The FictionMags Index
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Dunn, J(oseph) Allan (Elphinstone) (books) (items) (continued)
- Two-Gun Gorman [Jim Gorman], (na) People’s Favorite Magazine October 25 1921
- The Exterminator, (ss) Adventure November 10 1921
- The Girl at Vacada, (ss) Short Stories November 25 1921
- The Gold Ship, (ss) Adventure November 30 1921
- The Golden Dolphin, (na) Short Stories December 10 1921
- Barehanded Castaways, (na) Adventure December 20 1921
- Star of the East, (ss) Boys’ Life December 1921
- Fortune Unawares, (sl) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 21 1922, etc.
- Forced Luck, (na) Adventure February 10 1922
- The Gay Galoot, (nv) Short Stories February 10 1922
- The Hammerer, (nv) Short Stories February 25 1922
- Gorman Takes a Hand [Jim Gorman], (nv) People’s Story Magazine March 10 1922
- The Flag and the Bee [Mississippi Miles], (ss) Boys’ Life March 1922
- Plunder, (na) Adventure April 30 1922
- Crotons, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine April 1922
- Winning Through [Mississippi Miles], (ss) Boys’ Life April 1922
- Flotsam, (nv) Adventure June 10 1922
- The Lad of Lake Champlain, (ss) Boys’ Life July 1922
- The Hen Herder, (nv) Short Stories August 10 1922
- Wug the Woodchuck [Tales of the Wild Folk], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine August 15 1922
- The Crimson Corpuscle, (nv) McClure’s Magazine August 1922
- The Gang All There, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 1 1922
- The Indiscreet Porcupine, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 15 1922
- Two Men—And a Boat, (ss) Adventure September 30 1922
- Breed, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine September 1922
- Consider the Humans [Tales of the Wild Folk], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine October 1 1922
- Salvage, (ss) Short Stories October 25 1922
- The Island, (na) Adventure October 30 1922
- The Pigeons of Wong Foo, (ss) The Green Magazine #2, November 21 1922
- Jim Morse Among the Cannibals [Jim Morse], (sl) Boys’ Life November 1922, etc.
- The Crater of Kala, (na) People’s December 10 1922
- Pakiki’s Pearl, (nv) Short Stories December 10 1922
- Done in the Desert, (ss) Short Stories December 25 1922
- The Sextant, (ss) Boys’ Life December 1922
- Jim Gorman’s Brand [Jim Gorman], (na) People’s January 1 1923
- Big Timber, (ss) Short Stories February 10 1923
- Wild Justice, (ss) Adventure February 10 1923
- Drums of Doom, (na) People’s March 1 1923
- Gems of the Jungle, (nv) Short Stories March 10 1923
- Hawks of Hazard, (ss) People’s March 15 1923
- Fool’s Gold, (nv) Argosy Allstory Weekly March 17 1923
- Cowboy, (ss) Short Stories March 25 1923
- Yellow Head, (nv) Adventure March 30 1923
- Hawkeye Sam’s Banking, (ss) Short Stories April 10 1923
- Jim Gorman Hits the Trail [Jim Gorman], (nv) People’s April 15 1923
- The Black Banner, (ss) Adventure May 10 1923
- White Mary, (na) People’s May 15 1923
- The Water Wizard, (nv) Adventure May 20 1923
- Writing the Adventure Story, (ar) The Story World and Photodramatist May 1923
- The Man with the Dead Face, (nv) People’s July 15 1923
- The Treasure, (nv) Adventure July 30 1923
- Twenty-Stick Island, (nv) Argosy Allstory Weekly August 11 1923
- The Broomtail Mare, (ss) People’s August 15 1923
- The Pendulum of the Skull, (ss) Short Stories August 25 1923
- Smoke Island, (nv) Adventure September 10 1923
- Honey, (nv) People’s September 15 1923
- That Joke on the Weasel, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 15 1923
- Even Up, (ss) People’s October 1 1923
- Gorman and the Third Shift [Jim Gorman], (nv) People’s October 15 1923
- Nemesis, (ss) Adventure October 30 1923
- The Hideout, (nv) People’s November 15 1923
- The Coyote Kid, (sl) Boys’ Life November 1923, etc.
