The FictionMags Index Family
Change Log
The software used to generate the FictionMags Index Family is under active
development. This page will discuss recent changes
to the software, as well as some known problems
(most of which should be addressed in a future release) and some thoughts for
possible future enhancements. Feedback is
always welcome on any features users would like to see added (or modified).
For a more detailed discussion of the v2 Index Project, and of the differences
between the current software and the previous version, see the project
Recent Changes
- 26-Feb-2025
- Fixed bug displaying first edition dates for book reprints when simultaneous
first editions in adjacent months.
- If a pseudonym is defined as only "possibly/probably" a pseudonym
of a given author then the relevant entries are listed under the [?] section
for that author and a ? is appended to the pseudonym in the "used
pseudonyms" list.
- Fixed bug with accented characters in publisher names not translated
- Fixed bug with pseudonym lists not being displayed for authors without
a formal entry in the names database.
- Corrected order of books in the "Books by Author" index to
match the order in the "Stories by Author" index.
- Tightened up checks when switching bold or italic on to prevent following
text being affected.
- Fixed bug that omitted stories from the series listing if they didn't
have a formal story title.
- Qualifiers removed from series names in indexes where there is no ambiguity.
- Fixed assorted bugs in series and chronological indexes that led to
duplicated, mistitled or misplaced items.
- Books that are (re)printed as part of other books now displayed in bold
to match standalone books.
- Format of listings for books tweaked to match the format for other items.
- First edition details listed for book in the "Index by Name"
when the index only includes a later reprint.
- Multiple editions of the same book aggregated in the "Index by
Name" (still needs work).
- Fixed bug that led to some text that should be in italics and/or bold
not being displayed correctly.
- 25-Dec-2024
- Fixed bug displaying pseudonyms that are enclosed in quote marks.
- Added generic cross-reference links to note fields.
- 2-Jun-2024
- Fixed problem in chronological index introduced by previous changes.
- 31-Mar-2024
- Several problems with aggregating items in the Names Index resolved,
- Reprinted book reviews not linking to original printings
- Problems where multiple items differed only in title additional
(e.g. "An Interview with zzz" and "Interview with zzz")
- Problems with items also reprinted in extract form
- Items by the same author with the same title but different item
types (e.g. poems and stories with the same title) are now sorted
(and aggregated) together
- Aggregated items with only a year for the issue data now correctly
hyperlinked to the relevant issue
- Fixed bugs introduced by tidying up the listing of edited items in Name
- Editorial positions no longer listed in Title Index
- Co-authors of reviewed books added in section for book author(s)
- 28-Feb-2024
- Suppress listing of "gp" items in chronological index.
- Book binding types ("hc", "lp", "ph",
"pb" & "tp") now documented.
- Title index tweaked to differentiate between authors of items and editors
of items.
- Handling of continuation lines in date-ordered indexes normalised.
- Listing of edited items in Name Index tidied up to list editorial positions
first, followed by individual magazine issues, followed by books.
- Book type ("co", "pl", etc.) added to Book Contents
- Entries for uncredited items in the various indexes cross-linked to
each other.
- Variant versions of anthologies and collections identified by appending
" (var. n)" to the title.
- Square brackets used to distinguish company names and similar suppressed
in item listings.
- More duplicate entries in chronological index removed and sort order
slightly corrected.
- Subject listings tidied up to reduce duplicate entries and to truncate
book subtitles.
- Continuation lines in index by name enhanced to indicate when the items
are no longer just "by" the person concerned (e.g. items edited
by or about them).
- Fixed minor bug where sometimes the publication year was omitted in
the first line of a group of items.
- Fixed bug in listing name behind pseudonym in series index.
- 29-Sep-2023
- Modified title indexes to use expanded abbreviations for Dr., Mr., etc.
when listing ranges of titles to avoid confusion about alphabetical ordering.
- 29-Aug-2023
- Relocated list of anthologies related to a magazine to follow rather
than precede list of issues
- Standardised sorting of titles starting with "Dr. ", "Mr.",
& "St. " as if they were spelled "Doctor ", "Mister
" and "Saint " respectively
- Similarly, titles starting with "No. " or "#n" are
sorted as if they were spelled "Number " and an attempt is made
to sort them in numeric order rather than collating sequence
- 29-May-2023
- Removed distinction between artists and non-artists, thus removing both
the Artist Index and the Consolidated Names Index
- Some Index Names/Titles rationalised
- Added permanent links for Series entries
- Removed duplicated items from chronological index for items in columns/series
- Fixed formatting problem with names of the format "The Author of
- 18-Apr-2023:
- Fixed bug in dates for continuation pages for imprint-specific series
- Streamlined the formatting of the entries for books from which items
have been reprinted (e.g. removal of author name if same as main item;
removal of empty fields; etc.)
