The FictionMags Index
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Farrokhzad, Forough (1934-1967) (about) (items)
- Born Again, (pm) Transatlantic Review #55/56, May 1976; translated by Amin Banani & Jascha Kessler
- The Wind Will Blow Us Away, (pm) Transatlantic Review #55/56, May 1976; translated by Amin Banani & Jascha Kessler
- After You, (pm) The Paris Review #233, Summer 2020; translated by Elizabeth T. Gray, Jr.
- Window, (pm) The Paris Review #233, Summer 2020; translated by Elizabeth T. Gray, Jr.
Farrow, G(eorge) E(dward) (1862-1919) (about) (items)
- Love’s Quarrel, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine May 1897
- A Dream of Love, (pm) The Windsor Magazine August 1897
- Ye Ladyes’ Knight, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine December 1897
- The Adventures of Two Hares, (ss) The Captain #3, June 1899
- A Seaside Saraband, (pm) The Royal Magazine October 1899
- Love and Joy, (pm) The Pall Mall Magazine November 1899
- The Little Panjandrum’s Dodo, (n.) 1899
- The Cinematograph Train, (na) The Sunday Strand February 1900, etc.
- Ye Ladye’s Knight, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine August 1900
- Love and Sorrow, (pm) The Pall Mall Magazine December 1900
- Lady Betty and the Cold-Snap Dragon, (ss) The Sunday Strand December 1902
- The Escape of the Mullingong, (nv) The Strand Magazine November 1904, etc.
- A Rondeau, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine March 1905
- The Knave of Hearts, (ss) The Royal Magazine November 1905
- Flowers of the Ballet, (pm) Harry Furniss’s Christmas Annual 1905
- Fairy Days, (pm) The Windsor Magazine February 1906
- Pixie Days, (pm) The Windsor Magazine February 1906
- The Dwindleberry Zoo, (sl) The Sunday Strand September 1906, etc.
Farrugia, Mark (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- To Kill a Lesser God, (ss) Borderlands #11, March 2009
- Single Mother of None, (ss) Midnight Echo #3, September 2009
- Santa’s Little Bitch, (ss) Festive Fear ed. Stephen Clark, Tasmaniac Publications, 2009
- Past Engagements, (ss) Eclecticism E-zine #12, April 2010
- A Bag Full of Arrows, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #48, 2010
- Editorial, (ed) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #46, 2010
- A Preview of Andromeda Spaceways’ Inflight Magazine’s Best of Horror Volume 2 (with Juliet Bathory), (ms) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #46, 2010
- Allure of the Ancients (with Greg Chapman), (cs) Midnight Echo #5, February 2011
- Seeds, (ss) Midnight Echo #6, November 2011
- Allure of the Ancients: The Key to His Kingdom, (cs) Midnight Echo #7, May 2012, etc.
- Pix and Panels, (cl) Midnight Echo #8, November 2012, etc.
- By the Light Unseen, (ss) Midnight Echo #11, April 2015
Farsaci, Litterio B. “Larry” (1921-2013); later known as Larry Farsace (about) (items)
- Disintegrators and Orchids, (ar) Helios January/February 1938
- Mysteries, Astronomical and Otherwise, (ar) Helios March/April 1938
- To Fantasy, (pm) Helios March/April 1938
- Was Galileo’s Experiment Conclusive?, (ar) Different May 29 1938
- Who’s Who in Rochester, (ar) Helios May/June 1938
- Those Inevitable Supermen, (ar) Galaxy June 1938 [Ref. E. E. Smith]
- Dimension Haunted, (pm) Fantascience Digest September/October 1938
- Finder’s Keepers (with Sam Moskowitz), (ss) Cosmic Tales September 1938
- The Final War, (br) Spaceways #1, November 1938 [Ref. Carl W. Spohr]
- The Mightiest Machine, (br) Spaceways #2, January 1939, etc. [Ref. John W. Campbell]
- Brood of Helios, (br) Spaceways #4, March 1939, etc. [Ref. John Bertin]
- Paradox Plus, (ar) Spaceways #6, June 1939
- The Stone from the Green Star, (br) Spaceways #6, June 1939 [Ref. Jack Williamson]
- [letter from Rochester, NY], (lt) Spaceways #6, June 1939, etc.
- The Human Termites, (br) Spaceways #7, August 1939, etc. [Ref. David H. Keller]
- Vanished Paradise, (ar) Spaceways #7, August 1939
- [letter], (lt) Spaceways #8, October 1939, etc.
- The Metal Doom, (br) Spaceways November 1939 [Ref. David H. Keller]
- Vacancy, (pm) Science Fiction Collector November/December 1939
- A Message from Space, (br) Spaceways January 1940 [Ref. J. Schlossel]
- Enchanted Gloom, (ss) Golden Atom March 1940
- Golden Atom Tales (Part 6: Conclusion), (sl) Golden Atom March 1940
- Little Known Science Fiction, (cl) Spaceways March 1940
- [letter from New York State], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries March 1940, etc.
