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Beer, Thomas (chron.) (continued)
- * Mummery, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 30 1921
- * Nero Had Him Three Wives, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 16 1933
- * The Nietzschean Follies (I), (ar) The Smart Set January 1922
- * The Nietzschean Follies (VII), (ar) The Smart Set August 1922
- * The Noble Nature of Private Waldo Grant, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 30 1928
- * No Horses, No Beggars, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 7 1930
- * Notes for Young Writers, (ss) The New Yorker May 7 1927
- * Notes on the American Gentlewoman, (ar) The Smart Set November 1921
- * Observation, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 16 1925
- * Old Men’s Peace, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 14 1919
- * One Never Does, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 11 1930
- * Onnie, (nv) The Century Magazine May 1917
- * On Precedent, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 12 1927
- * The Philosophy of C.J.S. Smith, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 5 1928
- * Piepowder Court, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 16 1926
- * The Poison Pen, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 17 1920
- * Pragmatism, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 21 1928
- * Privacy, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 14 1933
- * Prominence, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 7 1934
- * The Public Life, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 20 1926
- * Race, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 5 1930
- * Read to Kitty Shapiro, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 11 1936
- * Refuge, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 28 1920
- * The Rescuer, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 11 1917
- * Reunion, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 12 1925
- * Richard Harding Davis, (bg) Liberty October 11 1924 [Ref. Richard Harding Davis]
- * The Romantic Hour, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 20 1926
- * Rope, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 25 1922
- * Rose Plaster, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 14 1930
- * The Rural Soul, (ar)
- * Sandoval, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post May 26, Jun 2, Jun 9 1923
- * Sanity, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 7 1929
- * The Secret Goddess, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 30 1925
- * See Page 299, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 27 1935
- * Semele, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 18 1926
- * Shock, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 9 1922
- * Six Islanders, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 6 1923
- * Sophistication, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 11 1924
- * Splendor and Glory, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 16 1926
- * Tact, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 1 1922
- * Thirty-Five Minutes, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 14 1931
- * This Very Ancient Song, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 8 1927
- * The Totem, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 29 1919
- * To the Living and the Rest of Them, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 2 1928
- * Triumph, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 28 1935
- * The Victorian Blush, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 14 1931
- * Virtue Rewarded, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 4 1922
- * Voices, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 16 1936
- * The Vulgar Thing, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 29 1927
- * Where the Heart Is, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 8 1930
- * White Man, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 31 1931
- * Wotan’s Child, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 4 1928
- * The Yawl, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 6 1921
- * Young Joseph’s Good Brethren, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 23 1935
- * Zerbetta and the Black Arts, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 6 1919
_____, [ref.]
[]Beerbohm, Constance (1856-1939) (about) (chron.)
- * First and Last. A Work-Girl’s Story, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine January 1901
- * A Forecast of Fashion in London and Paris (with Mary Howorth), (ar) The London Magazine April 1908
- * Illustrated Interviews:
* ___ Madame Albani, (iv) The Woman at Home October 1894 [Ref. Madame Albani]
- * Jewels and Their Wearers, (ar) The Grand Magazine August 1906
- * The King’s Housekeeping, (ar) The Grand Magazine July 1907
- * Madame Albani, (iv) The Woman at Home October 1894 [Ref. Madame Albani]
- * Miss Hilda Trevelyan, (bg) The Penny Magazine #285, 1904
- * Miss Jessie Bateman, (bg) The Penny Magazine #283, 1904
- * Miss Lily Brayton, (bg) The Penny Magazine #284, 1904
- * “Only a Hat!” (Freely Translated from the French.), (ss) Cassell’s Magazine December 1903
- * A Paris Fashion Letter, (ar) The London Magazine April 1908
- * A Peep at Sandringham, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine April 1896
- * Relics Dear to Royalty, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine April 1909
- * Rising Stars of the Stage:
* ___ Miss Hilda Trevelyan, (bg) The Penny Magazine #285, 1904
* ___ Miss Jessie Bateman, (bg) The Penny Magazine #283, 1904
* ___ Miss Lily Brayton, (bg) The Penny Magazine #284, 1904
- * Royal Housekeeping, (ar) Smith’s Magazine August 1908
- * A Sea-King’s Daughter. Some Reminiscences of Her Majesty the Queen, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine April 1901
- * Singer and Artist: A Chat About Mademoiselle Emma Calvé, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine October 1900 [Ref. Emma Calvé]
- * Some Easily-Made Birthday Presents, (ar) The Woman at Home October 1911
- * To the North Cape, (ar) Temple Bar March 1889
_____, trans.
[]Beerbohm, [Sir] (Henry) Max(imillian) (1872-1956); used pseudonym Max (books) (chron.)
