The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 959
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[]Blake, Peter (1932- ) (chron.)
- * Drawings, (il) Ambit #24, 1965
- * Four Drawings, (il) Ambit #13, 1962
- * The Gothic House, (ar) Murder Ink: The Mystery Reader’s Companion ed. Dilys Winn, Workman Publishing, 1977
- * On Tour with Ian Drury and the Blockheads, (il) Ambit #80, 1979
- * Peter Blake and Howard Hodgkin in California (with Howard Hodgkin), (ar) Ambit #83, 1980
- * Side Show, (il) Ambit #78, 1979
- * Speaking Out:
* ___ The Suburbs Are a Mess, (cl) The Saturday Evening Post October 5 1963
- * The Suburbs Are a Mess, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 5 1963
- * [front cover], (cv) Ambit #13, 1962
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Ambit #37, Autumn 1968
[]Blake, Polenth (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * After the Rain, (ss) Lackington’s #5, Winter 2015
- * Born Outside, (ss) Clarkesworld #214, July 2024
- * Clockwork Fly, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly October 2010
- * Dead Meat, (vi) Nature #7409, August 2 2012
- * Gender, Sex, and Sexuality in SF: A Conversation (with Bogi Takács), (ar) Strange Horizons December 21 2015
- * Hello, World, (ss) 2017
- * Letters to a Fungus, (ss) Fungi ed. Silvia Moreno-Garcia & Orrin Grey, Innsmouth Free Press, 2012
- * Missed Connection: Lizard in the Dog Park, (pm) Strange Horizons November 7 2011
- * Never the Same, (ss) Strange Horizons September 8 2014
- * On Shine Wings, (ss) Unlikely Story #10, November 2014
- * Recipe for Eternal Youth, (pm) Star*Line July/August 2010
- * The Road to the Beach, (ss) Penumbra (online) August 2012
- * Through Amber Eyes, (vi) Flash Fiction Online July 2010
- * Thwarting the Fiends, (ss) Fish ed. Carrie Cuinn & K. V. Taylor, Dagan Books, 2013
- * Visions of Destruction Series, Mixed Media, (ss) ChiZine #48, July/September 2011
- * War of the Roses, (vi) Nature #7316, October 7 2010
- * Whirligig Fingers and Globular Thumbs, (ss) Crossed Genres Magazine #16, March 2010
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Unlikely Story #10, November 2014
_____, [ref.]
[]Blake, [Sir] Quentin (Saxby) (1932- ) (chron.)
- * The BFG Stamp, (ms)
- * J. Slingsby-Grebe—Boy Genius! (with John Yeoman), (cs) The Puffin Annual Number 2 ed. Treld Bicknell & Kaye Webb, Puffin Books, 1975
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Puffin Annual Number 1 ed. Treld Bicknell, Frank Waters & Kaye Webb, Puffin, 1974
- * [front cover], (cv) Winter Sleepwalker and Other Stories by Joan Aiken, Cape, 1994
- * [front cover], (cv) A Handful of Gold by Joan Aiken, Red Fox, 1997
- * [front cover], (cv) The Roald Dahl Treasury by Roald Dahl, Jonathan Cape, 1997
- * [front cover], (cv) Mini Sagas from the Daily Telegraph Competition 2001 ed. Brian Aldiss, Enitharmon Press, 2001
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Cricket April 1974
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Puffin Annual Number 2 ed. Treld Bicknell & Kaye Webb, Puffin Books, 1975
[]Blake, Robert; pseudonym of L. P. Davies (1914-1988) (chron.)
- * Blow That Horn, (ss) London Mystery Selection #47, December 1960
- * A Business Proposition, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #28, April 1967
- * The Crooked Smile, (ss) London Mystery Selection #46, September 1960
- * Davey, (ss) London Mystery Selection #45, June 1960
- * A Matter of Principle, (ss) John Bull January 7 1950
- * Next Door to a Witch, (ss) Argosy (UK) September 1956
- * Night Watch, (ss) Woman’s Journal July 1953
- * The Peasant’s Revenge, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #27, February 1967
- * Roses for Breakfast, (ss) Woman’s Journal April 1960
- * Run of the Deer, (nv) Argosy (UK) July 1959
- * The Self-Made Man, (ss) London Mystery Selection #50, September 1961
- * The Tactful Servant, (ss) Adam Yearbook 1968
- * The Tale of the Barber’s Second Brother, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #25, October 1966
- * The Valley, (ss) London Mystery Selection #48, March 1961
- * The Witch’s Daughter, (ss) London Mystery Selection #54, 1962
[]Blake, Robert (Norman William, Baron Blake) (1916-2003) (about) (chron.)
