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[]Brenchley, Chaz (R.) (1959- ); used pseudonym Daniel Fox (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Afterparty, or, Not Out of the Woods, (ss) Genius Loci ed. Jaym Gates, Ragnarok Publications, 2016
- * Another Chart of the Silences, (nv) Phantoms at the Phil, Side Real Press/Northern Gothic, 2005
- * Ashes to Ashes [Parry’s Bar], (ss) Everything in All the Wrong Order, Subterranean Press, 2021; previously available as an audio download from Writers Drinking Coffee, October 22, 2019.
- * The Astrakhan, the Homburg, and the Red Red Coal, (nv) Lightspeed #61, June 2015
- * Asylum Pharmacy (with Mansel Wetherell), (br) Dark Asylum #1, March 1995
- * August in September, (ms) FantasyCon XXIII Program Book ed. Debbie Bennett, FantasyCon, 1999
- * Bitter Waters, (Lethe Press, October 2014, co)
- * Blest Pair of Sirens, (ar) Shots Spring 1998 [Ref. Dorothy L. Sayers]
- * The Boat of Not Belonging, (ss) Bitter Waters, Lethe Press, 2014; read at the Summer 2011 Phantoms at the Phil on August 4, 2011.
- * The Burial of Sir John Mawe at Cassini, (ss) Subterranean (online) Spring 2014
- * Ch-Ch-Changes [Parry’s Bar], (ss) Adam’s Ladder ed. Michael Bailey & Darren Speegle, Written Backwards, 2017
- * The Cupboard of Cold Things, (ss) Bitter Waters, Lethe Press, 2014; read at the 2010/2011 Christmas edition of Phantoms at the Phil on January 6, 2011.
- * The Day I Gave Up Smoking, (ss) Blood Waters by Chaz Brenchley, Flambard, 1996
- * The Day I Quit Smoking, (ss) Blood Waters by Chaz Brenchley, Flambard, 1996, as "The Day I Gave Up Smoking"
- * The Deadly Space Between, (ss) Phantoms at the Phil: The Second Proceedings, Side Real Press, 2006
- * Dog Days, (ss) Peeping Tom #28, October 1997
- * Dragon Kings Play Songs of Love, (ss) Postscripts #3, Spring 2005
- * Drowning, Drowning, (ss) Northern Blood II ed. Martin Edwards, Flambard Press, 1995
- * Every Day a Little Death (or The Clockmaker’s Apprentice), (ss) The British Fantasy Society: A Celebration ed. Paul Kane & Marie O'Regan, British Fantasy Society, 2006
- * Everything in All the Wrong Order, (Subterranean Press, August 2021, co)
- * Everything, in All the Wrong Order, (ss) Dark Terrors 5 ed. Stephen Jones & David Sutton, Gollancz, 2000
- * The Fold in the Heart, (nv) New Fears ed. Mark Morris, Titan, 2017
- * For Kicks, (ss) The Page 1994
- * Freecell, (ss) Glorifying Terrorism ed. Farah Mendlesohn, Rackstraw Press, 2007
- * From Alice to Everywhere, with Love, (vi) Nature #7183, March 6 2008
- * Going the Jerusalem Mile, (ss) The Third Alternative #41, Spring 2005
- * High-Flying, Adored, (ss) Dark Voices 4 ed. David Sutton & Stephen Jones, Pan, 1992, as by Daniel Fox
- * Hortus Conclusus, (ss) House of Fear ed. Jon Oliver, Solaris, 2011
- * Hothouse Flowers: or, The Discreet Boys of Dr Barnabus, (ss) The Bitten Word ed. Ian Whates, Newcon Press, 2010
- * The House of Mechanical Pain, (ss) Phantoms at the Phil: The Third Proceedings, Side Real Press, 2007
- * How She Dances, (ss) Dark Voices 5 ed. David Sutton & Stephen Jones, Pan, 1993, as by Daniel Fox
- * I Am Death’s Brother, (ss) Save Our Short Story March 2004
- * The Ice Weasels of Trebizond (with Karen Brenchley), (ss) Daughters of Frankenstein ed. Steve Berman, Lethe Press, 2015
- * In Skander, for a Boy, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #191, January 21 2016
