The FictionMags Index
Index by Date: Page 3847
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Jackson, Charles Lee, II (1950- ) (about) (items)
- Comic Books Are No Damn’ Good!, (ed) StarQuest March 1994
- Los Angeles: Home of Worldcons, (ms) L.A. Con III Programme Book, L.A. Con, 1996
- Retirement Age and Still Kicking, (ms) L.A. Con III Programme Book, L.A. Con, 1996
- Tourist Trappings, (ms) L.A. Con III Programme Book, L.A. Con, 1996
- Unlikely Virgin, (ms) L.A. Con III Programme Book, L.A. Con, 1996
Jackson, Charles Loring (1847-1935) (about) (books) (items)
- The Gold Point and Other Strange Stories, (The Stratford Company, 1926, oc)
- The Cube, (ss) The Gold Point and Other Strange Stories, The Stratford Company, 1926
- The Gold Point, (ss) The Gold Point and Other Strange Stories, The Stratford Company, 1926
- Linden, (ss) The Gold Point and Other Strange Stories, The Stratford Company, 1926
- Lot 13, (nv) The Gold Point and Other Strange Stories, The Stratford Company, 1926
- Mr. Smith, (ss) The Gold Point and Other Strange Stories, The Stratford Company, 1926
- The Moth, (ss) The Gold Point and Other Strange Stories, The Stratford Company, 1926
- A Remarkable Case, (ss) The Gold Point and Other Strange Stories, The Stratford Company, 1926
- Sister Hannah, (nv) The Gold Point and Other Strange Stories, The Stratford Company, 1926
- The Three Nails, (nv) The Gold Point and Other Strange Stories, The Stratford Company, 1926
- The Travelling Companion, (ss) The Gold Point and Other Strange Stories, The Stratford Company, 1926
- An Uncomfortable Night, (ss) The Gold Point and Other Strange Stories, The Stratford Company, 1926
- An Undiscovered “Isle in the Far Sea”, (nv) The Gold Point and Other Strange Stories, The Stratford Company, 1926
Jackson, Charles Tenney (1874-1955); used pseudonym Jack Tennison (about) (items)
- The Sugaring of Bonaparte, (ss) National Magazine August 1899
- At Three Thousands Yards, (ss) National Magazine August 1900
- The Lunatic of Gainesville, (ss) National Magazine November 1900
- The Hired Man, (ss) National Magazine July 1901
- Breed of the West, (ss) The Cosmopolitan March 1903
- Every Dog His Day, (ss) The Outing Magazine March 1913
- The Country Up-in-Back, (ss) Collier’s April 5 1913
- Dad, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal May 1914
- The Big Rich Feller, (sl) American Sunday Monthly Magazine January 2 1916, etc.
- Corporal May Picks a Strange Recruit, (ss) The American Boy August 1917
- A Little Jigger This Mornin’, (ss) Adventure mid October 1918
- The Little Lone Star of Old Heidelberg, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 7 1918
- High Trail and Home Trail, (ss) Adventure 1st January 1919
- Camouflage for Two, (ss) The American Boy January 1919
- The Cross Decides, (ss) The American Boy February 1919
- Bringing ’Em On, (ss) The American Boy March 1919
- Miss Mystery, (ss) Argosy and Railroad Man’s Magazine May 3 1919
- What’s a Flat Foot Between Friends?, (ss) Argosy May 31 1919
- What the Old Hoss Died Of, (ss) Adventure 1st July 1919
- The Burning Arrow, (ss) The American Boy October 1919
- The Big Big Never, (ss) Argosy January 10 1920
- The Little Girl Who Never Saw a Hill, (ss) Argosy March 13 1920
- A Little Prayer for Rain, (ss) Argosy May 8 1920
- Half-Pint Smith, (ss) Adventure 1st January 1921
- Hooley’s Hen Hastener, (ss) Adventure 1st February 1921
- King Yellow Neck, (ss) Boys’ Life June 1921
- The Beachcombers, (sl) The American Boy July 1921
- The Sign of the Oolah, (ss) Adventure October 10 1921
- The Man Who Cursed the Lilies, (ss) Short Stories December 10 1921
- The Last Job, (ss) Short Stories December 25 1921
- Cat-in-the-Corner, (ss) Boys’ Life December 1921
- Noah’s Bark, (ss) The American Boy January 1922
- The Sea Trap, (ss) The Youth’s Companion February 2 1922
- The Break at Bonnet Range, (ss) Boys’ Life February 1922
- Happy’s Hippo-Whattamus, (ss) Boys’ Life March 1922
- The Law of the Trap, (ss) Short Stories April 25 1922
- Koko on the Wire, (ss) The Youth’s Companion June 1 1922
- Pirate-Cold, (ss) Short Stories June 25 1922
- The Horse of Hurricane Reef, (ss) Short Stories September 10 1922
