The FictionMags Index
Index by Series/Imprint: Page 367
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[]Sac Prairie
- August Derleth:
- Nella, (ss) Pagany January/March 1932
- Light Again, (ss) The Little Magazine February/March 1934
- A Ride Home, (ss) Story #25, August 1934
- Expedition to the North, (ss) The Household Magazine June 1935
- Frost in October, (ss) New Stories (UK) June/July 1935
- Stuff of Dreams, (ss) New Stories (UK) October/November 1935
- Now Is the Time for All Good Men, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine November 1935
- The Alphabet Begins with AAA, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly December 1935
- Old Huckleberry, (ss) Story #53, December 1936
- A Little Quiet in the Evening, (ss) Hinterland 1937
- The Shuttered House, (ss) Weird Tales April 1937
- Charlie Techmann, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- Dr. Flemburg, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- Dr. Paul Tabor, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- Hunchback Joe, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- John Siebers, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- Mrs. Eben Ford, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- Oscar Stuart, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- Any Day Now, (nv) Redbook Magazine May 1938
- The Sisters, (ss) The University Review Autumn 1938
- Billy Sand, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- Eliphas Mife, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- Eli Wembler, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- Hester Duff, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- John Streng, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- Mrs. Emma Stillman, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- Mrs. Warner-Glenn, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- Nemo, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- Sadie Galway, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- Abner Hersey, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- Bertram Bunn, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- The Blue Goose, (ss) Country Growth, Scribners, 1940
- Bob, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- Buck Carringill, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- Buck in the Bottoms, (ss) Country Growth, Scribners, 1940
- Country Growth, (ss) Country Growth, Scribners, 1940
- Crows Fly High, (ss) Country Growth, Scribners, 1940
- Elsie Medstrom, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- Esau Krell, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- Geese Flying South, (ss) Country Growth, Scribners, 1940
- Girl in Time Lost, (ss) Country Growth, Scribners, 1940
- Good-bye, Margery, (ss) Country Growth, Scribners, 1940
- Grandpa Loney Gathers Grapes, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- Hawk on the Blue, (ss) Country Growth, Scribners, 1940
- Henry Puli, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- Holiday for Three, (ss) Country Growth, Scribners, 1940
- Ilsa Lahmann, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- Jim Wetherby, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- Lucinda Frayle, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- A Man Needs a Woman, (ss) Country Growth, Scribners, 1940
- The Moon Rose Twice, (ss) Country Growth, Scribners, 1940
- Mrs. Herman Mehst, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- Mrs. Samuel Lazar, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- Mrs. Spinnet, (ss) Country Growth, Scribners, 1940
- The No-Sayers, (ss) Country Growth, Scribners, 1940
- Old Matt, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- That Heathen Alonzo, (ss) Country Growth, Scribners, 1940
- The Intercessor, (nv) Redbook Magazine January 1940
- Moonlight in the Apple Tree, (ss) Farm Journal and Farmer’s Wife June 1940
- Anson Boggs, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- Daisy Vellairs, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- Ethel Burns, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- Father Meinrad Brunfels, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- The Fine April Weather, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- Froly, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- Jo, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- Lily Manzer, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- Mrs. Clara Pell, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- Old Farmer, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- Oliver Voir, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- Raynor, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- Sac Prairie: Memorandum for Explorers, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- Thomas Bardshaw, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- Kleine Nachtmusik, (ss) Coronet March 1941
