The FictionMags Index
Index by Date: Page 4246
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Kolakowski, Nick (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Dee the Friendly Grizzly’s Little Miracle, (ss) Crime Syndicate Magazine #1, January 2016
- A Nice Pair of Guns, (ss) Thuglit #21, January/February 2016
- Stickup, (ss) Crime Syndicate Magazine #2, May 2016
- Bang! A Bad Day in Boat Repo, (ss) Thuglit Last Writes, June 2016
- World Is Hard on Knights, (ss) Mystery Tribune #1, Spring 2017
- Live at Alcatraz, (ss) Hard Sentences ed. David James Keaton & Joe Clifford, Broken River Books, 2017
- Napa Hospitality, (ss) Spinetingler Magazine Fall 2017
- Closure, (ss) Down & Out: The Magazine v1 #2, 2017
- Death in Florence, (ss) Mystery Tribune #4, Winter 2018
- Amanda: A Confession, (ss) Unloaded Vol 2 ed. Eric Beetner, Down & Out Books, 2018
- Your Pound of Flesh, (ss) Lost Highways ed. D. Alexander Ward, Crystal Lake Publishing, 2018
- My Worst Morning Ever, (ss) Switchblade #7, November 2018
- The Good Tool, (ss) Mystery Tribune #8, Winter 2019
- Bad Night Below Ricky’s, (ss) Tales from the Crust ed. Max Booth, III & David James Keaton, Perpetual Motion Machine Publishing, 2019
- God Bless This Meat, (ss) Mystery Tribune #11, Fall 2019
- Night Mayor, (nv) Switchblade Tech Noir 2019
- The Mind of the Unbound Prometheus, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #39, April 2020
- We Had a Good Time, Until the End, (ss) Rock and a Hard Place #6, Summer 2021
- Cost of Living, (ss) Rock and a Hard Place #9, Winter 2023
- Scorpions, (ss) Dark Yonder Summer 2023
- The Faithful, (ss) Assemble Artifacts #5, Fall/Winter 2023
- Just Another Outlaw, (ss) Mystery Magazine December 2023
Kolar, Frank (fl. 1960s-1980s) (items)
- Ring a Ding Ding, (hu) Knight January 1963
- So Long Saloon, (hu) Knight March 1963
- The Offenders, (ar) Adam June 1963
- The Fine Art of Tabsmanship, (hu) Adam July 1963
- The Gam-Ology Primer, (hu) Adam November 1963
- The Abridged Lecher’s Lexicon, (hu) Adam December 1963
- The Grand Illusions, (ar) Adam January 1964
- Adam’s Party Games, (hu) Adam July 1964
- The Big Train Caper, (ss) Adam October 1964
- The Suave Touch, (ss) Jaguar September 1965
- Where Do We Whoopee?, (hu) Adam September 1965
- All Pro, (ss) Adam January 1966
- Logical Plea, (ss) Men’s Digest August 1966
- The Wacky War Against Booze, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #22, 1966
- Football Fans Frippery Finals, (qz) Adam January 1967
- A Funny Thing Happened to Me on My Way to the O.K. Corral, (ar) 38-26-34 v4 #2, 1967
- The High Rollers, (ar) Adam February 1967
- Double-Deal for a Doll, (ss) Pussycat v1 #4, 1967
- Hustler’s Chance, (ss) Adam May 1967
- The Impossible Prisoner, (ar) Tonight v6 #2, 1967
- Off the Ghoul Standard, (hu) Cocktail v7 #2, 1967
