1958
- * Little Brown Baby, (nv) Popular Sports Winter 1951
- * The Living Buddha [Fan Tzo], (ss) Strange Detective Stories November 1933
- * Living Nightmare, (ss) Horror Stories December 1935, as by Spencer Whitney
- * Look Behind You, (co) Shroud Publications, 1954
- * Look Behind You, (ss)
- * Loot of the Temple, (ss) Frontier Stories August 1929
- * Lords of the Stratosphere, (na) Astounding Stories of Super-Science March 1933
- * Luger Lead, (ss) The Lone Eagle May 1934
- * Luisma’s Return, (ss) Weird Tales January 1925
- * Mad Hatters [Sark Clayton], (ss) Thrilling Detective November 1935
- * Mad Marionettes, (nv) Miracle, Science and Fantasy Stories April/May 1931
- * Madness for Two, (ss) Terror Tales September/October 1938
- * Maidens for Bondage, (na) Mystery Novels and Short Stories December 1939
- * Manape the Mighty [Caleb Barter], (na) Astounding Stories June 1931
- * The Man Code, (ss) Action Stories August 1928
- * The Man from the Sky, (ss) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories December 1925/January 1926
- * Man Overboard, (ss) Popular Detective September 1950
- * Man Stuff, (ss) Action Stories November 1930
- * The Man Who Caught Cordat, (ss) Detective Tales October 1935, as by Spencer Whitney
- * The Man Who Didn’t Exist, (ss) Doctor Death March 1935
- * The Man Who Fought Destiny, (ss) Captain Future Winter 1942
- * Many Niagaras, (nv) Clues Detective Stories April 1937
- * March of the Doomed, (ss) 2 Detective Mystery Novels Magazine Winter 1950
- * The Marines Have Landed!, (ss) Fight Stories Fall 1941
- * Marked Money, (ss) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories September 1927
- * Mark of the Killer, (nv) Sky Fighters July 1939
- * Marquard and Ghurga’s Key [Captain Joseph Marquard], (nv) Eagles of the Air March/April 1930
- * Martinet, (ss) Sky Fighters June 1933
- * Master of Silence, (sl) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories Jan, Feb 1925
- * Masters of Horror, Vol. Four: Arthur J. Burks, (co) Armchair Fiction, February 2022
- * Mata Hari of the Marines, (ts) Cavalier January 1953
- * Matchless Gentleman, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine May 25 1932
- * Mates for Madmen, (nv) Terror Tales June 1936, as by Spencer Whitney
- * Mates for the Morgue-Master, (nv) Mystery Tales December 1939
- * Memory Flight, (ss) The Lone Eagle February 1941
- * Men of Steel, (ss) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch August 15 1932
- * The Mercy of Marquard [Captain Joseph Marquard], (nv) Eagles of the Air February 1930
- * Mercy Ship, (ss) The Lone Eagle June 1941
- * “Messup” Melody, (ss) Wings Summer 1941
- * Mills of the Semi-Gods [Professor Leodas Lahme], (ss) Crime Busters April 1938
- * The Mind Master [Caleb Barter], (na) Astounding Stories Jan, Feb 1932
- * Mr. Morpho, (ss) Black Book Detective November 1948
- * Mistress of Death and Desire, (nv) Mystery Tales March 1940
- * Miyasan Madness, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories August 1942
- * Moaning on the Styx, (nv) Thrilling Mystery March 1938
- * Monsters of Moyen, (nv) Astounding Stories of Super-Science April 1930
- * Morpho on the Screen, (ss) Weird Tales March 1954
- * Moulage, (ss) Black Book Detective September 1942
- * Mouthings of a Marine, (ts) War Stories #99, October 1931
- * The Moving Finger, (ss) Sky Fighters July 1934
- * The Mundurucu Mask, (nv) Adventure July 1949
- * Murder at the Plantation, (nv) G-Men Detective January 1949
- * Murder Brides, (nv) Horror Stories December 1935
- * Murder by Advertisement, (nv)
- * Murder by Batoque, (ss) The Phantom Detective Spring 1950
- * Murder Cuddles Up, (ss) Thrilling Detective June 1950
- * Murder in the Jungle, (nv) G-Men Detective March 1949
- * Murder School, (nv) Thrilling Detective May 1937
- * Murder Wild, (na) Smashing Detective Stories March 1951
- * My Bride Belongs to the Ages, (nv) Marvel Tales December 1939
- * My Companion, Death [Sark Clayton], (nv) Thrilling Detective September 1935
- * My Father’s Four Lives (with Lorene Burks), (ar) Ranch Romances 2nd January 1951
- * My Lady of the Tunnel, (ss) Astounding Stories November 1933
- * Necklace of Little Tento, (ss) Black Book Detective Fall 1949
- * Nemesis of the Air, (ss) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories April/May 1926
- * The Nest of the Mongols, (na) Complete Sky Novel March 1931
