The FictionMags Index
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[]Thayer, Tiffany (Ellsworth) (1902-1959); used pseudonym O. B. King (about) (chron.)
- * The Brainless Informer, (sl) Detective Story Magazine Nov 23, Nov 30, Dec 7 1929
- * The Chip and the Block, (ss) Brief Stories November 1922
- * Compensation, (ss) 10 Story Book December 1922
- * Five Million in Cash, (na) Doubleday, 1932, as by O. B. King
- * The Middle House, (ss) 10 Story Book March 1923
- * A Nation of Babes in Arms, (ar) Ken May 5 1938
- * One Splash of Color, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine December 1 1922
- * The Other Half, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine June 1938
- * Relativity, (ss) 10 Story Book December 1922
- * Under the Cap and Bells, (ss) Brief Stories October 1922
- * [untitled], (bg) Brief Stories November 1922
_____, [ref.]
[]Thayer, William Roscoe (1859-1923) (chron.)
- * At the Grave of Samuel Adams, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly June 1904
- * Beware of a Judas Peace, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 16 1918
- * The Close of Garibaldi’s Career, (??) The Atlantic Monthly December 1888
- * The Collapse of the Superman Myth, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 10 1917
- * The Constant Lover, (??) The Century Magazine September 1890
- * Despotism by the Dregs, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 4 1918
- * Doubt, the Revealer, (pm) Lippincott’s Magazine January 1902
- * The Election of a Pope, (??) The Century Magazine May 1896
- * Garibaldi’s Early Years, (??) The Atlantic Monthly October 1888
- * The Glory of the States:
* ___ 16. Massachusetts, (ar) The American Magazine June 1917
- * John Hay’s Good Deed in a Naughty World, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 24 1918
- * Letters of Sydney Lanier, (ar) The Atlantic Monthly Jul, Aug 1894
- * The Makers of New Italy, (??) The Atlantic Monthly November 1888
- * Man in Nature, (pm)
- * Massachusetts, (ar) The American Magazine June 1917
- * The Pause in Criticism—and After, (??) The Atlantic Monthly August 1897
- * Roosevelt at Harvard, (ar) Metropolitan October 1919 [Ref. Theodore Roosevelt]
- * The Secret, (??) The Atlantic Monthly September 1889
- * Some Causes of the Italian Crisis, (??) The Atlantic Monthly April 1894
- * Some New Anecdotes of Heine, (bg) Lippincott’s Magazine April 1884 [Ref. Heinrich Heine]
- * Stop Immigration for Ten Years, (sr) The Saturday Evening Post February 22 1919
- * Tintoret, the Shakespeare of Painters, (??) The Atlantic Monthly July 1891
- * The Trial, Opinions, and Death of Bruno Giordano, (??) The Atlantic Monthly March 1890
- * Variations on a French Theme, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine March 1911
- * The Venetian in Bergamo, 1588, (??) The Atlantic Monthly June 1898
- * The Violin’s Complaint, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1889
[]Theaker, Stephen William (1973- ); used pseudonyms Walt Brunston, Antonella Coriander, William Higman, Howard Phillips & Vicki Proserpine (chron.)
- * Accessing the Future: Kathryn Allan and Djibril al-Ayad, (iv) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #49, November 2014 [Ref. Djibril al-Ayad & Kathryn Allan]
- * After Adolphe by Benjamin Constant, (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #13, Winter 2006, as by Vicki Proserpine
- * Agendas, Plaudits and Plans, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #39, Winter 2011
- * Anatomy of a Failure, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #26, Winterval 2008
- * Anne Charnock Interviewed, (iv) Interzone #285, January/February 2020 [Ref. Anne Charnock]
- * Apocalypse Nyx, (br) Interzone #276, July/August 2018 [Ref. Kameron Hurley]
- * Armada, (br) Interzone #260, September/October 2015 [Ref. Ernest Cline]
- * The Arrest, (br) Interzone #289, November/December 2020 [Ref. Jonathan Lethem]
- * The Assassin’s Lair [A Dim Star Is Born], (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #51, April 2015, as by Howard Phillips
- * Back to the World of Fractured Time, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #14, New Year Special 2007
- * The Battle Word [Beatrice & Veronique], (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #57, December 2016, as by Antonella Coriander
- * The Beauty, (br) Interzone #254, September/October 2014 [Ref. Aliya Whiteley]
- * BFS News, (ms) BFS Journal #10, #11, #13 2014
- * BFS News, (ms) BFS Horizons #2, #1 2015
- * The Big Two-Oh: Celebrations and Apologies!, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #20, Winter 2007
- * Bike Ride to Peril [Beatrice & Veronique], (nv) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #47, April 2014, as by Antonella Coriander
- * Black and Brown Planets: The Politics of Race in Science Fiction, (br) Interzone #255, November/December 2014 [Ref. Isiah Lavender, III]
- * Blood Binds the Pack, (br) Interzone #274, March/April 2018 [Ref. Alex Wells]
- * Bridge 108, (br) Interzone #285, January/February 2020 [Ref. Anne Charnock]
- * British Fantasy Awards 2016, (ms) BFS Journal #16, 2016
- * The Caped Crusade: Batman and the Rise of Nerd Culture, (br) Interzone #264, May/June 2016 [Ref. Glen Weldon]
- * Case Notes: Book Reviews (with Peter Tennant), (rc) Black Static #60, September/October 2017
- * Catastrophia, (iv) Dark Horizons #57, September 2010 [Ref. Allen Ashley]
- * Chemicalia, (nv) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #64, 2019
