The FictionMags Index
Index by Date: Page 839
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Braley, Berton (items) (continued)
- Enchantment, (pm) Harper’s Magazine April 1920
- For Future Reference, (pm) Ainslee’s May 1920
- The Philosopher, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post June 19 1920
- Snipes, (pm) Breezy Stories June 1920
- Slippin’, (pm) The Popular Magazine September 7 1920
- Ballade of Ancient Habit, (pm) Harper’s Magazine September 1920
- Magic, (pm) Smith’s Magazine October 1920
- Nemesis Has a Busy Day, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine October 1920
- On Efficiency, (ar) People’s Favorite Magazine October 1920
- Daughters of Lilith, (pm) Ainslee’s November 1920
- High Cost of Hot Cakes, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion November 1920
- Legality, (pm) People’s Favorite Magazine November 1920
- Out of the Depths, (pm) Ainslee’s November 1920
- Profanely Speaking, (pm) Breezy Stories November 1920
- Solitude, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine November 1920
- The Gamester, (pm) People’s Favorite Magazine December 1920
- Adventure, (pm) The American Legion Weekly January 7 1921
- Once on a Time, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 22 1921
- “—And a Happy New Year”, (pm) People’s Favorite Magazine January 1921
- Dimensions, (pm) Breezy Stories January 1921
- Specifications Submitted, (pm) Ainslee’s January 1921
- A Speck on the Dot, (pm) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly January 1921
- The Flapper Foundation, (ss) The Green Book Magazine February 1921
- The Sedentary Sport, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine February 1921
- Slavery or Freedom?, (pm) People’s Favorite Magazine February 1921
- A Matter of Taste, (pm) Snappy Stories 2nd March 1921
- Artistic Temperament, (pm) The New Success March 1921
- That Man McCann, (ar) People’s Favorite Magazine March 1921
- How Do They Get That Way?, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly April 2 1921
- Achievement, (pm) Adventure mid April 1921
- Blue, (pm) Smith’s Magazine April 1921
- Thanks to Science, (pm) Harper’s Magazine April 1921
- Silver Bow, (sl) Top-Notch Magazine May 1 1921, etc.
- Father Was Right, (ss) Boys’ Life May 1921
- Salvage, (pm) Harper’s Magazine May 1921
- The Shadow of the Years, (pm) The Popular Magazine June 7 1921
- Somewhere or Other, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post June 11 1921
- The Champion, (pm) Adventure mid June 1921
- And Time Enough!, (pm) People’s Favorite Magazine June 1921
- Gentlemen Adventurers, (pm) Adventure 1st July 1921
- Sympathy, (pm) Adventure mid July 1921
- A Little Further, (pm) Adventure 1st August 1921
- On the Yang-tse-Kiang, (pm) St. Nicholas August 1921
- Plugging Along, (pm) Boys’ Life August 1921
- White Magic, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st September 1921
- The Exploiters, (pm) The Popular Magazine October 7 1921
- The Odour of Morning, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine October 1921
- The Drums, (pm) Adventure December 20 1921
- Gypsies, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st February 1922
- Ho for Noa Noa!, (pm) Harper’s Magazine March 1922
- When Homer Nods, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) March 1922
- The Old Boys, (pm) The Popular Magazine April 20 1922
- Monochrome, (pm) Shadowland April 1922
- A Ballade of Boobs, (pm) Snappy Stories 2nd May 1922
- The Old Captain, (pm) The Popular Magazine June 7 1922
- Tramp, Tramp, Tramp!, (pm) Boys’ Life July 1922
- The Road to Knowledge, (pm) Boys’ Life August 1922
- Charity, (pm) The Elks Magazine September 1922
- Sonnets of a Flapper, (pm) Cosmopolitan September 1922
- The Dangerous Age, (pm) Cosmopolitan October 1922
- Truly Rural, (pm) Cosmopolitan November 1922
- An Efficient Christmas, (pm) Cosmopolitan December 1922
- Jimmie Millman and the Melody in F, (ss) Woman’s World January 1923
- This Way Up, (pm) Cosmopolitan January 1923
- Love Lyrics of a Lounge Lizard, (pm) Cosmopolitan February 1923
- The Long Arm, (ss) Detective Tales March 1923
- When Good Fellows Get Together, (pm) Cosmopolitan March 1923
- A Declaration of Independence, (pm) Cosmopolitan April 1923
- The Dash After the Period, (pm) Cosmopolitan May 1923
- Scout Marching Song, (sg) Boys’ Life May 1923
- It All Depends, (pm) Cosmopolitan June 1923
- Adventurers—Limited, (pm) Cosmopolitan July 1923
- The Isle of Procrastination, (pm) Cosmopolitan August 1923
- A Rhyme of the Rickshaw, (pm) Cosmopolitan September 1923
- The Mother, (pm) The Elks Magazine November 1923