- * Never Fly Backwards, (na) Sky Fighters November 1934
- * Never Kill a G-Man [Duff Braden], (nv) Popular Detective January 1936
- * Night Flight from Trinidad, (nv) Sky Fighters Fall 1948
- * Night Hawks, (ss) Wings May 1930
- * No Glory in It, (ss) Sky Fighters May 1941
- * No Man Escapes Me, (ss) Terror Tales September 1935, as by Spencer Whitney
- * No Story in It, (ss) Thrilling Detective September 1942
- * Nothing but Courage, (nv) Fight Stories February 1930
- * Odds Against the Lockheed, (ss) Sky Fighters September 1942
- * The Odyssey of “Oily” Sung, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd February 1929
- * Once a Marine, (ss) Action Stories August 1929
- * One-Punch Palooka, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine November 25 1931
- * On Pulpsmithing, (ar) Grue #27, 1956
- * Orbit of Souls, (nv) Weird Tales December 1926
- * The Osilans, (na) Spaceway Dec 1953, Feb, Apr 1954
- * Otis Adelbert Kline: A Memoir, (ar) OAK Leaves #13, Autumn 1981 [Ref. Otis Adelbert Kline]
- * Our Daily Tuesday, (ss)
- * Out of Print, (ss) Thrilling Detective January 1943
- * The Paper Tiger, (nv) Smashing Novels Magazine July 1936
- * Patrick of the Reptiles, (ss) Famous Detective Stories May 1953
- * The Peeper, (ss) Guilty Detective Story Magazine March 1957
- * Penny Arcade, (ss) The Shadow Magazine March 15 1933
- * Peter Finn—Imaginizer [Peter Finn], (ss) Real Detective April 1933
- * Peter Quals, Leader of Samurai, (ss) Soldiers of Fortune February 1932
- * The Phantom Chibo, (ss) Weird Tales June 1925
- * The Phantom Fix, (ss) Detective Tales April 1936, as "Too Old to Be a Hero!"
- * Phantom of the Resin, (nv) Fight Stories June 1929
- * The Phantom Sampan, (ss) Far East Adventure Stories November 1930
- * Picnic of the Damned, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1935
- * The Pioneer, (ss) Stirring Science Stories June 1941
- * The Place of the Pythons, (ss) Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror September 1931
- * The Pocket Mikado, (ss) Thrilling Adventures June 1942
- * The Poisoner, (sl) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories Apr, May 1925
- * Pouter Pigeon, (ss) War Birds #71, February 1934
- * The Powder Keg, (ss) Air War Winter 1941
- * Precipice, (nv) Top-Notch February 1936
- * Precision, (ss) Nick Carter Magazine February 1934
- * Preface to the Grave, (ss) The Lone Eagle September 1934
- * Pretty Boy, (ss) Sky Fighters October 1936
- * Priestess of Shame, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1935
- * Prison Makes a Man, (nv) Detective Tales November 1935
- * The Proof Parade, (ss) Black Bat Detective Mysteries November 1933
- * The Purple Dragon, (ss) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories August/September 1925
- * Pylon Turn, (ss) Sky Fighters January 1938
- * Python Patrol, (ss) Top-Notch May 1936
- * Quantity Production, (ar) Writer’s Digest June 1937
- * Rachael Radiant, (nv) George Pal’s Tales of Space Conquest 1954
- * Rafferty Sees Red, (ss) Fight Stories July 1929
- * The Rape of Chin-Ling, (nv) All-Fiction December 1930
- * Red Day of Reckoning, (ss) Army-Navy Flying Stories Winter 1945
- * The Red Flyer, (ss) Action Novels February 1930
- * Red Fog, (nv) Thrilling Adventures May 1934
- * Redheaded Hostage, (nv) Ten Detective Aces January 1938
- * The Red Hope, (nv) Thrilling Sports September 1936
- * Red Hot Big Shots [Kid Friel], (na) Gangland Stories January 1931
- * Red Parade, (nv) George Bruce’s Squadron September 1933
- * Red Tassels [Dorus Noel], (ss) All Detective Magazine September 1933
- * Referee’s Decision, (ss) Fight Stories June 1928
- * Rendezvous, (nv) War Aces #25, April 1932
- * Renegade, (ss) Thrilling Adventures April 1941
- * Reprieve for the Damned, (na) Detective Tales August 1936
- * Rhythmic Formula, (ss) Weird Tales May 1952
- * Ricocheting Bullets, (ss) The Phantom Detective May 1933
- * Ricochet Wings, (ss) Sky Fighters March 1935
- * River Kill, (ss) Detective Mystery Novel Magazine Spring 1948
- * The Road Runner, (ss) The Lone Eagle December 1938
- * Robin, Come Back, (ss) Sky Fighters March 1941
- * The Rocks Read Death, (nv) Thrilling Detective July 1943
- * Rolling Stone, (vi) The Lone Eagle June 1935
- * The Room of Shadows, (nv) Weird Tales May 1936
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