- * The Insolence of Candles Against the Light’s Dying, (ss) Taps and Sighs ed. Peter Crowther, Subterranean Press, 2000
- * The Insolence of Candles Against the Night’s Dying, (ss) Taps and Sighs ed. Peter Crowther, Subterranean Press, 2000, as "The Insolence of Candles Against the Light’s Dying"
- * In the Night Street Baths, (nv) Lace and Blade ed. Deborah J. Ross, Leda, 2008
- * July, (vi) British Fantasy Society 2005 ed. Paul Kane & Marie O'Regan, British Fantasy Society, 2004
- * Junk Male, (ss) Crimewave #4, 2000
- * Keep the Aspidochelone Afloat, (nv) The Touch of the Sea ed. Steve Berman, Lethe Press, 2012, as "Keep the Aspidochelone Floating"
- * Keep the Aspidochelone Floating, (nv) The Touch of the Sea ed. Steve Berman, Lethe Press, 2012
- * The Keys to D’Espérance, (nv) Subterranean Press, 1998
- * The Light of Other Eyes, (ss) 2002
- * Like Quicksilver for Gold, (ss) Shades of Blue and Gray ed. Steve Berman, Prime Books, 2013
- * Live at Maly’s, (ss) Tales from the House Band, Volume 2 ed. Deborah Grabien, Plus One Press, 2012
- * Luke: Homeward Angel, (ss) Taverns of the Dead ed. Kealan Patrick Burke, Cemetery Dance, 2005
- * Master Eld, His Wayzgoose, (ss) Shakespearean Detectives ed. Mike Ashley, Robinson, 1998
- * My Cousin’s Gratitude, (nv) Fresh Blood ed. Mike Ripley & Maxim Jakubowski, The Do-Not Press, 1996
- * North of the Book, (cl) Dark Horizons #47, Spring 2005
- * Nosferatu (1922), (ar) Cinema Macabre ed. Mark Morris, PS Publishing, 2006
- * One for Every Year He’s Away, She Said, (ss) Dark Asylum #1, March 1995
- * Parting Shots, (ss) Postscripts #16, Autumn 2008
- * Phantoms at the Phil, (ar) Focus #49, May 2006
- * The Pillow-Boy of General Shu, (ss) Lace and Blade 2 ed. Deborah J. Ross, Leda, 2009, as by Daniel Fox
- * Preface, (pr) Phantoms at the Phil, Side Real Press/Northern Gothic, 2005
- * Quinquereme of Nineveh, (vi) Nature #7280, January 28 2010
- * Reviews (with Kevin Mullins), (rc) Squane’s Journal #3, 1996
- * Scouting for Boys, (nv) London Noir ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Serpent's Tail, 1994
- * Septicaemia, (ss) The Gay Times Book of Short Stories: New Century, New Writing ed. P-P. Hartnett, Millivres Prowler Group, 2000
- * Soon May the Weatherman Come, (ss) Brave New Worlds ed. S. C. Butler & Joshua Palmatier, Zombies Need Brains, 2022
- * The Station of the Twelfth, (ss) September 8 2021
- * Story Notes, (ms) Everything in All the Wrong Order, Subterranean Press, 2021
- * El Sueño de la Razón, (ss) The Mammoth Book of Frankenstein ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson, 1994, as by Daniel Fox
- * Summer’s Lease, (ss) Postscripts #10, Spring 2007
- * Terminal, (ss) disLocations ed. Ian Whates, NewCon Press, 2007
- * A Terrible Prospect of Bridges, (nv) Northern Blood ed. Martin Edwards, Didsbury Press, 1992
- * Thermodynamics; and/or The Remittance Men, (nv) Clockwork Cairo ed. Matthew Bright, Twopenny Books, 2017
- * ’Tis Pity He’s Ashore, (ss) Hellbound Hearts ed. Paul Kane & Marie O'Regan, Pocket, 2009
- * The Trail of Fu Manchu, (ar) Horror: Another 100 Best Books ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Carroll & Graf, 2005 [Ref. Sax Rohmer]
- * True North, (ss) Bitter Waters, Lethe Press, 2014; read at the Fifth Proceedings of Phantoms at the Phil on January 6, 2009.
