The Adventure, War, and Espionage Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 41
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Caffrey, Andrew A(ugustine) (1891-1970) (about) (chron.)
- * Ace in a Day, (ss) Air Trails March 1931
- * The Ace of No Man’s Land, (nv) Wings Fall 1939
- * Aces on the Cuff, (ss) Wings Winter 1942/1943
- * Ailerons of Iron, (ss) Complete Aviation Novel Magazine May 1929
- * Airgirl, (ss) Flyers December 1929
- * Airways, (ss) Adventure March 15 1927
- * Airworthy, (ss) Air Stories February 1930
- * All Kinds of Luck—Mostly Bad, (ss) Flying Stories December 1928
- * Almost a Record, (ss) Flying Stories November 1928
- * The Balloon-Gun Kid, (ss) Sky Birds July 1929
- * A Better Liar Than a Flyer, (ss) Flying Stories December 1928
- * Big Things for Air Mail, (ss) Air Stories October 1929
- * Bomber’s Luck, (na) Aces February 1929
- * Bombers Up, (nv) Wings December 1929
- * Busting Pikes Peak [Booth Delano], (ss) Complete Aviation Novel Magazine July 1929
- * Clever Cleves, (ss) Air Trails January 1930
- * Clipt Wings, (ss) Adventure October 23 1926
- * Combat, (ss) Air Trails June 1930
- * Combat on the Cuff, (ss) Wings Spring 1947
- * The Conking Fools, (ss) Airplane Stories March 1929
- * The Crash Guys, (ss) Air Stories Winter 1937
- * Curious Cargo, (ss) Adventure March 15 1927, as "Airways"
- * Death Divers [Harry Herald], (na) Aces November 1930
- * Dogrobber, (ss) Action Stories May 1929
- * Eagle Feathers, (nv) Air Trails February 1931
- * Eagles of Doom, (ss) Aces Winter 1939/1940
- * Eastward Ho!, (ss) Air Stories September 1929
- * Eyes of the Army, (na) Aces March 1930
- * Fast Stuff, (ss) Flying Stories June 1930
- * A Fine Man—the Colonel, (ss) Flying Aces October 1928
- * The Firing Squad, (ss) Wings April/May 1934
- * Flaming Coffins, (na) Aces January 1930
- * Flight of the Bashful Bomber, (nv) Wings Fall 1946
- * Flyers Fearless, (na) Aces February 1930
- * The Fly Guy, (ss) Aces August 1932
- * Flying Colors, (nv) Air Stories December 1930
- * Flying Fists, (ss) Action Stories October 1928
- * Flying Horseman, (ss) Air Stories February 1929
- * Flying Movies, (ss) Sky Birds April 1929
- * Flying Odds, (ss) Sky Birds January 1930
- * Flying Orders, (ss) Aviation Stories April 1929
- * Front-Line Ferry, (ss) Wings September 1929
- * Front-Line Phantom, (ss) Aces Winter 1937
- * Gamblers of the Sky, (na) Air Stories January 1931
- * General A.W.O.L., (nv) Soldier Stories September 1929
- * Ghost Control, (ss) Air Stories June 1928
- * Glory Wings, (ss) Adventure October 23 1926, as "Clipt Wings"
- * Guns of the Guard, (ss) World War Stories April 1929
- * Hell Flight, (nv) War Birds August 1937
- * Hell on High, (na) Aces October 1932
- * Hell’s Where You Raise It, (ss) Under Fire Magazine February 1929
- * The Highbehind, (ss) Over the Top February 1929
- * High Dive, (na) Wings March 1935
- * The High-Hat Ace, (ss) Aces Spring 1939
- * High Honors, (ss) Wings April 1943
- * Hot Sky, (na) Wings February 1935
- * In Bad in Air, (ss) Wings May 1930
- * The Jumping Jenny, (ss) Airplane Stories May 1929
- * June Bugs, (nv) Air Stories July 1929
- * Just What He Ordered, (ss) Bill Barnes Air Trails August 1936
- * Keep ’Em Up, (ss) Air Trails July 1930
- * Keewee, (ss) Flying Aces November 1928
- * Knights of the Nieuport, (ss) Sky Birds February 1929
- * The Landing Field of Hades, (ss) Aviation Stories July 1929
- * Landing Orders, (ss) Air Stories June 1929
- * The Last Patrol, (nv) Air Stories March 1931
- * Lightning Tamer, (nv) Dare-Devil Aces July 1946
- * Loot Below!, (ss) Air Stories April 1930
- * Loud, but Not So Good, (vi) War Stories #15, October 13 1927
- * Low Wings, (na) Aces November 1932
- * The Man Who Was Dead, (ss) Adventure Trails March 1929
- * Midnight Owl of the Caribbean, (ss) Wings Fall 1942
- * Off the Controls, (ss) Air Trails October 1930
- * Orders Is Orders, (ss) Air Stories January 1928
- * The Outside Drinkers Move In, (ss) Over the Top May 1930
- * Over Mars’ Crest, (ss) Air Stories November 1929
- * Pacific Ambush, (ss) Sky Fighters Summer 1947
- * Parachutes, (ss) Flyers January 1930
- * Plane Crazy [Booth Delano], (ss) Dime Adventure Magazine October 1935
- * The Poisoned Pup Squadron, (ss) Flying Aces December 1928
- * Pot-Luck Flyers, (nv) Sky Birds January 1929
- * Rattling Out o’ Reno, (ss) Air Stories May 1930
- * Sacrifice Patrol, (na) Aces December 1930
- * School of Fire, (ss) Top-Notch April 1936
- * The Shadow of Flying Death, (ss) Flying Aces February 1929
- * Ships Come Tumbling Down, (na) War Birds February 1937
- * Sky-Bait, (ss) Air Stories December 1928
- * Sky Battle Wagons, (ss) Soldier Stories May 1929
- * Sky Sharks, (ss) Air Stories February 1932
- * Sky Smugglers, (nv) Air Stories August 1929
- * Sky Trumpeteer, (nv) Wings Winter 1939/1940
