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Magazine Issues  
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The Magazine of the Year

Country: US

Full title was "'47: The Magazine of the Year" in 1947 and "'48: The Magazine of the Year" in 1948. Published a couple of pieces of fiction in each issue.

Issues & Index Sources:  Mar-1947 – Jun-1948?: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   Associated Magazine Contributors, New York
Editors:   Richard E. Lauterbach
Issue Checklist

Magazine World

Country: US

Literary magazine "filled with short stories, poetry, essays, and the like".

Issues & Index Sources:  1925 – 1931: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   American Education Press, Columbus, Ohio
Prices:   25c

The Mage

Country: US

Issues & Index Sources

  #1, 198? – #7, 1987: Science Fiction Index
  #8, 1987, as The Best of the Mage: Science Fiction Index
  #9, 1988 – #13, 1990, as The Mage: Science Fiction Index (Missing: #13, Fall 1990)
Issue Checklist

The Magi

Country: UK
Total Issues: 1?

A scarce school magazine devoted to weird fiction and edited by Joel Lane when he was 16.

Issues & Index Sources:  1979: Science Fiction Index
Editors:   Joel Lane & Laurence Westwood
Prices:   10p
Issue Checklist

Magical Blend

Country: US

Magical Blend was a "New Age" magazine which "tracked the changes that society is undergoing; we endorse no one pathway to spiritual growth, but attempt to explore many alternative possibilities to help transform the planet". Many issues contained some fiction

Issues & Index Sources:  1980 – 2007
Publishers:   CSI Media, P.O. Box 600, Chico, CA 95927-0600
Editors:   Katherine Zunic & Michael Peter Langevin
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The Magic Carpet Magazine

see under Oriental Stories

Magic Love

Country: US
Total Issues: 10

Issues & Index Sources:  Sep-1945 – Jan-1947: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
Publishers:   Arrow Publishing, NY; last issue as Trojan Magazines
Editors:   Madge Bindamin
Formats:   standard pulp
Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps

Issue Checklist

Magic Realism

Country: US
Total Issues: 10

Runs stories of magic realism, literary fantasy, folktales and fable.

Issues & Index Sources:  #1, 1990 – #10, 1995: Science Fiction Index (Missing: #1, #2, #3)
Publishers:   PYX Press, P.O. Box 922648, Sylmar, CA 91392-2648 (in 1998)
Editors:   C. Darren Butler
Formats:   digest
Pagecounts:   70pp
Frequency:   quarterly
Issue Checklist

The Magic Wand

Country: UK
Total Issues: 256

An "independent journal of the magical arts" that occasionally published fiction.

Issues & Index Sources

  Sep-1910 – Dec-1957


  1910 – 1913: Harry Leat
  1914 – 1945: George Johnson
  1946 – 1957: George Armstrong

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The Magnet (Library) (UK)

Country: UK
Total Issues: 1120+563=1683

Probably the best known British boys' story paper. Famous for its stories of Billy Bunter and Harry Wharton & Co. which appeared under the byline of Frank Richards; the characters were the creation of Charles Hamilton, who wrote over 1,380 of the Richards yarns, and wrote almost the entire magazine in the 1930s. Hitherto other contributors were S. Rossiter Shepherd, Edwy Searles Brooks and S.E. Austin.

The Magnet was the centrepiece of the A.P.'s Companion Papers, which also included The Gem.

Incorporated into Knock-Out Comic (comic).

Further Reading: The Magnet Companion (London, Howard Baker Press, 1971); The Concise Magnet Companion by George Beal (London, Howard Baker, 1986, expanded as The Complete Magnet Companion (Surbitan, Surrey, Quartermain Press, 1996).

