The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 832

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    Real Mystery Magazine   (about)
    Real Mystery was a short-lived, weird menace, pulp launched to reprint stories from Uncanny Tales and Mystery Tales under new titles.

    • Publishers:
      • Western Fiction Publishing Co., Inc.; 4600 Diversey Avenue, Chicago, IL: Real Mystery Magazine.
    • Editors:

    Red Dime Detective Magazine   (about)
    British reprint edition of Dime Detective. Note that the cover and Table of Contents both give the title as Red Dime Detective Magazine, but it is also referred to internally simply as Dime Detective.

    • Publishers:
      • Magazine Fiction Group; Cartoon Art Productions, 333 Victoria Road, Glasgow S2: Red Dime Detective Magazine.

    Red Herring Mystery Magazine   (about)
    Elusive small-press magazine that ran for 12 issues or so in the mid 1990s.

    • Publishers:
      • Potpourri Publications Company; PO Box 8278, Prairie Village, KS 66208-4320: Red Herring Mystery Magazine.

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