The FictionMags Index
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[]Blackmore, R(ichard) D(oddridge) (1825-1900) (about) (chron.)
- * Blood Upon the Altar, (ex) from Lorna Doone, Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1869
- * Buscombe; or, A Michaelmas Goose, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1889
- * The Courting of John Ridd, (ex) from Lorna Doone, Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1869
- * Cradock Nowell: A Tale of the New Forest, (sl) Macmillan’s Magazine #68, June 1865
- * Crocker’s Hole, (ss) Slain by the Doones and Other Stories by R. D. Blackmore, Dodd, Mead, 1895
- * “Dimidium Facti”, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1885
- * Erema; or, My Father’s Sin, (n.) The Cornhill Magazine November 1876 (+12)
- Harper’s New Monthly Magazine Dec 1876, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct,
Nov 1877
* ___ Chapter I. A Lost Landmark, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter II. A Pacific Sunset, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter III. A Sturdy Colonist, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter IV. The “King of the Mountains”, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter V. Uncle Sam, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter VI. A Britisher, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter VII. Discomfiture, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter VIII. A Doubtful Loss, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter IX. A Waterspout, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter X. A Nugget, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XI. Rovers, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XII. Gold and Grief, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XIII. The Sawyer’s Prayer, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XIV. Not Far to Seek, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XV. Brought to Bank, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XVI. Firm and Infirm, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XVII. Hard and Soft, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XVIII. Out of the Golden Gate, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XIX. Inside the Channel, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XX. Bruntsea, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXI. Listless, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXII. Betsy Bowen, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXIII. Betsy’s Tale, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXIV. Betsy’s Tale (continued), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXV. Betsy’s Tale (concluded), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXVI. At the Bank, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXVII. Cousin Montague, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXVIII. A Check, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXIX. At the Pump, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXX. Cocks and Coxcombs, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXI. Adrift, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXII. At Home, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXIII. Lord Castlewood, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXIV. Shoxford, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXV. The Sexton, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXVI. A Simple Question, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXVII. Some Answer to It, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXVIII. A Witch, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXIX. Not at Home, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XL. The Man at Last, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLI. A Strong Temptation, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLII. Master Withypool, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLIII. Going to the Bottom, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLIV. Hermetically Sealed, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLV. Conviction, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLVI. Vain Zeal, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLVII. Cadmeian Victory, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLVIII. A Return Call, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLIX. Wanted, a Sawyer, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter L. The Panacea, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter LI. Life Sinister, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter LII. For Life, Death, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter LIII. Bruntsea Defiant, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter LIV. Bruntsea Defeated, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter LV. A Dead Letter, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter LVI. With His Own Sword, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter LVII. Female Suffrage, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1877, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter LVIII. Beyond Desert, and Deserts, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1877, uncredited.
- * Leila; or the Golden Fleece, (ss) The Pocket Magazine January 1897
- * Lorna Doone, (n.)
- * The Maid of Sker, (n.) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine August 1871, uncredited.
- * A Man Justly Popular, (ex) from Lorna Doone, Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1869
- * Mary Anerley, (n.) Fraser’s Magazine July 1879 (+14), uncredited.
- Harper’s New Monthly Magazine Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1879, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun,
Jul, Aug 1880
, uncredited.
- * Mount Arafa, part 1, (pm) Atalanta #85, October 1894
- * Mount Arafa, part 2, (pm) Atalanta #86, November 1894
- * Not Until Next Time, (pm) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #819, January 1884
- * Novelists on their Work, (sy) The Ludgate November 1895
- * A Part: Greater Than the Whole, (pm) Atalanta #99, December 1895
- * Slain by the Doones, (ex) Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1869
- * Springhaven, (n.) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1886, Jan, Feb, Mar,
Apr 1887
- * To Fame, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1886
- * The Vision of Fame, (pm)
- * The Well of Saint John, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1885
_____, [ref.]
[]Blackmore, S. Powell (fl. 1920s) (chron.)
- * Fore-Hand and Back-Hand Driving, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #125, August 1922
- * How to Play Lawn Tennis:
* ___ , (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #124, July 1922
* ___ 2. Fore-Hand and Back-Hand Driving, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #125, August 1922
* ___ 3. Service, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #126, September 1922
* ___ , (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #127, October 1922
- * Service, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #126, September 1922
- * Some Winning Strokes in Lawn Tennis, (ar) The Captain #292, July 1923
[]Blackoak, Maynard (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * Baxter’s Refrigerator, (ss) The Sirens Call #28, August 2016
- * Brethren, (ex) Sirens Call Publications, September 2016
- * Caballo El Diablo, (ss) The Sirens Call #27, June 2016
- * The Cowboy Rides Away, (ss) The Sirens Call #30, December 2016
- * The Cries of Mimic Gulley, (ss) The Sirens Call #20, April 2015
- * Dream Perchance to Vengeance, (pm) The Sirens Call #26, April 2016
- * Educating Zachary, (ss) The Sirens Call #16, August 2014
- * Inner Screams, (vi) The Sirens Call #42, December 2018
- * Milking the Dead, (ss) The Sirens Call #41, October 2018
- * Night of the Deer Woman, (vi) The Sirens Call #15, June 2014
- * Sexting in Cemetery Suburbia, (vi) The Sirens Call #18, December 2014
- * The Shifting Sands of a Dream, (vi) The Sirens Call #26, April 2016
- * Silver City Dreaming, (vi) The Sirens Call #17, October 2014
- * The Tombs of Terrace Leigh, (ss) The Sirens Call #14, April 2014
- * A Wretched Turn of Events, (ss) The Sirens Call #12, December 2013
- * Zombie Love, (ss) The Sirens Call #23, October 2015
_____, [ref.]
[]Blackston, Daniel E. (fl. 2000s) (books) (chron.)
- * Editors move in and on, (ed) Futures Mysterious Anthology Magazine #32, Winter 2003
- * How to Break Into Fantasy Fiction, (ar) Sages & Swords ed. Daniel E. Blackston, Pitch-Black Books, 2006
- * Interview with R. A. Salvatore, (iv) Sages & Swords ed. Daniel E. Blackston, Pitch-Black Books, 2006 [Ref. R. A. Salvatore]
- * Kandata in Hell’s Eye, (ss) Maelstrom Speculative Fiction #7, 2001
- * Ozarovo Snow, (ss) Ideomancer Unbound ed. Chris Clarke & Mikal Trimm, Fictionwise, 2002
- * Pisces, (pm) Astropoetica Fall 2003
- * The Prose Detective, (ed) Futures Mysterious Anthology Magazine #33, Spring 2004
- * Strategist in Glass, (ss) Talebones #21, Spring 2001
- * Swindling Birth, (ss) Future Orbits #3, February/March 2002
- * Taurus, (pm) Astropoetica Fall 2003
_____, ed.
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