The FictionMags Index
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Barton, Eustace Robert (1854-1943); used pseudonym Robert Eustace (about) (items)
- The Blue Laboratory [Tales of Other Cities] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (nv) Cassell’s Family Magazine May 1897, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Mystery of the Circular Chamber [John Bell (The Ghost Exposer)] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine June 1897, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Warder of the Door [John Bell (The Ghost Exposer)] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine July 1897, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Mystery of the Felwyn Tunnel [John Bell (The Ghost Exposer)] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (nv) Cassell’s Family Magazine August 1897, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Eight-Mile Lock [John Bell (The Ghost Exposer)] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine September 1897, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- How Siva Spoke [John Bell (The Ghost Exposer)] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine October 1897, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- To Prove an Alibi [John Bell (The Ghost Exposer)] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine November 1897, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- Silenced (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1897, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- At the Edge of the Crater [Norman Head] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1898, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Winged Assassin [Norman Head] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1898, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Swing of the Pendulum [Norman Head] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1898, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Luck of Pitsey Hall [Norman Head] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1898, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- Twenty Degrees [Norman Head] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Strand Magazine May 1898, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Star-Shaped Marks [Norman Head] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1898, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Iron Circlet [Norman Head] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1898, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Mystery of the Strong Room [Norman Head] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1898, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Bloodhound [Norman Head] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1898, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Doom [Norman Head] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (nv) The Strand Magazine October 1898, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Jeweled Cobra [George Conway] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Windsor Magazine December 1898, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Secret of Emu Plain [John Bell (The Ghost Exposer)] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) Cassell’s Magazine December 1898, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- Where the Air Quivered (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (nv) The Strand Magazine December 1898, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Cypher with the Human Key [George Conway] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Windsor Magazine January 1899, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Rice-Paper Chart [George Conway] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Windsor Magazine February 1899, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- In the Jaw of the Dog [George Conway] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Windsor Magazine March 1899, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- Mr. Bovey’s Unexpected Will [Florence Cusack] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Harmsworth Monthly Pictorial Magazine April 1899, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Secret of Emu Plain (solution) (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (cn) Cassell’s Magazine April 1899, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Yellow Flag [George Conway] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Windsor Magazine April 1899, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Sacred Chank [George Conway] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Windsor Magazine May 1899, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Arrest of Captain Vandaleur [Florence Cusack] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Harmsworth Monthly Pictorial Magazine July 1899, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Death Chair [Dr. Chetwynd; Dr. Paul Cato] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (nv) The Strand Magazine July 1899, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- A Visible Sound [Dr. Chetwynd; Dr. Paul Cato] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1899, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Diana Sapphire [Dr. Chetwynd; Dr. Paul Cato] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1899, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- East of North [Dr. Chetwynd; Dr. Paul Cato] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1899, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The D Line (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Ledger Monthly November 1899, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- “A Handful of Ashes” [Dr. Chetwynd; Dr. Paul Cato] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Strand Magazine November 1899, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Secret of the Prison House [Dr. Chetwynd; Dr. Paul