The FictionMags Index
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Mantooth, John (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- The Fat Man Follows, (ss) Thirteen Stories #10, June 2003
- The Man Across the Street, (ss) Futures Mysterious Anthology Magazine #34, Summer 2004
- Next Stop, Babylon, (ss) Apex Online April 9 2006
- Litany, (ss) Shimmer v1 #3, 2006
- Chicken, (ss) Greatest Uncommon Denominator Magazine #0, Spring 2007
- Crater Beach, (ss) Electric Velocipede #12, Spring 2007
- On the Mountain, (ss) Shroud #4, Fall 2008
- The Water Tower, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #28, July 2009
- Walk the Wheat, (ss) On Spec Spring 2010
- Shoebox Train Wreck, (ss) Haunted Legends ed. Ellen Datlow & Nick Mamatas, Tor, 2010
- A Long Fall Into Nothing, (ss) Crime Factory v2 #6, 2011
- The Cecilia Paradox, (ss) Shoebox Train Wreck by John Mantooth, ChiZine Publications, 2012
- This Thing That Clawed Itself Inside Me, (ss) Horror for Good ed. R. J. Cavender, Mark C. Scioneaux & Robert S. Wilson, Cutting Block, 2012
- The Chicken Farmer and His Boy: A Metaphysical History, (nv) Where Thy Dark Eye Glances ed. Steve Berman, Lethe Press, 2013
- A Sojourner’s Guide to the Black Warrior River Bottoms (And Beyond), (ss) The Big Click #16, September 2014
Manuel, Olumide (fl. 2020s) (items)
- Ghostboy Kills Our Mother with Trauma, (pm) Apparition Literary Magazine #21, Dread, January 2023
- Vortices of Trauma Eating a Cyborg Out of Io, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2023
- Portrait as Jonah, (pm) Augur Magazine v6 #1, 2023
- The Dump City, (pm) Fiyah #29, Winter 2024
- Wade, (pm) Reckoning #8, Winter 2024
Manus, Willard (1930- ); used pseudonym Bart Willard (items)
- Payoff Place, (hu) The Dude November 1957
- The Errant Bride, (ss) The Dude January 1961
- A Walk in the Wild City, (ar) Dude May 1962
- The Ski Weekend, (cs) Help! May 1963
- You Can’t Play the Drums in the Bronx, (ss) Caper July 1963
- Mr. Sex, (ex) Brandon House, 1964, as by Bart Willard
- George Chapman and the Goddess, (ss) Argosy (UK) May 1969
- [front cover], (cv) Shroud #3, Summer 2008, as by Bart Willard
- [illustration(s)], (il) Shroud #3, Summer 2008, as by Bart Willard
- Girdle of Love, (ss)
Manusos, Lyndsie (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Hafter: A Fairy Tale, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #20, December 2014
- Supernova, (ss) A Cappella Zoo #14, Spring 2015
- The Bells, (ss) Apex Magazine #93, February 2017
- Possible Human Hearts, (ss) Apparition Literary Magazine #10, April 2020
- How to Burn Down the Hinterlands, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2020
- Immolatus, (ss) The Deadlands #4, August 2021
- Robot Love Story, (vi) Martian #3, Spring 2022
- An Old Man Cometh and He Is Overgrown, (ss) Lightspeed #146, July 2022
- Whisper Songs, (ss) Apex Magazine #140, 2023
- She Builds Quick Machines, (ss) Robotic Ambitions ed. Lesley Conner & Jason Sizemore, Apex Publications, 2023
- The Sound of Reindeer, (ss) December 13 2023
- Wood, Amber, Smoke, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #124, January 2024
- Mnemonic, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #48, September 2024
- Hot Hearts, (vi) Lightspeed #173, October 2024
Manville, Cliffe (fl. 1930s-1940s) (items)
- Some Girls Have Tricks, (ss) Liberty February 25 1933
- Man from the Mad Side, (ss) Adventure October 15 1934
- Guns of the Rapid-Fire, (ss) Adventure November 1 1934
- Destination Unknown, (ss) Adventure August 1 1935
- Final Passage, (ss) Short Stories August 25 1935
- Double Love Set, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine January 22 1938
- The Isle of Missing Ships, (ss) This Week April 16 1939
- Clean Linen, (ss) Holland’s July 1939
- Rodeo Wrangler, (ss) Action Stories October 1939
- Teletype Op, (ss) G-Men Detective Spring 1945
Manville, Helen A(delia) (1839-1912); used pseudonym Nellie A. Mann (about) (items)
- Sunlight, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine June 1868, as by Nellie A. Mann
- Jennie, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine March 1870
- Beyond the Stars, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine April 1870
- At Night, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine October 1870
- A Memory, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine December 1870
- In the Sight of the Angels To-Day, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine January 1871
- The Baby, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine July 1871
- Give Me Rest!, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine September 1871
- Somebody’s Love in the Years Long Agone, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine December 1871
- The Footsteps of the Rain, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine March 1872
- Bessie, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine October 1872
- Nature’s Poem, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine October 1872
- Hand in Hand with Me, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine November 1872
- Never Give up!, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine November 1872
- The Kingdom of Bliss, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1873
- Wedded, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine April 1873
- Waiting (“Mine it is whose dreary lot…”), (pm) Peterson’s Magazine May 1873
- Flower-Incense, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine July 1873
- Alone, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine October 1873
- Rain of Summer, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine November 1873
- I Should Care, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine December 1873
- Somebody Mourns To-Night, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1874
- Blind, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1874
- A Night Watch, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine March 1874
- All the While, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine June 1874
- Believing in You, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine July 1874
- My Picture Gallery, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine August 1874
- A Plea for Rest, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine August 1874
- My Love, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine September 1874
- A Dream That Is Dreamed, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine December 1874
- The Shadow on the Roof, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1875
- A Winter Evening Picture, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1875
- After All, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine March 1875
- Waiting (“I know it is Summer, but down in my heart…”), (pm) Peterson’s Magazine June 1875
- Time to Die, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine August 1875
- November Song, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine November 1875
- When I Go Away, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1886
- Wherever You May Be, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine March 1886
- A Prophecy: at Sunset, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1887
- On Life’s Pathway, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 30 1887
- Our Brother’s Keeper, (pm) The Golden Argosy June 16 1888
Manville, W(illiam) H(enry) (1926- ) (items)
- The Horse That Works Like a Man, (pi) Argosy June 1959
- Confessions of a Published Author, (ar) Swank January 1961
- The Movies, the Do-It-Yourself Kind, (ar) Golden Nugget v1 #1, 1966
- Who Are You, Joan?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 1 1967
- Speaking of Money, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 30 1967
- Does This Mother Know Best?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 13 1968
- Home Is Where the Car Is, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 7 1968
- Craig Claiborne: He Can Make or Break a Restaurant, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 14 1968
- Let’s Not Talk About Getting Married, (ss) Cosmopolitan April 1969
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