- Sky Worlds, (pm) Famous Fantastic Mysteries May/June 1940
- Fantasy Review—Little Known Science Fic, (rv) Cosmic Tales June 1940
- It’s All in the Way You Think, (ar) The Science Fiction Fan February 1941
- Commentary on Miske and Stardust, (ar) Spaceways March 1941
- A Collector Speaks, (ar) Spaceways August 1941, etc.
- Into the Inscrutable, (ss) Spaceways March 1942
- The Golden Dawn, (ss) Fantasite August/September 1942
- Spiraea, (pm) Spaceways September 1942
- Lylda Sleeps, (ed) Golden Atom Winter 1943
- Star-Maiden, and other poems, (pm) Golden Atom Winter 1943
- [letter from Rochester 5, NY], (lt) Astounding Science Fiction November 1952, as by Larry Farsace
- [letter from New York State: Requesting Information], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries February 1953, as by Larry Farsace
Farshtey, Greg (fl. 1990s) (books) (items)
- Introduction, (in) Strange Tales from the Nile Empire ed. Greg Farshtey, Greg Gorden & Ed Stark, West End Games, 1992
- The Voyage of the Daria Marie, (nv) Dragons Over England ed. Douglas Kaufman, West End Games, 1992
- Icarus Descending, (nv) Mysterious Cairo ed. Ed Stark, West End Games, 1992
- The Scarab’s Sting, (nv) Mysterious Cairo ed. Ed Stark, West End Games, 1992
Farson, Bruce (fl. 1900s-1910s) (items)
- The Blue Aero Intervenes [Presley], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1909
- On the East Shore [Presley], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1909
- “The Last Hundred Yards”, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine November 1909
- Afraid, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1910
- Billy’s Mile, (ss) The Captain #136, July 1910
- Excess Baggage, (ss) Hampton’s Magazine July 1910
- The Ghost Dancer, (ss) The Red Book Magazine July 1910
- The Skywayman, (ss) People’s Ideal Fiction Magazine August 1910
- The Great White House, (ss) People’s Ideal Fiction Magazine September 1910
- The Thoroughbred Strain, (ss) Ainslee’s November 1910
- “His Umps”, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1911
- Youth Will Tell, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1911
- The Bearcat, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1911
- Jinxed, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1911
- Blondy, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1911
- Tommy Shannon’s “Sign”, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1911
- A Brave Man Chooses, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1911
- Car Coming!, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1912
- The Jauveer Jewels, (ss) New Story Magazine January 1912
- The Man at Eldorado, (ss) Chicago Ledger March 2 1912
- “Darius Green”, (ss) New Story Magazine April 1912
- The Prize Boob [Three Musketeers of Baseball], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1912
- “Beaned” [Three Musketeers of Baseball], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1912
- The Mascot [Three Musketeers of Baseball], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1912
- The Joke Hat [Three Musketeers of Baseball], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1912
- At the “Sickle” Turn, (ss) New Story Magazine September 1912
- Concerning White Rats [Three Musketeers of Baseball], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1912
- The Come-Back [Three Musketeers of Baseball], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1912
- A Pair of Two Spots, (ss) New Story Magazine October 1912
- The Fixers, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1913
- The Whipper In, (ss) Short Stories March 1914
Farson, (Enid) Eve(leen) (1893-1961) (about) (items)
- How I Decorated My House for £25, (ar) The New London Magazine #1, November 1930
- Great Fun This Marbling!, (ar) The New London Magazine #2, December 1930
- A Home Without a Husband, (ar) The New London Magazine #5, March 1931
- Jill and Anne Give a Party, (ar) The New London Magazine #8, June 1931
- Furniture in Petticoats, (ar) The New London Magazine #10, August 1931
- Easy-to-Make Lampshades, (ar) The New London Magazine #12, October 1931
- Patchwork, (ar) The New London Magazine #13, November 1931
- Christmas Trees, (ar) The New London Magazine #14, December 1931
- “Through the Looking-Glass”, (ar) The New London Magazine #19, May 1932
- From Nature’s Colour Box, (ar) The New London Magazine #31, May 1933
Farson, (James Scott) Negley (1890-1960) (about) (items)
- The Wells of Ibrahim, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine January 1921
- It’s Only a Question of Time, (ss) Adventure November 20 1922
- Jones, Thompson, and—-?, (ss) Adventure May 30 1923
- The Man Killer, (ss) Adventure July 10 1923