- Dad Callaway’s Cat Came Back, (ss) Boys’ Life September 1922
- The Squawk, (ss) Short Stories November 10 1922
- On the Flood-Crest, (ss) Short Stories December 10 1922
- Bill’s Christmas Trimmings, (ss) Boys’ Life December 1922
- Hands Across the Water, (ss) Boys’ Life January 1923
- Kelly’s Dummy, (ss) The American Boy February 1923
- Water and Fire, (ss) Short Stories April 10 1923
- Pat’s Bear Gum, (ss) The Youth’s Companion April 12 1923
- The Bullseye Chance, (ss) Boys’ Life April 1923
- Two O’Clock at Keokuk, (ss) The Popular Magazine July 20 1923
- The Ghost Rider, (ss) The American Boy July 1923
- The Comeback, (ss) The American Boy October 1923
- Corn, (ss) Our World October 1923
- Mountain Law, (ss) Short Stories November 25 1923
- Shooting Suckers, (ss) The Youth’s Companion December 13 1923
- Off the Pay Roll, (ss) Short Stories December 25 1923
- The Turkey Patrol, (ss) The American Boy December 1923
- For His Tribe, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 20 1924
- The Fadeout, (ss) Short Stories July 10 1924
- The Bells of Tempalo, (ss) The Popular Magazine July 20 1924
- Get a Kick to It, (ss) The American Boy July 1924
- The Last Magic, (ss) Short Stories August 25 1924
- Sentimint, (ss) Adventure September 20 1924
- Migrants, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion September 1924
- The Adjutant’s Shirt, (ss) Short Stories October 25 1924
- A Little Flyer in Smoke, (ss) Short Stories November 10 1924
- The Trouble Eagle, (ss) Short Stories November 25 1924
- The Watch on the Wine, (ss) Adventure November 30 1924
- The Hand on the Wheel, (ss) Short Stories December 10 1924
- Home Folks for Christmas, (ss) The American Boy December 1924
- The Dingbat, (ss) Short Stories January 25 1925
- The Winds of Justice, (ss) Short Stories February 10 1925
- The Lady or the Trigger, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 20 1925
- Bill’s Business, (ss) Short Stories March 10 1925
- Captain Catt Came Back, (ss) Short Stories March 25 1925
- Smoke, (ss) The American Boy March 1925
- Silk, (ss) Short Stories April 25 1925
- Wimmen and Worry, (ss) Adventure April 30 1925
- The Drifting Signal, (ss) Boys’ Life April 1925
- A Date with O’Ryan, (ss) Short Stories May 10 1925
- Camp Kittle, (ss) The American Boy May 1925
- Slow Motion, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 20 1925
- Dill’s Pickle, (ss) The American Boy June 1925
- Western Stuff, (ss) The Popular Magazine July 20 1925
- First in Peace, (ss) The American Boy July 1925
- The Follow-Up, (ss) Short Stories October 25 1925
- Red Bone, (ss) Adventure October 30 1925
- The End of the “Bayou Belle”, (ss) The American Boy October 1925
- Come to Dinner, (ss) The American Boy November 1925
- Three Men, (ss) Short Stories January 10 1926
- The Cave Man’s Chance, (ss) Short Stories January 25 1926
- Misleading Citizens, (ss) Short Stories February 25 1926
- Beatin’ Toolin’s Time, (ss) The American Boy June 1926
- Scamp Was Surprised, (ss) Short Stories July 10 1926
- Under the Fleet, (ss) Adventure July 23 1926
- The Red Button, (ss) Short Stories August 25 1926
- U-Catch-Em, (ss) Short Stories October 25 1926
- Commandeer, (ss) Short Stories November 10 1926
- Under Cover, (ss) Short Stories January 25 1927
- Kite Benson Runs It Down, (ss) Boys’ Life January 1927
- Big Timber, (ss) Short Stories February 25 1927
- On the High Line, (ss) Short Stories March 10 1927
- Fall Money, (ss) Short Stories March 25 1927
- The Hens of Fore and Aft, (ss) Boys’ Life March 1927
- Soup, (ss) Short Stories July 10 1927
- The Water Trail, (ss) Short Stories August 25 1927
- Half a Scalp, (ss) Adventure September 15 1927
- Fingers, (ss) Short Stories September 25 1927
- Let’s See Your Thumb, (ss) The Popular Stories October 22 1927
- Slave Trail Ranch, (ss) Short Stories December 10 1927
- The Puddle Jumper, (ss) Short Stories January 10 1928
- Fiddlers Three, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 3 1928
- A Show for the Romans, (ss) Adventure March 15 1928
- Bubbles, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 17 1928
- The First Kill, (ss) Short Stories May 10 1928
- The Man in the Grass, (ss) The Popular Magazine May 26 1928
