The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 3043
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[]Duncan, Carol B. (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * Estelle, (ss) Apparition Literary Magazine #28, Harbinger, October 2024
- * Mahogany Birds, (ss) Augur Magazine v6 #2, 2023
- * Peeny-Wally, (ss) Augur Magazine v4 #2, 2021
- * Sibble-Sweet, (ss) Heartlines Spec #2, Spring/Summer 2023
- * Tilamin, (ss) Fiyah #29, Winter 2024
[]Duncan, Damien (fl. 1990s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Portfolio, (pi) Albedo One #11, 1996
- * [front cover], (cv) Albedo One #11, 1996
- * [front cover], (cv) Black Rose #2, July 1998
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Black Rose #1 Jan, #2 Jul 1998, #3 Jul 1999
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Beyond the Rose #3, January 2001
[]Duncan, Dave; [i.e., David John Duncan] (1933-2018) (about) (chron.)
- * Ancestor, (pm) Neo-Opsis Science Fiction Magazine #17, July 2009
- * Boy at Heart, (ss) On Spec Spring 1989
- * Looking Forward:
* ___ The Reaver Road, Del Rey Aug ’92, (ex) Amazing Stories July 1992
- * The Reaver Road, Del Rey Aug ’92, (ex) Amazing Stories July 1992
- * The Son of Abish, (ss) Neo-Opsis Science Fiction Magazine #22, October 2012
- * Under Another Moon, (nv) Tesseracts3 ed. Candas Jane Dorsey & Gerry Truscott, Porcepic, 1990
- * Westward Look, (ex) from The Stricken Field, Del Rey, 1993
_____, [ref.]
- * Dave Duncan’s Legacy by Robert Runté, (ar) On Spec #111, 2019
- * “Escape” Shouldn’t Be a Dirty Word, (iv) Parsec Fall 2000
- * Faery Lands Forlorn by Steven Sawicki, (br) Science Fiction Review #7, February 1992
- * Lord of the Fire Lands by Michael M. Levy, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #136, December 1999
- * The Reluctant Swordsman by Phyllis McDonald, (br) Interzone #37, July 1990
- * Remembering Dave by Diane L. Walton, (ed) On Spec #111, 2019
- * A Rose-Red City by Peter T. Garratt, (br) Interzone #30, July/August 1989
- * Shadow by Ken Brown, (br) Interzone #33, January/February 1990
- * Strings by Steven Sawicki, (br) Science Fiction Review #2, Summer 1990
[]Duncan, David (1913-1999) (about) (chron.)
- * The Bramble Bush, (sl) Collier’s Jun 12, Jun 19, Jun 26, Jul 3, Jul 10 1948
- * Dark Dominion, (sl) Collier’s Apr 2, Apr 16, Apr 30, May 14 1954
- * Heart of Stone, (ss) Collier’s April 1 1950
- * The Human Factor, (sz) The Outer Limits: An Illustrated Review v1, 1977
- * The Immortals, (nv) Galaxy Magazine October 1960
- * Myra, (ss) Penthouse (UK) January 1971
- * On Venus the Thunder Precedes the Lightning, (ss) Worlds of Tomorrow Spring 1971
- * Requiem on the Moon, (ss) Playboy October 1964
- * Shannon, (na) Complete Western Book Magazine October 1953
_____, [ref.]
- * Another Tree in Eden by Leslie Flood, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #50, August 1956
- * Another Tree in Eden, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #73, September 15 1956
- * Beyond Eden by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction September 1955
- * Beyond Eden by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction October 1955
- * Beyond Eden by Hans Stefan Santesson, (br) Fantastic Universe Oct 1955, Feb 1958
- * Dark Dominion by Harlan Ellison, (br) Dimensions #14, May/July 1954
- * Dark Dominion by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction August 1954
- * Dark Dominion by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction February 1955
- * Dark Dominion, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #59, July 15 1955
- * Dark Dominion by Noah W. McLeod, (br) Science Fiction Review #23, October/November 1955
- * Occam’s Razor by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction May 1958
- * Occam’s Razor by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1958
- * Occam’s Razor by Robert E. Briney, (br) Inside #53, September 1958
[]Duncan, Dixie (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * Dixie Duncan’s Question Box, (qa) Tattle Tales Jul, Aug, Oct, Nov 1935, Jul, Aug, Oct, Nov 1936, Jan, Feb, Apr,
Jul, Aug 1937
[]Duncan, Donald V. S. (fl. 2010s); used pseudonym dvsduncan (about) (chron.)
- * Dog for Dinner, (ss) Fractured ed. Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Exile Editions, 2014, as by dvsduncan
- * Major Max, (ss) Polar Borealis July/August 2016, as by dvsduncan
- * Treasure, (ss) Playground of Lost Toys ed. Colleen Anderson & Ursula Pflug, Exile Editions, 2015, as by dvsduncan
[]Duncan, F(rancis) Martin (1873-1961) (about) (chron.)