Cato] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1899, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- A Strange Insanity (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) Cassell’s Magazine February 1900, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- A Terrible Railway Ride: The Story of the Man with the False Nose [Florence Cusack] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Harmsworth Monthly Pictorial Magazine July 1900, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Outside Ledge [Florence Cusack] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Harmsworth Magazine October 1900, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- Followed (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (nv) The Strand Magazine December 1900, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- Mrs. Reid’s Terror [Dr. Lonsdale] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Harmsworth Magazine March 1901, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Room with the Blurred Faces (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Strand Magazine (US) April 1901, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Great Pink Pearl [Dr. Lonsdale] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Harmsworth Magazine June 1901, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- Mademoiselle Delacourt [Francesca Delacourt] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Windsor Magazine June 1901, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- A Little Smoke [Francesca Delacourt] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Windsor Magazine July 1901, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Tiger’s Claw [Francesca Delacourt] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Windsor Magazine August 1901, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- A Conjuring Trick [Francesca Delacourt] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Windsor Magazine September 1901, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- A Gallop with the Storm [Francesca Delacourt] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Windsor Magazine October 1901, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Lost Square [Francesca Delacourt] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Windsor Magazine November 1901, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Man Who Disappeared (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (nv) The Strand Magazine December 1901, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Dead Hand [Diana Marburg] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) Pearson’s Magazine February 1902, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- Finger Tips [Diana Marburg] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) Pearson’s Magazine August 1902, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- Madame Sara [Madame Sara] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (nv) The Strand Magazine October 1902, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Blood-Red Cross [Madame Sara] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Strand Magazine November 1902, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Face of the Abbot [Madame Sara] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1902, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- Sir Penn Carlyll’s Engagement [Diana Marburg] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) Pearson’s Magazine December 1902, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Black Ball (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) Cassell’s Magazine January 1903, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Talk of the Town [Madame Sara] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1903, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Bloodstone [Madame Sara] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1903, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Teeth of the Wolf [Madame Sara] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1903, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Face in the Dark (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The London Magazine July 1903, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Toleration of Count Kinsky (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) Leslie’s Monthly Magazine February 1905, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Last Touch, (ss) The Grand Magazine February 1906
- Schoolboy’s Race, (ss) The Grand Magazine June 1906
- The Whisper in the Trees (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) Pearson’s Magazine June 1906, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Invisible Enemy (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) The Story-teller October 1907, as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
- The Tea-Leaf (with Edgar Jepson), (nv) The Strand Magazine October 1925, as by Robert Eustace & Edgar Jepson
- Mr. Belton’s Immunity (with Edgar Jepson), (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1926, as by Robert Eustace & Edgar Jepson
- All Square! (with Edgar Jepson), (ss) Pearson’s Magazine September 1936, as by Robert Eustace & Edgar Jepson
- The Bishop’s Amulet (with Edgar Jepson), (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1936, as by Robert Eustace & Edgar Jepson
- Professor Wilkins Chances the Yard (with Edgar Jepson), (ss) The Windsor Magazine December 1936, as by Robert Eustace & Edgar Jepson
- The Chamber of Terror [John Bell (The Ghost Exposer)] (with Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith), (ss) , as by Robert Eustace & L. T. Meade
Barton, Gary (fl. 1940s); house pseudonym used by Schuyler Garratt Edsall (1917-1984) (items)
- Murder Goes to Sea, (ss) Doc Savage March 1940
- Blood Over the Rio, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly August 10 1940 (by Schuyler Garratt Edsall)
- A Scoop for Cupid, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range August 1940 (by Schuyler Garratt Edsall)
