The FictionMags Index
Index by Date: Page 35
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Adams, Perry (fl. 1930s-1950s) (about) (items)
- Song in Mahratti, (ss) Adventure May 15 1933
- It Takes a War, (ss) Short Stories August 25 1933
- Who with Toil, (ss) Adventure August 1933
- Reverse English, (ss) Short Stories October 25 1933
- The Rifle, (ss) Adventure October 1933
- For a Pal, (ss) Short Stories January 10 1934
- A Kilt for Coxy, (ss) Short Stories February 25 1934
- Adventurers All, (ts) Short Stories March 10 1934
- Strictly Personal, (ss) Short Stories March 25 1934
- Tea in Swat, (ss) Adventure March 1934
- The Colonel’s Goat, (ss) Short Stories April 25 1934
- Three Times and Out, (nv) Short Stories July 10 1934
- Suspicion, (ss) Short Stories August 25 1934
- Notch One for Sam, (ss) Short Stories October 10 1934
- Once a Sportsman, (ss) Short Stories November 25 1934
- Word of a Sportsman, (ss) Short Stories January 25 1935
- A Contract in Kabul, (ss) Adventure March 1 1935
- When Thuggee Awoke, (ss) The Big Magazine March 1935
- Don’t Run, Hector!, (ss) Short Stories June 10 1935
- Cowards Are Bravest, (ss) Adventure August 15 1935
- Under the Net, (vi) Adventure September 1 1935
- Hick Dick, (ss) Short Stories October 10 1935
- Surprise Attack, (ss) Adventure October 15 1935
- Cobra, (ss) Argosy May 16 1936
- Sergeant Sourpuss, (nv) Adventure November 1936
- Officer Material, (ss) Short Stories January 25 1937
- Johnny Gurkha, (ss) Adventure March 1937
- A Change of Boots, (ss) Adventure July 1937
- Taste of Brass, (ss) Argosy October 9 1937
- Pappy Dunphy’s Soup, (ss) Short Stories October 10 1937
- Trust a Pathan?, (nv) Adventure December 1937
- Why I Quit the Indian Army, (ar) Adventure February 1938
- Rendezvous, (ss) Adventure August 1938
- Heights, (ss) This Week March 5 1939
- Sunday Soldier, (ss) Adventure December 1939
- The Higher Mountain (with Ralph R. Perry), (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine January 20 1940
- Single Combat, (ss) Argosy September 21 1940
- The Head of the Wolf, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine June 1946
- Princess, Pul-ease!, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine January 1947
- To Mary—From Bob, (ss) Calling All Girls November 1947
- Emmy Was Efficient, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 1947
- The Coward, (ss) Adventure June 1950
- The Big Run, (ss) Adventure August 1950
Adams, Ramon F. (1889-1965) (about) (items)
- Lingo of the Cowboy, (ar) Western Story Magazine December 15 1923
- Cattle Brands, (ar) Western Story Magazine January 5 1924
- Cattle Brands: The Craft of the Cattle Rustler, (ar) Western Story Magazine January 12 1924
- Cowboy’s Dictionary of Slang, (cl) West September 28 1932, etc.
- Cowboy’s Dictionary of Technical Terms, (ar) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine November 25 1933, etc.
- The Squaw Hitch, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine July 28 1934
- The Stingy Spread, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine September 1 1934
- Rattlesnake Jake, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine October 20 1934
- Needle’s Nerve, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine November 10 1934
- Cowboy Lingo, (ar) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine 1934, etc.