- The Skindaddle War, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 2 1928
- Bullies All, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 9 1928
- Brood of the Eagle, (ss) Adventure September 1 1928
- White Fire, (ss) Short Stories November 25 1928
- Last Message from the “234”, (ss) Short Stories March 10 1929
- The Secret Hideout, (ss) Triple-X Magazine #58, March 1929
- Watch Mates, (ss) Short Stories April 25 1929
- Mile High Trouble, (ss) Triple-X Magazine #59, April 1929
- The Big Boss from Bimini, (ss) Short Stories May 10 1929
- Mary Queen o’ Scotch, (ss) Short Stories June 10 1929
- The Frame Up, (ss) Short Stories September 10 1929
- The Pay Off, (ss) Short Stories October 10 1929
- Doubles or Quits, (ss) Short Stories November 25 1929
- Champs and Chumps, (ss) Short Stories February 25 1930
- Hicks from the Sticks, (ss) Short Stories March 25 1930
- The Return of Riley, (ss) Short Stories April 10 1930
- A Sea Truce, (ss) Short Stories October 10 1930
- Spanish Guns, (ss) Adventure January 15 1931
- The Sun Brand, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 1931
- The Isle of Silence, (nv) Adventure October 1 1931
- The Shadow on Up Rock, (ss) Adventure April 1 1932
- The Stuff for a Man, (ss) Adventure April 1934
- Carib Blood, (ss) Argosy May 5 1934
- The Mark of the Cat, (ss) Argosy January 19 1935
- Yankee Bluff, (ss) Short Stories January 25 1935
- Rich Man’s Party, (ss) Short Stories April 25 1935
- River Drifter, (ss) Dime Adventure Magazine June 1935
- Death Trunk, (ss) Short Stories July 10 1935
- Let’s Steal a Ship, (ss) Short Stories September 25 1935
- Swamp Rat, (ss) Argosy October 5 1935
- Queer and Hot, (ss) Short Stories November 25 1935
- The House of the Spear, (ss) Short Stories March 25 1936
- Risin’ River, (ss) Argosy April 25 1936
- In Search of a Bad Man, (ss) Western Novel and Short Stories June 1936
- Thieves and Nerves, (ss) Star Detective Magazine July 1936
- Getaway Money, (ss) Argosy September 12 1936
- Custom of the Country, (ss) Short Stories December 10 1936
- The Hanged Doll, (ss) Short Stories January 25 1937
- In Defense of Cooperatives, (ar) The Atlantic Monthly March 1937
- Smoke Over Seminole, (ss) Complete Stories March 1937
- Mud Pack, (ss) Short Stories April 25 1937
- Grunts and Grits, (nv) Complete Stories April 1937
- Red Hurricane, (ss) Short Stories July 10 1937
- The Pup Comes Home, (ss) Argosy July 17 1937
- Wildcat Talk, (ss) Argosy October 9 1937
- Mule Heaven, (ss) Argosy November 13 1937
- Snake Blossom, (ss) Argosy April 23 1938
- Palmetto Gold [Mase McKay], (ss) Argosy May 21 1938
- Snakes in the Grass [Mase McKay], (ss) Argosy June 25 1938
- Wild Man of Jigger Key, (ss) Argosy August 6 1938
- The Flame Tree, (ss) Argosy October 15 1938
- Sharks for Breakfast, (ss) Argosy December 17 1938
- Swamp Hound, (ss) Argosy January 14 1939
- The Island That Died [Mase McKay], (ss) Argosy July 1 1939
- Palmetto Cat, (ss) Argosy August 12 1939
- Tiger Hammock, (ss) Argosy October 21 1939
- When Pardners Shoot to Kill (with Robert James Green), (ss) Complete Northwest October 1939
- The Thousand-Dollar Ear, (ss) Argosy November 18 1939
- Snake Doctor [Mase McKay], (ss) Argosy May 25 1940
- Cat of Gold, (ss) Argosy August 17 1940
- Night Comes Too Soon, (ss) Argosy December 7 1940
- Hold That Bull [Mase McKay], (ss) Argosy December 28 1940
- Buryin’ Pants [Mase McKay], (ss) Argosy January 11 1941
- Davy Jones’ Brother, (ss) Argosy April 12 1941
- A Gun for France, (ss) Adventure February 1943
- The Pup Grows Old, (ss) Short Stories May 25 1943
- The Silk Trap, (ss) Adventure May 1943
- Dragon Haircut, (ss) Short Stories August 10 1943
- For the Duration, (ss) Short Stories November 25 1943
- Rope’s End, (ss) Short Stories March 25 1944
- The Power of Lesba, (ss) Short Stories July 25 1944
- Low Water in Cajun Bend, (ss) Short Stories April 10 1945
- The Trail Was Right, (ss) Short Stories August 1949
- Home and Ridin’ High, (ss) Short Stories November 1949
- Law at Half Way Tree, (ss) Short Stories September 1950
- The Buffalo Wallow, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly February 1952, as by Jack Tennison
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