- Alec Somers, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- Alonzo Merrick, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- Deserted Farm, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- Father Hemel, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- Grandpa Loney Reads the Wind, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- Grandpa Loney Says, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- Gunter Priell, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- Jeb Sneeder, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- Mrs. John Streng, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- Sophie Hornly, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- Village Telegraph Office, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- Weldon House, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- Wesley, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- The Night Light at Vorden’s, (nv) Redbook Magazine September 1942
- Rendezvous, (ss) Tomorrow December 1942
- The Wife with the Mona Lisa Smile, (na) Redbook July 1943
- Where the Worm Dieth Not, (nv) Life Story 1944
- McCrary’s Wife, (nv) Good Housekeeping May 1944
- The Sinister Shadow, (nv) Life Story Magazine #55, May 1944
- Valse Oubliée, (ss) The University of Kansas City Review Winter 1944
- Ada Legrand, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Adner Pringle, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Amos Kled, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Barney Ferle, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Barney Yancy, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Bart Hinch, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Christian Wingdon, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Effie Kahlmann, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Ella Wecter, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Hugo Blauenfeld, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Joel Wingdon, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Kitty Vayne, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Lois Malone, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Manda Horrigan, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Martha Wingdon, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Mary Kempe, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Megan Hods, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Michael Vayne, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Mink Rossik, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Molly Pringle, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- The Moore Twins, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Mrs. Cory Venter, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Nell Barraclough, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Obbie Legrand, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Randolph Gread, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Raymond Sturk, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Rena Larriquer, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Sister Bridget, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Ted Birkett, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- Sac Prairie Notebook, (ss) Northwest Life November 1945
- Happiness Shall Not Escape, (na) Redbook January 1946
- I Was Walking Helen Home, (ss) Prairie Schooner Fall 1947
- Aunt May and the Refugees, (ss) Sac Prairie People, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- Ellie Butts, (ss) Sac Prairie People, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- The Lost Kiss, (ss) Sac Prairie People, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- One Against the Dead, (ss) Sac Prairie People, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- “That Feller Oates!”, (ss) The American Mercury March 1948
- Two Ladies in Jeopardy, (ss) Wisconsin in Their Bones, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1961
- The Regeneration of Ben Secker, (ss) Aunt May Strikes Again!, Hawk & Whippoorwill, 1996
[]Saddle Point
- Stephen Baxter:
- Fusion Summer, (ss) Science Fiction Age July 1996
- Gaijin, (ss) Science Fiction Age July 1996
- Saddle Point, (ss) Science Fiction Age July 1996
- Dreams of Ancestral Fish, (ss) Science Fiction Age November 1996
- Icosahedral God, (ss) Science Fiction Age November 1996
- Triton Dreamtime, (ss) Science Fiction Age November 1996
- Kimera’s Breath, (ss) Science Fiction Age September 1997
- Kintu’s Children, (ss) Science Fiction Age September 1997
- Wanpamba’s Tomb, (ss) Science Fiction Age September 1997
- Saddle Point: Roughneck, (na) Science Fiction Age May 1998
- Saddle Point: The Face of Kintu, (ss) Science Fiction Age May 1999
- Saddle Point: The Children’s Crusade, (nv) Science Fiction Age March 2000
[]Saddler, Spike
- Badger Clark, Jr.:
- All for Nothing, (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly April 1920
- The Little Widow, (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly May 1920
- In the Natural, (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly June 1920
- The Gloria Kids, (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly July 1920
- The Sacred Salt, (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly August 1920
- Hearts and Clubs, (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly November 1920
- A Deal in Mules, (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly December 1920