- * Asquith Angers Bonar Law, (ar) The Evening Standard October 10 1955
- * The Astonishing Letter That Brought Winston Down, (ar) The Evening Standard October 7 1955
- * Bonar Law and the Press Lords, (ar) The Evening Standard October 14 1955
- * Bonar Law’s Moment of Decision, (ar) The Evening Standard October 13 1955
- * Bonar Law’s Vigil in a Buller-Riddled Plane, (ar) The Evening Standard October 8 1955
- * Bulwer-Lytton, (bg) The Cornhill Magazine Autumn 1973 [Ref. Edward Bulwer-Lytton]
- * “Civil War is Inevitable”, (ar) The Evening Standard October 6 1955
- * Disraeli: The Problems of a Biographer, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine Autumn 1966
- * The Drama of Asquith’s Downfall, (ar) The Evening Standard October 11 1955
- * The 48 Hours That Put Bonar Law in Power, (ar) The Evening Standard October 4 1955
- * The Man Who Deceived a King, (ar) The Evening Standard October 3 1955
- * “Resign—If I Want You To”, (ar) The Evening Standard October 12 1955
- * Six Months to Live, (ar) The Evening Standard October 15 1955
- * The Unknown Prime Minister:
* ___ Asquith Angers Bonar Law, (ar) The Evening Standard October 10 1955
* ___ The Astonishing Letter That Brought Winston Down, (ar) The Evening Standard October 7 1955
* ___ Bonar Law and the Press Lords, (ar) The Evening Standard October 14 1955
* ___ Bonar Law’s Moment of Decision, (ar) The Evening Standard October 13 1955
* ___ Bonar Law’s Vigil in a Buller-Riddled Plane, (ar) The Evening Standard October 8 1955
* ___ “Civil War is Inevitable”, (ar) The Evening Standard October 6 1955
* ___ The Drama of Asquith’s Downfall, (ar) The Evening Standard October 11 1955
* ___ The 48 Hours That Put Bonar Law in Power, (ar) The Evening Standard October 4 1955
* ___ The Man Who Deceived a King, (ar) The Evening Standard October 3 1955
* ___ “Resign—If I Want You To”, (ar) The Evening Standard October 12 1955
* ___ Six Months to Live, (ar) The Evening Standard October 15 1955
* ___ What Happened to Lord Astor’s £200,000?, (ar) The Evening Standard October 5 1955
- * What Happened to Lord Astor’s £200,000?, (ar) The Evening Standard October 5 1955
[]Blake, Rodney (fl. 1930s-1940s); house pseudonym used by H. Bedford-Jones (1887-1949) (chron.)
- * Blackmailer’s Wife [Riley Dillon], (ss) (by H. Bedford-Jones) Mystery May 1934
- * Black Moons [Riley Dillon], (ss) (by H. Bedford-Jones) Mystery July 1933
- * Blood of the Prairie, (na) Quick Trigger Western Novels Magazine September 1937
- * The Cardinal’s Ring [Riley Dillon], (ss) (by H. Bedford-Jones) Mystery June 1933
- * A Death Worth Living For, (nv) Adventure Trails October 1938
- * Deputies of Valor, (ss) Western Novelets Magazine September 1937
- * Devil’s Gun Reckoning, (ss) Western Short Stories September 1937
- * Dice Game with Death, (ss) Adventure Trails February 1939
- * Gold Camp Prodigal, (na) Gunsmoke Western October 1937
- * Guardian of Gunsight Ranch, (na) Two-Gun Western October/November 1937
- * A Gunslick Rods a Busted Ranch, (na) Quick Trigger Western Novels Magazine May 1938
- * Hot Lead Barrier, (na) Two-Gun Western February 1938
- * The Man Bootlhill Couldn’t Hold, (nv) Best Western Magazine July 1940
- * The Mystery of Table Sixteen [Riley Dillon], (ss) (by H. Bedford-Jones) Mystery September 1933
- * The Night Club Beauty [Riley Dillon], (ss) (by H. Bedford-Jones) Mystery May 1933
- * Pajamas, Diamonds and Blackmail [Riley Dillon], (ss) (by H. Bedford-Jones) Mystery December 1933
- * Quick Trigger Lawman, (nv) Six-Gun Western December 1937
- * The Singapore Thunder, (nv) Short Stories October 10 1922, as "The Second Mate", by H. Bedford-Jones
- * The Smilin’ Kid Rods a Boom-Town, (nv) Two-Gun Western Novels Magazine December 1939
- * Stained Rubies [Riley Dillon], (ss) (by H. Bedford-Jones) Mystery August 1934
[]Blake, Roger; pseudonym of John Felix Trimble (1925-1993) (chron.)
