The FictionMags Index
Index by Date: Page 4907
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McHenry, May (fl. 1890s-1910s) (items)
- The Crowning Moment, (ss) The Black Cat October 1898
- Fiddle and Jimmie, (ss) New England Magazine December 1898
- Deepwater Politics, (ss) McClure’s Magazine April 1901
- Nature’s Nobleman, (vi) Munsey’s Magazine August 1902
- Polly Stevens’ Calf’s Skin, (ss) New England Magazine October 1902
- A Position of Responsibility, (ss) Metropolitan Magazine July 1903
- The Deepwater Debate, (ss) McClure’s Magazine December 1905
- While the Evil Days Come Not, (ss) The American Magazine October 1906
- The Buryings of Joe Tucker, (ss) Metropolitan Magazine November 1907
- The School Board and the Beaux, (ss) Collier’s June 7 1913
- A Serpent in Eden, (ss) Collier’s October 10 1914
McHenry, Michael (fl. 2010s) (items)
- Interview: Aeryn Rudel, (iv) Red Sun Magazine July/September 2016 [Ref. Aeryn Rudel]
- Interview: Margaret Weis, (iv) Red Sun Magazine July/September 2016 [Ref. Margaret Weis]
- The Cromcast, (iv) Red Sun Magazine October/December 2016 [Ref. Josh Adkins, Luke E. Dodd & Jon Larson]
- Interview: Kevin Weir, (iv) Red Sun Magazine October/December 2016 [Ref. Kevin Weir]
- Interview with Failbetter Games, (iv) Red Sun Magazine January/March 2017
- Bad Day, (ss) Grotesque Quarterly v1 #2, 2017
- Editorial (with Cinda McHenry), (ed) Gathering Storm Magazine #9, August 2018
Machin, James (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- Editorial—Supplementary, (ed) Faunus #28, 2013
- Mr. Quilter’s Gospel, (ar) Faunus #28, 2013
- Editorial, (ed) Faunus #29, 2014, etc.
- Notes on Gawsworth’s Account of Arthur Machen’s Funeral (with Gwilym Games), (ar) Faunus #29, 2014
- An Oubliette, (ss) Supernatural Tales #29, Spring 2015
- A Surge of Daemonic Energy: John Buchan and “The Dancing Floor”, (ar) Wormwood #24, 2015 [Ref. John Buchan]
- Arthur Machen and J.S. Le Fanu, (ar) The Green Book #5, Bealtaine 2015 [Ref. Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu & Arthur Machen]
- Book Reviews, (rc) Faunus #35, 2017
- Decadence: A Literary Anthology, (br) Faunus #35, 2017 [Ref. Jon Crabb]
- Horror: A Literary History, (br) Faunus #35, 2017 [Ref. Xavier Aldana Reyes]
- A Vintage from Averoigne, (ss) The Yellow Booke: Volume VI ed. M. Grant Kellermeyer, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2017
- The Great God Pan and Other Horror Stories, (br) Faunus #37, 2018 [Ref. Arthur Machen]
- Machen and His Critic Crowley, (ar) Faunus #37, 2018 [Ref. Aleister Crowley]
- Seven Sisters, (ss) Weirdbook #39, 2018
- “I Am in Trouble Again”: Arthur Machen and the Royal Literary Fund, (ar) Faunus #38, 2018 [Ref. Arthur Machen]
- The Sea Man, (ss) Supernatural Tales #41, Autumn 2019
- The Tribute, (ss) Tales from the Shadow Booth v4, 2019
- Ghostland, (br) Faunus #41, 2020 [Ref. Edward Parnell]
- Animals and Men, (ss) Supernatural Tales #44, Autumn 2020
- Cave Canem, (ss) Supernatural Tales #49, Spring 2022
- Magic: A Life in More Worlds Than One (2021), (br) Faunus #45, 2022 [Ref. David Conway]
- Fifty Forgotten Books (2022) by R.B. Russell, (br) Faunus #46, Winter 2022/2023
- The Borges Society, (ss) Supernatural Tales #53, Autumn 2023
- Apocalypse in England: A Critical Study of Frederick Carter (2024) by Richard Grenville Clark, (br) Faunus #49, 2024 [Ref. Frederick Carter]
- Weird Walk (2024) by Alex Hornsby, James Nicholls and Owen Tromans, (br) Faunus #49, 2024 [Ref. Alex Hornsby, James Nicholls & Owen Tromans]
Machlin, Milt(on Robert) (1924-2004); used pseudonyms William Jason & Wm. Jason (about) (items)
- Matador in a Gray Flannel Suit, (pi) Argosy June 1958
- Hemingway Talking, (iv) Argosy September 1958 [Ref. Ernest Hemingway]
- Klondike Mike and the Six Golden Maidens, (ar) Argosy November 1958
- Carny Boss, (pi) Argosy March 1959
- Washington Confidential—Hic!, (pi) Argosy April 1959
- Durante Wit Da Goils!, (ar) Argosy July 1959 [Ref. Jimmy Durante]
- Destry Rides Again…and Again…and Again, (pi) Argosy August 1959