- Cowboy Etiquette, (ar) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine June 8 1935
- Guns!, (ar) Western Adventures (UK) August 1936
- Brimstone Wallace, Top Cusser, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine September 25 1937
- Boston Burns Some Brands, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine January 21 1939
- Caesar Goes West, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine February 4 1939
Adams, Richard (fl. 1920s) (items)
- The Spark of Sarajevo, (ar) Liberty June 28 1924
- A School for Matrimony, (ar) Liberty August 9 1924
- What Makes Women Wildest?, (ar) Liberty August 16 1924
- Sensations of a Sick Doctor, (ar) Liberty August 23 1924
- Courage—Has It Sex?, (ar) Liberty October 11 1924
- Seventy-Seven Years of Sunshine, (ar) Liberty October 25 1924
- Picking a Wife from a Picture, (ar) Liberty December 6 1924
- Can a Woman Drive a Motor Car?, (ar) Liberty April 25 1925
- Why Don’t You Want Your Bonus?, (ar) Liberty May 2 1925
- Let Her Drive, (ar) Liberty January 9 1926
Adams, Richard (George) (1920-2016) (about) (items)
- Poem to E. R, (pm) Kingdom Come #2, December 1939/January 1940
- Coming Home, (pm) Kingdom Come #4, Summer 1940
- The Story of El-ahrairah and the Black Rabbit of Inlé, (ex) Rex Collings, 1972
- The Story of the Blessing of El-Ahrairah, (ex) Rex Collings, 1972
- Watership Down, (n.) Rex Collings, 1974
- Argos, (ss) Guardian Angels ed. Stephanie Nettell, Viking Kestrel, 1987
- The Bommie and the Drop-Off, (ss) Shivers for Christmas ed. Richard Dalby, Michael O'Mara, 1995
- The Knife, (ss) Stories ed. Neil Gaiman & Al Sarrantonio, William Morrow, 2010
Adams, (Franklin) Robert (1932-1990) (about) (books) (items)
- A Christmas Story, (ss) W. Spring 1970
- Phone Call from Robert Adams, (ms) Megavore #12, December 1980
- The Hunter: A Tale of the Horseclans [Horseclans], (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic July 1981
- Shaggy Vengeance, (nv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic July 1984
- Battle at Kahlkhopolis [Horseclans], (nv) Day of the Tyrant ed. Jerry E. Pournelle, Tor, 1985
- Prologue, (pr) Magic in Ithkar ed. Andre Norton & Robert Adams, Tor, 1985, etc.
- Introduction, (in) Barbarians ed. Robert Adams, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, NAL/Signet, 1986, etc.
- The Hull Executive, (ss) Northern Blood III ed. Martin Edwards, Countyvise, 1998
Adams, Samuel Hopkins (1871-1958); used pseudonyms Warner Fabian & Leslie P. Smith (about) (items)
- A Metropolitan Night: Glimpses of New York with a Newspaper Reporter, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1900
- The Training of Lions, Tigers, and Other Great Cats, (ar) McClure’s Magazine September 1900
- Spotters, (ia) Ainslee’s Magazine February 1901
- The Little Black Satchel, (vi) Munsey’s Magazine September 1901
- Such as Walk in Darkness, (ss) McClure’s Magazine August 1902
- They That Walk in Darkness, (ss) The London Magazine October 1902
- The Flying Death, (ss) McClure’s Magazine January 1903, etc.
- The State of Kentucky vs. Caleb Powers, (ar) McClure’s Magazine March 1904
- The Little Fat Fiddler, (ss) McClure’s Magazine April 1904
- Dan Cunningham, (ar) McClure’s Magazine June 1904
- King Coal, (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1904, as by Leslie P. Smith
- The Realm of Enchantment, (ss) McClure’s Magazine September 1904
- Notes from a Trainer’s Book, (ar) McClure’s Magazine December 1904
- Tuberculosis: The Real Race Suicide, (ar) McClure’s Magazine January 1905
- A Man and a Brother, (ss) McClure’s Magazine February 1905
- Modern Surgery, (ar) McClure’s Magazine March 1905
- Typhoid: An Unnecessary Evil, (ar) McClure’s Magazine June 1905
- Last Resort, (ss) Harper’s Weekly September 2 1905
- The Substitute, (ss) McClure’s Magazine November 1905
- A Matter of Principle, (ss) McClure’s Magazine March 1906
- The Mystery (with Stewart Edward White), (n.) American Illustrated Magazine May 1906, etc.
