The FictionMags Index
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[]Heuler, Karen (1949- ) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * After They’ve Gone, (ss) Strangelet v2 #4, 2016
- * The Alien Came Over the Hill, (vi) Daily Science Fiction July 13 2015
- * Alien Housing, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction January/February 2023
- * All Gods Great and Small, (ss) Dreams from the Witch House ed. Lynne Jamneck, Dark Regions Press, 2016
- * All the News, (ar) October Dreams II ed. Richard Chizmar & Robert Morrish, Cemetery Dance Publications, 2015
- * At the Edge of the River, (ss) Alaska Quarterly Review Spring/Summer 1998
- * Bone Broth, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2022
- * The Broadcast Storm, (ss) The Other Door, University of Missouri Press, 1995
- * The Clockworm, (vi) The Journal of Unlikely Entomology #3.5, August 28 2012
- * The Completely Rechargeable Man, (ss) Clarkesworld #27, December 2008
- * Deep Green, (ss) The Other Door, University of Missouri Press, 1995
- * The Difficulties of Evolution, (ss) Weird Tales July/August 2008
- * Egg Island, (ss) Clarkesworld #109, October 2015
- * Elvis in Bloom, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #27, August 2011
- * Exile, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #37, April 2010
- * FishWish, (ss) Weird Tales Spring 2011
- * Ghost Nets, (ss) The Other Door, University of Missouri Press, 1995
- * Heading for the Border, (ss) Shoreline of Infinity #11, Spring 2018
- * Here and There, (ss) Conjunctions #68, Spring 2017
- * The Hole Story, (ss) The Other Door, University of Missouri Press, 1995
- * How to Be a Foreigner, (ss) Perihelion September 12 2013
- * The Inner City, (ss) Cemetery Dance #58, 2008
- * Instar, (ss) Reactor February 7 2024
- * Joey, the Upstairs Boy, (ss) Alaska Quarterly Review Fall/Winter 2009
- * Jubilee Dreams, (ss) ParaSpheres ed. Ken Keegan & Rusty Morrison, Omnidawn Publishing, 2006
- * The Karmantid, (ss) The Bestiary ed. Ann VanderMeer, Centipede Press, 2015
- * Landscape, with Fish, (ss) Weird Tales January/February 2008
- * The Large People, (ss) Daily Science Fiction July 29 2011
- * The Light at the End, (nv) The Other Door, University of Missouri Press, 1995
- * Like a Piston, Like a Flame, (ss) The Other Door, University of Missouri Press, 1995
- * The Living Wood, (ss) Mosaics ed. P. K. Tyler & Kim Wells, Daydreams Dandelions Press, 2016
- * Lying There, So Quietly, (ss) The Other Door, University of Missouri Press, 1995
- * Me and My Enemy, (ss) The Virginia Quarterly Review Autumn 1997
- * Money of the Dead, (ss) When Things Get Dark ed. Ellen Datlow, Titan, 2021
- * My Favorite Halloween Memory:
* ___ All the News, (ar) October Dreams II ed. Richard Chizmar & Robert Morrish, Cemetery Dance Publications, 2015
- * My Life as a Rattler, (vi) Daily Science Fiction March 15 2019
- * Notes from the Attic, (ss) The Other Door, University of Missouri Press, 1995
- * Oh He Is, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #26, May 2009
- * One Spectacular God, (ss) The Other Door, University of Missouri Press, 1995
- * The Other Door, (co) University of Missouri Press, October 1995
- * The Other Door, (ss) The Other Door, University of Missouri Press, 1995
- * Overpowering Joy, (ss) The Other Door, University of Missouri Press, 1995
- * Potential Spam, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March/April 2024
- * The Reordering of Tonia Vivan, (ss) Aliterate Spring 2017
- * The Restoration, (ss) Reckoning #5, 2021
- * The Revolt of Everyday Things, (ss) The Other Door, University of Missouri Press, 1995
- * The Rising Up, (ss) See the Elephant #2, 2016
- * The Second Coming, (ss) The Other Door, University of Missouri Press, 1995
- * Shady Guy, (ss) Shenandoah Winter 2007
- * Sick Leave, (ss) Alaska Quarterly Review Fall/Winter 1995
- * Simple Accommodations, (ss) The Other Door, University of Missouri Press, 1995
- * Space Mama, (vi) Daily Science Fiction October 1 2013
- * Thick Water, (ss) Albedo One #40, 2011
- * The Very Difficult Job, (ss) The Guardian January 22 2016
- * What Approaches, (ss) Penumbra (online) October 2012
- * What Do the Dying Know?, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #49, November/December 2022
_____, [ref.]
[]Heuman, William (1912-1971); used pseudonyms David Crewe, George Kilrain, George G. Kramer, Roy C. Rainey & Ray P. Shotwell (about) (chron.)
