The Adventure, War, and Espionage Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 10
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Ball, Joseph H(urst) (1905-1993) (about) (chron.)
- * An Ambush for Heinie, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #27, November 1929
- * The Cloud Hoodlum, (ss) Battle Stories #21, May 1929
- * The Crack-Up Kid, (ss) Battle Stories #20, April 1929
- * Five Fighting Fools, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #33, May 1930
- * Fried Sausage, (ss) Battle Stories #19, March 1929
- * Get That Gun!, (ss) Battle Stories #17, January 1929
- * The Glory Grabber, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #35, July 1930
- * The Outlaw Tank, (ss) Battle Stories #18, February 1929
- * The Red Mist, (ss) War Birds #13, February 1929
- * Sky Justice, (nv) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #36, August 1930
- * Wing Riding to Glory, (ss) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #23, July 1929
Ballard, W(illis) T(odhunter) (1903-1980); used pseudonyms Parker Bonner, Walt Bruce, John Grange, C. K. M. Scanlon & Robert Wallace (chron.)
- * Blood Cargo [Dr. Zeng Tse-Lin], (na) Popular Detective June 1942, as by Walt Bruce
- * Cauldron of Death [Jim Anthony] (with Robert Leslie Bellem), (na) Super-Detective February 1943, as by John Grange
- * The Days of Death [Jim Anthony] (with Robert Leslie Bellem), (na) Super-Detective November 1942, as by John Grange
- * Death for a Flying Dutchman [Jim Anthony] (with Robert Leslie Bellem), (na) Super-Detective April 1943, as by John Grange
- * The Fifth Column Murders [Rex Parker (The Masked Detective)], (na) The Masked Detective Winter 1942, as by C. K. M. Scanlon
- * Hell’s Ice-Box [Jim Anthony] (with Robert Leslie Bellem), (na) Super-Detective October 1942, as by John Grange
- * Homicide Heiress [Jim Anthony] (with Robert Leslie Bellem), (na) Super-Detective June 1943, as by John Grange
- * A Little Nonsense, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine February 1 1923, as by Parker Bonner
- * Men with Guns [Red Drake], (ss) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine January 1942
- * Murder Between Shifts [Jim Anthony] (with Robert Leslie Bellem), (na) Super-Detective January 1943, as by John Grange
- * Never Trust a Cop, (ss) Captain Satan May 1938
Bamber, Wallace R(ugene) (1895-?) (chron.)
- * The Black Bomber, (ss) War Birds #2, April 1928
- * Black Reefs, (ss) Doc Savage Magazine February 1935
- * Black Shadows, (ss) Thrilling Adventures April 1933
- * Black Snows, (ss) Thrilling Adventures February 1933
- * The Blinkin’ Bombardier, (ss) Eagles of the Air May 1930
- * The Blood Trail, (ss) Thrilling Adventures April 1932
- * Brood of the Legion, (ss) Conflict January/February 1934
- * Bullet Proof, (ss) The Underworld Magazine October 1933
- * The Bushrangers of Australia, (ar) Far East Adventure Stories December 1931
- * Camera and Gun [“Pee-Wee” Corbin], (ss) War Birds #4, June 1928
- * Cavaliers of the Skies, (ts) Flying Stories Feb, Mar, Apr 1930
- * Crash on Delivery, (ss) Wings May 1930
- * The Darn Little Fool, (ss) Flying Aces December 1928
- * False Cargo, (ss) Thrilling Adventures November 1933
- * The Flight of Forgotten Men, (ss) Flying Aces November 1928
- * The Flying Arsenal, (ss) War Stories #40, September 27 1928
- * A Frank Appeal (with Anatole Feldman & H. C. Langer), (ed) Far East Adventure Stories February 1931
- * A Further Appeal (with Anatole Feldman & H. C. Langer), (ed) Far East Adventure Stories March 1931
- * The Ghost Hawk, (sl) Complete Aviation Novel Magazine Aug, Sep 1929
- * Gypsy Luck, (ss) Flying Stories November 1928
- * The Invincible Death, (ss) Sky Birds November 1929
- * Killed in Action, (ts) Three Star Magazine 1st November 1928
- * The Mail Must Go!, (ss) Wings January 1929
- * The Medal Bird, (ss) Under Fire Magazine December 1928
- * The Moth of Mazatlan, (nv) Air Stories September 1929
- * Phantom Flyers, (ss) Flying Aces March 1929
- * Pirates of the Air, (ss) Flight November 1929
- * Pirate Wings of Peril, (ss) Flyers March 1930
- * “Rabbit’s Foot for Luck!”, (ss) War Stories #39, September 13 1928
- * Red Seas, (ss) Pirate Stories August 1935
- * Roaring Wings [“Pee-Wee” Corbin], (ss) War Birds #6, August 1928
- * The Scourge of the Skies, (ss) Under Fire Magazine November 1928
- * The Sky Trap, (na) Aces October 1929
- * Snowshoe Trail, (ss) Doc Savage Magazine February 1934
- * Steel Fists, (ss) Thrilling Adventures March 1933
- * Through Black Skys, (ss) Under Fire Magazine June 1929
- * Thundering Wings, (na) Complete Flying Novel January 1930
- * Thundering Wings, (ex) Complete Flying Novel December 1929
- * Tracer Skies [“Pee-Wee” Corbin], (ss) War Birds #7, September 1928
- * The Volunteer Pilot, (ss) Sky Birds January 1929
- * The Zooming Zeppelin, (nv) Zeppelin Stories May 1929
Bangs, John Kendrick (1862-1922) (about) (chron.)