- Yellow Fever: A Problem Solved, (ar) McClure’s Magazine June 1906
- New Orleans’ War Against Mosquitos, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine July 1906
- B. Jones, Butcher, (ss) McClure’s Magazine September 1906
- Dynamite: The Power Untameable, (ar) The American Magazine October 1906
- Forsaken Mountain, (ss) Collier’s December 8 1906
- Rochester’s Pure Milk Campaign, (ar) McClure’s Magazine June 1907
- A Balanced Account, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine January 1908
- Guardians of the Public Health, (ar) McClure’s Magazine July 1908
- Paris Through a Prism, (ar) Collier’s December 19 1908
- The Solving of the Milk Problem, (ar) McClure’s Magazine December 1908
- The Medico-Strategist, (ss) Collier’s January 2 1909
- Adventures of a Somnambulist, (ss) The American Magazine March 1909
- Grimsden House, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine May 1909
- The Indecent Stage, (ar) The American Magazine May 1909
- Three Men, (ss) The American Magazine October 1909
- The Chosen Instrument, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine February 1910
- Romance on the Right-of-Way, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 19 1910
- The “A Flat” Trombone [Average Jones], (ss) The New Magazine (UK) April 1910
- The Joke’s on You, (ar) The American Magazine May 1910
- Pin-Pricks [Average Jones], (ss) The New Magazine (UK) May 1910
- “Red Dot” [Average Jones], (ss) Success May 1910
- The Mercy Sign [Average Jones], (ss) The New Magazine (UK) June 1910
- Warring on Injurious Insects, (ar) The American Magazine July 1910
- The Real Reason for High Prices, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine September 1910
- The Open Trail [Average Jones], (ss) The Story-teller October 1910
- The Lemon in the Tariff, (ar) McClure’s Magazine January 1911
- The Man Who Spoke Latin [Average Jones], (nv) Success January 1911
- The Million-Dollar Dog [Average Jones], (ss) The Red Book Magazine March 1911
- Flash Light [Average Jones], (nv) Success April 1911
- Health Master, (sl) The Delineator May 1911, etc.
- The Long Tryst, (ss) The American Magazine July 1911
- Public School Education, (ar) The Masses March 1912
- Health: Public and Private, (cl) McClure’s Magazine March 1913, etc.
- The Saving Hope in Cancer, (ar) Collier’s April 26 1913
- My Business Partner—“Gym”, (ss) Collier’s May 31 1913
- Health - Public and Private, (cl) McClure’s Magazine May 1913
- “Omitted from Publication”, (ss) McClure’s Magazine June 1913
- The Great Adventure, (nv) Everybody’s Magazine August 1913
- President and Passenger, (ss) Collier’s October 11 1913
- The Numbered Girl, (ss) National Magazine July 1914
- The Fairy Princess, (nv) Everybody’s Magazine August 1915
- Our Square, (na) Everybody’s Magazine March 1916
- The Unspeakable Perk, (sl) Ainslee’s May 1916, etc.
- Triumph, (ss) Collier’s July 29 1916
- The Chair That Whispered, (ss) Collier’s August 26 1916
- MacLachan of Our Square, (ss) Collier’s September 2 1916
- The Great Peacemaker, (ss) Collier’s September 30 1916
- Orpheus, (ss) Collier’s November 11 1916
- “Tazmun”, (ss) Collier’s December 16 1916
- “Wamble: His Day Out”, (ss) Collier’s January 13 1917
- A Letter to Nowhere, (ss) Every Week February 12 1917
- The Meanest Man in Our Square, (ss) Collier’s March 24 1917
- Paula of the Housetop, (ss) Collier’s July 7 1917
- The Little Red Doctor of Our Square, (ss) Collier’s August 25 1917
- “Room 12A”, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine November 1917
- “Excess Baggage”, (ss) Collier’s January 5 1918, etc.
- The Winning Battle in the Middle West, (ar) Everybody’s Magazine February 1918
- A Little Privacy, (ss) Collier’s March 9 1918
- The Beggar’s Purse, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 23 1918
- Front-Page Frankie, (nv) Everybody’s Magazine April 1918
- Orator of the Day, (ss) Collier’s May 25 1918
- Bribe, (ss) Collier’s July 27 1918
- Common Cause, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 27 1918
- Three Days Leave, (ss) Metropolitan July 1918
- The Dodger Trail, (sl) Collier’s October 5 1918, etc.