- The Common Grief, (ss) Adventure June 20 1924
- Four Annas, (ss) Adventure May 30 1925
- Tyee, (ss) Adventure September 8 1926
- The Sinister Island, (ar) Pictorial Weekly #1516, June 23 1928
- The World Today: A Land of Dreams, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine September 1928
- Killing a Whale, (ss) Adventure July 15 1929
- Under-dogs of the Sea, (ar) Britannia and Eve April 1931
- Hot Air, (ss) Adventure May 15 1931
- His Own Affair, (ss) Adventure August 15 1931
- The Happy Exiles, (ar) Britannia and Eve February 1935
- What Is India?, (ar) Britannia and Eve August 1935
- Christmas—but Not at Home!, (ar) Britannia and Eve December 1935
- In Old Castile, (ar) Men Only #3, February 1936
- Travelling Third Class, (ar) Men Only #5, April 1936
- The Faithful Heart, (ss) Men Only #7, June 1936
- Sweet Land of Liberty, (ar) Britannia and Eve June 1936
- Does It Pay?, (ar) Britannia and Eve November 1937
- In Search of Food, (ar) Britannia and Eve December 1937
- The Way of a Transgressor, (ex) 1937
- Reporter at Large, (ar) Britannia and Eve April 1938
- What’s on Your Mind?, (ar) Britannia and Eve May 1938
- Nights Out, (ar) Britannia and Eve June 1938
- The Woods Are Worth It, (ar) Britannia and Eve August 1938
- My Years in England, (ar) Britannia and Eve September 1938
- Small Lives, (ar) Britannia and Eve December 1938
- Ships of the Seven Seas, (ar) Britannia and Eve February 1939
- The Pawns of South-West Africa, (ar) Britannia and Eve May 1939
- It Happened in South-West Africa, (ar) Britannia and Eve June 1939
- They Are Human, (ar) Britannia and Eve July 1939
- Black and White in Africa, (ar) Britannia and Eve October 1939
- A Tale of Five Cities, (ar) The Sketch November 8 1939
- What Is Your Ultimate Objective?, (ar) Britannia and Eve January 1940
- Behind God’s Back, (ar) Britannia and Eve February 1940
- The Self-Contained Life, (ar) Britannia and Eve April 1940
- Women in Uniform, (ar) Britannia and Eve June 1940
- Along the Danube, (ar) Britannia and Eve July 1940
- Salute to England, (ar) Britannia and Eve August 1940
- The Walls of Britain, (ar) Britannia and Eve October 1940
- An American on the Future of England, (ar) Lilliput December 1940
- The Living London, (ar) Britannia and Eve December 1940
- The Things We Live For, (ar) Britannia and Eve February 1941
- The Anglo-Maniac, (ar) Britannia and Eve May 1941
- Passages from “Behind God’s Back”, (ss) Redbook Magazine June 1941
- John Bull and Uncle Sam, (ar) Britannia and Eve August 1941
- Third Winter, (ar) Britannia and Eve January 1942
- Ladies in Waiting, (ar) Britannia and Eve February 1942
- Something I’d Like to Say About England, (ar) The Strand Magazine August 1942
- Prepare Your Mind, (ar) Britannia and Eve October 1942
- ’Transgressor’ Farson Writes His Own Obituary, (bg) The Strand Magazine October 1942
- Wake of the Jackboot, (ar) Britannia and Eve November 1942
- An Undiscovered Christmas, (ar) Britannia and Eve December 1942
- Anglomania, (ar) Britannia and Eve January 1943
- One Man Brains Trust, (qa) The Strand Magazine January 1943
- African Mandate, (ar) Britannia and Eve February 1943
- Life Is Not Rationed, (ar) Britannia and Eve March 1943
- I’d Like to Go Back, (ar) The Strand Magazine May 1943
- Jungle Harvest, (ar) Britannia and Eve July 1943
- Haunts of Ancient Peace, (ar) Britannia and Eve August 1943
- Rivers of My Life, (ar) Britannia and Eve October 1943
- They Will Want to Live in England, (ar) Britannia and Eve November 1943
- A Backward Point of View, (ar) Britannia and Eve December 1943
- Return to Security, (ar) Britannia and Eve January 1944
- Don’ts for Diplomats, (ar) Britannia and Eve March 1944
- It Could Happen Here, (ar) Britannia and Eve April 1944
- When Peace Returns to Britain, (ar) Britannia and Eve May 1944
- The Coming of the Machine Age, (ar) Britannia and Eve July 1944
- A Life to Keep Going, (ar) Britannia and Eve August 1944
- Appointment in Vienna, (ar) Britannia and Eve September 1944
- The Soldiers’ Vote and the Land Fit for Heroes?, (ar) Britannia and Eve November 1944
- A Personal Check-Up, (ar) Britannia and Eve December 1944
- The Condition of England, (ar) Britannia and Eve February 1945
- Post War…, (ar) Britannia and Eve April 1945
- Thanks—for the Memories!, (ar) Britannia and Eve May 1945
- All Work and No Play?, (ar) Britannia and Eve July 1945
- The Best Days of the British Colonial Empire Still Lie Ahead, (ar) Britannia and Eve September 1945
- Six Cities, (ar) Men Only #136, March 1947
- Beat of a Lifetime, (nv) The London Mystery Magazine #3, 1950
- The Horse with Heels [Did It Happen?], (ar) The Evening Standard June 20 1955
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