The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 611
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[The Editor(s)] (items) (continued)
- Next Month’s Big Three, (ms) Double Detective September 1939
- Ice Defies Identification, (ed) Detective Yarns October 1939
- Special Announcement, (ms) Double Detective October 1939
- Gangland Kings, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1939
- Case Unsolved, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1940
- Introducing—The Ghost, (bg) The Ghost, Super-Detective January 1940
- The Magician-Detective Makes His Bow!, (ed) The Ghost, Super-Detective January 1940
- Public Enemy Number 1!, (ed) Ace G-Man Stories January/February 1940
- Author! Author!, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine February 1940
- Why Do They Do It?, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1940
- Meeting the Story-Maker, (iv) Dime Mystery Magazine April 1940 [Ref. Donald G. Cormack]
- What Must We Believe?, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1940
- When the Writer Talks, (ms) Detective Tales May 1940
- The Orphans’ Underworld Agent, (ed) Strange Detective Mysteries July 1940
- S O S Police, (ar) Double-Action Detective July 1940
- Variety Is the Spice of Life, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1940
- Peace Over Minnesota, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine August 1940
- When Is It Graft?, (ed) Detective Tales August 1940
- American Anschluss, (ed) Ace G-Man Stories September 1940
- The Crime of Appeasement, (ed) Detective Tales September 1940
- Notes and Comment, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1940
- The New Cover, (ms) Detective Fiction Weekly October 26 1940
- The Desk Sergeant, (cl) Exciting Detective Fall 1940, etc.
- The Goon Murders, (ms) Detective Tales October 1940
- Flashes from the Editor, (cl) Detective Fiction Weekly November 2 1940
- Truth Is Stranger—, (ed) Strange Detective Mysteries November 1940
- Sunyam, Master Cryptographer, (bg) Detective Fiction Weekly December 21 1940
- One-Man Murder Ring, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine December 1940
- Out of the Hat, (cl) Red Star Mystery December 1940
- Study in Poison, (ms) Detective Tales December 1940
- Two Characters in Search of an Audience, (cl) Stirring Detective and Western Stories February 1941
- Recruits from the Underworld, (ed) Ace G-Man Stories March 1941
- G. H. Q., (ed) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 1941
- No More Gangs?, (ed) Detective Tales May 1941
- Realism, (ed) Detective Fiction Weekly June 21 1941
- The Hard Way, (ed) Detective Tales June 1941
- Who Is Mike Shayne?, (ed) Detective Fiction Weekly July 5 1941 [Ref. Brett Halliday]
- Sterling vs. Dollars, (ed) Detective Fiction Weekly July 12 1941
- The Witness Chair, (cl) New Detective Magazine August 1941, etc.
- Loyalty, (ed) Detective Fiction September 17 1941
- Once More with Gun and Badge, (ed) Ace G-Man Stories September 1941
- The Lure of the Unknown, (ed) Strange Detective Mysteries October 1941
- Behind the Black Mask, (ed) Black Mask December 1941, etc.
- The Line-Up, (cl) Big-Book Detective Magazine December 1941, etc.
- Tracks Across the Darkness, (cl) 10 Story Mystery Magazine December 1941, etc.
- The Dead Man’s Friends Play Rough!, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1942
- When Pirates Bold—, (ed) Strange Detective Mysteries January 1942
- A Word to the Wise, (ed) Movie Detective January 1942
- Calendar of Crime, (cl) Strange Detective Mysteries (Canada) March 1942
- Lest We Condemn, (ed) Ace G-Man Stories April 1942
- Under the Domino, (cl) The Masked Detective Spring 1942
- Off the Blotter, (cl) Mammoth Detective May 1942, etc.
- Publisher’s Announcement, (ms) Detective Fiction May 1942
- Satan Rocks the Casket, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1942
- Our Service Heroes, (ed) Ace G-Man Stories June 1942
- The Challenge of Mystery, (ed) Strange Detective Mysteries July 1942
- Dance of the Death Doll, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1942
- The Underground, (cl) Exciting Mystery October 1942, etc.