- Empty, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine December 1923
- It’s Hard to Say, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post February 9 1924
- Banished Enchantments, (pm) Ainslee’s March 1924
- Where It Counts, (pm) The Elks Magazine March 1924
- Personality, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st April 1924
- Shoes, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post June 7 1924
- Proud of It!, (pm) The American Boy July 1924
- Shanghai, (pm) The Popular Magazine August 20 1924
- Good Night, Good Knight, (pm) Ainslee’s August 1924
- Practically Speaking, (pm) Smart Set August 1924
- Bangkok, (pm) The Popular Magazine September 7 1924
- The Coolie, (pm) The Popular Magazine September 20 1924
- Drivers (with the Usual Apologies), (pm) The Country Gentleman September 27 1924
- At Kamakura, (pm) The Popular Magazine October 7 1924
- The Malay, (pm) The Popular Magazine October 20 1924
- Frontiers, (pm) The Frontier October 1924
- Cook’s, (pm) The Popular Magazine November 7 1924
- To a Flirt, (pm) Breezy Stories 2nd November 1924
- Tales of the Hot Dog Tavern, (pm) Adventure November 10 1924
- The Lover Consults His Thesaurus, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post November 15 1924
- Beauty Money, (pm) Breezy Stories 1st December 1924
- Action, Please!, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 6 1924
- The Cake Eaters’ Guide, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st December 1924
- A Plain Statement, (pm) Love Story Magazine December 13 1924
- The Warmth of Memory, (pm) The Country Gentleman December 27 1924
- My Ship, (pm) Ainslee’s December 1924
- Hobo Song, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 3 1925
- Somewhere, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 17 1925
- The Skyline, (pm) Short Stories January 25 1925
- Songs, (pm) Adventure January 30 1925
- Hail Hypocrisy!, (pm) Ainslee’s January 1925
- Peking, (pm) The Popular Magazine February 20 1925
- Shibboleths, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post February 28 1925
- Dad’s System, (pm) Boys’ Life February 1925
- Ask for Bill Jones, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 7 1925
- The Cross-Word Puzzler to His Love, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 14 1925
- The Red Sea Trail, (pm) The Popular Magazine March 20 1925
- Not in the Zoo, (pm) Boys’ Life March 1925
- Perennial Passion, (pm) Ainslee’s April 1925
- Where Men Are Men, (pm) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly April 1925
- Immutable, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post May 2 1925
- Martin, (pm) The Popular Magazine May 7 1925
- Optomism to Order, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 16 1925
- Smells, (pm) Adventure May 20 1925
- Tokio, (pm) The Popular Magazine May 20 1925
- Rimes for Mary (Fingers and Toes / The Policeman / Manners / At the Circus), (pm) The Saturday Evening Post June 6 1925
- The Life of Riley, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post June 13 1925
- Rimes for Mary (The Vacuum Cleaner / Billy B. Jones / Our Canary / Percy / Bingo / The Bath), (pm) The Saturday Evening Post June 13 1925
- A Gothamite in Camelot, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post June 20 1925
- Soldiers of Fortune, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly June 27 1925
- The Jungle Wallah, (pm) The Frontier June 1925
- Just for Experiment, (pm) Ainslee’s June 1925
- Salt Fish, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post July 4 1925
- What’s in a Name?, (pm) Adventure July 20 1925
- Liberty and Death, (pm) Collier’s August 8 1925
- The Fall Guy, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st August 1925
- Rimes for Mary, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post August 29 1925
- The Old Cowpuncher Speaks, (pm) The Frontier August 1925
- Wooden Music, (pm) The Popular Magazine September 7 1925
- The Dead Broncobuster, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post September 12 1925
- Sugar Babies, (pm) Snappy Stories 2nd September 1925
- In Explanation, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post September 26 1925
- Mixed Magic, (pm) Ainslee’s September 1925
- The Scout Trail, (pm) Boys’ Life September 1925
- That Little Old Second-Hand Car, (pm) The Country Gentleman September 1925
- China Coast Skippers, (pm) The Popular Magazine October 7 1925
- Gifts and Givers, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post October 3 1925
- Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made Of, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post October 10 1925