- Out of the West, (ss) People’s December 1 1923
- Nighthawks of the Range, (na) People’s December 15 1923
- South!, (na) Short Stories December 25 1923
- Loco, (nv) People’s January 1 1924
- Gold—A Trace, (ss) Short Stories January 10 1924
- The Last Potlatch, (ss) Short Stories January 25 1924
- The Right Stuff, (ss) People’s February 1 1924
- That Which Happens, (nv) The Detective Magazine #33, February 15 1924
- Rivals of the Reef, (nv) Adventure February 20 1924
- The Man Who Spoke with the Wind, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine February 1924
- Lost Loot, (na) People’s March 1 1924
- Mesquite, (nv) Short Stories March 25 1924
- Jim Gorman Rides a Hunch [Jim Gorman], (nv) People’s March 15 1924
- Luck, (nv) People’s April 1 1924
- The Lightning Kid, (nv) Short Stories April 10 1924
- White Magic, (ss) Short Stories April 25 1924
- Rascals Three, (nv) People’s May 1 1924
- Peaceful Peck, (ss) Short Stories May 10 1924
- Courage, (ss) The Yellow Magazine May 30 1924
- The Men of the Mesa, (ss) Short Stories June 10 1924
- The Snubline Snake, (nv) Short Stories June 25 1924
- The Trouble at Tres Piños, (na) Short Stories July 10 1924
- Jinx, (ss) The Premier Magazine #17, July 1924
- The Brand Blotchers, (na) People’s August 1 1924
- White Water Men, (ss) Short Stories August 10 1924
- The Wingless Buzzard, (nv) People’s August 15 1924
- Hello, the House!, (ss) Short Stories September 10 1924
- Wild Bill, (na) Complete Story Magazine September 10 1924
- Go-Fever, (sl) Adventure September 20 1924, etc.
- The Lumberjill, (nv) Short Stories September 25 1924
- Outmatched, (nv) Short Stories October 10 1924
- The Blue Moon, (nv) Complete Story Magazine October 25 1924
- The Screaming Skull, (ss) The Frontier October 1924
- Blue Bullets, (nv) Complete Story Magazine November 10 1924
- The Flower of Fate, (na) Complete Story Magazine November 25 1924, as by Joseph Montague
- The Moment Magnificent, (ss) Complete Story Magazine November 25 1924
- The Debt of José Rabal, (nv) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 6 1924
- Black Ivory, (ss) Adventure December 10 1924
- Received on Account, (ss) Complete Story Magazine December 10 1924
- The Sunset Trail, (na) Complete Story Magazine December 25 1924
- Doom Canyon, (na) Complete Story Magazine January 25 1925, as by Joseph Montague
- Thieves’ Honor, (ss) Adventure February 20 1925
- Long-Hair, (na) Complete Story Magazine February 25 1925
- The Word of the Vivo Kid, (nv) Complete Story Magazine February 25 1925, as by Joseph Montague
- The Margin of Error, (ss) Complete Story Magazine March 10 1925
- The Twin to Tiburon, (ss) Complete Story Magazine March 10 1925, as by Joseph Montague
- Indian Rock, (nv) Complete Story Magazine March 25 1925
- The Skirt, (ss) Complete Story Magazine March 25 1925, as by Joseph Montague
- The Pan Pounder, (na) Complete Story Magazine April 25 1925
- Jim Morse in Australia, (ms) Boys’ Life April 1925
- The Pearl of Amaru, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine April 1925
- Taka Taina, (ss) The Premier Magazine #26, April 1925
- The Luck of the Game, (nv) Complete Story Magazine May 10 1925
- The Voice in the Wilderness, (nv) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 16 1925
- The Buckaroo, (nv) Complete Story Magazine June 25 1925
- Blotched Brands, (nv) Complete Story Magazine July 10 1925, as by Joseph Montague
- The Three Traders, (nv) Adventure July 20 1925
- The Trail Blazers, (nv) Complete Story Magazine July 25 1925
- The Pearl of La Paz, (ss) Complete Story Magazine August 10 1925
- Whispering Wind, (ss) Complete Story Magazine August 25 1925
- The Border Coyotes, (na) Complete Story Magazine September 10 1925, as by Joseph Montague
- Brutes of the Sea, (ss) Complete Story Magazine September 10 1925
- O’Donnell’s Demonstration, (na) Complete Story Magazine September 25 1925
- Jim Morse in Australia [Jim Morse], (sl) Boys’ Life September 1925, etc.