- * 1880, (ar) The Yellow Book January 1895
- * …and from Parson Beerbohm’s—excerpts, 1937, (ex)
- * Aubrey Beardsley, (ar) The Idler May 1898
- * A.V. Laider, (nv) The Century Magazine June 1916
- The Premier Magazine #28, August 1916
- Seven Men, Heinemann, 1919
- Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery, and Horror Vol. 2 ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Gollancz, 1931
- Second Omnibus of Crime ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Coward-McCann, 1932
- The Mystery Book ed. H. Douglas Thomson, Odhams Press, 1934
- Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery, and Horror: Part IV ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Gollancz, 1939
- The Pocket Book of Mystery Stories ed. Lee Wright, Pocket, 1941
- Seven Men and Two Others, William Heinemann, 1950
- 50 Great Short Stories ed. Milton Crane, Bantam, 1952
- Tall Short Stories ed. Eric Duthie, Ace Star, 1960
- The Second Fontana Book of Great Ghost Stories ed. Robert Aickman, Fontana, 1966
- * Caran D’Ache-a Forgotten Artist, (ar) Lilliput September 1942
- * Caricature of Arthur Roberts, (il) The Savoy #3, July 1896
- * Caricature of Aubrey Beardsley, (il) The Savoy #2, April 1896
- * Caricature of Mr. Beerbohm Tree, (il) The Savoy #1, January 1896
- * Caricatures by Mr. Max Beerbohm, (il) The Pall Mall Magazine February 1902
- * The Case of Prometheus, (ss) More by Max Beerbohm, 1899
- * Christmas in London, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine December 1901
- * Counsel in Season, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine August 1901
- * A Defence of Cosmetics, (ar) The Yellow Book April 1894
- * Enoch Soames, (nv) The Century Magazine May 1916
- The Cornhill Magazine June 1916
- Seven Men, Heinemann, 1919
- The Golden Book Magazine #70, October 1930
- The Moonlight Traveler ed. Philip Van Doren Stern, Doubleday, 1943
- Speak of the Devil ed. Sterling North & C. B. Boutell, Doubleday, 1945
- Strange and Fantastic Stories ed. Joseph A. Margolies, Whittlesey House, 1946
- Travelers in Time ed. Philip Van Doren Stern, Doubleday, 1947
- Seven Men and Two Others, William Heinemann, 1950
- The Uncertain Element ed. Kay Dick, Jarrolds, 1950
- Deals with the Devil ed. Basil Davenport, Dodd, Mead, 1958
- Twelve Stories from Deals with the Devil ed. Basil Davenport, Ballantine, 1959
- Black Water ed. Alberto Manguel, Picador, 1983
- The Book of Fantasy ed. Jorge Lu^i's Borges, Adolfo Bioy Casares & Silvina Ocampo, Viking, 1988
- Devilish Doings ed. Frank J. Finamore, Random House/Gramercy, 1997
- Nightshade ed. Robert Phillips, Carroll & Graf, 1999
- About Time ed. Chad Arment, Coachwhip Publications, 2008
- * Ermine and Motley, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine July 1900
- * Felix Argallo & Walter Ledgett, (ss)
- * Fenestralia, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1944
- * “Fry of Wadham”, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine August 1894
- * “The Garden of Love”: A Painting by Rubens, in the Prado, (ss) The Anglo-Saxon Review September 1900
- * George the Fourth, (il) The Yellow Book October 1894
- * Going Out for a Walk, (vi) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine November 1921
- * A Good Prince, (ar) The Savoy #1, January 1896
- * The Happy Hypocrite, (nv) The Yellow Book October 1896
- * Hilary Maltby, (nv) The Century Magazine February 1919
- Seven Men, Heinemann, 1919, as "Hilary Maltby and Stephen Braxton"
- Hutchinson’s Story Magazine October 1919, as "Hilary Maltby and Stephen Braxton"
- The Supernatural Omnibus (var. 1) ed. Montague Summers, Doubleday, Doran, 1932, as "Hilary Maltby and Stephen Braxton"
- Seven Men and Two Others, William Heinemann, 1950, as "Hilary Maltby and Stephen Braxton"
- * Hilary Maltby and Stephen Braxton, (nv) The Century Magazine February 1919, as "Hilary Maltby"
- * Hosts and Guests, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine October 1920
- * The House of Commons Manner, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine September 1904
- * Ichabod, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine November 1900
- * James Pethel, (ss) The Century Magazine January 1915
- * Laughter, (es)
- * The Laughter of the Public, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine March 1902
- * Leonard Smithers: An Unpublished Portrait, (il) The London Magazine September 1956 [Ref. Leonard Smithers]
- * A Letter to the Editor, (lt) The Yellow Book July 1894
- * Lord Halsbury, (il) The Idler March 1900, as by Max
- * Mr. John Morley, (il) The Idler October 1900, as by Max
