The FictionMags Index
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Chester, William L(ester) (1907-1971) (about) (items)
- Hawk of the Wilderness [Kioga], (n.) The Blue Book Magazine April 1935, etc.
- Kioga of the Wilderness [Kioga], (n.) The Blue Book Magazine April 1936, etc.
- In Defense of the Pulps, (ar) The New York Times December 3 1936
- One Against a Wilderness [Kioga], (nv) The Blue Book Magazine March 1937
- The Dire Wolves’ Prey [Kioga], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1937
- Unharmed, He Dwelt Among the Forest People [Kioga], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1937
- Flight of the Forest People [Kioga], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1937
- White Heritage [Kioga], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1937
- The Turn of the Tide [Kioga], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1937
- Kioga of the Unknown Land [Kioga], (n.) The Blue Book Magazine March 1938, etc.
- Not to the Swift, (ss) Adventure October 1938
Chesterman, Adrian (1955- ) (about) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Pulsar 1 ed. George Hay, Penguin, 1978
- [front cover], (cv) In Solitary by Garry Kilworth, Penguin, 1979
- [front cover], (cv) Pulsar 2 ed. George Hay, Penguin, 1979
- [front cover], (cv) The Night of Kadar by Garry Kilworth, Penguin, 1980
- [front cover], (cv) Split Second by Garry Kilworth, Penguin, 1981
Chesterton, Ada Eliza(beth Jones) (1869-1962); used pseudonym John Keith Prothero (about) (items)
- The Secret of the Pools, (ss) Crampton’s Magazine April 1900, as by John Keith Prothero
- A Charming Scamp, (ss) Short Stories February 1 1902, as by John Keith Prothero
- The Mystery of the Mostyn Diamonds, (ss) The London Magazine October 1902, as by John Keith Prothero
- If Thou Transgress—, (sl) Yes or No September 1 1906, etc., as by John Keith Prothero
- Rose of the World, (sl) Yes or No May 7 1910, etc., as by John Keith Prothero
- Horace and the Miracle, (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine December 1923, as by John Keith Prothero
- Spring Cleaning—and Brinsley Sheridan, (ar) G.K.’s Weekly March 21 1925, as by John Keith Prothero [Ref. Brinsley Sheridan]
Chesterton, Denise (items)
- Scented Nights, (sl) Betty’s Paper January 19 1924
- The Desert Hawk, (n.) Poppy’s Library #1, December 1928
- Afraid of Loving, (n.) Poppy’s Library #12, May 1929
- An African Taming, (n.) Poppy’s Library #52, January 1931
- Held by the East, (n.) Poppy’s Library #62, June 1931
- A Lover for Sale!, (n.) Poppy’s Library #69, October 1931
- Her Dangerous Marriage, (n.) Poppy’s Library #71, November 1931
- The Tiger in Men!, (n.) Poppy’s Library #79, March 1932
- Passion Flower!, (n.) Poppy’s Library #87, July 1932
- The Eternal Hunger!, (n.) Poppy’s Library #91, September 1932
- Dangerous Love!, (n.) Poppy’s Library #97, December 1932
- The Passionate Punishment, (n.) Poppy’s Library #105, April 1933
- The Love Hawk, (n.) Poppy’s Library #109, June 1933
- African Nights, (n.) Poppy’s Library #111, July 1933
- When Love Dies, (n.) Poppy’s Library #144, November 1934
Chesterton, G(ilbert) K(eith) (1874-1936) (about) (books) (items)
- A Picture of Tuesday, (ss) The Quarto v1, 1896
- A Crazy Tale, (ss) The Quarto v3, 1897
- Thou Shalt Not Kill, (pm) 189?
- The Value of Detective Fiction, (ex) The Speaker June 21 1901
- The Value of Detective Stories, (ar) The Speaker June 22 1901
- Books to Read, (rc) The Pall Mall Magazine September 1901, etc.
- A Defence of Penny Dreadfuls, (ar) J.M. Dent, 1901
- The Conspiracy of Journalism, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine February 1902
- The New English Academy, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine March 1902
- Victor Hugo, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine April 1902
- The Over-Production of Novels, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine May 1902
- Bret Harte, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine July 1902 [Ref. Bret Harte]
- Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine April 1903 [Ref. Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler]
- W.E. Henley, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine August 1903 [Ref. W. E. Henley]
- An Example of the Truth of Fairy Tales, (ar) Black & White #669, November 28 1903
- Pumpkins and Possibility, (ar) Black & White #670, December 5 1903
- On Being Taken In, (ar) Black & White #671, December 12 1903
- Is Furniture Alive?, (ar) Black & White #672, December 19 1903
- The Tremendous Adventures of Major Brown [Rupert Grant; Basil Grant], (nv) Harper’s Weekly December 19 1903
- My Experiences of Santa Claus, (ar) Black & White #673, December 26 1903
- Alfred Russel Wallace, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine January 1904 [Ref. Alfred Russel Wallace]
- The Napoleon of Notting Hill, (John Lane, The Bodley Head, March 1904, n.)