- * Socks for Soldiers, (ss) Under Fire Magazine November 1928
- * Some Bird!, (ss) Air Trails May 1930
- * That Flight of Nine, (vi) Three Star Magazine 2nd September 1928
- * The Vanishing Ace, (ss) Sky Birds May 1929
- * The Visit in Red, (ss) Flying Aces January 1929
- * The Wait, (sg) Air Trails May 1930
- * When Destiny Flies High, (ss) Under Fire Magazine April 1929
- * When War Laughed, (ss) Under Fire Magazine January 1929
- * Windmill Wings, (ss) Air Stories January 1930
- * Wind Rider, (ss) Air Stories March 1930
- * Winging West, (ss) Air Stories December 1929
- * Wingmates, (na) Aces April 1929
- * Wings for a Fool [Harry Herald], (ss) Aces Spring 1938
- * Wings for the Brave, (nv) Wings Summer 1937
Cahill, Laurence J. (1912-1961) (chron.)
- * The Challenge, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 1st March 1930
- * Faith o’ Men, (ss) Man Stories May 1931
- * Hallet, the Lucky [Hallet, “The Lucky”], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 1st July 1929
- * Paid in Adventure [Hallet, “The Lucky”], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd July 1929
- * Spanish Caste, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 1st November 1929
- * Thieves’ Company, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd February 1930
- * Vengeance of the Caid [Hallet, “The Lucky”], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 1st August 1929
Cain, George M(arian) A(lbert) (1877-1929); used pseudonym George Mariano (about) (chron.)
- * Casey’s Mascot, (ss) Top-Notch February 15 1912
- * Hanging It on Keene, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine August 15 1913
- * His Last Boat, (ss) People’s October 1915
- * His Missing Punch, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine June 15 1913
- * His Plunge in the Rubicon, (ss) Top-Notch March 1 1912
- * One More Week, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine March 1 1916
- * On Time for Once, (vi) People’s Ideal Fiction Magazine March 1910, as by George Mariano
- * That Tinhorn Sport, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine July 1 1915
- * The Whistle at the Crossing, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1913
Calder, Ellery Watson; pseudonym of Robert Leslie Bellem (1902-1968) (chron.)
- * The Black 13, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories August 1935
- * Blackbeard Passes, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories June 1935
- * Cajun Queen, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories July 1936
- * Celebes Reckoning, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories January 1940
- * Contraband Cross-Up, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories April 1937
- * Cursed Be the Head, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories November 1935
- * Debt of Death, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories March 1936
- * Diamonds from the Sea, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories September 1939
- * Flow of Gold, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories July 1940
- * Gambling Corpse, (ss) Super-Detective February 1950, as by Ellery Watson Calder
- * Hellion’s Heritage, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories September 1938
- * Hell’s Island, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories July 1935
- * Honolulu Stop-Off, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories February 1939
- * A Kingdom for Kaley, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories February 1935
- * Madman’s Empire, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories February 1936
- * Pancho Diego, Villain, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories April 1936
- * Reclaimed, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories September 1937
- * Red Blot, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories August 1936, as by Jerome Severs Perry
- * Return of the Rapier, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories May 1935
- * Scepter of Sargasso, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories October 1935
- * Storm Swept, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories January 1937
- * Swamp Princess, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories November 1939
- * Swine’s Knuckles, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories November 1934
- * Tattooed Blonde, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories April 1935
- * Tigris Treasure, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories December 1936
- * A Time to Pay, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories June 1939
- * Turquoise Treasure, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories January 1935
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