- * Child of a Hidden Sea, (br) Interzone #253, July/August 2014 [Ref. A. M. Dellamonica]
- * Chilling Effect, (br) Interzone #283, September/October 2019 [Ref. Valerie Valdes]
- * The Collapsing Empire, (br) Interzone #269, March/April 2017 [Ref. John Scalzi]
- * Contributors (Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #40), (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #40, Spring 2012
- * Contributors (Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction):
* ___ Contributors (Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #40), (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #40, Spring 2012
- * Coquetry, She Disdained, (ss) BFS Monthly Story #22, 2018
- * Crisis on Earth-One!, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #30, Autumn 2009
- * The Crumbling Time, (vi) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #15, Spring 2007
- * Crystal Castle Crashers [Beatrice & Veronique], (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #50, January 2015, as by Antonella Coriander
- * Cybertronica [Beatrice & Veronique], (nv) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #51, April 2015, as by Antonella Coriander
- * The Czar of Saturn’s Daughter, (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #16, Easter 2007, as by William Higman
- * The Day the Moon Wept Blood [The Saturation Point Saga], (na) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #24, Festival Special 2008, as by Howard Phillips
- * Deskbound, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #41, Summer 2012
- * Digging Pratchett, (iv) Dark Horizons #53, 2008 [Ref. Lawrence Watt-Evans]
- * The Doom That Came to Sea Base Delta [The Saturation Point Saga], (sl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #16, Easter, #17 Sum 2007, as by Howard Phillips
- * Down at the Bottom of the Sea!, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #16, Easter 2007
- * Dundorunum, (nv) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #62, 2018
- * Earwig, (br) Interzone #284, November/December 2019 [Ref. B. Catling]
- * Editorial, (ed) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #1 Spr, #2 Sum, #3 Aut, #4 Win 2004, #5 Spr 2005, #36 Spr 2011, #51 Apr, #52 Aug 2015, #53 Jan,
#54 Feb, #57 Dec 2016, #64 2019
#67 2020, #70, #72 2022, #73, #75 2023
- * Editorial, (ed) Dark Horizons #57, September 2010
- * Editorial, (ed) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #56, September 2016, as by Howard Phillips
- * Editorial for Theaker’s #46, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #46, Winter 2013
- * Editorial for Theaker’s #47, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #47, April 2014
- * Editorial:
* ___ Agendas, Plaudits and Plans, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #39, Winter 2011
* ___ Anatomy of a Failure, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #26, Winterval 2008
* ___ Back to the World of Fractured Time, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #14, New Year Special 2007
* ___ The Big Two-Oh: Celebrations and Apologies!, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #20, Winter 2007
* ___ Crisis on Earth-One!, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #30, Autumn 2009
* ___ Deskbound, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #41, Summer 2012
* ___ Down at the Bottom of the Sea!, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #16, Easter 2007
* ___ Editorial for Theaker’s #46, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #46, Winter 2013
* ___ Editorial for Theaker’s #47, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #47, April 2014
* ___ Editors, Writers and Money: In Defence of Amateurs, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #23, Summer 2008
* ___ The Ever-Expanding Magazine That Exists at the Centre of the Universe, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #18, Autumn 2007
* ___ Exciting News About the Future of Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction!, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #44, Summer 2013
* ___ The Fantastic Soul, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #24, Festival Special 2008
* ___ Far-Flung Fiction!, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #17, Summer 2007
* ___ Fifty Issues!, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #50, January 2015
* ___ Good Reading in 2008, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #27, Spring 2009
* ___ Happy Days, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #25, Autumn 2008
* ___ “How Could a Person Up and Call a Person Wack?!”, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #37, Summer 2011
* ___ In Love Again, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #28, Easter 2009
* ___ Introducing the Band, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #7, Autumn 2005, as by Howard Phillips
* ___ The Issue with no Resolution, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #8, Winter 2005
* ___ Layout Changes, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #40, Spring 2012
* ___ Leaving Facebook, and Not Really Missing It, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #43, Spring 2013
* ___ Merry Christmas!, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #31, Winter 2009
* ___ New Friends and Old!, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #32, Early 2010
* ___ A New Look, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #11, Holiday Special 2006
* ___ Newton Braddell Rides Again!, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #12, Autumn 2006