- The Fall of a Great Reputation [Rupert Grant; Basil Grant], (nv) Harper’s Weekly May 7 1904
- The Awful Reason of the Vicar’s Visit [Rupert Grant; Basil Grant], (nv) Harper’s Weekly May 28 1904, etc.
- The Singular Speculation of the House-Agent [Rupert Grant; Basil Grant], (nv) Harper’s Weekly June 11 1904, etc.
- The Noticeable Conduct of Professor Chadd [Rupert Grant; Basil Grant], (nv) Harper’s Weekly June 25 1904, etc.
- Mrs. Humphry Ward, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine June 1904 [Ref. Mrs. Humphry Ward]
- [front cover], (cv) The Idler June 1904
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Idler June 1904
- The Eccentric Seclusion of the Old Lady [Rupert Grant; Basil Grant], (nv) Harper’s Weekly July 9 1904, etc.
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Idler July 1904
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Idler August 1904
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Idler September 1904
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Idler October 1904
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Idler November 1904
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Idler December 1904
- The Club of Queer Trades [Rupert Grant; Basil Grant], (Harper & Brothers, March 1905, co)
- The Sun, (pm) The Acorn October 1905
- The Perfect Game, (ss) The Daily News August 11 1906
- The Shop of Ghosts, (ss) The Daily News December 22 1906
- My Ideal Magazine, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine December 1906
- The Book of Job: An Introduction, (ar) Putnam’s Monthly June 1907
- The Curious Englishman, (ss) The Daily News August 3 1907
- The Roots of the World, (vi) The Daily News August 17 1907
- A Nightmare, (ss) The Daily News September 21 1907
- The Secret People, (pm) The Neolith #1, November 1907
- The Angry Street—A Bad Dream, (ss) The Daily News January 25 1908
- A Somewhat Improbable Story [Club of Queer Trades], (ss) The Daily News January 25 1908
- The Man Who Was Thursday, (Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Company Limited, February 1908, n.)
- The Giant, (vi) The Daily News October 31 1908
- The Long Bow, (ss) The Daily News November 7 1908
- How I Found the Superman, (ss) The Daily News December 5 1908
- The Unreal World of Comfort, (ar) The Scrap Book December 1908
- To Edmund Clerihew Bentley, (pm) Arrowsmith, 1908
- The Three Temples, (ar) The Daily News January 16 1909
- The Future of America, (ar) Hampton’s Magazine February 1909
- The American Millionaire, (ar) Hampton’s Magazine June 1909
- Dukes, (ss) The Daily News October 30 1909
- The Ball and the Cross, (John Lane, December 1909, n.)
- Valentin Follows a Curious Trail [Father Brown], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 23 1910
- The Secret of the Sealed Garden [Father Brown], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 3 1910
- Why the True Fishermen Always Wear Green Evening Coats [Father Brown], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 1 1910
- The Bolt from the Blue [Father Brown], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 5 1910
- H.G. Wells, (bg) The American Magazine November 1910 [Ref. H. G. Wells]
- The Wrong Shape [Father Brown], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 10 1910
- The Sign of the Broken Sword [Father Brown], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 7 1911
- The Invisible Man [Father Brown], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 28 1911
- The Eye of Apollo [Father Brown], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 25 1911
- The Strange Justice [Father Brown], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 25 1911
- The Sins of Prince Saradine [Father Brown], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 22 1911
- The Flying Stars [Father Brown], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 20 1911
- The Three Tools of Death [Father Brown], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 24 1911
- The Innocence of Father Brown [Father Brown], (Cassell and Company, Ltd., July 1911, co)
- Lepanto, (pm) The Living Age November 11 1911
- Divorce versus Democracy, (ar) Nash’s Magazine May 1912
- The Absence of Mr. Glass [Father Brown], (ss) McClure’s Magazine November 1912
- The Treason of the Jingo, (ar) Nash’s Magazine November 1912
- [illustration(s)], (il) Nash’s Magazine December 1912
- [illustration(s)], (il) Nash’s Magazine January 1913
- The New Power of the Police, (ar) Nash’s Magazine February 1913
- The Strange Crime of John Boulnois [Father Brown], (ss) McClure’s Magazine February 1913
- The Paradise of Thieves [Father Brown], (ss) McClure’s Magazine March 1913
- [illustration(s)], (il) Nash’s Magazine March 1913
- The Man in the Passage [Father Brown], (ss) McClure’s Magazine April 1913
- The Crime of Criminology, (ar) Nash’s Magazine May 1913
- The Purple Wig [Father Brown], (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine May 1913
- The Head of Caesar [Father Brown], (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine June 1913
- In Praise of Puppets, (lt) Nash’s Magazine August 1913 [Ref. George Bernard Shaw]
- The Mistake of the Machine [Father Brown], (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine October 1913
- The Sword of Wood, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine November 1913
- To God, (pm) The Pall Mall Magazine December 1913
- The Flying Inn, (Methuen, January 1914, n.)
