The FictionMags Index
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Lengel, William C(harles) (c1880-1965) (about) (items)
- If You Would Write for Vaudeville, (ar) The Green Book Magazine July 1913
- Rehearsing the Vaudeville Orchestra (with Brett Page), (ar) The Green Book Magazine October 1915
- The Song of His Soul, (ss) The Red Book Magazine June 1916
- Pounding the Ivories, (nv) All-Story Weekly December 9 1916
- Picture-Chaser!, (ss) All-Story Weekly January 27 1917
- The Flights of the Nighties, (vi) Saucy Stories January 1917
- Actor-Proof, (nv) All-Story Weekly April 7 1917
- The Principles of a Lady’s Maid, (vi) Saucy Stories June 1917
- A Sort of Theatrical Story, (ss) The Green Book Magazine December 1917
- My Loved One, My Lost One, (ss) All-Story Weekly March 30 1918
- Old Man Precedent, (pm) All-Story Weekly August 24 1918
- Mr. Bolingbroke, Proprietor, (nv) All-Story Weekly November 23 1918
- “Inspirational Stuff”, (ss) Ainslee’s December 1918
- Words and Music By—, (ss) The Red Book Magazine January 1919
- “Persons of the Cabaret”, (ss) Saucy Stories February 1919
- Blonde or Brunette, (ss) Argosy August 9 1919
- Something for Nothing, (ss) Ainslee’s September 1919
- Abel God, (ss) The Black Cat August 1920
- Stopover Privileges, (ss) Hearst’s International August 1921
- The Story of an Easy Mark, (ts) National Pictorial Brain Power Monthly November 1921
- The Song He Was Ashamed of, (ss) Metropolitan May 1922
- Rita and the Jazz Bo, (ss) The Red Book Magazine January 1923
- The Man Who Was Afraid of Love, (ss) Beautiful Womanhood October 1923
- Another Cinderella, (ss) Good Housekeeping May 1924
- An Innocent Husband, (ss) Hearst’s International 1924
- Pure Sentiment, (ss) McCall’s Magazine January 1925
- A One Way Trip, (ss) The New McClure’s September 1928
- At Last—A Magazine for the Girl of Today, (ed) Smart Set October 1928
- Lonely Man in Town, (ss) The New McClure’s December 1928
- At Zelli’s, (ss) The American Short Story December 1929
- Shave 10 Cents, (vi) This Week April 7 1935
- Love Affair, (ss) This Week October 13 1935
- Women Are Quitters, (ss) Hardboiled December 1936
- The Tip-Off, (vi) Liberty April 24 1937
- The “Genius” Himself, (ar) Esquire September 1938 [Ref. Theodore Dreiser]
- A Letter I Promised I Would Write, (vi) Liberty October 15 1938
Lengeman, William I., III (fl. 2000s) (items)
- Minutes: Monthly Meeting of the Exalted Priests of Yssrgyth, (pm) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #6, April 2003
- Confessions of a Grasshopper, (ss) Deep Magic #14, July 2003
- Dirge River, (ss) City Slab #3, 2003
- Things to Do While Waiting for an Elevator, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #9, October/November 2003
- Hardboiled, (ss) Dark Animus #5, November 2003
- The Old One, (vi) Fusing Horizons #2, Spring 2004
- Put Down, (ss) Blood Moon Rising #23, May/June 2004
- The Blanket, (vi) Fusing Horizons #3, Summer 2004
- The Dead Dads Club, (ss) The Corpse Magazine July 2004
- Love in Vain, (ss) Be Mine ed. L. Marie Wood, Cyber-Pulp Press, 2004
- The Radio Garden, (ss) Apex Online February 15 2005
- Mole, (vi) Midnight Street #6, Winter 2006
- Book Reviews (with Mari Adkins), (rc) Apex Science Fiction & Horror Digest Spring 2006, etc.
