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Sunshine [1930s]

Country: US

An "easy to read" magazine, featuring short inspirational or humor stories, poems, essays. Each is a page or 2 long; with a few small drawings.

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1930s – in 1940s?
Prices:   15c
Frequency:   monthly

Sunshine Stories

Country: UK

Issues & Index Sources:  May-1926 – 1940?
Publishers:   Cooperative Press
Formats:   small
Pagecounts:   24pp
Frequency:   monthly

Sun Spots

Country: US
Total Issues: 28


Issues & Index Sources:  Feb-1940 – Spring 1946: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   Gerry de la Ree, New Jersey
Editors:   Gerry de la Ree
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Superb Confessions

Country: UK
Total Issues: 2?

Issues & Index Sources:  c. 1948: FictionMags Index (Missing: #1)
Publishers:   Brown Watson
Prices:   1/-
Pagecounts:   32pp

Superb Library

Country: US
Total Issues: 28

Issues & Index Sources:  Jun-1899 – Oct-1901: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   American News Company, 39-41 Chambers St., New York, NY
Formats:   7 x 5"
Prices:   25c
Pagecounts:   250 to 300
Frequency:   monthly
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Super-Detective (Stories)

Country: US
Total Issues: 15+65=80

Super-Detective Stories was launched in the mid-1930s but, despite rather lurid covers, it ran fairly standard crime/detective fare and lasted for only 15 issues. It was successfully revived in 1940 as a character pulp called Super-Detective, with each issue featuring a novel about Jim Anthony, scientist, businessman and adventurer. Under this title it ran for a further 65 issues, although the Jim Anthony stories were dropped in late 1943.

Issues & Index Sources

  Mar-1934 – Jul-1935, as Super-Detective Stories: Crime Fiction Index
  Oct-1940 – Oct-1950, as Super-Detective: Crime Fiction Index (Missing: any issues after Oct-1950)
Pulp Magazine Index 1


  D.M. Publishing, later Trojan Publishing


  Frank Armer; Adolphe Barreaux


  standard pulp


  Mar-1934 – Jul-1935: 10c
  Oct-1940 – Oct-1950: 15c


  Mar-1934 – Jul-1935: 112pp
  Oct-1940 – Oct-1950: 128pp


  Mar-1934 – Jul-1935: generally monthly
  Oct-1940 – Oct-1950: monthly to Apr-1941, then bimonthly till Oct-1942, monthly to Apr-1943, bimonthly to Aug-1944, monthly to Jul-1945, bimonthly to May-1947 then a bit erratic till final issue

Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps, Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist

Super-Detective (Canada)

Country: Canada
Total Issues: 3?

Canadian reprint edition of Super Detective.

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1940s: Crime Fiction Index (Missing: v1 #1 & v1 #2)
Publishers:   Duchess Printing & Publishing Co., Toronto, 104 Sherbourne St., Toronto, Ontario
Pagecounts:   64pp
Issue Checklist

Super-Detective (UK)

Country: UK
Total Issues: 7?

British reprint edition of Super Detective.

Issues & Index Sources:  c. 1950: Crime Fiction Index (Missing: #1, #6, any after #7)
Publishers:   Thorpe & Porter
Formats:   standard pulp
Prices:   1/-
Pagecounts:   100pp
Issue Checklist

Superman World Adventure Library

Country: UK
Total Issues: 4

Issues & Index Sources:  1967: Story Paper Index
Publishers:   World Distributors Ltd
Pagecounts:   68pp
Frequency:   monthly

Supernatural (UK)

Country: UK
Total Issues: 2

Mainly a non-fiction magazine about horror films, it published an original short story in the second (and final) issue.

Issues & Index Sources:  1969: FictionMags Index
Publishers:   Dorset Publishing Company, 25 Headswell Crescent, Bournemouth
Editors:   Tim Stout

Supernatural (Australia)

Country: Australia
Total Issues: 1

A one-off that mostly contained articles, but included a short story by Robert Bloch.

Issues & Index Sources:  1970: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Scripts, an imprint of Horwitz
Editors:   Ron Smith
Prices:   50c
Pagecounts:   48pp
Issue Checklist

Supernatural Stories

Country: UK
Total Issues: 108

This series started out as anthologies in an ambiguously magazine-like format. After a hiatus, it was revived as one of the Badger Books paperback lines. Novels first appeared with #29; they alternated with the anthologies after #42. Not a true magazine, in that most volumes of stories were contracted to single authors, who supplied the entire contents, though R.L. Fanthorpe is known to have subcontracted a few stories to other writers. In the first 8 volumes the interior pages are numbered 5 to 132.