- The Bar-Bee Raiders, (nv) Complete Story Magazine October 10 1925, as by Joseph Montague
- Thoroughbreds, (nv) Complete Story Magazine October 10 1925
- Cogged Dice, (nv) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #17, October 1925
- Red Hill Dust, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine October 1925
- The Trap, (ss) Complete Story Magazine November 10 1925
- As It Was Written, (ss) Complete Story Magazine November 25 1925, as by Joseph Montague
- The Plainsman, (nv) Complete Story Magazine November 25 1925
- The ’Choke Ranch, (nv) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #18, November 1925
- Rovers Three, (sl) Adventure December 20 1925, etc.
- The Speed of the Wind, (nv) Complete Story Magazine December 25 1925, as by Joseph Montague
- Three Unwise Men, (nv) Complete Story Magazine December 25 1925
- The Middle Way, (na) Complete Story Magazine January 10 1926
- The Theft of Tiburon, (ss) Complete Story Magazine January 10 1926, as by Joseph Montague
- Buccra Gold, (ss) Complete Story Magazine January 25 1926
- Mahogany Isle, (na) Complete Story Magazine February 10 1926, as by Joseph Montague
- Payment, (ss) Complete Story Magazine February 10 1926
- Gold and the Girl, (na) Complete Story Magazine February 25 1926
- The Grudge, (ss) Complete Story Magazine February 25 1926, as by Joseph Montague
- Above the Law, (ss) Complete Story Magazine March 10 1926
- Long Tom, (nv) Complete Story Magazine March 25 1926
- The Fealty of the Ferret, (ss) Complete Story Magazine April 10 1926, as by Joseph Montague
- The Lizard, (ss) Complete Story Magazine April 25 1926
- Pot Luck, (na) Complete Story Magazine April 25 1926, as by Joseph Montague
- Dragon’s Breath, (na) Complete Story Magazine May 10 1926
- The Feud at Five Corners, (nv) Short Stories May 10 1926
- Three Men and a Woman, (nv) Complete Story Magazine May 10 1926, as by Joseph Montague
- Dinero, (nv) Complete Story Magazine May 25 1926, as by Joseph Montague
- Arizona’s Alibi, (nv) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine May 1926
- The Fealty of the Ferrett, (ss) The Premier Magazine #40, June 1926
- The Mouse, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine June/July 1926
- The Splendid Silence, (ss) Complete Story Magazine July 10 1926, as by Joseph Montague
- The Great God Gold, (na) Complete Story Magazine July 25 1926, as by Joseph Montague
- The Land the Law Forgot, (ss) Complete Story Magazine July 25 1926
- The Stunt Girl, (ss) Liberty August 7 1926
- One Arizona Night, (ss) Complete Story Magazine August 10 1926, as by Joseph Montague
- Renegade, (ss) Complete Story Magazine August 10 1926
- Crimson Flower, (ss) Collier’s August 14 1926
- Silver Spurs, (na) Complete Story Magazine August 25 1926
- Big Man, (ss) Complete Story Magazine September 10 1926, as by Joseph Montague
- Ace High, (ss) Complete Story Magazine September 25 1926
- Son of the Sun, (na) Complete Story Magazine September 25 1926, as by Joseph Montague
- The Horizon Hunter, (ss) Short Stories October 25 1926
- The Road to Santa Fe, (sl) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #29, October 1926, etc.
- The Wastrel, (nv) The Corner Magazine October 1926
- Under the Sun, (ss) Liberty December 4 1926
- The High Rigger, (ss) Short Stories December 25 1926
- The Clew Master, (ss) Complete Stories December 1926, as by Joseph Montague
- The Light in the Window, (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1926
- The Luck of the Lagoon, (ss) Complete Stories December 1926
- Winners—Losers, (ss) Sport Story Magazine January 8 1927
- The Little Cocked Hat, (ss) Short Stories January 25 1927
- The Blackmail Maze, (na) Complete Stories January 1927
- Stetson Stew, (ss) Short Stories February 10 1927
- The Chart of Don Cabral, (sl) Sea Stories March 1927, etc.