- * Confessions of a G Girl, (ar) Spree v1 #21, 1960
- * Exhibitionism, (ex) Century Books, 1968
- * Foreign Girls: Two Case Histories, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #44, January 1971
- * The Gambler, (ss) Bedside Clubman v1, 1951
- * The Hoax of French Sex, (ar) Spree v1 #19, 1960
- * Homosexuality, (ex)
- * How to Land a Job in Tahiti, (ar) Mr. May 1963
- * The Library’s Hottest Book, (ar) Mr. December 1961 [Ref. Richard von Krafft-Ebing]
- * The Nympho of Nymphenberg, (ar) Adam April 1964 [Ref. Lola Montez]
- * The Office Club, (ex) from Love Clubs, Inc., Century Books, 1965
- * Swinging Teenagers, (ex) Century House 1968
- * Thirteen O’Clock, (ss) Bedside Clubman v7, 1953
- * Threesomes, (ar) Knight September 1978
- * A Walk in the Sun, (ss) Clubman #25, October 1952
_____, as told to
[]Blake, (Francis William) Stacey (1873-1964) (about) (chron.)
- * As Fate Decreed, (ss) The London Magazine May 1914
- * Beyond the Blue, (sl) The London Magazine Dec 1914, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1915
- * Blood Will Tell [Delmar Drew, the “Fallen Star”], (ss) The London Magazine February 1919
- * Blossom, (ss) The London Magazine September 1912
- * The Blue Attache Case, (ss) The Golden Mag. #12, May 1927
- * Buried Ivory [Captain John Christmas], (ss) Penny Pictorial #580, July 9 1910
- * Business at Cape Desolation: An Exciting Adventure of Captain Christmas [Captain John Christmas], (ss) Penny Pictorial #1127, January 1 1921
- * Captain Kettle, Junior, (n.) Big Budget Library #2, 1904
- * The City of Crooks [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #257, October 1930
- * The Coffin Ship, (na) The Thriller #346, September 21 1935
- * Daphne Intervenes, (ss) The London Magazine March 1919
- * A Deal in Mammoths [Captain John Christmas], (ss) Penny Pictorial #1148, May 28 1921
- * The Death Fighters, (ss) Chums December 25 1907
- * Direct Action, (ss) The London Magazine July 1920
- * A Duel of Wits, (ss) The London Magazine April 1919
- * Exit Tavistock! [Delmar Drew, the “Fallen Star”], (ss) The London Magazine August 1918
- * The Exploits of Captain Christmas: Rescued from Bondage, (ss) Everybody’s Weekly December 2 1911
- * The Exploits of Captain X:
* ___ No. 7: Buried Ivory [Captain John Christmas], (ss) Penny Pictorial #580, July 9 1910
- * A Fallen Star— [Delmar Drew, the “Fallen Star”], (ss) The London Magazine May 1918
- * The Flaming Oil-Ship, (ss) The Captain #202, January 1916
- * “For Richer for Poorer”, (ss) The London Magazine June 1919
- * Furs and Skins, (ss) Action Stories January 1925
- * Further Exploits of Captain Christmas: A Change of Government [Captain John Christmas], (ss) Pictorial Magazine #1313, July 26 1924
- * The “Governor”. Being an Adventure of Captain Christmas Among the Arabs [Captain John Christmas], (ss) Penny Pictorial #938, May 19 1917
- * The Great Glacier Bay Plot [Sexton Blake], (na) The Union Jack #1273,
- * The Great Sugar Plot, (ss) Short Stories Illustrated October 3 1914
- * The Greenhorn, (ss) Boys’ Life June 1911
- * The Gun Runner [Selston Leigh], (ss) The Crusoe Mag. #2, July 1924
- * His Good Name, (ss) Chums December 11 1907
- * History Repeats Itself, (ss) The Golden Mag. #6, November 1926
- * How to Write a Short Story: Helpful Hints from Famous Authors, (sy) The London Magazine May 1920
- * An Ice-Boat Elopement, (ss) C.B. Fry’s Magazine November 1906
- * In the Blood, (ss) The Crusoe Mag. #7, December 1924
- * The Isle of Peril, (sl) The Modern Boy Oct 13, Oct 20, Oct 27, Nov 3, Nov 10, Nov 17, Nov 24, Dec 1, Dec 8, Dec 15,
Dec 22, Dec 29 1928
Jan 5, Jan 12, Jan 19, Jan 26, Feb 2, Feb 9, Feb 16 1929
- * Jimmy Cardigan’s Defection, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #106, January 1921
- * Jimson’s Aunt, (ss) The Golden Mag. #1, June 1926
- * A Make-Believe Guy, (ss) The Golden West #4, October 1927
- * The Man from Ashanti [Captain John Christmas], (na) The Thriller #10, April 13 1929
- * The Man from Dartmoor, (na) The Thriller #25, July 27 1929
- * A Man’s Work, (ss) The Crusoe Mag. #10, March 1925
- * Mightier Than the Sword, (ss) The London Magazine December 1912
- * Motor-Camping, (ar) The London Magazine August 1920
- * Mystery Cargo [Captain John Christmas], (ss) Pictorial Magazine #1271, October 6 1923
- * No Game for a Girl, (ss) The Crusoe Mag. #24, May 1926
- * Ocean Pickings, (ss) Boys’ Life May 1912
- * The Official Husband [Delmar Drew, the “Fallen Star”], (ss) The London Magazine January 1919
- * Oil Pirates! [Sexton Blake], (na) The Union Jack #1247,, uncredited.