- Washington, Nous Voila!, (ar) Collier’s February 22 1919
- Leave It to Me, Lady!, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine February 1919
- Food Wins Switzerland, (ar) Collier’s March 8 1919
- The I.I.I., (ss) Everybody’s Magazine March 1919
- Half a Million, Cold, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine April 1919
- The Friendly Scandinavians), (ar) Collier’s May 3 1919
- The Miracle of Reeducation, (ar) The Red Cross Magazine May 1919
- Silver Stripes Among the Gold, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine May 1919
- “Blinks”, (ar) Collier’s June 14 1919
- Mister Hune, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine June 1919
- A Stand-Off, (ss) The Red Book Magazine June 1919
- War’s Deadlier Rival, the Flu, (ar) Collier’s July 5 1919
- Cab, Sir?, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine September 1919
- The Fighting Spirit, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 31 1920
- The House of Silvery Voices, (ss) Collier’s March 20 1920
- Pink Roses and the Wallop, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 27 1920
- The Home Seekers, (nv) Collier’s April 10 1920
- Guardian of God’s Acre, (ss) Collier’s June 12 1920
- Patroness of Art, (ss) Collier’s July 17 1920
- Doom River Red, (ss) The Red Book Magazine October 1920
- Barbran, (ss) Collier’s December 25 1920
- For Mayme, Read Mary, (ss) Collier’s March 19 1921
- Andy Dunne and the Barker, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 7 1921
- Amateurs and Others, (ss) The Red Book Magazine June 1921
- Salvage, (ss) The Delineator June 1921
- Shoal Waters, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 27 1921
- Silverwing, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal August 1921
- Plooie of Our Square, (ss) Collier’s October 29 1921
- The Town That Wasn’t, (ss) The Red Book Magazine December 1921
- Buck Up, Business, (ss) Leslie’s Weekly February 11 1922
- The Isle o’ Dreams, (ss) The Red Book Magazine August 1922
- No Trespassing, (ss) The Elks Magazine August 1922
- Flaming Youth, (sl) Metropolitan September 1922, etc., as by Warner Fabian
- Poor Tessie, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 4 1922
- Vandorn’s Hired Help, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 13 1923
- First Up Best Dressed, (ss) Collier’s March 3 1923
- The Eye of the Beholder, (ss) The Red Book Magazine March 1923
- Sunrise, (ss) Hearst’s International August 1923, as by Warner Fabian
- Siege, (sl) Collier’s November 24 1923, etc.
- Wandering Fires, (nv) Snappy Stories 2nd December 1923, as by Warner Fabian
- The Cruel Tragedy of Dope, (ar) Collier’s February 23 1924
- Medically Helpless, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal February 1924
- Sailors’ Wives, (sl) Telling Tales 2nd May 1924, etc., as by Warner Fabian
- It Did Happen, (ss) Liberty November 1 1924
- “You Women of Thirty!”, (ar) Smart Set November 1924, as by Warner Fabian
- Smithy, (ss) Liberty November 21 1925
- Masque-Ball, (ss) Liberty March 6 1926
- Gigolo, (ss) The Red Book Magazine March 1926
- A Touch of Green, (ss) Collier’s April 17 1926
- Young Man, Beware!, (ts) Smart Set May 1926, as by Warner Fabian
- Summer Bachelors, (n.) McClure’s June 1926, etc., as by Warner Fabian
- Two Weeks Off!, (ar) The Shrine Magazine July 1926
- The Emperor Learns a Tune, (ss) Pictorial Review August 1926
- A Man of Courage, (ss) Liberty November 13 1926
- A Long Yell for Nero, (ss) Collier’s January 21 1928
- Unforbidden Fruit, (sl) Smart Set March 1928, etc., as by Warner Fabian
- Fifi and the Helping Hand, (ss) Pictorial Review April 1928
- The Flagrant Years, (sl) Cosmopolitan January 1929, etc.
- Tourists Accommodated, (ss) Cosmopolitan September 1929
- The Men in Her Life, (sl) Everybody’s Combined with Romance October 1929, etc., as by Warner Fabian
- Behind the Doctor’s Sign, (ss) The Illustrated Detective Magazine March 1931
- Terror Beach, (na) The Illustrated Detective Magazine May 1931
- The Seven Curses, (nv) The Illustrated Detective Magazine November 1931
- The Telephone Murders, (ss) The Illustrated Detective Magazine December 1931
- Weekend Girl, (sl) The Illustrated Love Magazine January 1932, etc., as by Warner Fabian
- Manacled Lady, (sl) The Illustrated Detective Magazine April 1932, etc.
- Bells in the Night, (sl) Mystery February 1933, etc., as by Warner Fabian
- Last Trip, (vi) Collier’s March 25 1933
- The Gorgeous Hussy, (sl) The Illustrated Love Magazine May 1933, etc.
- The Island of Eve, (sl) The Illustrated Love Magazine May 1933, as by Warner Fabian
- Night Bus, (na) Cosmopolitan August 1933
- Far-Away Voice, (ss) Liberty October 21 1933
- Fire!, (vi) Liberty May 19 1934
- Inquest, (ss) Liberty October 19 1935
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