- The Coroner Takes Over, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1942
- Killing Is Easy, (cl) Ace G-Man Stories December 1942
- Yankee Inventiveness, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1943
- Criminal Against Crime, (ed) Strange Detective Mysteries March 1943
- The Living—and the Dead!, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1943
- Speaking About Crime, (cl) Double Detective March 1943
- The Obliging Killer, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1943
- Secret Skeleton, (ed) Strange Detective Mysteries May 1943
- The Man Who Mislaid Himself, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1943
- A Man of Many Deaths!, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1943
- Wanted by the FBI, (ed) Ace G-Man Stories (Canada) September 1943
- Wine Cask Number 107, (ts) Strange Detective Mysteries (Canada) September 1943
- Trained to Kill, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1943
- The Devil Is a Pigeon, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1944
- The Evil Flame, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1944
- Mystery’s Dark Portals, (cl) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1944, etc.
- The Call Box, (cl) Mammoth Mystery February 1945, etc.
- The Editor’s Page, (ed) The Shadow June 1945, etc.
- The First Word, (ed) Mystery Book Magazine July 1945
- Good Crimes Are Coming, (cl) Mystery Book Magazine July 1945, etc.
- Doubling in Puzzles, (cl) Mystery Book Magazine April 1946
- Death Makes a Halliday, (cl) Mystery Book Magazine May 1946
- Killer with a Smile, (cl) Mystery Book Magazine July 1946 [Ref. Jonathan Latimer]
- “T” as in Treated, (cl) Mystery Book Magazine August 1946 [Ref. Lawrence Treat]
- Holding Her Own, (cl) Mystery Book Magazine September 1946
- Lady in Suspense, (cl) Mystery Book Magazine October 1946
- Hold Your Breath, (ed) Suspense, the Mystery Magazine November 1946, etc.
- Mother McKee, (cl) Mystery Book Magazine November 1946
- Too Good for the Irish, (cl) Mystery Book Magazine January 1947 [Ref. Cornell Woolrich]
- Truth About Duluth, (cl) Mystery Book Magazine March 1947
- Schooled to Write, (cl) Mystery Book Magazine May 1947
- Saint and Sinners, (ed) Mystery Book Magazine Fall 1947
- Greetings!, (ed) Wit #1, 1947
- Hunters and Hunted, (ed) Mystery Book Magazine Winter 1948 [Ref. Fredric Brown]
- Blowing Off the Lid!, (ed) Shock May 1948
- Peter, Peter, Murder Meeter, (ed) Mystery Book Magazine Summer 1948
- The Readers’ Jury, (cl) Triple Detective Winter 1949, etc.
- Murder Isn’t Merry, (ms) All-Story Detective February 1949
- Poker for Blood, (ms) All-Story Detective April 1949
- Murder Portrait, (ms) All-Story Detective June 1949
- Nefarious Notions, (ed) F.B.I. Detective Stories June 1949
- Coffin at Large, (ms) All-Story Detective August 1949
- Scarred Angel, (ms) All-Story Detective October 1949
- Trigger Topic, (ed) F.B.I. Detective Stories October 1949
- Where There’s Smoke, (ed) F.B.I. Detective Stories December 1949
- Deadly Duo, (ms) 15 Story Detective February 1950
- Fightin’ Fools, (ar) F.B.I. Detective Stories February 1950
- Death Ahoy!, (ed) F.B.I. Detective Stories April 1950
- Hot Homicide, (ed) 15 Story Detective April 1950
- Sables for Satan, (ed) F.B.I. Detective Stories June 1950
- Two-Time Dirge, (ms) 15 Story Detective June 1950
- Flophouse Blues, (ed) F.B.I. Detective Stories August 1950
- Gone Goose, (ms) 15 Story Detective August 1950
- Taps for Two, (ms) 15 Story Detective October 1950
- Sing, Sylvia, Sing!, (ms) 15 Story Detective December 1950
- Drops of Dynamite, (ed) F.B.I. Detective Stories February 1951
- Lamb to the Slaughter, (ms) 15 Story Detective February 1951
- Turning On the Heat, (cl) G-Men Detective Spring 1951, etc.
- Blood Money, (ed) F.B.I. Detective Stories May 1951
- The Gang’s All Here!, (ed) Mobsters December 1952
- Hit Me Again!, (ed) Manhunt March 1953
- The Corpses Hang High, (ed) Top Detective Annual 1953
- The Tangled Webb, (ed) East-Side Detective v1 #5, 1954
- That’s My Hunch Baby, (ed) East-Side Detective v1 #1, 1954
- Modus Operandi, (ed) Pursuit—The Phantom Mystery Magazine March 1955
- The Fourth Degree, (ed) Sleuth Mystery Magazine December 1958
- Editor’s Note, (ms) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 1959, etc.