- The Humbug of Higher Criticism, (ar) Nash’s Magazine January 1914
- The Perishing of the Pendragons [Father Brown], (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine June 1914
- Childish Talk About Children, (ar) Nash’s Magazine July 1914
- The Salad of Colonel Cray [Father Brown], (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine July 1914
- The Duel of Doctor Hirsch [Father Brown], (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine August 1914
- The God of the Gongs [Father Brown], (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine September 1914
- What the War Should Accomplish, (ms) Nash’s Magazine September 1914
- The Wisdom of Father Brown [Father Brown], (Cassell and Company, Ltd., October 1914, co)
- The Donnington Affair [Father Brown] (with Max Pemberton), (nv) The Premier Magazine #6, October 1914, etc.
- The Fairy Tale of Father Brown [Father Brown], (ss) The Wisdom of Father Brown, Cassell, 1914
- The Horrible History of Jones, (pm) 1915
- The Rolling English Road, (pm) Wine, Water and Song by G. K. Chesterton, Methuen, 1915
- You Disturb the Prussian Dream, (ar) Everybody’s Magazine January 1916
- The German Chancellor’s Speech, (ar) Land & Water April 13 1916
- The Man and the Machine, (ar) Land & Water May 25 1916
- What Is the Nature of a Prussian?, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #51, June 1916
- The Old and New Tables, (ar) Land & Water August 10 1916
- The Industrious Apprentice and Patriotism, (ar) Land & Water December 7 1916
- The House of Christmas, (pm) Poems by G. K. Chesterton, John Lane, 1916
- The Hieroglyphics of Innocence, (ar) To-Day April 1917
- Our Tone in Transatlantic Discussion, (ar) Land & Water June 7 1917
- Why We Must Have Victory, (ar) Land & Water June 28 1917
- Christmas and the Pedants, (ar) Land & Water Christmas 1917
- New Secret Diplomacy, (ar) Land & Water February 14 1918
- The Higher Punctuality, (ar) Land & Water May 2 1918
- Germanism in the Fourth Year of the War, (ar) Land & Water August 8 1918
- Hanging by a Hair, (ms) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine November 1918
- The Peacock Trees, (na) Ainslee’s November 1918
- The Trees of Pride, (na) The Story-teller November 1918
- The Trees of Pride, (ex) The Story-teller November 1918
- The Five of Swords [Paul Forain], (nv) Hearst’s Magazine February 1919
- When Is a Nation Not a Nation?, (ar) Hearst’s Magazine June 1919
- The Minor Poets and the Legend, (ar) To-Day July 1919
- Consider Henry the VIIIth!, (ar) Hearst’s Magazine August 1919
- The Conversion of an Anarchist, (ss) The Touchstone September 1919
- The Garden of Smoke, (ss) The Story-teller October 1919
- The Garden of Smoke, (ex) The Story-teller October 1919
- Three Acres and a “Cow”, (ar) Hearst’s Magazine October 1919
- Democracy vs Diplomacy, (ar) Hearst’s Magazine November 1919
- England in 1919, (fa) Pears’ Annual #29, Christmas 1919
- New Year Resolutions, (ar) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine January 1920
- The Tower of Treason [Father Stephen], (nv) The Popular Magazine February 7 1920
- The Face in the Target [Horne Fisher], (ss) Harper’s Magazine April 1920
- An Alphabet for Philosophers, (ar) Hearst’s Magazine May 1920
- The Rattlesnake’s Grandfather, (ar) Hearst’s Magazine July 1920
- The Soul of Skylarking, (ar) Vanity Fair (US) July 1920
- A Plea for Plain Words, (ar) Hearst’s Magazine August 1920
- The Vanishing Prince [Horne Fisher], (ss) Harper’s Magazine August 1920
- The Soul of the Schoolboy [Horne Fisher], (ss) Harper’s Magazine September 1920
- Calling a Spade a Steam Plow, (ar) Hearst’s Magazine November 1920
- The Fantastic Friends [Gabriel Gale], (nv) Harper’s Bazar November 1920
- The Finger of Stone [Gabriel Gale], (nv) Harper’s Bazar December 1920
- The Home Wreckers of Humanity, (ar) Hearst’s Magazine December 1920
