The FictionMags Index
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McKenzie, Graham (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) Australian Short Stories #4, 1983
- [illustration(s)], (il) Australian Short Stories #7, 1984
- [front cover], (cv) Australian Short Stories #9, 1985
- [illustration(s)], (il) Australian Short Stories #10, 1985
- [illustration(s)], (il) Australian Short Stories #13, 1986
- [illustration(s)], (il) Australian Short Stories #15, 1986
- [illustration(s)], (il) Australian Short Stories #17, 1987
- [illustration(s)], (il) Australian Short Stories #19, 1987
- [illustration(s)], (il) Australian Short Stories #20, 1987
- [illustration(s)], (il) Australian Short Stories #22, 1988
- [illustration(s)], (il) Australian Short Stories #25, 1989
- [illustration(s)], (il) Australian Short Stories #28, 1989
- [illustration(s)], (il) Australian Short Stories #30, 1990
- [illustration(s)], (il) Australian Short Stories #41, 1993
- [illustration(s)], (il) Australian Short Stories #42, 1993
- [illustration(s)], (il) Australian Short Stories #44, 1993
- [illustration(s)], (il) Australian Short Stories #52, 1995
Mackenzie, Hannah B. (fl. 1890s-1900s) (items)
- The Woman’s Atonement, (ss) The Woman at Home July 1899
- A Strange Burglar, (ss) The Woman at Home September 1899
- A St. Martin’s Summer, (ss) The Woman at Home December 1899
- A Commonplace Heroine, (ss) The Woman at Home March 1900
- “Passing the Love of Woman”, (ss) The Woman at Home April 1900
- Coals of Fire, (ss) The Woman at Home July 1900
- Idalia, (vi) The Woman at Home September 1900
- A Woman’s Mistake, (ss) The Woman at Home November 1900
- A Bitter Harvest, (ss) The Woman at Home February 1901
- Lentran Versus Madden, (ss) The Woman at Home April 1901
- Flavia—and Another, (ss) The Woman at Home January 1902
- A Lost Divinity, (ss) The Woman at Home February 1902
- A Great Temptation, (nv) Horner’s Pocket Library #278, October 7 1905
Mackenzie, Jack (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (items)
- The Old New Ensign, (ss) Ray Gun Revival #23, June 1 2007
- The Sound from the Deep, (ss) Sails & Sorcery ed. W. H. Horner, Fantasist Enterprises, 2007
- Here There Be Dragons, (ss) Neo-Opsis Science Fiction Magazine #12, 2007
- The Clatter of Dry Bones, (ss) Dark Worlds #2, Fall 2008
- Roadblock, (ss) Dark Worlds #3, Winter 2008
- Ma Ca Rong, (ss) Dark Worlds #4, Spring 2009
- The Belly of the Beast, (ss) Encounters Magazine June/July 2010
- The Cryo Game, (ss) Dark Worlds #5, Summer 2010
- Father Mars, (ss) Encounters Magazine November/December 2010
- The Changeling’s Gift, (ss) Dark Worlds #6, Summer 2011
- Time Dysperception, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #25, Spring 2021
- We Are Stardust, We Are Golden, (pm) Polar Borealis December 2022
- The Bother with Bowbles, (ss) Amazing Stories (online) April 3 2023
- The Burn, (ss) Polar Borealis August/September 2023
Mackenzie, Jane (fl. 1980s-1990s) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Stalking the Nightmare by Harlan Ellison, Phantasia, 1982
- [front cover], (cv) An Edge in My Voice by Harlan Ellison, The Donning Company, 1985
- [front cover], (cv) Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor #4, June 1995
- [illustration(s)], (il) Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor #4, June 1995
- [illustration(s)], (il) Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor, Volume One by Harlan Ellison, Dark Horse Comics, 1996
McKenzie, Keira (fl. 1990s-2010s) (about) (items)
- Feathered Dancer, (ss) Eidolon Autumn 1990
- [front cover], (cv) Eidolon Autumn 1990
- [front cover], (cv) Eidolon Winter 1990
- The Hero in Stasis, (ar) Eidolon Summer 1991
- [front cover], (cv) Eidolon Autumn 1992
- [front cover], (cv) Eidolon Winter 1992
- [front cover], (cv) Eidolon Spring 1992
- [front cover], (cv) Eidolon Summer 1993
- [front cover], (cv) Eidolon Autumn 1993
- [front cover], (cv) Eidolon Winter 1993
- [front cover], (cv) Eidolon Autumn 1994
- Time Capsule, (il) Winds of Change ed. Elizabeth Fitzgerald, CSFG Publishing, 2011
Mackenzie, (Sir) Morell (1837-1892) (about) (items)
- The Singing Voice, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine June 1886
- The Effect of Smoking on the Voice, (ar) The New Review #11, April 1890
- Exercise, (ar) The New Review #23, April 1891
- Training: Its Bearing on Health, (ar) The New Review #28, September 1891, etc.
- The Relation of General Culture to Professional Success, (ar) The New Review #40, September 1892
- The “Bedside Manner”, (ar) The Grand Magazine March 1908
Mackenzie, Morell (fl. 1910s-1930s); used pseudonym Caber Feigh (items)
- Whelping and the Care of the Dam, (ar) Fry’s Magazine April 1912
- The Buyer, the Dog and the Seller, (ar) Fry’s Magazine May 1912
- The Hospital at the Zoo, (ar) Fry’s Magazine May 1912, etc.
- On Judges and Judging, (ar) Fry’s Magazine June 1912, etc.
- The Breeding of Big Dogs, (ar) Fry’s Magazine July 1912
- The Buyer and the Breeder, (ar) Fry’s Magazine August 1912, etc.
- The Kennel Club: The Senate of the Canine World, (ar) Fry’s Magazine October 1912, etc.
- Some Legal Points Connected with the Dog, (ar) Fry’s Magazine October 1912, as by M. M.
- The Dog of the Day: The West Highland White Terrier, (ar) Fry’s Magazine December 1912, as by Caber Feigh
- Before the Show, (ar) Fry’s Magazine January 1913, as by Caber Feigh
- The Sealyham Terrier, (ar) Fry’s Magazine March 1913, as by Caber Feigh
- The Borzoi, (ar) Fry’s Magazine May 1913
- The Welsh Terrier, (ar) Fry’s Magazine of Sport June 1913
- The Great Dane, (ar) Fry’s Magazine of Sport July 1913
- Kennel, (cl) Fry’s Magazine of Sport August 1913, etc.
- Canine Ailments, (cl) Fry’s Magazine of Sport September 1913
- The Smooth Fox Terrier, (ar) Fry’s Magazine of Sport September 1913
- The Railway Dogs of England, (ar) Fry’s Magazine of Sport October 1913
- The Wire-Haired Fox Terrier, (ar) Fry’s Magazine of Sport November 1913
- Some Dog Stories and Reminiscences, (ar) Fry’s Magazine of Sport December 1913
- The Deerhound, (ar) Fry’s Magazine of Sport February 1914
- Can Dog-Keeping Be Made to Pay?, (ar) Fry’s Magazine of Sport March 1914, etc.
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