The Adventure, War, and Espionage Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 142

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    High Adventure [#64, May 2002] ed. John P. Gunnison (Adventure House, $7.95, 112pp+, tp, cover by C. Dameron from Gun Molls Magazine August 1931)
    • 4 · Gangster’s Brand · P. T. Luman · nv Gun Molls Magazine August 1931
    • · The Madame Naturals [The Madame] · Perry Paul · ss Gun Molls Magazine August 1931
    • · The Shadow of the Ghost · P. L. Trussell · ts Gun Molls Magazine August 1931
    • · Rendezvous with Death · Jack D’Arcy · ss Gun Molls Magazine August 1931
    • · The Phantom Burglar · Jack Heil · ts Gun Molls Magazine August 1931
    • · The Devil’s Bookkeeper · Carlos Martinez · ss Gun Molls Magazine August 1931
    • · Vice Cross Vice · Sylvester French · ss Gun Molls Magazine August 1931
    • · The Grapevine · The Readers · lc Gun Molls Magazine August 1931
    • · The Line-Up · The Police Reporter · cl Gun Molls Magazine August 1931
    • · Old Straight Shooter · John Scott Douglas · ss Gun Molls Magazine August 1931
    • · The Kid Comes Clean · Stanley Bruce · ss Gun Molls Magazine August 1931

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