- Fixed a number of bugs in the chronological index.
- 9-Mar-2023:
- Sort order for series changed to handle special characters in series
names correctly (such as Ægypt)
- Imprint-specific series now sorted to end of list and start on a new
- "By author" index for series expanded to list entries under
each co-author where relevant
- A small number of publishers have been added as imprint-specific series
(e.g. Ash-Tree Press & Savoy).
- Corrected handling of books edited under a pseudonym in series &
chronological lists
- Expanded dates of books to include month (where known) in indexes such
as the chronological index
- Fixed minor format bug listing uncredited editors of anthologies
- 23-Jan-2023
- Links added between (selected) magazines and associated anthologies
and other related books.
- 19-Dec-2022:
- Fixed problem with "ed. " occasionally being prefixed to a
list of other pseudonyms used by an author or to list of authors who used
a house name.
- Cross-references added to Books by Author indexes for "implicit"
editors of books.
- Cross-references added to Books by Author indexes for ghost-writers,
names behind pseudonyms, and such-like.
- Format of cross-references in Books by Author indexes tweaked
so that titles are aligned.
- Implicit editors now listed in contents listing in Books by Author
- Subjects of books now listed in contents listing in Books by Author
- ISBNs/book numbers added to Books by Author indexes.
- Magazine Contents Lists realigned so that the tops of text and
cover scan are aligned rather than the centres
- 13-Nov-2022:
- Fixed problem with company names containing commas when used as author
or artist names.
- 2-Oct-2022:
- Fixed problem with date ordering in "imprint-specific" series
- Fixed problem with "permanent" links
- 31-May-2022:
- Fixed a couple of minor sizing issues in the auto-sized indexes for
the Magazine Issues with Full-Text Links and the Biographical
- New page listing "Newly Added/Improved Books" added.
- Maximum files per folder limited to improve performance.
- New mechanism added to allow
"permanent" links to magazines, magazine issues and names in
the Fictionmags Index.
- Support added for "imprint-specific" series such as the British
Library Crime Classics.
- Series names are now listed in the Books by Author indexes
- 21-Apr-2022:
- "by Names" index upgraded to include "see under"
links and continuation pages in lower-level indexes.
- Fixed bug in formatting of book details when author name included a
trigraph that included a comma.
- 24-Mar-2022:
- Support for Books added. It will take some time to add all the books
in the underlying database to the index as the data needs a lot of tidying
up, but this initial release contains 6000 books, including all the items
previously listed in the Miscellaneous Anthologies Index (which
has now been removed).
- Index Structure has been rationalised with a single "by Name"
index that replaces the previous "Stories by Author", "Stories
by Date" and "Artists" indexes. See the document on the
Index Structure for more details.
- All indexes now auto-sized with Continuation Pages added where necessary,
so indexes "flattened" to make navigation easier.
- 26-Jan-2022:
- Added generic "Missing Issues" link to the Fictionmags Index
- More spurious duplicate entries in Series Index removed
- 20-Dec-2021:
- Fixed bug in links from Story Title Index to Story Author Index
- Separate entries added to Series Level 1 Index if series listed by different
- Series Index page breaks added if series listing type changes or if
series is overlong
- Spurious duplicate entries in Series Index removed
- Small number of missing entries in Series Index reinstated
- Author sort order in Series Index tweaked to match order in Story Author
- Option added to specify "primary" author(s) for a series so
that, for example, in the author listing of Sherlock Holmes stories, Conan
Doyle's stories are listed first
- Problems with series listings split between pseudonyms and authors behind
pseudonyms resolved
- Added original byline to main series listings if not the same as the
author name displayed
- Count of authors in index corrected
- Spurious trailing dates in (some) first appearance lines in Story Author
Index removed
- Problem with quoted titles containing single quotes subsequently reprinted
under a different title resolved
- 25-Nov-2021:
- Bad fomatting of story titles with %%A suffixes resolved
- Uneven page sizes in Story Title Index resolved
- Story Title Index now auto-sized
- Magazine name problems at boundary of name changes fixed
- Missing home link in trailer of some auto-sized indexes restored
- Issue Contents Lists no longer allow page breaks between magazine header
and first issue
- For entries in the Series Index with multiple subgroups, the (about)
link is only output on the first header
- The group of items in the Series Index that are about the series now
have [ref.] appended to the header
- Sort orders in "by Date" and "by Title" series listings
- Difference between items in a series and items about a series rationalised
- Handling of multiple cover scans for a single issue corrected
- 24-Oct-2021:
- Tags added to all HTML headers to try to alleviate caching problems
when uploading a new version.