- Death’s Option [Jerry Kane], (ss) The Avenger November 1940 (by Schuyler Garratt Edsall)
- Powder-Smoke Purge, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly January 18 1941 (by Schuyler Garratt Edsall)
- The Black Deuce Phantom, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 3 1941 (by Schuyler Garratt Edsall)
- Satan Danced at Midnight [Jerry Kane], (ss) The Avenger May 1941 (by Schuyler Garratt Edsall)
- Send Me Roses, (ss) The Shadow June 1 1941
- Con Game, (ss) The Shadow July 15 1941
- Shake Hands with the Devil, (ss) Doc Savage August 1941
- Passage to Hell, (ss) The Avenger November 1941 (by Schuyler Garratt Edsall)
- Write about Murder, (ss) Clues Detective Stories November 1941
- Come Home and Die, (ss) The Whisperer December 1941 (by Schuyler Garratt Edsall)
- Searchlights on the River, (ss) The Avenger January 1942 (by Schuyler Garratt Edsall)
- Murder for a Million, (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine March 1942
- Once a Criminal, (ss) The Whisperer April 1942 (by Schuyler Garratt Edsall)
- Will of the Devil Gods, (ss) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine May 1942
- Your Life Is Mine, (ss) The Avenger May 1942 (by Schuyler Garratt Edsall)
- Girl with a Gun, (ss) Clues Detective Stories July 1942
- Identity Unknown, (ss) The Shadow August 15 1942
- Dead on Arrival, (ss) The Avenger September 1942 (by Schuyler Garratt Edsall)
- The Smiling Magi, (ss) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine September 1942
- Mistress of the Damned, (ss) Clues Detective Stories November 1942
- Alley Cat, (ss) The Shadow January 1947
- Dynamite for Dinah, (ss) Super-Detective January 1947
Barton, George (1866-1940) (about) (books) (items)
- Leo XIII and the Papacy, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) September 1903
- Scoop of the Session, (ss) Collier’s Weekly November 7 1903
- The Coat with the Purple Lining, (ss) The Monthly Story Magazine September 1905
- The Mystery of the Ferry House, (ss) The Bohemian April 1906
- The Stategy of Stringer, (ss) Smith’s Magazine October 1907
- The House in the Hollow, (na) People’s March 1908
- The Sick Man in Number Seven, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1908
- Chief Brooks and the Man with the Lazy Eyes, (ss) 1908
- Chief Wilkie and the Gold Certificates, (ss) 1908
- Vidocq and the Locksmith’s Daughter, (ss) 1908
- The Case of the Mutilated Bibles [Bromley Barnes], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine November 1909
- The Patient in the State-Room [Bromley Barnes], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1909
- The Case of the Empty Envelope [Bromley Barnes], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1910
- The Case of the Stolen Parrot [Bromley Barnes], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1910
- The Case of the Missing Man-of-War [Bromley Barnes], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1910
- The Case of the Kidnaped Lady [Bromley Barnes], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1910
- Philander Johnson’s Latch-Key, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1910
- The Girl with the Frightened Eyes [Bromley Barnes], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1910
- The Case of the Haunted Card-Room [Bromley Barnes], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1910
- The Yellow Dog, (sl) Top-Notch Magazine October 15 1910, etc.
- The Case of the Tattooed Sailor [Bromley Barnes], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1910
- The Case of the Amsterdam Antiques [Bromley Barnes], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine November 1910
- One Year to Live, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine December 15 1910
- The Case of the Stolen Specie [Bromley Barnes], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1910
- The Case of the Strange Book Buyers [Bromley Barnes], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1911
- Hattie, Sammy, and Pinky Panky Poo, (ss) Short Stories April 1911
- The Accidental Mr. Perkins, (ss) Short Stories June 1911
- Curly of the “Tribune”, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) July 1911
- The Adventure of the French Captain [Bromley Barnes], (ss) Adventure October 1911
- The Adventure of the Anonymous Cards [Bromley Barnes], (ss) Adventure November 1911
- “2796”, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine November 1911
- The Adventure of the Leather Bag [Bromley Barnes], (ss) Adventure December 1911
- The Adventure of the Old Chess-Player [Bromley Barnes], (ss) Adventure January 1912
- Pentney Hungerford’s Secret, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1912
- The Curse in a Dead Man’s Eyes, (ss) The Black Cat November 1912
- Historic Slips of the Pen Which Have Lost the Presidency, (ar) National Magazine November 1912
- The Lumber Camp Mystery, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1912
- Little Sister with the Blue Eyes, (ss) The Story-teller March 1913
- The Puzzle of the Plaster Cast, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 5 1916
- All’s Fair in Love and War, (ss) Extension Magazine May 1916
- Captain Tate of the Philadelphia Police, (iv) Detective Story Magazine June 20 1916
- The Scientific Bank Robbery, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 5 1916
- The Man in the Brown Rain Coat, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 20 1916
- Turned Tables, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 20 1917
- Defiance of Dennis Dugan, (ss) Extension Magazine November 1917
- Story of an Obstinate Man, (ss) Extension Magazine December 1917
- The Adventure of the Baritone Singer [Bromley Barnes], (ss) The Strange Adventures of Bromley Barnes by George Barton, Page, 1918
- With the Aid of a Hairbrush, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 15 1920
- Behind the Closed Door, (sl) The Blue Book Magazine June 1920, etc.