- * 2 Pi to Live, (ss) Splinter Universe May 9 2014
- * Uncanny Valley, (nv) Strange California ed. Jaym Gates & J. Daniel Batt, Falstaff Books, 2017
- * Up the Airy Mountain, (nv) Crimewave #3, 2000
- * Villainelle, (ss) When the Villain Comes Home ed. Valerie Griswold-Ford, Dragon Moon Press, 2012
- * Walking at the Speed of Light, More Slowly, (ss) Icarus #3, Winter 2009
- * When Johnny Comes Marching Home, (vi) Nature #7200, July 3 2008
- * Where It Roots, How It Fruits, (nv) Dark Voices 6 ed. David Sutton & Stephen Jones, Pan, 1994, as by Daniel Fox
- * White Skies, (ss) When It Changed ed. Geoff Ryman, Comma Press, 2009
- * White Tea for the Tillerman, (vi) Concussed ed. Bridget Bradshaw, Farah Mendlesohn & Peter Young, Concussion, 2006
- * Winter Journey, (ss) Everything in All the Wrong Order, Subterranean Press, 2021
_____, [ref.]
- * Author Spotlight: Chaz Brenchley by Rahul Kanakia, (iv) Lightspeed #61, June 2015
- * Chaz Brenchley by John Gilbert, (bg) Fear #24, December 1990
- * Dispossession by Chris Gilmore, (br) Interzone #116, February 1997
- * Feast of the King’s Shadow by David Mathew, (br) Interzone #156, June 2000
- * The Garden by Ken Brown, (br) Interzone #57, March 1992
- * Hidden Cities by Liz Bourke, (br) Ideomancer March 2011
- * House of Bells by Liz Bourke, (br) Ideomancer December 2012
- * The Keys to D’Esperance by Tom Arden, (br) Interzone #142, April 1999
- * Mall Time by Ken Brown, (br) Interzone #57, March 1992
- * Serendipity & Serial Killers by David Mathew, (iv) Interzone #141, March 1999
- * Shelter by Bill Sheehan, (br) Cemetery Dance #32, 1999
- * Shelter by David Mathew, (br) Interzone #150, December 1999
- * Tower of the King’s Daughter by David Mathew, (br) Interzone #140, February 1999
[]Brener, Marguerite (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * Broadway Redhead, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine September 13 1941
- * Cloud-Burst, (ss) Smart Love Stories January 1938
- * Five Short Mad Hours, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 8 1939
- * A Girl with Brown Hair, (na) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine May 13 1939
- * An Heiress Steps Out, (sl) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine Sep 4, Sep 11, Sep 18, Sep 25 1937
- * Isle of Enchantment, (sl) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine Feb 17, Feb 24, Mar 2, Mar 9, Mar 16 1940
- * Just You and I, Together, (ss) Smart Love Stories March 1938
- * Kleig Lights, (ss) Smart Love Stories August 1938
- * Mermaid on Crutches, (ss) Ainslee’s Smart Love Stories February 1936
- * Movie Hero, (na) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 29 1939
- * Mrs. Rip Van Winkle, (sl) Smart Love Stories Oct, Nov 1936
- * A New Leaf, (ss)
- * Not a Marrying Man, (ss) The Illustrated Love Magazine January 1933
- * Rummy and Juliet, (ss) Smart Love Stories January 1937
- * Strictly Honorable, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine April 1 1939
- * Summer Storm, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine November 21 1936
- * There Goes the Bride, (nv) Pocket Love Magazine May 1937
- * Three Girls and a Man, (ss) Smart Love Stories July 1938
- * Till Death Do Us Part, (ss) Ainslee’s Smart Love Stories June 1936
- * What Price Beauty?, (na) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine Nov 16, Nov 30 1940
- * Whosis, (ss) Ainslee’s Smart Love Stories November 1935
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