The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 833

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    Red Mask Detective Stories:   (about)
    Short lived detective pulp featuring lead stories by Stanley Richards about Perry Morgan, the Red Mask! Most of the stories were sluggish trivialities by obscure writers. After two issues the magazine changed its name to Red Hood Detective Stories but survived only a single issue under that title before folding.

    Red Hood Detective Stories
    Replaced Red Mask Detective Stories.

    • Publishers:
      • Albing Publications; 1 Appleton Street, Holyoke, MA: Red Hood Detective Stories.
    • Editors:

    Red Seal Detective Stories   (about)
    A pulp magazine of this title is rumored to have been published about 1940. There has been no positive evidence of its existence.

    • Publishers:
      • Periodical House, Inc.: Red Seal Detective Stories.

    Red Seal Mystery Magazine   (about)
    A pulp magazine of this title is rumored to have been published in June 1940. There has been no positive evidence of its existence.

    • Publishers:
      • Periodical House, Inc.: Red Seal Mystery Magazine.

    Red Star Detective (Ireland)   (about)
    One-off detective magazine, published as a companion to Blue Star Adventure and Green Star Western.

    • Publishers:
      • Grafton Publications; 270 North Circular Road, Dublin: Red Star Detective (Ireland).

    Red Star Mystery   (about)
    A short-lived mystery pulp featuring the novel-length mystery adventures of Don Diavolo, the Scarlet Wizard.

    • Publishers:
      • The Frank A. Munsey Company; 280 Broadway, New York, NY: Red Star Mystery.

    Rex Stout’s Mystery Monthly:   (about)
    Launched to cash in on the success of the paperback editions of three Nero Wolfe novels, Rex Stout’s Mystery Monthly (initially under slightly different titles) was a digest-sized mystery magazine combining classic reprints and some original material. Stout was listed as editor-in-chief, and contributed an introduction to each issue, but otherwise had little involvement.

    Rex Stout Mystery Magazine
    Title changed from Rex Stout Mystery Quarterly.

    • Publishers:
      • Avon Detective-Mysteries, Inc.; 119 West 57th Street, New York 13, NY: Rex Stout Mystery Magazine.
    • Editors:

    Rex Stout’s Mystery Monthly
    Title changed from Rex Stout Mystery Magazine.

    • Publishers:
      • Avon Detective-Mysteries, Inc.; 119 West 57th Street, New York 13, NY: Rex Stout’s Mystery Monthly.
    • Editors:

    Rex Stout’s Mystery Monthly [#6, October 1946] ed. Herbert Williams (25¢, 128pp, digest)
    The title is given as Rex Stout’s Mystery Magazine in the copyright data, and as Rex Stout Mystery Magazine in the indicia.
    Details supplied by Mike Ashley.

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