- Father Son and Crook, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 8 1921
- Front Seat on the Band Wagon, (ss) Extension Magazine August 1921
- The Flaw in the Crystal (with William J. Flynn), (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly October 28 1922
- The Black Sheep of the Family (with William J. Flynn), (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly November 4 1922
- The Chalked Hat (with William J. Flynn), (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly November 11 1922
- The Persistence of Percival Jayne (with William J. Flynn), (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly November 18 1922
- The Adventures of Peabody Smith V: The Robinson Rubies (with William J. Flynn), (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly November 25 1922
- The Adventures of Peabody Smith VI: That Affair at the Baldwin (with William J. Flynn), (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 2 1922
- The Straight and Narrow Path (with William J. Flynn), (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 9 1922
- The Challenge (with William J. Flynn), (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 16 1922
- The Adventures of Peabody Smith IX: The Secret of the Fog (with William J. Flynn), (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 23 1922
- The Adventures of Peabody Smith X: The Trap (with William J. Flynn), (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 30 1922
- The Boomerang (with William J. Flynn), (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 6 1923
- The Sanderson Sapphires (with William J. Flynn), (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 13 1923
- Blindman’s Bluff, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 22 1924
- Lady and the Legacy, (ss) Extension Magazine March 1926
- Little Woman, (ss) Extension Magazine April 1926
- Famous Detective Mysteries, (co) The John C. Winston Company, 1926
- Adventure of the Amsterdam Servant, (ts) Famous Detective Mysteries, The John C. Winston Company, 1926
- Adventure of the Three Telegrams, (ts) Famous Detective Mysteries, The John C. Winston Company, 1926
- Adventure of the Toy Lantern, (ts) Famous Detective Mysteries, The John C. Winston Company, 1926
- Adventure of the Two Gold Seekers, (ts) Famous Detective Mysteries, The John C. Winston Company, 1926
- At the Risk of His Life, (ts) Famous Detective Mysteries, The John C. Winston Company, 1926
- The Buried Crime, (ts) Famous Detective Mysteries, The John C. Winston Company, 1926
- The Crippen Case, (ts) Famous Detective Mysteries, The John C. Winston Company, 1926
- The Face in the Mist, (ts) Famous Detective Mysteries, The John C. Winston Company, 1926
- The Glazed Revenue Stamps, (ts) Famous Detective Mysteries, The John C. Winston Company, 1926
- The Green Pocket-Book, (ts) Famous Detective Mysteries, The John C. Winston Company, 1926
- The House Across the Way, (ts) Famous Detective Mysteries, The John C. Winston Company, 1926
- A Modern Jekyll and Hyde, (ts) Famous Detective Mysteries, The John C. Winston Company, 1926
- The Mystery of the French Physician, (ts) Famous Detective Mysteries, The John C. Winston Company, 1926
- The Mystery of the Gold Seal, (ts) Famous Detective Mysteries, The John C. Winston Company, 1926
- The Mystery of the Rue Houdon, (ts) Famous Detective Mysteries, The John C. Winston Company, 1926
- Story of the Missing Printer, (ts) Famous Detective Mysteries, The John C. Winston Company, 1926
- The Woman in Grey, (ts) Famous Detective Mysteries, The John C. Winston Company, 1926
- The Rise and Fall of Bolo Pasha, (ar) Secret Service Stories December 1927
- The Mad Adventure of Sir Roger Casement, (ss) Secret Service Stories February 1928
- The Curious Disappearance of Lord Kitchener, (ar) Secret Service Stories March 1928
- The Dark Mystery Surrounding the Murder of the Archduke Ferdinand, (ar) Secret Service Stories May 1928
- The Soldier of Fortune Who Became a German Spy, (ar) Secret Service Stories July 1928
- Mystery of the Old Book Store, (ss) Extension Magazine August 1928
- Shortest Way Home, (ss) Extension Magazine May 1929
- When in Doubt, Leave It Out, (ss) Extension Magazine January 1930
- The Red-Haired Sicilian, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine September 1930
- The House on the Hillside, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine October 1930
- The Door of Chance, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine November 1930
- The Clue of the Silver Spur, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine December 1930
- The Man in the Black Wig, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine March 1931
- Behind the Curtain of Discord, (ss) Extension Magazine April 1931
- The Alibi That Failed, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine May 1931
- The Hatton Garden Robbery, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine July 1931
- The Mystery of the Old Moat Farm, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine November 1931
- The House on Anne Street, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine December 1931
- The Man Who Never Returned, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine February 1932
- The Black Handkerchief, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine April 1932
- Lucky Lottery Ticket, (ss) Extension Magazine April 1932
- That Curious Thing Called Money, (ss) Extension Magazine November 1932
- The Clue of the Two Black Masks, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine December 1932
- Peter Keiyon’s Latch Key, (ss) Extension Magazine July 1933
- Dumbness of Ann Carlin, (ss) Extension Magazine October 1933
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