- To a Lucy Stoner, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post October 24 1925
- Don’t Bother Jim, (ss) The Elks Magazine October 1925
- A Canto of Khans, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post November 7 1925
- Small Town Stuff, (ss) Woman’s World November 1925
- Ballads of the Drowsy East—Honolulu, (pm) The Popular Magazine December 7 1925
- A Suggestion—Hint, Idea, Conception, Thought, Plan—, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post December 19 1925
- From the Hired Man, (pm) The Country Gentleman December 1925
- Adventurers of Science, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 9 1926
- Indications, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 9 1926
- A Lesson to Any Prince, (pm) Liberty January 16 1926
- Help! Help!, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 30 1926
- “The Trouble With—This Country”, (ss) Success January 1926
- Wonder of Wonders, (pm) Love Story Magazine February 13 1926
- Einstein Was Right, (ss) Woman’s World February 1926
- Out of Bounds, (pm) Smart Set February 1926
- Oversize or Undersize, (pm) College Humor February 1926
- Invocation, (pm) Short Stories March 10 1926
- The Coolie Ship, (pm) The Popular Magazine March 20 1926
- The New Generation, (pm) Smart Set March 1926
- Merchant Adventurers, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 17 1926
- Back to Philistia, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post May 8 1926
- A Soldier of Fortune, (pm) The Popular Magazine May 20 1926
- Old Lady Necessity, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post May 29 1926
- It Can’t Be Done, (pm) The St. Nicholas Magazine June 1926
- Mulligan the Magnificent, (ss) Success June 1926
- The Glow Worm Peddler, (pm) The Popular Magazine July 7 1926
- The Blind Date, (pm) McClure’s July 1926
- The Indecisive Plutocrat, (pm) The St. Nicholas Magazine July 1926
- It Helps, (pm) The Popular Magazine August 7 1926
- The Bobber Shop, (pm) McClure’s August 1926
- Anchored, (pm) The Popular Magazine September 20 1926
- The Schoolroom Alphabet of a Lazy Lad, (pm) The St. Nicholas Magazine September 1926
- Via Truck, (ss) Woman’s World September 1926
- The Yesser, (pm) McClure’s September 1926
- The Widest Hearthstone, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly October 23 1926
- Not All Vanished, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly October 30 1926
- The Biscuit, (pm) McClure’s October 1926
- Economic Waste, (ss) Woman’s World November 1926
- The Flat Hoop, (pm) McClure’s November 1926
- Mavericks, (pm) The Frontier November 1926
- Price No Object, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 1 1927
- The Handy Man, (pm) Short Stories January 10 1927
- Song of the Valiant, (pm) The Popular Magazine January 20 1927
- All Wet, (pm) McClure’s January 1927
- Around the Clock, (pm) The St. Nicholas Magazine January 1927
- Hero Wanted, (pm) The St. Nicholas Magazine January 1927
- Mother’s So Old-Fashioned, (ss) The Novel Magazine January 1927
- Day Labor, (pm) The Popular Magazine February 7 1927
- As Good As New, (pm) The Red Book Magazine February 1927
- The Finale Hopper, (pm) McClure’s February 1927
- The Sensitive Avocado, (pm) The St. Nicholas Magazine February 1927
- Skiing Song, (pm) The American Boy February 1927
- The Gentleman Mucker, (pm) The Popular Magazine March 20 1927
- Fractions of Frank, (pm) Complete Stories March 1927
- The Good Egg, (pm) McClure’s March 1927
- Ha! Ha! Ho! Ho!, (pm) Success Magazine March 1927
- The Tippler, (pm) The Popular Magazine April 7 1927
- The Old Home Town, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 2 1927
- There Are Limits, (pm) Complete Stories April 1927
- To a Flapper, (pm) The Red Book Magazine April 1927
- The Wise-Cracker, (pm) McClure’s April 1927
- Kalamazoo and You, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post May 7 1927
- Crossed Confessions, (ss) Cupid’s Diary May 17 1927
- Old-Timers, (pm) The Popular Magazine May 20 1927
- In the Plow Works, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post May 21 1927
- The Indoor Aviator, (pm) McClure’s May 1927
- No Pulmotor Needed, (pm) Complete Stories May 1927
- Pioneers, (pm) The Popular Magazine June 7 1927
- Make It Two, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post June 18 1927
- The Kidder, (pm) The Popular Magazine June 20 1927
- The Pacifist, (pm) Complete Stories June 1927
- The Rollo-Roler, (pm) McClure’s June 1927
- The Rover Lingers, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 9 1927
- Altitude, (pm) Top-Notch Magazine July 15 1927
- Bill and the Billiken, (sl) The American Boy July 1927, etc.
