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Salt Hill Journal

Country: US
Total Issues: 34 (as at Sep-2015)

Committed to printing celebrated global writers, as well as to discovering and nurturing writers who have not found a significant audience. Publishes poetry, fiction, essays, interviews, book reviews and art.

Issues & Index Sources:  ? – present
Publishers:   Syracuse University, English Dept., Syracuse, NY 13244 (in 2000 - 2002)
Editors:   Joshua Cohen
Frequency:   6 issues per year
Mentioned in:   O. Henry Awards Website (in 2002)


Country: US

Men's magazine that published some fiction.

Issues & Index Sources:  1968 – ?: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   Dominion Publishing Company, P.O. Box 3910, North Highland, CA 91609
Prices:   $1.25
Issue Checklist

Salty Bedtime Stories

Country: UK
Total Issues: 1

Issues & Index Sources:  c. 1950: FictionMags Index
Publishers:   Paget Publications, 106 Glenthorne Road, Hammersmith, London

Salty Stories

Country: UK
Total Issues: 1

Issues & Index Sources:  Apr-1950
Publishers:   Utopian Press, 22 Roland Gardens, London SW7


Country: US
Total Issues: 3

Subtitled "Finest Foxhole Fiction - The Blood, Lust, Terror of Combat".

Issues & Index Sources:  Jan-1957 – Apr-1957: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   P & W Publishing Co.
Formats:   digest
Prices:   35c
Mentioned in:   It's a Man's World
Issue Checklist


Country: UK
Total Issues: 72

Horror film magazine that published some fiction.

Issues & Index Sources:  Nov/Dec-1986 – 1999: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   John Gullidge, 77 Exeter Road, Topsham, Exeter, Devon EX3 0LX
Editors:   John Gullidge


Country: US
Total Issues: 244

An anti-war, anti-establishment, anti-communist, anti-nuclear power, pro-animal, and pro-vegetarian literary magazine. Initially called The Berkeley Samisdat Review.

Issues & Index Sources:  Jun-1973 to ?
Publishers:   Merritt Clifton


Country: US
Total Issues: 27 (to 28-Oct-2024)

A quarterly magazine of and about translated speculative fiction.

Issues & Index Sources:  27-Mar-2017 – present: Science Fiction Index (Missing: any after 28-Oct-2024)
Formats:   online


Country: US


Issues & Index Sources:  Summer 1993 – ?

Sander's Journal

Country: UK
Total Issues: 13?

Issues & Index Sources:  25-Oct-1913 – Aug-1914
Formats:   tabloid
Frequency:   fortnightly at outset

The Sandhills Review

see under St Andrews Review

Sandow's Magazine

Country: UK
Total Issues: 212

Launched as a magazine to educate people in all forms of popular culture, it also published one or two stories per issue that were nothing to do with fitness but were adventure or mystery fiction.

Issues & Index Sources

  Apr-1898 – Mar-1899, as Physical Culture
  Apr-1899 – 25-Jul-1907, as Sandow's Magazine


  Harrison & Sons


  Eugene Sandow

Mentioned in:   The Age of the Storytellers

A Sandusky Bay Journal

Country: US

A free monthly newspaper that reprinted several Sherlock Holmes stories.

Issues & Index Sources:  2005 – ?: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   Haag Press, Sandusky, OH
Editors:   Ruth & Bob Haag

The San Franciscan

Country: US

Authors include Mark Twain, Ina Coolbrith, Ella Sterling Cummins.

Issues & Index Sources:  16-Feb-1884 – 1886
Publishers:   Joseph T. Goodman
Formats:   small tabloid
Frequency:   weekly

San Francisco Chronicle

Country: US

Newspaper serving primarily the San Francisco Bay Area of the U.S. state of California. Originally titled The Daily Dramatic Chronicle it has published some fiction.

Issues & Index Sources:  16-Jan-1865 – present: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   Hearst Corporation (in 2018)
Editors:   Audrey Cooper (in 2018)
Related Sites:   Wikipedia

San Francisco Quarterly

Country: US

Issues & Index Sources:  1935 – ?
Publishers:   University of San Francisco

Sanitarium Magazine

Country: UK
Total Issues: 50+4=54 (as at Oct-2021)

Small press horror magazine.

Issues & Index Sources

  Nov-2012 – Oct-2016
  Jan-2019 – present


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