- * The Artful Starfish, (ar) The Royal Magazine August 1903
- * Chats with the Weather Prophet: What the Clouds Say, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 4 1902
- * Curiosities of Plant Life: Flesh-Feeding Plants, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 22 1900
- * Dragons of the Sea, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 1 1903
- * Insect Actors, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 19 1898
- * The Making of a Lily, (ar) The Strand Magazine April 1904
- * More About Pond Life, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 9 1898
- * Nature’s Night-Lights, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 1 1899
- * A New Hobby for Boys. Flies: How to Collect and Preserve Them, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Jun 8, Jul 6, Jul 27, Sep 14 1901
- * Peace & War in a Wooden World, (ar) Zoo May 1937
- * A Ramble on the Sea Shore, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 17 1898
- * Round the Camphine Lamp; or, Winter Evenings with the Microscope, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Dec 6 1902, Jan 10, Feb 14 1903
- * Some Queer Pets for Boys.—Our British Bats, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 31 1898
- * Spiders as Pets, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper November 13 1897
- * Through the Microscope; or, Practical Microscopy for Boys, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Jan 7, Jan 21, Feb 18, Mar 4 1899
- * The Wily Octopus, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine January 1903
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Boy’s Own Paper February 19 1898
[]Duncan, Francis; pseudonym of William Walter Frank Underhill (1914-1988) (chron.)
- * Back-Yard Floriculturists, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 5 1930
- * Enter Trigger Gallante [Trigger Gallante], (na) Detective Weekly #244, October 23 1937
- * Getting On in the World:
* ___ Back-Yard Floriculturists, (cl) The Saturday Evening Post April 5 1930
- * The Girl with the Million Pound Secret [Trigger Gallante], (na) Detective Weekly #256, January 15 1938
- * Househunting for Luck, (ss) Gloucester Journal February 8 1936
- * The House of the Lost Men, (na) Detective Weekly #203, January 9 1937
- * The Man Who Shrugged [Trigger Gallante], (ss) Detective Weekly #261, February 19 1938
- * The Mystery of the House Nobody Owned [Trigger Gallante], (ss) Detective Weekly #258, January 29 1938
- * The Riddle of the Cheshire Cheese [Trigger Gallante], (ss) Detective Weekly #262, February 26 1938
- * The Secret of the Tramp Ship [Trigger Gallante], (ss) Detective Weekly #260, February 12 1938
[]Duncan, Frederick Alexander (1881-?) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Gunter’s Magazine May 1907, Dec 1909
- * [front cover], (cv) Young’s Magazine Oct 1910, Nov 1912
- * [front cover], (cv) Smith’s Magazine Jan 1911, Dec 1913, Mar, May, Jul 1914, May 1915, Mar, Oct 1916, Feb, Aug,
Nov 1918, Jan, Feb, Apr, Aug, Dec 1919
Oct, Nov 1920, Jan, May 1921
- * [front cover], (cv) Snappy Stories Nov, Dec 1912, Oct, Dec 1913, Jan, Apr, May, Aug, Nov, Dec 1914, Jan,
Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1915
1st Feb, 2nd May 1916, 1st Nov 1917
- * [front cover], (cv) Ainslee’s October 1913
- * [front cover], (cv) Collier’s Dec 6 1913, Jan 27 1923
- * [front cover], (cv) McCall’s Magazine January 1914
- * [front cover], (cv) Woman’s Home Companion September 1915
- * [front cover], (cv) The Saturday Evening Post October 30 1915
- * [front cover], (cv) All-Story Weekly Nov 20 1915, Dec 21 1918, Oct 18 1919
- * [front cover], (cv) The Red Book Magazine Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec 1916
- * [front cover], (cv) The Blue Book Magazine Sep 1916, Mar 1918
- * [front cover], (cv) The Green Book Magazine Mar 1917, May 1918
- * [front cover], (cv) People’s Mar 1917, Dec 1920, Jan, Apr 1921
- * [front cover], (cv) Live Stories July 1918
- * [front cover], (cv) Telling Tales Sep, Oct 1919, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1920,
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Sep, Nov, Dec 1921
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1922
- * [front cover], (cv) Metropolitan Mar, Sep, Dec 1922, Jan, May 1923
- * [front cover], (cv) Top-Notch Magazine May 1, Aug 15 1922, Dec 15 1923
- * [front cover], (cv) The Modern Priscilla June 1923
- * [front cover], (cv) Photoplay January 1925
- * [front cover], (cv) Fawcett’s Magazine December 1925
- * [front cover], (cv) The Great American Novel Magazine May 1929
- * [front cover], (cv) Physical Culture August 1929
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