- A Wind to Heaven, (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly May 1921
- Don’t Spoil His Aim!, (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly June 1921
- Tuck’s Quiet Wedding, (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly July 1921
- The Young Hero, (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly August 1921
- The Price of Liberty, (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly September 1921
- Lovely Day!, (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly November 1921
- The Wise Man, (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly January 1922
- Matters of Religion, (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly April 1922
- Scat!, (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly July 1922
[]Saddle & Spardleton
- Charles L. Harness:
- Charles L. Harness & Theodore L. Thomas:
- Leonard Lockhard:
- Theodore L. Thomas:
- The Curious Profession, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction April 1956, as by Leonard Lockhard
- The Professional Touch, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction February 1959, as by Leonard Lockhard
- The Lagging Profession, (ss) Analog Science Fact—Fiction January 1961, as by Leonard Lockhard
- The Professional Approach, (ss) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction September 1962, as by Leonard Lockhard
- Professional Dilemma, (ss) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction October 1964, as by Leonard Lockhard
- Theodore L. Thomas & Charles L. Harness:
[]Safrai, Kira
- Valentina Zhuravleva:
- Adventure, (nv) Ballad of the Stars by Genrikh Altov & Valentina Zhuravlyova, tr. Roger DeGaris, Macmillan, 1982
- Snow Bridge Over the Abyss, (nv) Ballad of the Stars by Genrikh Altov & Valentina Zhuravlyova, tr. Roger DeGaris, Macmillan, 1982
- To Continue Beyond, (nv) Ballad of the Stars by Genrikh Altov & Valentina Zhuravlyova, tr. Roger DeGaris, Macmillan, 1982
[]Sagar, Joe
- Michael G. Coney:
- The Girl with a Symphony in Her Fingers, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction January 1974
- The Hook, the Eye and the Whip, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction March 1974
- Those Good Old Days of Liquid Fuel, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1976
- The Cinderella Machine, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction August 1976
- Catapult to the Stars, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1977
- Sparklebugs, Holly and Love, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1977
- Penny on a Skyhorse, (ss) Galileo #11/12, 1979
[]Sage-Brush Sally
- [uncredited]:
- The Plundered Wagon, (cs) Thrilling Ranch Stories September 1934
- The Outlaw Trail, (cs) Thrilling Ranch Stories October 1934
- Fighting Hearts, (cs) Thrilling Ranch Stories November 1934
- Flaming Six-Guns, (cs) Thrilling Ranch Stories December 1934
- Gunsmoke Gulch, (cs) Thrilling Ranch Stories January 1935
- Bad Man Round Up, (cs) Thrilling Ranch Stories February 1935
- Trouble Range, (cs) Thrilling Ranch Stories March 1935
- Canyon of Death, (cs) Thrilling Ranch Stories April 1935
- Range Raiders, (cs) Thrilling Ranch Stories May 1935
- Cowgirl Courage, (cs) Thrilling Ranch Stories June 1935
- The Haunted Mesa, (cs) Thrilling Ranch Stories July 1935
- Rustlers’ Rampage, (cs) Thrilling Ranch Stories August 1935
- Bullet Trouble, (cs) Thrilling Ranch Stories September 1935
- Gun Music, (cs) Thrilling Ranch Stories October 1935
- Ghost Ranch, (cs) Thrilling Ranch Stories December 1935, etc.
[]Sage, Malcolm (about)
- Herbert Jenkins:
- The Cattle-Maiming Mystery, (ss) Hutchinson’s Story Magazine March 1920
- The Strange Case of Mr. Challoner, (ss) Hutchinson’s Story Magazine April 1920
- The Holding Up of Lady Glanedale, (ss) Hutchinson’s Story Magazine May 1920
- The Missing Heavyweight, (nv) The Sovereign Magazine May 1920
- The Stolen Admiralty Memorandum, (nv) Hutchinson’s Story Magazine June 1920
- The Gylston Slander, (ss) Hutchinson’s Story Magazine July 1920
- The McMurray Mystery, (ss) Hutchinson’s Story Magazine August 1920
- The Holes in the Pine-Wood, (ss) Hutchinson’s Story Magazine September 1920
- Malcolm Sage, Detective, (co) Herbert Jenkins, 1921
- Gladys Norman Dines with Thompson, (ss) Malcolm Sage, Detective, Herbert Jenkins, 1921
- The Great Fight at the Olympia, (ss) Malcolm Sage, Detective, Herbert Jenkins, 1921
- Inspector Wensdale Is Surprised, (ss) Malcolm Sage, Detective, Herbert Jenkins, 1921
- Lady Dene Calls on Malcolm Sage, (ss) Malcolm Sage, Detective, Herbert Jenkins, 1921
- A Lesson in Deduction, (ss) Malcolm Sage, Detective, Herbert Jenkins, 1921
- Malcolm Sage Plays Patience, (ss) Malcolm Sage, Detective, Herbert Jenkins, 1921
- Malcolm Sage’s Mysterious Movements, (ss) Malcolm Sage, Detective, Herbert Jenkins, 1921
- The Marmalade Clue, (ss) Malcolm Sage, Detective, Herbert Jenkins, 1921
- The Outrage at the Garage, (ss) Malcolm Sage, Detective, Herbert Jenkins, 1921
- Sir John Dene Receives His Orders, (ss) Malcolm Sage, Detective, Herbert Jenkins, 1921
- The Surrey Cattle-Maiming Mystery, (ss) Malcolm Sage, Detective, Herbert Jenkins, 1921
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