- No Sweat, Madame Butterfly!, (pi) Argosy October 1959
- Bally Girls, (ar) Caper November 1959
- Who Was That Knight I Saw You with Last, Lady?, (pi) Argosy November 1959
- Hemingway and the World’s Phoniest Sport, (ar) Argosy February 1960 [Ref. Ernest Hemingway]
- Da Schnoz, (ar) The Dude May 1960 [Ref. Jimmy Durante]
- The Evidence That Should Have Saved Chessman! (with William Read Woodfield), (ar) Argosy July 1960
- Murder Begins at Home, (ar) Argosy September 1960, as by Alfred Hitchcock
- Chessman Case Cracks Wide Open (with William Read Woodfield), (ar) Argosy December 1960
- Dear Beards, (ar) Argosy January 1961 [Ref. Ernest Hemingway]
- Catcher in the White House, (pi) Argosy June 1961
- Murdertown, Ohio, (ar) Argosy December 1961, as by William Jason
- Beware, Pierre!, (pi) Argosy February 1962
- Hemingway’s Lust for War, (ar) Bluebook for Men February 1962 [Ref. Ernest Hemingway]
- The Five Puzzles of Captain Harvey’s Death Boat, (ar) Argosy March 1962, as by William Jason
- The Gals Who Made the Wild West Wild, (pi) Argosy April 1962
- Move Over, Liz!, (pi) Argosy August 1962
- Modern-Day Dillinger, (ar) Argosy September 1962, as by William Jason
- The Girls They Left Behind, (pi) Argosy October 1962
- The Unstoppable Dutchman, (ar) Argosy March 1963
- Commander Jacques-Yves Cousteau: In the Future—Escape to Inner Space?, (ar) Argosy August 1963
- Send for the Lads!, (pi) Argosy November 1963
- Drinking Can Be Fun!, (ar) Argosy December 1963
- Liberty Port—Cannes, (pi) Argosy December 1963, as by William Jason
- The Scotch Spy, (ar) Argosy January 1964
- What to See on the Riviera, (ar) Argosy September 1964
- Happy Birthday, Dear Bourbon, (ar) Argosy October 1964
- If the Shoe Fits—Wear It, (ar) Argosy November 1964
- The Supersubs Are Here!, (ar) Argosy January 1965
- South Sea Adventure at a Bargain, (pi) Adventure February 1965
- This Year’s Paradise, (pi) Argosy April 1965
- Battlefront Report from Vietnam, (ar) Argosy August 1965
- Our Future Under the Sea (with Jacques Piccard), (ss) Boys’ Life October 1965
- Keep a Bartender on Your Shelf, (ar) Argosy December 1965
- Argosy Giant of Adventure Award, 1966—King of the Depths, (ar) Argosy April 1966
- A Hot Time in Iceland, (ar) Argosy May 1966
- High, Wide and Handsome, (pi) Argosy August 1966
- Front-Line Report—Vietnam, (ar) Argosy October 1966
- Big Battle Coming, (ar) Argosy November 1966
- Vive Le Cowboy!, (pi) Argosy December 1966, as by William Jason
- Japan—Adventure on Wheels, (ar) Argosy January 1967
- Liberty Port—Cannes, France, (pi) Adventure February 1967, as by Wm. Jason
- History in High Spirits, (ar) Argosy March 1967
- Very Honorable Put-Put-Put-Put-Put-Put, (pi) Argosy April 1967
- The Sad Saga of the Liki Tiki, (ar) Argosy September 1967
- Are Pubs a Lot of John Bull?, (ar) Argosy October 1967
- Drinking by the Numbers, (ar) Argosy November 1967
- Christmas Party Tip: Three to a Bottle, or Eat the Drunkometer, (ar) Argosy December 1967
- Did You Ever Talk to Your Martini?, (ar) Argosy January 1968
- The Supersubs Are Here!, (ar) Argosy January 1968
- It’s Bourbon for Real Patriots, (ar) Argosy February 1968
- Wouldn’t You Like to Fly in a Beautiful Saloon?, (ar) Argosy March 1968
- Downey and His 20-20 Nose, (ar) Argosy April 1968
- Argosy Giant of Adventure, 1968: Treasure Diver—Sailing Pioneer—Archeologist—Adventurer, (ar) Argosy May 1968 [Ref. Robert F. Marx]
- Watch Out for Those Sneaky Drinks!, (ar) Argosy May 1968
- Charlie Scotches a Rumor, (ar) Argosy July 1968
- Israel’s Fighting “Peace Corps”, (ar) Argosy August 1968
- How to Stuff a Wild Water Watermelon, (ar) Argosy September 1968
- Sex Rears a Head That Is Not on a Beer, (ar) Argosy October 1968
- Being Driven to Drink Is Not So Bad, (ar) Argosy November 1968
- More Fun Than a Barrel of Monkeys, (ar) Argosy December 1968
- The Confederate Air Force Flies World War II, (ar) Argosy January 1969
- The Beef and Bourbon Diet, (ar) Argosy February 1969
- From Beer-Drinker’s Finger to Coney Island Collar, (ar) Argosy February 1969
