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Sherlock Holmes Library

Country: US
Total Issues: 42

Issues & Index Sources:  1900 – 1910
Publishers:   Royal
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine

Country: US
Total Issues: 33 (as at Jan-2025)

Irregular crime magazine featuring a blend of fiction and non-fiction about Sherlock Holmes (including Conan Doyle reprints) and unrelated stories.

Issues & Index Sources:  Winter 2008 – present: Crime Fiction Index (Missing: any after #33, Apr-2024)
Publishers:   Wildside Press, 9710 Traville Gateway Dr, #234, Rockville, MD
Editors:   Marvin Kaye
Formats:   trade paperback
Prices:   $10.00
Pagecounts:   132pp
Frequency:   irregular
Issue Checklist

Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine

Country: UK
Total Issues: 68

Issues #1-#20 carried no fiction; thereafter one story per issue. Announced in Feb-2007 as having "finally folded".

Issues & Index Sources

  4-May-1991 – #20, 1997, as The Sherlock Holmes Gazette: Crime Fiction Index
  #21, 1997 – #46, 2002, as Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine: Crime Fiction Index
  #47, 2002 – #68, 2006, as Sherlock: Crime Fiction Index


  4-May-1991 – #6, 1992: Theme Publications, Weymouth (Elizabeth Wiggins)
  Summer 1993 – Autumn 1993: Robert Godfrey
  Summer 1994 – #20, 1997: Peter Harkness, Wargrave
  #21, 1997 – #55, 2003: PMH Publications, Chichester
  #56, 2003 – #68, 2006: Atlas Publishing, Jordan House, New Milton, Hampshire, BH25 6QJ (Mark Coleman)


  4-May-1991 – Autumn 1993: Elizabeth Wiggins
  Summer 1994 – #15, 1996: Eddie Bissell
  #16, 1996 – #65, 2005: David Stuart Davies
  Jun-2005: Teddy Hayes
  #67, 2006 – #68, 2006: David Stuart Davies








Issue Checklist

Shield Detective Series

Country: US
Total Issues: 17

Issues & Index Sources:  1910 – 1915: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   J.S. Ogilvie Publishing Company, 57 Rose Street, New York, NY
Formats:   7 1/8 x 4 7/8"
Pagecounts:   200 to 300
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Shield Series

Country: US
Total Issues: 37

Issues & Index Sources:  1894 – 1895
Publishers:   Street & Smith (New York)
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Shield Weekly

Country: US
Total Issues: 22

Non-fiction account of the exploits of various detectives, later rewritten as Nick Carter stories.

Issues & Index Sources:  8-Dec-1900 – 4-May-1901: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   Street & Smith, 238 William St., New York
Formats:   10 1/8 x 6 7/8"
Prices:   5c
Pagecounts:   32pp
Frequency:   weekly
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

The Shilling Magazine

Country: UK
Total Issues: 13?

An illustrated miscellany of literature. Note: This is not the same as Douglas Jerrold's Shilling Magazine (Jan-1845 - Jun-1848), which carried some fiction but was mostly articles, poetry, reviews and much satire.

Issues & Index Sources:  May-1865 – 1867
Editors:   Samuel Lucas


Country: US
Total Issues: 46

"A speculative fiction magazine, published quarterly. Each issue will contain new fiction from emerging and established writers. We are more concerned with excellent writing than with genre boundaries - so you'll find fantasy, science fiction, horror, magical realism, and stories that defy categorization."

Went online after #18.

Issues & Index Sources:  Autumn 2005 – Nov-2018: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   PO Box 58591, Salt Lake City, UT 84158-0591
Editors:   Joy Marchand
Prices:   $5.00
Frequency:   quarterly
Issue Checklist


Country: Australia
Total Issues: 6

Semi-professional downloadable magazine for young adults.

Issues & Index Sources:  #1, 2007 – #6, 2009
Publishers:   Twelfth Planet Press, Yokine, Western Australia
Editors:   Alisa Krasnostein & Tansy Roberts


Country: Canada

"The Magazine for Active Minds Bent On Twisting Others"

Issues & Index Sources:  Fall 1996 – ?: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   Shiver Publications, P.O. Box 178, Surrey V3T 4W8, British Columbia, Canada
Editors:   Tracy L. Craigen

Shock [1948]

Country: US
Total Issues: 3

Short-lived pulp magazine concentrating on off-trail weird-mystery stories.

Issues & Index Sources:  Mar-1948 – Jul-1948: Crime Fiction Index
Pulp Magazine Index 2
Publishers:   New Publications imprint of Popular Publications
Formats:   standard pulp
Prices:   15c
Pagecounts:   96pp
Frequency:   bimonthly
Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps, Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist

Shock [1960]

Country: US
Total Issues: 3+7=10

The magazine started as a companion to Keyhole Mystery under the title Shock—The Magazine of Terrifying Tales, but only lasted for three issues, during which it reprinted classic stories from authors like Theodore Sturgeon, Henry Kuttner and Jack London.

After a brief hiatus it was resurrected by a different publisher as a weird-menace companion to Web Terror Stories under the title Shock Mystery Tales.

Issues & Index Sources

  May-1960 – Sep-1960, as Shock—The Magazine of Terrifying Tales: Crime Fiction Index
Science Fiction Index
  Dec-1961 – Feb-1963, as Shock Mystery Tales Magazine: Crime Fiction Index (Missing: Dec-1962 - may not exist)
Science Fiction Index


  May-1960 – Sep-1960: Winston Publications
  Dec-1961 – Feb-1963: Pontiac Publishing


  Dec-1961 – Feb-1963: Bart Anders


  May-1960 – Jul-1962: digest
  Oct-1962 – Feb-1963: large flat format




  May-1960 – Jul-1962: 128pp
  Oct-1962 – Feb-1963: 96pp



Mentioned in:   Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist

Shocking Stories

Country: UK
Total Issues: 6

Issues & Index Sources:  May-2017 – Nov-2020: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Rainfall Books
Editors:   John B. Ford & Steve Lines
Formats:   A5
Prices:   £4.00

Issue Checklist

Shock Tales

Country: US
Total Issues: 1+1=2?

Only one issue is known. Suspense Tales is generally regarded as being a renaming of the magazine, but the only issue known is v1 #4 in September 1959. It is unknown what name (if any) the magazine carried in between the two issues.

Issues & Index Sources

  Jan-1959: Science Fiction Index
  Sep-1959, as Suspense Tales: Science Fiction Index


  Jan-1959: M.F. Enterprises, NY
  Sep-1959: Suspense Publication, Inc., New York


  Jan-1959: Myron Fass
  Sep-1959: Christopher Plumberton


  large format newsprint




Issue Checklist

Shock Totem

Country: US
Total Issues: 14

A bi-annual dark fantasy and horror publication.

Issues & Index Sources:  Jul-2009 – #11, 2019: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Shock Totem Publications
Editors:   K. Allen Wood
Formats:   paperback
Prices:   $5.99
Frequency:   bi-annual
Related Sites:   Wikipedia
Issue Checklist


Country: Australia
Total Issues: 2

Issues & Index Sources:  #1, 1992 – #2, 1993: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Chris A. Masters, Melbourne, Australia.

Issue Checklist

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