- Willy and Topsy, (ss) Farthing #4, September 2006
- The Entrance of Bob Into Valhalla, (ss) Black Gate Summer 2007
L’Engle, Madeleine; [i.e., Madeleine L’Engle Franklin (née Camp)] (1918-2007) (about) (items)
- Poor Little Saturday, (nv) Fantastic Universe October 1956
- Madame, (ss) The Dude September 1957
- The Black Thing, (ex) Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1962
- Mrs. Whatsit, (ex) Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1962
- A Full House, (ss) McCall’s December 1980
- The Twenty-Four Days Before Christmas, (ss) Woman’s Day December 22 1981
- The One Hundred and First Miracle, (ss) Nine Visions ed. Andrea LaSonde Melrose, The Seabury Press, 1983
- A Spin Around Town, (vi) Bred Any Good Rooks Lately? ed. James Charlton, Doubleday, 1986
- Valley of the Unicorns, (ex) 1987
- The Connecticut Eskimo, (ss) Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine Spring 1991
- Rob Austin and the Millennium Bug, (ss) Second Sight, Philomel, 1999
Lenglen, Suzanne (Rachel Flore) (1899-1938) (about) (items)
- Tennis, (ar) Collier’s April 10 1920
- Temperament and Lawn Tennis, (ar) The Windsor Magazine June 1922
- Lawn Tennis—Indoors and Out, (ar) The London Magazine January 1924
- Temperament and Tennis, (ar) The London Magazine June 1924
- The Psychology of Tennis, (ar) The Royal Magazine June 1925
- My Wimbledons, (ar) The Royal Magazine July 1925
- What Makes a Player?, (ar) The Royal Magazine August 1925
- Lawn Tennis and Sex Equality, (ar) The Windsor Magazine July 1926
- Wine, Women, and Tennis, (ar) Liberty August 7 1926
- “Begin All Over Again!”, (ar) The Windsor Magazine September 1926
- Tennis Tips, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine July 1933
Lenniger, August (fl. 1920s-1970s) (books) (items)
- An Analysis of Black Mask, (ar) Writer’s Digest July 1929
- Black Mask, (ar) Writer’s Digest October 1929
- Fiction Takes Wing, (ar) The Author & Journalist November 1929 (+2)
- An Interview with the Editor of Black Mask, (ar) Writer’s Digest 1929
- The Popular Publications Magazines, (ar) Writer’s Digest September 1930
- Adventure’s Editorial Demands, (ar) Writer’s Digest March 1931
- New Horizons for Mystery, (ar) Writer’s Digest December 1931
- What Value Is the Agent?, (ar) Writer’s Year Book 1931
- Black Aces, (ar) Writer’s Digest March 1932
- The Western Story, (ar) Writer’s Digest May 1932
- Writing for Ten Detective Aces, (ar) Writer’s Digest October 1934
- Wanted--Good Books, (ar) The Writers Year Book & Market Guide v5 #5, 1934
- Six of a Chain, (ar) Writer’s Digest January 1935
- The Book Publishers, (cl) Writer’s Digest April 1935
Lennon, J(ohn) Robert (1970- ) (about) (items)
- Party Train, (ss) Alaska Quarterly Review Spring/Summer 1995
- Lacey Dodgson, Lacey Dodgson, (ss) Story Summer 1998
- Flight, (ss) The New Yorker June 14 1999
- Bureau, (vi) Epoch Summer 1999
- Crisis, (vi) Epoch Summer 1999
- Tea, (vi) Epoch Summer 1999
- The Fool’s Proxy, (ss) Harper’s Magazine October 1999
- No Life, (ss) The New Yorker September 4 2000
- The Future Journal, (ss) Harper’s Magazine December 2000
- The Missing Man, (ss) Harper’s Magazine August 2003
- Substitution Chart, (hu) Harper’s Magazine December 2003
- Eight Pieces for the Left Hand, (vi) Granta #85, Spring 2004
- See You in Paradise, (ss) Playboy May 2004
- Eight Pieces for the Left Hand, (vi) Granta #85, Spring 2004
- Happyland, (sl) Harper’s Magazine July 2006, etc.
- Cul-de-Sac, (ss) Playboy August 2006
- Zombie Dan, (ss) Playboy March 2007
- The Wraith, (ss) Playboy November 2008
- Portal, (ss) Weird Tales Spring 2011
- The Cottage on the Hill, (ss) Unstuck #1, 2011
- My Usual, (ss) Unstuck #2, 2012
- Breadman, (ss) The New Yorker January 19 2015
- The Loop, (ss) The New Yorker August 26 2019
- Escape Pod W41, (ss) Small Odysseys ed. Hannah Tinti, Algonquin Books, 2022
Lennon, John (1940-1980) (items)
- Beatalic Graphospasms, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 21 1964
- Randolf’s Party, (vi) The Saturday Evening Post March 21 1964
- Good Dog Nigel, (vi) In His Own Write by John Lennon, Jonathan Cape, 1964
- Neville Club, (ss) In His Own Write by John Lennon, Jonathan Cape, 1964
- No Flies on Frank, (vi) In His Own Write by John Lennon, Jonathan Cape, 1964
- A Surprise for Little Bobby, (vi) In His Own Write by John Lennon, Jonathan Cape, 1964
- The National Health Cow, (pm) Cosmopolitan August 1965
- A Spaniard in the Works, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1965
- The Singularge Experience of Miss Anne Duffield, (ss) 1965
- Wedded Bliss: The Erotic Lithographs of John Lennon, (pi) Avant Garde #11, March 1970
- [front cover], (cv) Avant Garde #11, March 1970
- Blackbird (with Paul McCartney), (pm)
- Ze King and I, (ar)
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