- The White Pigeon, (sl) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #34, March 1927
- Easy Money, (ss) West April 20 1927
- The Phantom Horseman, (sl) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #35, April 1927, etc.
- The Valley of the Wind, (nv) Short Stories May 10 1927
- The Looters of Levutu, (na) Complete Stories May 1927
- The Honor of the Race, (ss) Sport Story Magazine June 8 1927
- Coming Through, (na) Short Stories June 10 1927
- Secret Cargo, (nv) Sea Stories June 1927
- Whispering Lead, (nv) West July 20 1927
- Bearings, (ss) Sea Stories July 1927
- Don Coyote, (ss) Short Stories August 10 1927
- Bud Jones of Texas [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly August 13 1927
- Outlaws of Buzzards’ Roost [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly August 20 1927
- Going Over, (ss) Sport Story Magazine August 22 1927
- Devil’s Gold, (ss) Short Stories August 25 1927
- Scalps and Saddles [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly August 27 1927
- The Gun-Runner, (ss) Sea Stories August 1927
- Pearls—of a Price, (ss) Frontier Stories August 1927
- Thumb Mountain [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly September 3 1927
- Ranger Grit [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly September 10 1927
- Trouble on the Brazos [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly September 17 1927
- The Man Trap [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly September 24 1927
- The Whistlin’ Kid [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly September 24 1927, as by Emery Jackson
- Seventy-Six Dollars, (ss) Short Stories September 25 1927
- Buffalo Boy, (sl) Boys’ Life September 1927, etc.
- Shorty, (ss) Sea Stories September 1927
- Slim Saunders’ Goat, (ss) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #40, September 1927
- Trouble on the Three-Bar-B, (na) Complete Stories September 1927
- Contraband [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly October 1 1927
- Mystery Ranch, (nv) West October 1 1927
- The Ranch at La Jota [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly October 1 1927, as by Emery Jackson
- The Taming of the Tribes [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly October 8 1927
- The Whistlin’ Kid Turns Brand Blotter [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly October 8 1927, as by Emery Jackson
- Rocking Stone Canyon [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly October 15 1927
- The Whistlin’ Kid Tries Prospectin’ [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly October 15 1927, as by Emery Jackson
- Mesa Loot [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly October 22 1927
- The Whistlin’ Kid’s Smoke Signal [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly October 22 1927, as by Emery Jackson
- Fogged Trails [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly October 29 1927
- The Whistlin’ Kid Acts Dumb [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly October 29 1927, as by Emery Jackson
- The Buzzard’s Roost, (na) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #41, October 1927
- Cow Agents [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly November 5 1927
- The Whistlin’ Kid Plays Mex [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly November 5 1927, as by Emery Jackson
- Nesters on OS Range, (ss) Wild West Weekly November 12 1927
- The Whistlin’ Kid’s Hoss Race [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly November 12 1927, as by Emery Jackson
- Raiders from Sonora [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly November 19 1927
- The Whistlin’ Kid Studies Mules [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly November 19 1927, as by Emery Jackson
- Runt, (nv) Short Stories November 25 1927
- Thanksgiving on Pecan Ridge [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly November 26 1927
- The Whistlin’ Kid Talks Turkey [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly November 26 1927, as by Emery Jackson
- The Star Brand, (na) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #42, November 1927
- Way of the Ranger [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly December 3 1927
- The Whistlin’ Kid—Peacemaker [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly December 3 1927, as by Emery Jackson
- Devil’s Hollow [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly December 10 1927
- Welcome, Ranger [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly December 17 1927
- The Whistlin’ Kid Makes Magic [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly December 17 1927, as by Emery Jackson
- Christmas at Cinnabar [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly December 24 1927
- The Whistlin’ Kid Trims a Tree [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly December 24 1927, as by Emery Jackson
- Bad Men of the Border [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly December 31 1927
- The Wild Man from Wind Mountain [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly January 7 1928
- On the Level [Jimmy Dugan], (ss) Short Stories January 10 1928
- The Whistlin’ Kid Learns a New Tune [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly January 14 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- Solo Smith, Outlaw, (ss) Adventure January 15 1928
- The Swinging Symbol [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly January 21 1928
- The Whistlin’ Kid Shows the Cloven Hoof [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly January 21 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- Rangers’ Luck [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly January 28 1928
- The Whistlin’ Kid Lays a Spook [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly January 28 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- The Lagoon at Mareva, (nv) Outdoor Stories January 1928
- The Trail of the Hawk, (na) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #44, January 1928