- Sports: The Zany Zone, (hu) Pix Autumn 1967
- The Sign of the Aardvark, (hu) Sensation v4 #4, 1967/68
- Swingers in Stir, (hu) Trojan v6 #2, 1968
- Highball Mad Ball, (hu) Cocktail v8 #1, 1968
- A Slight Case of Vengeance, (ss) Men’s Digest February 1969
- The Year They Banned the Butt, (hu) 38-26-34 v6 #3, 1969
- Bustouts That Bombed Out, (ar) 38-26-34 v7 #1, 1969/70
- Pranks to Remember, (hu) Bachelor Party January/February/March 1970
- Films You’ll Never See, (hu) Late Show v7 #4, 1970
- The Big Pitch, (ss) Adam September 1971
- The Jealous Man’s Best Friend, (ar) Affair v13 #4, 1980
Kolar, Rachel (fl. 2010s) (about) (items)
- Westfield, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v6 #1, 2010
- First, Do No Harm (Unless They’re Zombies), (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #52, 2011
- 99-Cent Dreams, (ss) The Colored Lens #2, Winter 2012
- The Touch, (ss) Leading Edge #65, February 2014
- And to the Republic, (ss) Crossed Genres Magazine #26, February 2015
- Be Prepared to Shoot the Nanny, (ss) Metaphorosis January 2017
Kolb, Ken(neth) (1926- ) (items)
- The Princess Picture, (ss) Esquire August 1951
- Music Hath Charms, (ss) Collier’s September 1 1951
- High Wire: High Steel, (ss) Esquire October 1951
- Irene, Goodnight, (ss) Esquire December 1951
- The Last of the Gods, (ss) Esquire May 1952
- Elaine, (ss) Esquire July 1952
- Sunday Drive, (ss) Esquire May 1953
- 7 Minutes, (ss) Esquire June 1954
- The Money Maker, (ss) Male September 1954
- Command Performance, (ss) Esquire November 1954
- Twentieth-Century Duel, (ss) Esquire November 1959
- The Bones Are There, (ss) Rogue September 1962
- One Set of Tennis, (ss) Rogue January 1963
- Growing Old Gracefully in Hollywood, California, (ss) The Gent June 1963
- Let Us A-Quarreling Go, (ss) Redbook July 1964
- Kitty, Kitty, Kitty, (ss) Cad June 1965
- Been Here and Gone Again, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal November 1966
- Love Letters, (ss) Playboy May 1970
- Confessions of a Secret Non-Drinker, (hu) Penthouse (UK) May 1971
- The Arabian Nights Broadcasting Company Presents, (ss) Gallery November 1973
- Choose Your Weapon, (ss) Redbook September 1991
Kole, Mica Scotti (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Are You the Life of the Party?, (ss) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume 35 ed. David Farland, Galaxy Press, 2019
- Grave 657, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #48, January 2021
- Three, Two, One…, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #52, September 2021
- As Old as He Is Young, (vi) Galaxy’s Edge #54, January 2022
- Still City, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #57, July 2022
Koller, Larry (fl. 1950s-1960s) (items)
- Hunting and Fishing, (cl) Argosy January 1951, etc.