- * A. Adam, Ballplayer, (ss) Boys’ Life May 1971
- * Alibi Al, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine June 1941
- * Apache Attack, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 19 1959
- * Apache Bait, (nv) Action Stories Spring 1949
- * Arrows of Ambush, (nv) Frontier Stories March 1943
- * Automatic Horace, (ss) Boys’ Life October 1962
- * Back from Boothill, (nv) Street & Smith’s Western Story February 5 1944
- * The Backward Forward, (nv) New Sports Magazine February 1949
- * Ball-Hawks’ Basket-Fever, (nv) Complete Sports April 1948
- * Barbershop Quartet, (vi) The American Magazine November 1952
- * Bare-Fist Bonanza, (nv) North•West Romances Summer 1944
- * Basin of Doom, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story April 1945
- * Basketball Bum, (ss) Argosy May 1946
- * Basket Crazy, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine December 1942
- * Basket Hog, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine October 1942
- * Baskets for Hire, (ss) Short Stories February 25 1943
- * Baskets Without Glory, (ss) 12 Sports Aces November 1942
- * Bear Down, Busher!, (nv) Sports Novels Magazine May 1948
- * Beef ’N Bones, (ss) Super Sports July 1942
- * Belle of the Roaring Yukon, (na) North•West Romances Summer 1945
- * Belt One, Busher!, (ss) New Sports Magazine July 1948
- * Bench Captain, (ss) Boys’ Life November 1960
- * Big House Bambino, (nv) All Sports June 1951, as by George Kilrain
- * Big-House Bum with the Thunder Bat, (nv) Action Stories Summer 1943
- * Big League Busher, (nv) New Sports Magazine May 1948
- * Big Muddy Freeze-Out!, (nv) Star Western March 1947
- * Big Muddy Gun-Boss, (na) Ace-High Western Stories July 1948
- * The Big Rhubarb, (ss) Adventure February 1960
- * Black Horse Mesa, (ss) Speed Western Stories February 1946
- * Blackout Belter, (nv) New Sports Magazine October 1949
- * Blackout Punch, (nv) Sports Novels Magazine September 1948
- * Blonde from New Orleans, (ss) Star Western October 1953, as by George Kilrain
- * Blood on the Court, (ss) Real Sports January 1948
- * Blood Star for Satan, (ss) New Western Magazine May 1954
- * A Boat for a Viking, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine February 1942
- * Bohunk’s Pay Streak, (ss) All-American Football Magazine October 1942
- * Boomers Grab Your Guns!, (nv) Dime Western Magazine October 1949
- * Boom-Town, (nv) Fifteen Western Tales November 1944
- * Boot-Hill for Sod-Busters, (nv) Action Stories Spring 1948
- * Boothill’s Deputy, (nv) .44 Western Magazine March 1947
- * The Borrower from Brooklyn, (ss) Argosy September 1956
- * The Bouncer, (ss) Texas Rangers July 1953
- * Box-Car Bruiser, (nv) Fight Stories Spring 1946
- * Boy Wonder, (nv) Dime Sports Magazine June 1944
- * Breakaway, (ss) The American Magazine November 1951
- * Breakaway Blades, (nv) Fifteen Sports Stories September 1948
- * Breakaway Guy, (na) Fifteen Sports Stories March 1948
- * The Breaking of Law-Dog Tate, (na) 10 Story Western Magazine July 1945
- * Breed of Battle, (nv) Action Stories Spring 1945
- * Bull at Full, (nv) All Football Stories December 1947, as by George Kilrain
- * Bullet Blizzard, (ss) Western Short Stories April 1949, as by George Kilrain
- * A Bullet for Boothill, (nv) Fifteen Western Tales November 1946
- * Bullets Bar This Trail!, (nv) Dime Western Magazine September 1953
- * Bull Pen Benny, (ss) Short Stories June 10 1946
- * Bullpen Catcher, (ss) Boys’ Life October 1960
- * Bullwhacker Boss for a Steel-Rail Empire!, (nv) Star Western November 1946
- * Bumbo the Bum, (ss) Argosy July 1960
- * The Busher, (nv) New Sports Magazine February 1948
- * Busher in the Gravy League, (nv) Baseball Stories Summer 1943
- * Bushers Are Dynamite!, (nv) Baseball Stories Spring 1945
- * Bush League Backstopper, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine April 1943
- * Bush Town Bouncers, (ss) Thrilling Football Fall 1945
- * Bustaway Five, (nv) Fifteen Sports Stories January 1950
- * The Bust-a-Way Kid, (ss) Fight Stories Fall 1944
- * Butcher in the Backfield, (nv) Sports Leaders Magazine July 1948
- * Buzz Saw Kid, (na) New Sports Magazine April 1948
- * Bye-Bye Belter, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine September 1950
- * Calamity Spikes, (ss) Fifteen Sports Stories October 1951
- * Canvas-Back Champ, (ss) Argosy September 1945
- * The Canvas Cannibal, (na) Fight Stories Summer 1944