- Murder Unlimited, (ed) Colin Calhoun Detective #12, 195?
- Blondes Bleed Too, (ed) Colin Calhoun Detective #13, 195?
- Dead to the World, (ed) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #16, 195?
- Exposed to Murder, (ed) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #12, 195?
- She Died Without Nylons, (ed) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #13, 195?
- He Never Stooped to Conquer, (is) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1960
- Dear Mystery Fans, (ed) Keyhole Mystery Magazine June 1960, etc.
- An Editorial Aside, (ms) The Saint Mystery Magazine June 1960
- Dear Reader: Here’s Wishing You a Shudderful Time, (ed) Shock—The Magazine of Terrifying Tales July 1960
- From the Editor’s Desk, (ed) Bloodhound Detective Story Magazine #2, June 1961, etc.
- From the Editorial Desk, (ed) The New Strand May 1962
- Briefly, (ed) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #7, February 1965, etc.
- Mystery and Adventure, (ed) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine (US) March 1966
- The Armchair Detective: The Past, Present and Hopeful Future of This Journal, (ed) The Armchair Detective October 1967
- A Dedication, (ed) The Armchair Detective July 1968 [Ref. Henry Wade]
- Briefly…A Note from the Editors, (ed) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #31, 1969, etc.
- Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), (is) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 1974
- The Uneasy Chair, (ed) The Armchair Detective January 1977, etc.
- Dear Readers, (ed) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July 16 1980, etc.
- Dear Reader, (ed) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November 19 1980, etc.
- EQMM Author Photo Quiz (Part 1), (qz) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine mid December 1984
- The Editor’s Case File, (ed) Detective Story Magazine #1, May 1988, etc.
- Issue #578—Dedicated to Lawrence Spivak, (ed) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 1991 [Ref. Lawrence E. Spivak]
- Issue #579—Dedicated to Stanley Ellin, (ed) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine February 1991 [Ref. Stanley Ellin]
- Issue #580-581—Dedicated to Ellery Queen, (ed) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1991 [Ref. Ellery Queen]
- Issue #582—Dedicated to Clayton Rawson, (ed) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1991 [Ref. Clayton Rawson]
- Issue #583—Dedicated to Messrs. Boucher, Breen, Carr, Haycraft & Hubin, (ed) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1991 [Ref. Anthony Boucher, John Dickson Carr, Allen J. Hubin, Jon L. Breen & Howard Haycraft]
- Issue #584—Dedicated to Edward D. Hoch, (ed) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 1991 [Ref. Edward D. Hoch]
- Issue #586—Dedicated to Robert L. Fish, (ed) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1991 [Ref. Robert L. Fish]
- Issue #586—Dedicated to Patricia Highsmith, Dorothy Salisbury Davis and Celia Fremlin, (ed) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September 1991 [Ref. Patricia Highsmith, Dorothy Salisbury Davis & Celia Fremlin]
- Issue #586—Dedicated to Eleanor Sullivan, (ed) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 1991 [Ref. Eleanor Sullivan]
- Issue #592 Dedicated to Joel Davis, (ed) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine mid December 1991 [Ref. Joel Davis]
- 100th Anniversary of the World’s Most Baffling Crime, (ed) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1992
- Opening Shot, (ed) A Shot in the Dark #0, June 1994
- Last Night I Dreamt I Went to Manderley Again, (ms) The Armchair Detective Summer 1994
- Notes from the Editor, (ed) Murderous Intent Summer 1995
- Editorial Notes, (ed) Murderous Intent Fall 1995, etc.