- * Fish Tales, (pm) Top-Notch Magazine June 1 1915
- * The Four Winds, (pm) Top-Notch Magazine February 15 1915
- * Happier Sunbeams?, (pm) Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1916
- * Lincoln’s Birthday, (pm) Top-Notch Magazine February 1 1915
- * Power to His Elbow, (sl) Top-Notch Magazine Aug 1, Aug 15, Sep 1 1915
- * Raffles Holmes, (ss)
- * That Was Different, (pm) Top-Notch Magazine October 1 1916
- * Toward the Goal, (pm) Top-Notch Magazine March 15 1915
Banks, (Algernon) Polan (1906-1984) (chron.)
- * Ace of the Jungle, (nv) War Birds #20, September 1929
- * Adam and Eve on a Raft, (ss) Navy Stories #8, September 1929
- * The Angel of Death, (ss) War Birds #35, November 1930
- * Down Went McGinty, (nv) Navy Stories #4, May 1929
- * The Man of the Forest, (ss) All Fiction Stories June 1931
- * A Message to Pershing, (ss) War Birds #33, September 1930
- * Rebel Wings, (nv) Sky Riders #24, October 1930
- * Steel Fins, (nv) Navy Stories April 1929
- * Take the Cash, (ss) War Birds #34, October 1930
- * Ten O’Clock at Tetuan, (ss) Thrilling Adventures December 1931
Barclay, Armiger; pseudonym of Marguerite Florence Laura Jarvis (1886-1964) (chron.)
- * Bully Fun [Lavie Jutt] (with Marguerite Florence Laura Jarvis), (ss) Top-Notch Magazine January 15 1916, as by Armiger & Marguerite Barclay
- * A Corner in Seats [Lavie Jutt] (with Marguerite Florence Laura Jarvis), (ss) Sievier’s Monthly June 1910, as by Oliver Sandys
- * Hist! A Spy!, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine August 15 1916
- * A Lesson in Finance [Lavie Jutt] (with Marguerite Florence Laura Jarvis), (ss) Sievier’s Monthly August 1910, as by Oliver Sandys
- * Nothing to It [Lavie Jutt] (with Marguerite Florence Laura Jarvis), (ss) Top-Notch Magazine May 1 1917, as by Armiger & Marguerite Barclay
- * Over the Sticks, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine November 30 1914
- * Touch and Go [Lavie Jutt] (with Marguerite Florence Laura Jarvis), (ss) Top-Notch Magazine April 1 1917, as by Armiger & Marguerite Barclay
Barclay, Marguerite; pseudonym of Marguerite Florence Laura Jarvis (1886-1964) (chron.)
- * Bully Fun [Lavie Jutt] (with Marguerite Florence Laura Jarvis), (ss) Top-Notch Magazine January 15 1916, as by Armiger & Marguerite Barclay
- * A Corner in Seats [Lavie Jutt] (with Marguerite Florence Laura Jarvis), (ss) Sievier’s Monthly June 1910, as by Oliver Sandys
- * A Lesson in Finance [Lavie Jutt] (with Marguerite Florence Laura Jarvis), (ss) Sievier’s Monthly August 1910, as by Oliver Sandys
- * Nothing to It [Lavie Jutt] (with Marguerite Florence Laura Jarvis), (ss) Top-Notch Magazine May 1 1917, as by Armiger & Marguerite Barclay
- * Touch and Go [Lavie Jutt] (with Marguerite Florence Laura Jarvis), (ss) Top-Notch Magazine April 1 1917, as by Armiger & Marguerite Barclay
Bard, John (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * Blood Floats on Water, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories June 1937
- * Blood Has Sticky Fingers, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories September 1936
- * Blood in the Canal, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories February 1937
- * Blood Marks the Spot, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories September 1935
- * Blood on the Doorstep, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories June 1936
- * Blood on the Moon, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories October 1936
- * Blood Will Sink a Ship, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories March 1937
- * Darts of Death, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories July 1936
- * Here’s Blood in Your Eye!, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories July 1935
- * Trouble Island, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories November 1934
- * Wild Girl, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories March 1935
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