- Bandits and Boobies [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly February 4 1928
- The Whistlin’ Kid Pipes Down [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly February 4 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- Sign in the Sand [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly February 11 1928
- Closed Trails, (na) West February 18 1928
- Get Your Man! [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly February 18 1928
- The Whistlin’ Kid Eats Crow [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly February 18 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- Black Bart’s Last Shot [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly February 25 1928
- Scum of the Sea, (ss) Collier’s February 25 1928
- The Whistlin’ Kid Listens In [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly February 25 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- Wild Horse Range, (na) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #45, February 1928
- The Fonda at Las Ancas, (ss) Adventure March 1 1928
- The Whistlin’ Kid’s False Alarm [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly March 3 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- The Smoky Mountain Clan [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly March 10 1928
- Twenty-Four Hours to Quit [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly March 17 1928
- The Whistlin’ Kid’s Loco Trail [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly March 17 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- The Whistlin’ Kid Rides the Range [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly March 24 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- Playing Safe [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly March 31 1928
- A Close Shave, (vi) The Corner Magazine March 1928
- Another Man’s Boots [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly April 7 1928
- The Whistlin’ Kid Sees a Blister [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly April 7 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- The Fugitive [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly April 14 1928
- The Whistlin’ Kid Finds a Way [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly April 21 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- One Tough Egg! [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly April 28 1928
- The Whistlin’ Kid Rides Herd [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly April 28 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- The Taming of Tamatau, (ss) The Grand Magazine April 1928
- Haunted Canyon [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly May 5 1928
- The Whistlin’ Kid and the Committee [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly May 5 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- On the Rangers’ List [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly May 12 1928
- The Whistlin’ Kid Turns Yellow [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly May 19 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- The Black Mountain Boys [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly May 26 1928
- The Whistlin’ Kid Sees the Light [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly May 26 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- The Whistlin’ Kid Loses Speed [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly June 2 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- Smoke Signals [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly June 9 1928
- The Whistlin’ Kid Plays Two Ways [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly June 9 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- The Whistlin’ Kid Gets a New String [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly June 16 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- Catfish Landing [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly June 23 1928
- The Whistlin’ Kid Wonders [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly June 23 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- The Whistlin’ Kid Fights Fire [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly June 30 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- The Golden Trail [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly July 7 1928
- The Whistlin’ Kid Trails with Speed [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly July 7 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- The Whistlin’ Kid Plays a Skin Game [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly July 14 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- The Whistlin’ Kid Is Mute [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly July 21 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- The Bully of Bautista [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly July 28 1928
- The Magic Isle, (nv) Complete Stories July 1928
- New Guinea Gold, (na) Outdoor Stories July 1928
- The Whistlin’ Kid Finds the Lost Waters [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly August 4 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- Ranger Style [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly August 11 1928
- The Rangers Ride [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly August 25 1928
- Rama, the Rogue, (nv) Outdoor Stories August 1928
- The Whistlin’ Kid Applies the Acid Test [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly September 1 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- Mule Magic [Bud Jones], (ss) Wild West Weekly September 8 1928
- The Whistlin’ Kid’s Lucky Hunch [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly September 8 1928, as by Emery Jackson
- The Whistlin’ Kid Sees Double [The Whistlin’ Kid], (ss) Wild West Weekly September 15 1928, as by Emery Jackson
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