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Country: US

Fanzine which tried to "create a vessel of communications open to all; an open ended project which could become almost anything" and published a mix of fiction and poetry.

Issues & Index Sources:  Spring/Summer 1975 – ?
Publishers:   Aldebaran Press, Haydenville, Massachusettes


Country: US
Total Issues: 5

Pagan comic book published by the Church of All Worlds, a neo-pagan religion based on the teachings of Valentine Smith in STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND.

Issues & Index Sources:  Spring 1975 – Spring 1976
Publishers:   Church of All Worlds, St. Louis, Missouri
Editors:   Otter G'Zell
Frequency:   quarterly

Mythos Collector

Country: US
Total Issues: 6

Issues & Index Sources:  Summer 2001 – Winter 2004: Science Fiction Index
Email Address:
Publishers:   Dark Tree Press, PO Box 748, Boylston, MA 01505
Editors:   Brian Lingard
Prices:   $4.00
Frequency:   Triannual

Issue Checklist

My Weekly

Country: UK
Total Issues: 5289 (to Sep-2015)

Women's-orientated fiction, usually a serial plus two or three stories; circulation just under 400,000; really a continuation of The People's Penny Stories. Authors include Eileen Ramsay, Joyce Stranger.

Issues & Index Sources

  9-Apr-1910 – present: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)



  John Leng, Dundee; later D.C. Thomson


  Harrison Watson (in 2000)


  small tabloid


  in 2000: 54p
  in 2002: 58p


  in 2000 – 2002: 56pp



My Weekly Story Library

Country: UK

"35,000 - 37,500-word romantic stories aimed at the post-teenage market".

Issues & Index Sources:  c. 1960 – ?
Publishers:   D.C. Thomson, Dundee
Formats:   small booklet, 64pp
Frequency:   twice-monthly?


Country: US
Total Issues: 10 (at least)

Non-fiction fanzine that contained a single story in #6, 1981.

Issues & Index Sources:  c. 1981: FictionMags Index
Publishers:   Seattle, MA
Editors:   Jessica Amanda Salmonson

Naked House Parties

Country: US
Total Issues: 1

Issues & Index Sources:  Jan/Feb/Mar-1970: FictionMags Index
Publishers:   Jaybird Enterprises, 7315 Fulton Ave., North Hollywood, CA
Editors:   John McKinney

Issue Checklist

Naked Kiss

Country: US
Total Issues: 2

Short-lived hardboiled/noir magazine.

Issues & Index Sources:  1994 – Summer 1995: Crime Fiction Index
Publishers:   Scarlett Fever Press, 3160 Brady Lake Road, Ravenna, Ohio 44266
Editors:   Wayne A. Harold
Prices:   $4.95
Pagecounts:   48
Issue Checklist

Naked Truth

Country: UK

Gothic fanzine that published some fiction by Brian Stableford.

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1990s

Nameless Magazine

Country: US
Total Issues: 4

Subtitled the "Biannual Journal of the Macabre, Esoteric and Intellectual", Nameless aims to "to meld divergent (even challenging) critical perspectives on a variety of subjects -- fiction, music, art, film, social commentary -- and present them with the best content (literary, artistic, and, in the case of the website, multimedia) we can muster from the genres of horror, science fiction, magical realism, slipstream, and dark fantasy".

Issues & Index Sources:  Summer 2012 – present: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Cicatrix Press
Editors:   Jason V. Brock & S.T. Joshi
Issue Checklist

Nan's Novels

see under Love Stories

Nantucket Review

Country: US

#5 was published in 1975

Issues & Index Sources:  early 1970s – 1986
Publishers:   Nantucket, Massachusetts


Country: US
Total Issues: 3


Issues & Index Sources:  Apr/May-1968 – Jan-1969
Publishers:   Rick Brooks, Fremont, IN
Editors:   Rick Brooks
Related Sites:   Fancyclopedia 3

The NASFA Shuttle

Country: US

Official newsletter and 'zine of the North Alabama Science Fiction Association that occasionally published some fiction.

Issues & Index Sources:  1980? – present
Publishers:   The North Alabama Science Fiction Association, P.O.Box 4857, Huntsville, AL 35815-4857

Nash's Magazine

Country: UK
Total Issues: 66+150+29+72+2+22+6=347

Mostly fiction, including Algernon Blackwood, William Hope Hodgson, Oliver Onions, Marie Belloc Lowndes ("The Lodger" Jan-1911).

Merged with Pall Mall Magazine in 1914; re-separated May-1927; re-merged with Pall Mall Magazine in 1929. A separate Nash's Annual appeared in 1938 and 1940 and this was revived after the War and certainly saw issues from 1946-49.

Issues & Index Sources

  Apr-1909 – Sep-1914: FictionMags Index
  Oct-1914 – Dec-1924, as Nash's and Pall Mall Magazine: FictionMags Index
  Jan-1925 – Apr-1927, as Nash's—Pall Mall Magazine: FictionMags Index
  May-1927 – Sep-1929, as Nash's Magazine: FictionMags Index
  Oct-1929 – Sep-1937, as Nash's—Pall Mall Magazine: FictionMags Index

#merges with Good Housekeeping (UK)

  Summer 1938 to Christmas 1938, as Nash's Annual: FictionMags Index
  Christmas 1946 to Christmas 1949, as Nash's Annual: FictionMags Index


  Apr-1909 – Jan-1911: Eveleigh Nash
  Feb-1911 – Sep-1937: Hearst's National Magazine Company


  1909 – 1911: James Eveleigh Nash
  1911 – 1914: Perriton Maxwell
  1915 – 1924: J.Y. McPeake
  1924 – 1928: Alice Maud Head & Ivor Nicholson
  1929 – 1930: Alice Maud Head & Ivor Brown
  1930 – 1933: George Doran
  1933 – 1937: Richard L. Mealand


  Apr-1909 – Jan-1910: standard, pulp
  Feb-1910 – Sep-1911: standard, white weave paper
  Oct-1911 – Sep-1934: standard, glossy



Mentioned in:   The Age of the Storytellers
Issue Checklist

Nash's Weekly

Country: UK
Total Issues: 41

A bright heavily illustrated story paper; authors include William Hope Hodgson (later Carnacki stories), E.F. Benson (serialized "Queen Lucia," 1920), Rafael Sabatini, A.E.W. Mason, Algernon Blackwood.

Issues & Index Sources

  14-Jun-1919 – 30-Aug-1919
  6-Sep-1919 – 10-Jul-1920, as Nash's Illustrated Weekly: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)


  14-Jun-1919 – 10-Apr-1920: Periodical Publishing Co. [Nash], London
  17-Apr-1920 – 10-Jul-1920: Hutchinson's


  14-Jun-1919 – 10-Apr-1920: Eveleigh Nash


  tabloid, illustrated




  14-Jun-1919 – 30-Aug-1919: 16pp
  6-Sep-1919 – 10-Jul-1920: 48pp


  weekly, but missed some issues in 1920

Mentioned in:   The Age of the Storytellers

Nassau Review

Country: US

Issues & Index Sources:  1964 – present
Publishers:   English Dept., Nassau Community College, One Education Drive, Garden City, NY 11530-6793 (in 1998 - 2002)
Editors:   Paul A. Doyle (in 1998 - 2002)
Frequency:   annual
Mentioned in:   O. Henry Awards Website (in 2002)

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