* ___ No Essays This Time, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #29, Summer 2009
* ___ Plans 2.0, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #42, Autumn 2012
* ___ Potatoes with a Strong View of Ketchup, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #48, August 2014
* ___ Taking a Break with TQF!, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #38, Autumn 2011
* ___ Ten Years of Silver Age Books, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #22, Easter 2008
* ___ Theaker’s House of Horror!, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #21, Spring 2008
* ___ Theaker’s Shorterly Reviews, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #49, November 2014
* ___ Thinking of Titles for Editorials Is Difficult, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #35, New Year 2011
* ___ The Wallpaper Roll, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #45, Autumn 2013
* ___ Websites and Plaudits, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #33, Spring 2010
* ___ Welcome to Halloween!, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #19, Halloween 2007
* ___ Welcome to the Family, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #13, Winter 2006
* ___ Which Button Should I Press?, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #6, Summer 2005, as by Howard Phillips
* ___ Why Aren’t I Reading My Paper Books Anymore?, (cl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #34, Autumn 2010
- * Editors, Writers and Money: In Defence of Amateurs, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #23, Summer 2008
- * Emergency Questions, (ed) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #60, 2017
- * The Emperor of Pseudo City, (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #66, 2020, as by Walt Brunston
- * The End of the Day, (br) Interzone #270, May/June 2017 [Ref. Claire North]
- * The Ever-Expanding Magazine That Exists at the Centre of the Universe, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #18, Autumn 2007
- * “Every Dialogue Scene Is a Duel”, (iv) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #39, Winter 2011 [Ref. Matthew Hughes]
- * Exciting News About the Future of Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction!, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #44, Summer 2013
- * Ex Libris, (br) Interzone #271, July/August 2017 [Ref. Paula Guran]
- * Fake Internet Reviews and the One Time It Was Okay to Buy Them, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #59, March 2017
- * The Fantastic Soul, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #24, Festival Special 2008
- * FantasyCon 2023, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #75, 2023
- * FAQs, LFAQs & IAQs, (ed) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #62, 2018
- * Far-Flung Fiction!, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #17, Summer 2007
- * The Fear Man, (sl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #6 Sum, #7 Aut 2005
- * Fifty Issues!, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #50, January 2015
- * Finishing Off Books, (ed) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #68, 2020
- * Firewalkers, (br) Interzone #288, September/October 2020 [Ref. Adrian Tchaikovsky]
- * First Words (with Steven Gilligan), (ed) New Words #3, May/June 1995
- * For Your Consideration, (ed) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #66, 2020, as by Howard Phillips
- * The Four Profound Weaves, (br) Interzone #288, September/October 2020 [Ref. R. B. Lemberg]
- * Fugitive Telemetry, (br) Interzone #290/291, 2021 [Ref. Martha Wells]
- * The Galaxy Game, (br) Interzone #258, May/June 2015 [Ref. Karen Lord]
- * The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led the Revels There, (br) Interzone #242, September/October 2012 [Ref. Catherynne M. Valente]
- * Good Reading in 2008, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #27, Spring 2009
- * The Great Bazaar & Brayan’s Gold, (br) Interzone #259, July/August 2015 [Ref. Peter V. Brett]
- * The Great Him-Horse / Horsehekin War [Beatrice & Veronique], (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #74, 2023, as by Antonella Coriander
- * The Hair-Carpet Weavers, (br) Interzone #288, September/October 2020 [Ref. Andreas Eschbach]
- * Happy Days, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #25, Autumn 2008
- * The Haunted Brick, (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #64, 2019, as by Walt Brunston
- * Hazards of Time Travel, (br) Interzone #278, November/December 2018 [Ref. Joyce Carol Oates]
- * His Nerves Extruded [The Saturation Point Saga], (sl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #9 Spr, #10 Sum, #11, Holiday Special 2006, as by Howard Phillips
- * “How Could a Person Up and Call a Person Wack?!”, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #37, Summer 2011
- * How to Mars, (br) Interzone #290/291, 2021 [Ref. David Ebenbach]
- * Hunters & Collectors, (br) Interzone #265, July/August 2016 [Ref. M. Suddain]
- * I Couldn’t See Past the Spider, (nv) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #48, August 2014
- * If Then, (br) Interzone #261, November/December 2015 [Ref. Matthew De Abaitua]
- * In Love Again, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #28, Easter 2009
- * Into the Island [Beatrice & Veronique], (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #48, August 2014, as by Antonella Coriander