- Editorial Special, (ed) Murderous Intent Fall 1996
- Editorial Page, (ed) Murderous Intent Winter 1997
- Editorial Stuff, (ed) Murderous Intent Spring 1997
- Editorial Comments, (ed) Murderous Intent Winter 1998
- 144 and Going Strong, (ed) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine February 1998
- A Record-Breaking 25th Anniversary, (ed) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1998 [Ref. Edward D. Hoch]
- The Mist, (ed) Sleuthhound Winter 1998/1999
- The Bouchercon World Mystery Convention, (ar) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 2001
- Editor’s Notes, (ed) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine June 2002
- Letter from the Editor, (ed) Crimespree Magazine #6, May 2005
- From the Editors, (ed) Crimespree Magazine #15, November/December 2006
- Same as What? Samizdat!, (ed) The Back Alley Webzine June 2007
- Back of the Bus, Right Now!, (ed) The Back Alley Webzine November 2007
- This Town Is Big Enough for All of Us!, (ed) The Back Alley Webzine April 2008
- Double Derringer!, (ed) The Back Alley Webzine July 2008
- North of the Border Noir, (ed) The Back Alley Webzine December 2008
- Hard-Hearted Hannahs, (ed) The Back Alley Webzine August 2009
- Good Things Happen in the Back Alley!, (ed) The Back Alley Webzine April 2010
- Times That Just Grind You Down to the Hubs, (ed) The Back Alley Webzine November 2010
- A Global Focus, (ed) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2011
- About Jon L. Breen and Our Cover, (ed) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 2011 [Ref. Jon L. Breen]
- EQMM Welcomes a New Book Reviewer, (ed) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 2011 [Ref. Steve Steinbock]
- The Changing Face of EQMM, (ed) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 2011
- March Editorial, (ed) The Big Click #1, March 2012, etc.
- May Editorial, (ed) The Big Click #2, May 2012, etc.
- July Editorial, (ed) The Big Click #3, July 2012, etc.
- September Editorial, (ed) The Big Click #4, September 2012, etc.
- November Editorial, (ed) The Big Click #5, November 2012, etc.
- The Bareknuckles Pulp Dept. Editor’s Note, (si) Out of the Gutter #8, December 2012
- On the New, “Stripped”, Out of the Gutter, (ed) Out of the Gutter #8, December 2012
- TFFO Editors’ Note, (si) Out of the Gutter #8, December 2012
- January Editorial, (ed) The Big Click #6, January 2013, etc.
- Happy 158th Birthday, Sherlock Homes!, (ed) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine February 2013
- Editor’s Note, (ed) All Due Respect #4, October 2014
- The Aesthetics of Crime, (ed) The Big Click #23, November 2015
- Capsule Reviews, (rc) The Big Click #23, November 2015, etc.
- Final Editorial, (ed) The Big Click #25, March 2016
- Q&A with Libby Cudmore, (iv) The Big Click #25, March 2016 [Ref. Libby Cudmore]
- About This Issue’s Translators, (ed) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 2016
- Behind the Mask, (ed) Black Mask Fall 2016, etc.
- Far from Noir: A Tribute to Jonathan Elliott, (ob) Rock and a Hard Place #3, Spring/Summer 2020 [Ref. Jonathan Elliott]
- Arrest/Anger/Avenge/Assault/And, (ed)
- Before the Horse Is Stolen, (ed)
- Behind the Black Mask, (bg) [Ref. Erle Stanley Gardner]
- Bullets/Bait/Brawls/Big, (ed)
- Death/Dragnet/Danger/Dividends, (ed)
- Death Still Haunts Them, (ts)
- Department, (ed)
- D.O.A. Spells Murder, (ed)
- The Editor’s Log, (ed)
- First/Fight/Frame/Fright/Full, (ed)
- First of the G-Men, (ed)
- Freak Cases from the Desk Sergeant’s Blotter, (ms)
- G-Men—Teddy Roosevelt Style!, (ed)
- Good Things Ahead, (ed)
- Hatred/Homicide/Hunt/Hunger/Hard-Hitting, (ed)
- Headquarters, (cl)
- How Is Your Crime I.Q., (ed)
- Lethal/Lunacy/Larceny/Lust/Loaded, (ed)
- Mayhem/Mischief/Murder/Malice, (ed)
- Miss Pender Smells a Rat, (ed)
- A Note of Introduction, (ed)
- Official Business, (cl)
- A Plea for Editors, (ed)
- Power/Panic/Pursuit/Plus, (ed)
- The Sergeant’s Desk Blotter, (cl)
- Showdown/Slaughter/Suspense/Shock/Spice, (ed)
- The Sideline, (ed)
- Sudden Death…, (ed)
- TNT/Trouble/Threat/Terror, (ed)
- Two Black Mask Favorites in Serious Trouble Again, (ed)
- Waiting for Vetter, (ed)
- War on the Homefront, (ed)
- Who Is Vetter?, (ed)
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