- * Mr. Sam Lewis, (il) The Idler February 1900
- * Mr. Seymour Hicks, (il) The Idler November 1900, as by Max
- * Mr. Wilson Barrett, (il) The Idler September 1900, as by Max
- * The Mobled King, (es) The Smart Set April 1914
- * “A Morris for May-Day”, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine October 1907
- * The Naming of Streets, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine January 1902
- * A Note on George the Fourth, (ar) The Yellow Book October 1894
- * A Note on the Einstein Theory, (ss) The Windmill 1923
- * On Speaking French, (es)
- * Poor Romeo!, (ar) The Yellow Book April 1896
- * Prayer, (pi) Metropolitan Magazine January 1896, as by Max
- * President Kruger, (il) The Idler January 1900, as by Max
- * Quia Imperfectum, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine July 1919
- * The Ragged Regiment, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine November 1904
- * “Savonarola” Brown, (ss)
- * Seven Men, (co) William Heinemann, 1919
- * Seven Men and Two Others, (co) William Heinemann, 1950
- * S. H. Sime, (il) The Idler August 1900, as by Max
- * Sir Alfred Rothschild, (il) The Idler May 1900, as by Max
- * Sir Edward Clark, (il) The Idler April 1900, as by Max
- * Sir Henry Irving, (il) The Idler June 1900, as by Max
- * Sir Richard Webster, (il) The Idler July 1900, as by Max
- * A Social Success, (pl)
- * The Spirit of Caricature, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine January 1901
- * A Study in Dubiety, (il) The Blue Review May 1913
- * Ten Years Ago…, (vi) A Peep into the Past by Max Beerbohm, 1972
- * T. Fenning Dodworth, (ss) The London Mercury August 1921
- * Then and Now, (hu)
- * A Triptych, (ar) Lilliput September 1945
- * A Very Critical Gentleman, (ar) Vanity Fair (US) June 1928 [Ref. Andrew Lang]
- * “The Visit”: A Painting by George Morland, in the Hertford House Collection, (ar) The Anglo-Saxon Review September 1901
- * The Ways of the World:
* ___ Christmas in London, (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine December 1901
* ___ Counsel in Season, (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine August 1901
* ___ The Naming of Streets, (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine January 1902
- * When I Was Nineteen, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1946
- * Whistler’s Writing, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine May 1904 [Ref. James McNeill Whistler]
- * William and Mary, (ss) And Even Now by Max Beerbohm, William Heinemann, 1920
- * “The Yellow Dwarf”, (il) The Yellow Book October 1896
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Strand Magazine Sep, Nov, Dec 1892
- * [frontispiece], (fp) The Butterfly Nov, Dec 1899
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine Jan 1895, Feb 1918, Oct 1946
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine (US) January 1895
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Golden Nugget v1 #1, 1966, as by Max
- * [illustration(s)] (with Harry Furniss, F. C. Gould, George R. Halkett, Dudley Hardy, Phil May, William Nicholson, Pellegrini, Sidney H. Sime, Leslie Ward & Starr Wood), (il) The Idler February 1899
- * [illustration(s)] (with H. Gerbault, Dudley Hardy, Charles Keene, Phil May, Bernard Partridge, Arthur Rackham & Sidney H. Sime), (il) The Strand Magazine November 1915
- * [illustration(s)] (with H. Gerbault, Dudley Hardy, Charles Keene, Phil May, Bernard Partridge, Arthur Rackham & Sidney H. Sime), (il) The Strand Magazine (US) December 1915
- * [illustration(s)] (with Sidney H. Sime), (il) The Strand Magazine October 1908
- * [illustration(s)] (with Sidney H. Sime), (il) The Strand Magazine (US) November 1908
_____, [ref.]
- * And Even Now by George Q. Moore, (br) The Double Dealer January 1922
- * The Art of Caricature. A Talk with Mr. Max Beerbohm by Raymond Blathwayt, (iv) Cassell’s Magazine February 1903
- * A Christmas Garland, Max Beerbohm (1912) by David Langford, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2017
- * Down to His Last Sleep: “Zuleika Dobson” in the Twenty-First Century by Henry Wessells, (ar) Wormwood #24, 2015
- * Finding Max by Cecil Roberts, (ar) To-Day December 1922
- * “Max” by Desmond MacCarthy, (bg) The Strand Magazine December 1946
- * Max Beerbohm by Joseph Keating, (bg) The Idler July 1904
- * Max Beerbohm as a Caricaturist by Adrian Margaux, (ar) The Strand Magazine February 1918
- * Rossetti and His Circle, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly November 4 1922
- * [cartoon(s)] by Osbert Lancaster, (ct) The Cornhill Magazine January 1944
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