- * Introducing the Band, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #7, Autumn 2005, as by Howard Phillips
- * The Issue with no Resolution, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #8, Winter 2005
- * Jagannath, (br) Interzone #244, January/February 2013 [Ref. Karin Tidbeck]
- * Jane Carver of Waar, (br) Interzone #240, May/June 2012 [Ref. Nathan Long]
- * John Brunner, (br) Interzone #245, March/April 2013 [Ref. Jad Smith & John Brunner]
- * Karin Tidbeck, (iv) Interzone #244, January/February 2013 [Ref. Karin Tidbeck]
- * Klothe and Melenkius Take Centre Stage, (pl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #11, Holiday Special 2006
- * Lagoon, (br) Interzone #252, May/June 2014 [Ref. Nnedi Okorafor]
- * Lavie Tidhar: “I Love Playing with Everything”, (iv) BFS Journal #13, 2014 [Ref. Lavie Tidhar]
- * Layout Changes, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #40, Spring 2012
- * Learning to Write Again, (ed) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #76, 2024
- * Leaving Facebook, and Not Really Missing It, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #43, Spring 2013
- * Listen to the Loudest Whisper [The Two Husbands], (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #62, 2018, as by Walt Brunston
- * The Little Shop That Sold My Heart, (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #55, July 2016, as by Howard Phillips
- * Love and Spreadsheets, (ed) Interzone #266, September/October 2016
- * Love at First Sight [A Dim Star Is Born], (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #50, January 2015, as by Howard Phillips
- * Machine, (br) Interzone #289, November/December 2020 [Ref. Elizabeth Bear]
- * The Map of Salt and Stars, (br) Interzone #275, May/June 2018 [Ref. Jennifer Zeynab Joukhadar]
- * Master Zangpan’s Resolution, (vi) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #15, Spring 2007
- * Merry Christmas!, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #31, Winter 2009
- * Mr Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction Goes to FantasyCon, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #34, Autumn 2010
- * More Questions, More Answers, (ed) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #61, 2018
- * The Morning of Seventeen Suns [The Two Husbands], (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #50, January 2015, as by Walt Brunston
- * The Music of Zeddy Graves, (nv) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #63, 2018
- * My Rise and Fall [The Saturation Point Saga], (nv) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #8, Winter 2005, as by Howard Phillips
- * A New Dawn of Darkness, (ed) Dark Horizons #53, 2008
- * New Friends and Old!, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #32, Early 2010
- * New Horizons: The Gollancz Book of South Asian Science Fiction, (br) Interzone #286, March/April 2020 [Ref. Tarun K. Saint]
- * A New Look, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #11, Holiday Special 2006
- * News, (ms) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #11, Holiday Special, #12 Aut, #13 Win 2006, #14, New Year Special, #16, Easter, #17 Sum, #18 Aut, #19, Halloween 2007
- * News & Comment, (ms) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #24, Festival Special, #25 Aut, #26, Winterval 2008, #27 Spr, #28, Easter 2009
- * News & Notes, (ms) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #34, Autumn 2010
- * New Suns, (br) Interzone #281, May/June 2019 [Ref. Nisi Shawl]
- * Newton Braddell Rides Again!, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #12, Autumn 2006
- * New Worlds of Fantasy, (iv) Dark Horizons #56, March 2010 [Ref. Brian M. Stableford]
- * The Nine Dread Ladies of the Tyranium [Beatrice & Veronique], (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #62, 2018, as by Antonella Coriander
- * No Essays This Time, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #29, Summer 2009
- * Nold, (nv) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #57, December 2016
- * The Not Yet, (br) Interzone #240, May/June 2012 [Ref. Moira Crone]
- * “One Slough and Crust of Sin” [The Two Husbands], (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #51, April 2015, as by Walt Brunston
- * Past British Fantasy Award Winners, (bi) Flotsam Fantastique ed. Stephen Jones, PS Publishing, 2013
- * Plans 2.0, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #42, Autumn 2012
- * Pork Pies in the Gardens: My FantasyCon 2014, (ar) BFS Journal #13, 2014
- * Potatoes with a Strong View of Ketchup, (ar) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #48, August 2014
- * The Power of Death: Transcript of a Film I Directed While Sleeping, (nv) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #4, Winter 2004, as by Howard Phillips
- * Professor Challenger in Space [Professor Challenger], (sl) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #1 Spr, #2 Sum 2004
- * Provenance, (br) Interzone #273, November/December 2017 [Ref. Ann Leckie]
- * Quand les queues s’allongèrent, (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #58, February 2017, as by Antonella Coriander
- * The Quarterly Review, (rc) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #62, #63 2018
- * The Quarterly Review (with Rafe McGregor & Douglas J. Ogurek), (rc) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #75, 2023
- * The Quarterly Review (with Douglas J. Ogurek), (rc) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #72 2022, #73, #74 2023, #76, #77 2024
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