- Whitetails on the Drive, (ar) Argosy October 1951
- Bass-Bugging Beats Them All, (ar) Argosy March 1952
- Good New Fishing Gadgets, (ms) Argosy March 1952
- King of Fresh Water, (ar) Argosy March 1952
- Now You Can Take Trophy Trout, (ar) Argosy March 1952
- Spinning Makes the Grade, (ar) Argosy March 1952
- Sportsman’s Almanac, (cl) Argosy April 1952
- Want to Go to Heaven?, (ar) Argosy May 1952
- Good Fishing Gadgets, (ms) Argosy June 1952
- How to Camp Out—and Like It, (ar) Argosy July 1952
- Nova Scotia—All This and Tuna Too!, (ar) Argosy August 1952
- Deep-Woods Hunting, (ar) Argosy September 1952
- Keep Relaxed with the Shotgun, (ms) Argosy October 1952
- Pick the Right Gun (with Pete Kuhlhoff), (cl) Argosy October 1952
- Get the Best in Upland Game, (ar) Argosy November 1952
- Gifts for the Sportsman, (ms) Argosy December 1952
- “I Won’t Do It Again…”, (ar) Argosy January 1953
- Tie Your Own This Winter, (ar) Argosy February 1953
- “I Never Had It So Good”, (pi) Argosy March 1953
- Try Casting Light Lures, (ms) Argosy March 1953
- Twice as Much Good Fishing, (ar) Argosy May 1953
- Where the Big Brookies Hide Out, (ar) Argosy June 1953
- The Art of Lazy Fishing, (ar) Argosy July 1953
- The Great Sockeye Mystery, (ar) Argosy August 1953
- Best Way to Hunt Deer, (ar) Argosy September 1953
- Archery-Hunting—A Real Man’s Sport, (ar) Argosy October 1953
- The Right Rifle for You (with Pete Kuhlhoff), (ar) Argosy October 1953
- How to Use Your Head, (ar) Argosy November 1953
- Trust Junior with a Gun?, (ar) Argosy December 1953
- World’s Most Exciting Fishing, (ar) Argosy January 1954
- Glass Rods Pass the Test, (ar) Argosy February 1954
- If It’s Action You Want…, (ar) Argosy March 1954
- New Way to Fool Trout, (ar) Argosy March 1954
- How to Fish with Worms, (ar) Argosy April 1954
- Catch a King by a Thread, (ar) Argosy May 1954
- Expert’s “Perfect” Fishing Kit, (ar) Argosy June 1954
- White-Water Fishing, (ar) Argosy July 1954
- Alaska’s Gentleman Scrapper, (ar) Argosy August 1954
- The Secrets of Bow-Hunting, (ar) Argosy September 1954
- Blacks Over the Ottawa, (ar) Argosy October 1954
- Find Yourself a Trophy Deer, (ar) Argosy October 1954
- Pheasant Where You Want Them, (ar) Argosy November 1954
- Get Set for Game, (ar) Argosy October 1955
- New Tackle for ’56, (ar) Argosy January 1956
- Introduction, (si) Argosy April 1956
- Landlocks Down Under, (ar) Argosy April 1956
- Lures for Salmon Trolling, (ar) Argosy April 1956
- Fish ’Em Up or Down, (ar) Argosy May 1956
- Fishing on the Great Divide, (ar) Argosy July 1956
- The Bob Marshall Bull, (ar) Argosy October 1956
- Toughest Target on Wings…, (ar) Argosy November 1956
- New Tackle for ’57, (ar) Argosy January 1957
- Angler Ike, (ar) Argosy April 1957
- Northwoods Terror, (ar) Argosy April 1957
- What’s Your Line?, (ar) Argosy May 1957
- The Airborne Angler, (ar) Argosy June 1957
- Night-Bitin’ Trout, (ar) Argosy July 1957
- The Rifle for Big Game, (ar) Argosy August 1957
- The Blues Are In!, (ar) Argosy September 1957
- Tops in Trophies, (ar) Argosy October 1957
- Sails in the Sky, (ar) Argosy December 1957
- New Tackle for ’58, (ar) Argosy January 1958
- The Big Kill, (pi) Argosy March 1958
- Death of a Guide, (ar) Argosy March 1958
- Ghost of the Miramachi, (ar) Argosy April 1958
- Casting Made Easy, (ar) Argosy May 1958
- Don’t Be a “Habit” Fisherman, (ar) Argosy July 1958
- Power at Your Side, (ar) Argosy August 1958
- New Tackle Line for ’59, (ar) Argosy April 1959
- Bowfin, (ar) Argosy July 1959
- Fresh-Water Drum, (ar) Argosy August 1959
- New Rifles for 1960, (ar) Argosy August 1959
- King of the Rockies, (ar) Argosy November 1959
- The Long Bow, (ar) Argosy December 1959
- Coming Up…Fishing’s Deadliest Decade, (ar) Argosy April 1960
- The Yellow Bass, (ar) Argosy June 1960
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