- * Captain “Caution”, (nv) Short Stories May 25 1944
- * Captain Missouri, (nv) Frontier Stories Summer 1953
- * Captain Zany Calls the Plays, (na) Football Action 1st Fall 1949
- * Catch Hell, Busher!, (nv) New Sports Magazine June 1950
- * The Champ, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine Summer 1942
- * Cinder Cyclone, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine February 1943
- * The Clown, (ss) Sports Winners April 1942
- * Code of Lynch Town, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story April 3 1943
- * Code of the Killer, (ss) Fight Stories Fall 1943
- * Code of the Lawmen, (nv) Famous Western July 1947, as by George Kilrain
- * Coffin-Corner Crazy, (ss) Football Stories 1st Fall 1943
- * Colt-Boss of Hell-Town, (nv) Action Stories Summer 1945
- * The Comanche Kid’s Last Ride, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales September 1946
- * Come Out Slugging!, (nv) New Sports Magazine February 1950
- * Coxswains Courageous, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine December 1943
- * Crash and Carry Guy, (nv) New Sports Magazine December 1950, as by George Kilrain
- * Crazylegs Carries the Mail, (nv) Football Stories 2nd Fall 1943
- * A Crown for Each McCoy, (ss) Fight Stories Winter 1943
- * Crybaby Crew, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine October 1948
- * Dark Horse on the River, (ss) Short Stories August 25 1943
- * Dead Man’s Debt, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine May 1943
- * Dead Man’s Hand, (ss) Frontier Stories Summer 1952
- * Dead Man’s Pass, (ss) New Western Magazine March 1954
- * Dead Man’s Valley, (na) Fifteen Western Tales October 1947
- * Death Bells of the Lost Padres, (nv) Ace-High Western Stories May 1946
- * The Death Bells Ring, (na) Fifteen Western Tales December 1945
- * Death Guns in Broken Bow, (na) 10 Story Western Magazine January 1951
- * Death Guns of Helltown, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales September 1947
- * Death in His Dukes, (na) New Sports Magazine March 1948
- * Death on the Mesa, (nv) Street & Smith’s Western Story April 1947
- * Death on the River, (ss) Ranch Romances May 1965
- * Death Rides This Saddle, (na) Fifteen Western Tales February 1946
- * Death Rides This Trail!, (na) Fifteen Western Tales October 1945
- * Death Stalks This Town, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales November 1953
- * Death Valley Gun-Devils, (nv) Ace-High Western Stories July 1949
- * Death Valley Gun Master, (na) Big-Book Western Magazine June 1947
- * Decide, Texan—Do We Shake or Fight?, (na) Best Western Novels January 1949
- * Decoy Man, (nv) Sports Novels Magazine July 1943
- * Deputy from Hell, (nv) Action Stories Winter 1946
- * Deserter’s Damnation, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine September 1947
- * Desert Fever, (ss) Ranch Romances August 1966
- * Desert Massacre, (ss) Popular Western May 1953, as by George Kilrain
- * The Devil and Debbie MacKeithan, (ss) Ranch Romances August 1960
- * The Devil Is an Angel, (ss) Super Sports May 1943
- * The Devils at Quarter, (nv) All-American Football Magazine 1st Fall 1946
- * The Devil’s Bull-Whackers, (nv) Action Stories Winter 1945
- * The Devil’s Death Trap, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales January 1944
- * Devil’s Food for Hungry Guns, (ss) Frontier Stories Fall 1947
- * Devil’s Range Gets a Trigger Tramp, (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine October 1945
- * Diamond Double Cross, (nv) Short Stories August 25 1944
- * Diamond Dust, (ss) Short Stories April 25 1947
- * Die by the Gun!, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales October 1942
- * The Doctor of Shiloh, (ss) Fighting Western August 1945
- * Downcourt Dynamite, (ss) New Sports Magazine May 1951
- * Dream Backfield…Nightmare Team, (na) Real Sports January 1948, as by George Kilrain
- * Drums of Dishonor, (ss) Frontier Stories Summer 1945
- * The Duke Comes Home, (nv) Dime Sports Magazine August 1942
- * Eight Men and a Runt, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine June 1942
- * Eight Way Thunder, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine May 1949
- * End of a Gambling Man, (ss) Ranch Romances November 1960
- * End of the Track, (ss) Famous Western October 1948, as by George Kilrain
- * End Trouble, (ss) Sports Fiction Fall 1943