- Never Mix Cocktails and Politics, (ar) Argosy March 1969
- A Hangover Is All in Your Head, (ar) Argosy April 1969
- Bottoms Up Down Under, (ar) Argosy June 1969
- The Wine of the Country Ain’t Beer, (ar) Argosy August 1969
- The Fate of Michael Rockefeller, (ar) Argosy September 1969 [Ref. Michael Rockefeller]
- How Do You Celebrate Bourbon Month?, (ar) Argosy September 1969
- [illustration(s)] (with James Anderson), (il) Argosy September 1969
- Search for the Headhunters of the Sepik, (ar) Argosy October 1969
- [illustration(s)] (with James Anderson), (il) Argosy October 1969
- The Suds with a Buzz, (ar) Argosy November 1969
- Tennessee Sippin’ Whiskey, (ar) Argosy November 1969
- Christmas Spirits, (ar) Argosy December 1969
- Are Hangovers Really Necessary?, (ar) Argosy January 1970
- New Guinea’s Weird Mudmen, (ar) Argosy January 1970
- [front cover], (cv) Argosy January 1970
- [illustration(s)] (with James Anderson), (il) Argosy January 1970
- Drink to Your Health in Wine, (ar) Argosy April 1970
- “The Meanest Men in the World”, (ar) Argosy April 1970
- [illustration(s)] (with James Anderson), (il) Argosy April 1970
- You Can’t Drink High Animal Spirits, (ar) Argosy May 1970
- The Tribe That Tried to Buy President Johnson, (ar) Argosy June 1970
- [illustration(s)], (il) Argosy June 1970
- Bourbon Under Water?, (ar) Argosy July 1970
- Give Us That Old-Time Midsummer Madness, (ar) Argosy August 1970
- The Big Balloon Caper, (ar) Argosy September 1970
- A Half-Hour Later, You’ll Want Another Bourbon, (ar) Argosy October 1970
- Never Drink from a Brown-Paper Bag, (ar) Argosy November 1970
- Gin—The Cinderella Spirit, (ar) Argosy December 1970
- Argosy Giant of Adventure Award—1971: Walter Bonatti, Adventurer on a Classic Scale, (ar) Argosy January 1971 [Ref. Walter Bonatti]
- The Luck of the Irish Is Whiskey, (ar) Argosy January 1971
- A Hot Drink in the Old Glass Tonight, (ar) Argosy February 1971
- A Town Called Cognac?, (ar) Argosy March 1971
- First Visit to Three Forbidden Cities (with Robert F. Marx), (ar) Argosy May 1971
- A Horse with High Spirits, (ar) Argosy July 1971
- Now They’re Wrapping Bourbon in Plastic, (ar) Argosy December 1971
- The Mystery People of Tortuga, (ar) Argosy January 1972
- Charlie’s Tavern, (cl) Argosy February 1972, etc.
- Vermouth Smooths the Way, (ar) Argosy March 1972
- At Last! The Real Secret of Scotch, (ar) Argosy May 1972
- Welcome to Light Whiskey, (ar) Argosy June 1972
- Charlie’s Barroom Berlitz, (ar) Argosy July 1972
- Dart Into the Nearest Pub, Mate!, (ar) Argosy August 1972
- Drink Is the Curse of the Travelling Classes, (ar) Argosy September 1972
- A Shrub That Grows Bourbon?, (ar) Argosy October 1972
- The Death of Michael Rockefeller, (ex) Putnam, 1972 [Ref. Michael Rockefeller]
- The Suds with a Buzz, (ar) Argosy March 1973
- The Biggest Heist in History, (ar) Argosy June 1973
- The Million-Dollar Wine Waterer, (ar) Argosy August 1973
- Antique Smuggling—Second Only to Narcotics in International Crime, (ar) Argosy September 1973
- Around the World in Eighty Drinks, (ar) Argosy September 1973
- The Proof Is in the Whiskey, (ar) Argosy October 1973
- Watergate Plane Crash Mystery, (ar) Argosy October 1973
- Why Drink “the Usual” When You Can Have More Fun Inventing Your Own, (ar) Argosy November 1973
- Jugs for the People, (ar) Argosy December 1973
- Hangovers Are All in Your Head, (ar) Argosy January 1974
- Rustlers Are Riding the Range Again, (ar) Argosy January 1974
- How to Mix an All-American Martini, (ar) Argosy February 1974
- “Kill Him and Anyone Else in the House!”, (ar) Argosy March 1974
- A Light View of Whiskey, (ar) Argosy March 1974
- Tequila—The Good Neighbor’s Drink, (ar) Argosy April 1974
- Ancient Space Visitors, (iv) Argosy June 1974 [Ref. Erich von Däniken]
- How to Buck the Large Corporations…and Win!, (ar) Argosy July 1974
- Books by Crooks, (ar) Murder Ink: The Mystery Reader’s Companion ed. Dilys Winn, Workman Publishing, 1977
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