- Moving Day, (pm) Complete Stories July 1927
- The Parlor Leech, (pm) McClure’s July 1927
- Take Your Pick!, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post August 20 1927
- And That’s That, (pm) Complete Stories August 1927
- Hot Diggety Dog!, (pm) The American Boy August 1927
- Preference, (pm) The Red Book Magazine August 1927
- Topless Tours, (pm) The Popular Magazine September 7 1927
- Quatrains for the Querulous, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post September 3 1927
- Albuquerque, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post September 24 1927
- All the Virtues, (pm) Complete Stories September 1927
- Birds of a Feather, (pm) Outdoor Stories September 1927
- The Eternal Rumor, (pm) The Red Book Magazine September 1927
- The Fence of the Realm, (ms) The St. Nicholas Magazine September 1927
- Chute the Works, (pm) The Popular Stories October 8 1927
- A Heaven for Two, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post October 1 1927
- Songs of the Cities, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post October 8 1927
- A Litany of the Meridian, (pm) The Popular Stories October 15 1927
- The Abandoned Mine, (pm) The Popular Stories October 22 1927
- The Climbers, (pm) The Popular Stories October 29 1927
- Range Fever, (pm) Complete Stories October 1927
- Take a Good Look!, (pm) The Red Book Magazine October 1927
- Tierra Del Fuego, (pm) The St. Nicholas Magazine October 1927
- Homebodies, (pm) The Red Book Magazine November 1927
- Biblical Ballads in Modern Dress, (pm) The Popular Stories December 17 1927
- Goals, (pm) The Red Book Magazine December 1927
- Where Next?, (pm) The Golden West #6, December 1927
- The Girder Monkey Hits the Trail, (pm) The Popular Magazine January 28 1928
- Rural Growth, (pm) Cassell’s Magazine January 1928
- The Girder Monkey at Sea, (pm) The Popular Magazine February 11 1928
- The Girder Monkey in England, (pm) The Popular Magazine February 18 1928
- To Any Bride!, (pm) Modern Weekly #96, February 18 1928
- All Over the Map, (pm) Cassell’s Magazine February 1928
- Elsewhere, (pm) The Golden West #8, February 1928
- Hard Lines, (pm) The Golden West #8, February 1928
- Not Quite, (pm) Breezy Stories March 1928
- Lit’ry Lays, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 21 1928
- Piccadilly Preferred, (pm) Pall Mall Magazine April 1928
- Ultra-Modern, (pm) The Red Book Magazine April 1928
- Dolls, (pm) The Novel Magazine May 1928
- No Salt at All, (pm) Sea Stories May 1928
- Biblical Ballads in Modern Dress, (pm) The Popular Magazine June 30 1928
- Light on the Subject, (pm) Boys’ Life June 1928
- Success, (pm) The Novel Magazine June 1928
- The Old Pork Barrel, (pm) Grit Story Section #1749, July 29 1928
- The Desert Rat, (pm) Frontier Stories July 1928
- A Song of True Love, (pm) The Red Book Magazine July 1928
- The Major Sport, (ar) The New McClure’s August 1928
- The Fullness Thereof, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine September 1 1928
- No Foliage, (pm) Top-Notch Magazine September 15 1928
- According to Formula, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) September 1928
- Number, Please, (pm) The Red Book Magazine September 1928
- Undomesticated Animals, (pm) The Novel Magazine September 1928
- Still Male, (pm) Complete Stories 2nd October 1928
- A Lesson in Chances, (pm) Western Story Magazine October 20 1928
- Mother Machree, (pm) The Red Book Magazine October 1928
- No Facts Wanted, (pm) The Popular Magazine 2nd November 1928
- In Conference, (pm) Lariat Story Magazine November 1928
- Miss 1928, (pm) Live Girl Stories November 1928
- The Night Watchman, (ss) The Elks Magazine November 1928
- Not So Hot, (pm) The Red Book Magazine November 1928
- Flappers I Have Known, (ar) Live Girl Stories December 1928
- Third from the End, (pm) Live Girl Stories December 1928
- Try and Get One, (pm) The Red Book Magazine December 1928
- From a Flapper to Santa, (pm) Live Girl Stories January 1929
- London, (pm) Pall Mall Magazine January 1929
- Second Speed, (pm) The Red Book Magazine January 1929
- The Truth About Copper Hill, (pm) The Popular Magazine 1st February 1929
- The Snow Lady, (pm) Live Girl Stories February 1929
- Who’s Afraid?, (pm) The Red Book Magazine February 1929
- The Marsh Wind, (pm) The Popular Magazine 1st March 1929
- Synthetic Spring, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 30 1929
- No Place Like Home, (pm) The Red Book Magazine March 1929
- For the Home, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 13 1929
- The Milk Train, (pm) The Popular Magazine 2nd April 1929
- The Cutie with Beauty, (pm) Live Girl Stories April 1929
- The Gambols of Geraldine Gay, (pm) Miss 1929 April 1929
- The Garden Spot, (ss) The Crescent Magazine April 1929
- The Old Stuff Stands, (pm) The Red Book Magazine April 1929
- Ballads from Bradshaw, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post May 4 1929
- Safety First, (pm) The Popular Magazine 1st May 1929
- The Boxer, (pm) The Popular Magazine 2nd May 1929
- The Dumbell and the Dragon [Patricia Alden], (ss) Woman’s World May 1929
- Get the Air, (pm) Modern Girl Stories May 1929
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