- * Escape at Sulphur Flat, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 21 1953
- * Executive Fullback, (ss) Bluebook November 1953
- * The Eyes Have It, (ss) All Sports Magazine March 1942
- * Fan That Fence Buster!, (na) Baseball Stories Spring 1944
- * The Farmer Takes the Ball, (nv) Football Action October 1942
- * Fast Stage to Hell, (na) Fifteen Western Tales July 1947
- * Feeder’s Choice, (ss) All Sports Magazine Winter 1943/1944
- * The Fighting Irish, (nv) Short Stories September 10 1944
- * Fight or Drag, (ss) Western Magazine March 1956
- * Fill Your Hand, Tinhorn!, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine July 1947
- * Fire Around Short, (ss) New Sports Magazine October 1950
- * First Command, (ss) Dime Western Magazine June 1944
- * The Fists of Booger Sam, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine December 1948
- * Five Men and a Prayer, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine December 1941
- * Fool Duel, (ss) Ranch Romances August 1965
- * Football Fantasy, (ss) Exciting Sports Winter 1942
- * For Bullets, Beans, and a Boothill Grave!, (na) Big-Book Western Magazine February 1947
- * For Sale—One Pennant, (nv) Sports Novels Magazine February 1943
- * Fort Disaster, (nv) Frontier Stories Summer 1949
- * Fortune in His Fists, (na) Big Book Sports Winter 1947/1948
- * Forty Wagon Loads of Hell!, (ss) Dime Western Magazine December 1944
- * Four-for-Four Guy, (nv) New Sports Magazine September 1947
- * Free Funerals for Forty-Rod Men, (nv) New Western Magazine April 1947
- * Freeze-Out, (ss) All-American Football Magazine December 1942
- * Freighters of the Damnation Trail, (na) 10 Story Western Magazine March 1946
- * Freighters, West!, (nv) Frontier Stories Fall 1944
- * The Fur Brigade, (na) North•West Romances Winter 1944
- * The Fury Five, (nv) Fifteen Sports Stories March 1950
- * Gambler Queen’s Last Hand, (ss) Star Western January 1949
- * Gambler’s Choice, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales February 1955
- * Gambler’s Girl, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 26 1960
- * Gambler’s Gun, (nv) Street & Smith’s Western Story May 1946
- * Gangway for a Touchdown Thief!, (nv) All-American Football Magazine 2nd Fall 1944
- * Gangway Miler, (ss) Fifteen Sports Stories March 1949
- * Gashouse Galahad, (ss) Sports Short Stories July 1948
- * Gashouse Guy, (na) New Sports Magazine July 1947
- * The Gentle Fullback, (ss) Boys’ Life November 1968
- * Get That Gob!, (nv) Fight Stories Fall 1942
- * Get Up and Slug!, (ss) New Sports Magazine August 1950
- * Get Up at Nine!, (ss) New Sports Magazine February 1951
- * The Ghost Fighter, (ss) Sports Fiction Winter 1942/1943
- * Ghost Gun Hombre, (na) Fifteen Western Tales May 1946
- * Gladiator on the Warpath, (ss) Ace Sports June 1942
- * Glory Road, (nv) Sports Novels Magazine December 1946
- * Goal-a-Minute Guy, (nv) Sports Novels Magazine March 1950
- * Go Down Swinging!, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine June 1943
- * Good-by Brooklyn, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 23 1955
- * “Goodbye Pennant”, (nv) Baseball Stories Summer 1946
- * Goodbye, Uncle Jim!, (na) Sports Winners January 1952, as by George Kilrain
- * Good Hit, No Field, (nv) Sports Novels Magazine June 1947
- * Grandstand Guy, (na) Sports Fiction June 1951, as by George Kilrain
- * Gridiron Gamble, (nv) Exciting Sports Fall 1945
- * Gridiron Stumblebum, (ss) Ace Sports October 1942
- * Grid Kid from Hell’s Kitchen, (nv) Big Book Sports Winter 1947/1948, as by George Kilrain
- * Ground Hog, (ss) All Sports Magazine November 1942
- * Gun-Doctor for a Dying Range, (nv) Star Western May 1944
- * Gunhawk of the Conestoga Caravan, (nv) Frontier Stories Fall 1948
- * Gunhawks Never Have Neighbors, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine June 1945
- * Gun Lap!, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine June 1946
- * Gun-Maid of the Lost Jornada, (na) Frontier Stories Winter 1948
- * Gunman’s Choice, (ss) Western Novels and Short Stories April 1949, as by George Kilrain
- * Guns at Broken Bow, (n.) Fawcett Gold Medal, 1950
- * Guns at Dead Man’s Gulch, (na) Fifteen Western Tales August 1946
- * Guns for the Shirt-Tail Brigade, (nv) Popular Western August 1953, as by George Kilrain
- * Guns for the Yuma Kid, (ss) Adventure December 1956
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