- The Communist and the Cow, (ar) Hearst’s Magazine January 1921
- The Yellow Bird [Gabriel Gale], (nv) Harper’s Bazar February 1921
- The Bottomless Well [Horne Fisher], (ss) Harper’s Magazine March 1921
- The Bottomless Well [Horne Fisher], (ex) Harper’s Magazine March 1921
- The Man Who Shot the Fox, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine March 1921
- The Fad of the Fisherman [Horne Fisher], (ss) Harper’s Magazine June 1921
- Every Man His Own Elephant, (ar) Hearst’s International September 1921
- The Hole in the Wall [Horne Fisher], (nv) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #114, September 1921
- An Admiral Eats His Hat, (ar) Hearst’s International November 1921
- The Shadow of the Shark [Gabriel Gale], (nv) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine December 1921
- The House of the Peacock [Gabriel Gale], (nv) Harper’s Bazar January 1922
- A Three-Legged Race of Nations, (ar) Hearst’s International February 1922
- The World Upside Down, (ar) Hearst’s International March 1922
- The Temple of Silence [Horne Fisher], (nv) Harper’s Magazine May 1922
- The Vengeance of the Statue [Horne Fisher], (nv) Harper’s Magazine June 1922
- What Is a Joke?, (ar) Hearst’s International June 1922
- Where All Roads Lead, (ar) Blackfriars October 1922, etc.
- The Man Who Knew Too Much, (Cassell, November 1922, co)
- The Man Who Knew Too Much (var. 1), (Harper & Brothers, November 1922, co)
- The Six Greatest Men in History, (sy) The Strand Magazine November 1922 [Ref. H. G. Wells]
- Wireless and the Witness, (ar) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine May 1923
- How to Be Happy Though Young, (ar) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine July 1923
- The Holiday Spirit, (ar) The London Magazine August 1923
- Keeping Christmas, (ar) The London Magazine Christmas 1923
- The Oracle of the Dog [Father Brown], (nv) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine December 1923
- The Dagger with Wings [Father Brown], (nv) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine February 1924
- The Unpresentable Appearance of Colonel Crane, (nv) Chicago Sunday Tribune May 4 1924
- The Miracle of Moon Crescent [Father Brown], (nv) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine May 1924
- The Improbable Success of Mr. Owen Hood, (nv) Chicago Sunday Tribune June 15 1924
- The Unobtrusive Traffic of Captain Pierce, (nv) Chicago Sunday Tribune July 20 1924
- The Elusive Companion of Parson White, (nv) Chicago Sunday Tribune August 31 1924
- Holidays—In and Out of Utopia, (es) The London Magazine August 1924
- The Asylum of Adventure [Gabriel Gale], (nv) MacLean’s November 1 1924
- The Exclusive Luxury of Enoch Oates, (nv) The Story-teller November 1924
- The Unthinkable Theory of Professor Green, (nv) The Story-teller December 1924
- The Dragon at Hide-and-Seek, (ss) Number Two Joy Street, Basil Blackwell, 1924
- Dr. Hyde, Detective, and the White Pillars Murder, (ss) English Life January 1925
- The Unprecedented Architecture of Commander Blair, (nv) The Story-teller January 1925
- Don’t Say It ar, (ms) G.K.’s Weekly March 21 1925, uncredited.
- The First Principle, (ar) G.K.’s Weekly March 21 1925, uncredited.
- From “G. K.’s Weekly” a Hundred Years Ago, (fa) G.K.’s Weekly March 21 1925, uncredited.
- How I Tried to Boom This Paper, (ar) G.K.’s Weekly March 21 1925
- The New Fiction, (pm) G.K.’s Weekly March 21 1925, uncredited.
- The Old Gentleman in the Park, (pm) G.K.’s Weekly March 21 1925, uncredited.
- The Sea Replies to Byron, (ar) G.K.’s Weekly March 21 1925, uncredited. [Ref. Lord Byron]
- The Skylark Replies to Wordsworth, (ar) G.K.’s Weekly March 21 1925, uncredited. [Ref. William Wordsworth]
- True Sensibility, (pm) G.K.’s Weekly March 21 1925, uncredited.
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