- * On Ticket of Leave [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #410, December 1933
- * Over the White Snows, (ss) C.B. Fry’s Magazine January 1907
- * Part of the Furniture [Delmar Drew, the “Fallen Star”], (ss) The London Magazine July 1918
- * Pride of Race, (ss) The Premier Magazine #16, January 1928
- * The Prison Breaker [Captain John Christmas], (ss) Penny Pictorial #578, June 25 1910
- * Prisoners of the Desert [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #202, August 1929, uncredited.
- * A Private Performance [Delmar Drew, the “Fallen Star”], (ss) The London Magazine September 1918
- * The Raiders, (na) The Thriller #49, January 11 1930
- * The Sea of Wrecks [Captain John Christmas], (ss) Penny Pictorial #968, December 15 1917
- * Selston Leigh’s Ghost Hunt [Selston Leigh], (ss) The Crusoe Mag. #6, November 1924
- * Selston Leigh’s Hold-Up [Selston Leigh], (ss) The Crusoe Mag. #4, September 1924
- * Selston Leigh’s Treasure Hunt [Selston Leigh], (ss) The Crusoe Mag. #5, October 1924
- * A Skating Tour in Holland, (ar) Fry’s Magazine December 1910
- * The Star-Shaped Scar [Selston Leigh], (ss) The Crusoe Mag. #3, August 1924
- * The Submarine Ghosts, (ss) The Crusoe Mag. #19, December 1925
- * Those Christmas Guests, (ss) The Golden Mag. #7, December 1926
- * Those Gay Cadets, (sl) The Crusoe Mag. #13 Jun, #14 Jul, #15 Aug, #16 Sep, #17 Oct, #18 Nov 1925
- * To the Rescue [Delmar Drew, the “Fallen Star”], (ss) The London Magazine June 1918
- * Touch and Go: The Splendid Adventures of an Intelligence Agent, (ss) Chums January 29 1908
- * The Trapping of Quick-Shot, (ss) The Golden West #5, November 1927
- * Treasure Seekers, (ss) The Crusoe Mag. #11, April 1925
- * Warned Off [Delmar Drew, the “Fallen Star”], (ss) The London Magazine October 1918
- * When East Met West [Selston Leigh], (ss) The Crusoe Mag. #1, June 1924
- * White Man’s Ju-Ju, (ss) The Crusoe Mag. #21, February 1926
- * Wilbur Wright’s Apprentice, (sl) The Boys’ Friend #427 Aug 14, #429 Aug 28, #430 Sep 4, #432 Sep 18, #434 Oct 2, #436 Oct 16 1909
- * The Woman with a Tongue, No. 3: Love Does Not Change [Janet Tuffnel], (ss) Penny Pictorial #951, August 18 1917
- * The Woman with a Tongue, No. 9: The Anonymous Letter [Janet Tuffnel], (ss) Penny Pictorial #957, September 29 1917
- * The Woman with a Tongue: The Prodigal [Janet Tuffnel], (ss) Penny Pictorial #960, October 20 1917
- * The Yellow Handkerchief, (ss) The Premier Magazine #135, March 7 1922
- * A Young Man’s Folly [Delmar Drew, the “Fallen Star”], (ss) The London Magazine December 1918
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