Issues 13,15,17,19 also entitled Out of This World.

Issues & Index Sources

  #1, 1954 – #109, 1967: Science Fiction Index (some issues titled Out of This World or Supernatural Special)


  John Spencer & Co., London


  Maurice Nahum & Sam Assael


  #1, 1954 – #8, 1955: small digest
  #9, 1957 – #109, 1967: pocketbook


  #1, 1954 – #8, 1955: 1/6d
  #9, 1957 – #99, 1965: 2/-
  #100, 1965 – #109, 1967: 3/6d


  #1, 1954 – #8, 1955: 132pp
  #9, 1957 – #109, 1967: 160pp (some 144pp)


  #1, 1954 – #8, 1955: bimonthly
  #9, 1957 – #17, 1958: bimonthly
  #18, 1958 – #109, 1967: mostly monthly/six-weekly
Issue Checklist

Supernatural Tales

Country: UK
Total Issues: 56 (to Autumn 2024)

Small press ghost story magazine

Issues & Index Sources

  #1, 2001 – present: Science Fiction Index (Missing: any after #56, Autumn 2024)



  David Longhorn, 291 Eastbourne Avenue, Gateshead, NE8 4NN


  David Longhorn




  2001 – 2003: £2.50
  2004: £3.50
  2005: £6.00


  #1, 2001: 52pp
  #2, 2001: 64pp
  Spring 2004: 93pp


Issue Checklist

Super Science and Fantastic Stories

see under Super Science Stories (Canada)

Super-Science Fiction

Country: US
Total Issues: 18

Issues & Index Sources:  Dec-1956 – Oct-1959: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Headline Publications
Editors:   W.W. Scott
Formats:   digest
Prices:   35c
Pagecounts:   128pp
Frequency:   bimonthly
Related Sites:   Science Fiction Encyclopedia
Mentioned in:   Ultimate Guide to the Pulps

Issue Checklist

Super Science Novels Magazine

see under Super Science Stories

Super Science Stories

Country: US
Total Issues: 16+15=31

No masthead credit was ever given to editors on Popular Publications pulps. The Statements of Ownership & Circulation in the following issues listed Henry Steeger as the editor: Jan 41, Feb 42, May 43, Mar 50 & Apr 51. The first four (or possibly five) post-war issues were printed in Canada and were about an inch taller than the later issues.

Issues & Index Sources

  Mar-1940 – Feb-1941: Science Fiction Index
  Mar-1941 – Aug-1941, as Super Science Novels Magazine: Science Fiction Index
  Sep-1941 – May-1943, as Super Science Stories: Science Fiction Index
  Jan-1949 – Aug-1951, as Super Science Stories: Science Fiction Index


  Fictioneers, Inc., imprint of Popular Publications


  Mar-1940 – Aug-1941: Frederik Pohl
  Nov-1941 – May-1943: Alden H. Norton
  Jan-1949 – Aug-1951: Ejler Jakobssen


  standard pulp


  15c at outset




  bimonthly to May-1942 then quarterly; bimonthly from Jul-1949

Related Sites

  Science Fiction Encyclopedia

Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps
Issue Checklist

Super Science Stories (Canada)

Country: Canada
Total Issues: 14+7+15=36

Preceded by a short-lived Canadian edition of Astonishing Stories, its sister magazine. Reprinted from both the US Super Science Stories and Astonishing Stories but later drew material from Famous Fantastic Mysteries and also published original stories later re-used in the US revival of Super Science Stories. After the US editions folded their leftover inventory was published in this edition.

Issues & Index Sources

  Aug-1942 – Oct-1944: Science Fiction Index
  Dec-1944 – Dec-1945, as Super Science and Fantastic Stories: Science Fiction Index
  Jan-1949 – Aug-1951, as Super Science Stories (Canada): Science Fiction Index (Missing: Sep-1949; May-1950; Jul-1950; Sep-1950; Jan-1951)


  Popular Publications, Toronto


  Alden H. Norton


  standard pulp (80pp from Feb-1944)







Mentioned in:   The Pulpster #11, 2001
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