- Handling of special characters like ε resolved.
- 7-Sep-2021:
- Artist, Biographical Notes, Chronological, Series and Stories by Author
Indexes now auto-sized to avoid overlong or single line top pages for
- Formatting problem for names like "The Captain" resolved.
- Spurious entry for "{et al.}" in the Chronological and Stories
by Author Indexes removed.
- Indented sub-headers in Issue Index changed to nested list.
- 28-Jul-2021:
- Handling of descriptive (rather then calendar) issue dates tidied up.
- Problems with ambiguous links to GCP Website resolved.
- 8-Jun-2021:
- Bug that output all the "Full Text Links" on a single page,
rather than on multiple, smaller, pages has been fixed.
- The file names have been tidied up and rationalised (this should have
no visible effect but will invalidate Google searches for a while).
- Missing hyperlinks on names in quotes fixed.
- "Pub. Info" section inadvertently omitted from some magazines
has been restored.
- Spurious entries in the Story Title Index for items that are about an
author have been removed
- Spurious duplicate anchors on continuation pages removed.
- 28-Apr-2021: First release of new software
Known Problems
- The format of entries from the "Pub. Info." section of the Magazine
Issue Listings, when displayed in the Story Author Listings, needs tidying
- The format of book reviews needs tidying up so that the authors names are
hyperlinked in the body of the item title rather than being appended as separate
- If an item has multiple authors this currently results in multiple entries
in the Story Title Index.
- The Inclusion of Pseudonymous Stories in Author Lists feature relies on
there being a single definition of what the author's "real name"
is; currently there are some problems in this area where an author was known
by multiple names during their career (e.g. through marriage) or primarily
used a name other than their real name (e.g. L.T. Meade or Robert Eustace).
This needs to be addressed on a case-by-case basis so will take some time
to resolve.
- The positioning of some of the notes in the Story Author Listings are less
than ideal, but I want to review this whole area (where the code has grown
very messy) rather than try to make too many other changes at the moment.
- If there are multiple editions of the same item under different titles in
the index, then the item is listed twice in most places (e.g. the chronological
and series indexes). This is non-trivial to fix but will be addressed at some
Possible Future Enhancements
The following features are being considered for future releases:
- Support for short story publishers like - currently these are shoehorned
in as if they were magazines, which they clearly aren't, so a better mechanism
is needed for listing them without all the "baggage" of describing
each one as a separate book.
- Better handling of series: Multiple series with the same name are distinguished
by suffixes that are displayed (only) in the Series Index to differentiate
them. Currently these are displayed even if there is only one such series
in the current index so the intention is to check for this and to display
them only when needed.
- Possible addition of "Full Text" links to the issue listings in
the Magazine Issue
Bottom Level Index (currently they are only displayed in the Magazine
Issue Listings).
- Some pseudonyms are currently defined as being "Possibly a pseudonym
for xxx" or "Probably a pseudonym for" - these are currently
listed under the main author(s) in the same way as for ordinary pseudonyms
but would probably be better linked to the , [?] section for the authors
- Redundant author cross-references. The database currently contains a number
of "see under" links intended to help the user looking for a particular
form of name when the stories are listed under a different form of name, for
example "Adkin, F. J. Knight; see under F. J. Knight-Adkin". In
some cases, particularly in the smaller indexes, some of these can end up
next to each other in the index (e.g. "Adams, Bertram Martin; see under
Bill Adams" in the WFI) which looks rather silly. An attempted solution
was implemented for the CFI but never worked very well and has been withdrawn.
Instead the intention is to allow a configurable "adjacency width"
figure to be set for an index such that, if the target of the "see under"
is on the same page and is within the specified number of lines then the link
is suppressed.
- Order of ambiguous author names: When the same name is first found to have
been used by multiple authors, a disambiguation is created in such a way that
the "earliest" author appears first in the index. However, as more
and more authors with the same name are found, it is currently impossible
to maintain the chronological ordering so that some authors (e.g. John Campbell)
appear out of order. A solution to this was designed almost a decade ago but
not implemented.
- Named serial parts: Quite often a serial has both numbered parts and a separate
title for each part but this cannot currently be handled by the data. A solution
to this was designed some years ago but not implemented.
- Handling of Alternate Names. Currently if an author was prolific under both
their maiden and married names a decision has to be taken as to which is the
"primary" name and a full listing appears only under that name.
I want to look at the possibility of providing a full listing under all such
alternate names