Issues & Index Sources

  15-Feb-1908 – 3-Aug-1929, as The Magnet Library: Story Paper Index (StyIdx: incomplete; IdxMgn: lead stories only)
The Magnet Companion
  10-Aug-1929 – 18-May-1940, as The Magnet: Story Paper Index (StyIdx: incomplete; IdxMgn: lead stories only)
The Magnet Companion


  Amalgamated Press


  1908 – 1911: Percy Griffith
  1911 – 1916: Herbert A. Hinton
  1916 – 1919: John Nix Pentelow
  1919 – 1921: Herbert A. Hinton
  1921 – 1940: Charles M. Down
  1908 – 1911: Herbert A. Hinton [Assistant Editor]
  1911 – 1914: C.M. Down [Assistant Editor]
  1914 – 1917: G.R. Samways [Assistant Editor]
  1915 – 1917: William Pike [Assistant Editor]
  c. 1918 – 1920: Stanley Austin [Assistant Editor]
  1919 – 1921: G.R. Samways [Assistant Editor]
  c. 1921: Hedley O'Mant [Assistant Editor]
  c. 1923 – ?: Noel Wood-Smith [Assistant Editor]
  1933 – 1936: Reginald S. Taylor [Assistant Editor]


  small tabloid


  1910: 1d from #106
  1918: 1½d from #529
  Nov-1922: 2d from #770


  20pp; 16pp from #437



Magnet Library (US)

Country: US
Total Issues: 1363

Issues & Index Sources:  1897 – 1934
Publishers:   Street & Smith (New York)
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Magnet Series

Country: US
Total Issues: 15

Issues & Index Sources:  9-Apr-1892 – 16-Jul-1892: Dime Novel Bibliography (Missing: #5-#8)
Publishers:   Hurst & Company, 134 & 136 Grand St., New York
Formats:   7 1/8 x 4¾"
Prices:   25c
Pagecounts:   100 to 300pp
Frequency:   weekly
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

The Magnificat

Country: US

An illustrated Catholic monthly that published some fiction.

Issues & Index Sources:  Nov-1907 – Jun-1968: FictionMags Index (partial issues only)
Publishers:   The Sisters of Mercy, Manchester, New Hampshire


Country: US

Fanzine featuring artwork by Ron Cobb.

Issues & Index Sources:  Winter 1955 – ?
Publishers:   Horizons Enterprises, Glendale, CA
Editors:   Ralph Stapenhorst

The Magnolia, or Southern Apalachian

Country: US

Originally a 'parlor' magazine. Came alive under Simms who wrote much of its fiction and poetry inc. the controversial "The Loves of a Driver".

Issues & Index Sources

  Jan-1840 – Dec-1840, as The Southern Ladies' Book
  Jan-1841 – Jun-1842, as The Magnolia or Southern Monthly
  Jul-1842 – Jun-1843, as The Magnolia, or Southern Apalachian


  George F. Pierce & Philip C. Pendleton, Macon, GA, 1840; then Pendleton alone in Savannah, GA, 1841 and Charleston, SC, 1842/1843


  Pierce & Pendleton, 1840; Pendleton, 1841/1842; W.G. Simms, 1842/1843.



The Magpie [1911]

Country: UK
Total Issues: 28

With the slogan "Live stories for clever people", published a high level of intelligent rather than sensational fiction, without being too "literary".

Issues & Index Sources

  Aug-1912 – Dec-1914


  Aug-1912 – Oct-1912: Everett & Co., London
  Nov-1912 – Dec-1914: Horace Marshall


  Alderson Anderson


  Slim standard pulp


  Aug-1912 – Sep-1913: 3d
  Oct-1913 – Dec-1914: 1½d


  Aug-1912: 52pp
  Sep-1912 – Sep-1913: 64pp
  Oct-1913 – Dec-1914: 112pp


  monthly (but no issue for Nov-1914)

Mentioned in:   The Age of the Storytellers
Issue Checklist

The Magpie [1923]

Country: UK
Total Issues: 4

A glossy mega-supplement to THE SKETCH, which carried a mixture of fiction and art and like the Christmas issues of THE SPHERE and GRAPHIC would make good fodder for the breaker & ephemerist markets.

Issues & Index Sources:  Summer 1923 – Winter 1924: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
Publishers:   The Illustrated London News and Sketch Ltd.
Formats:   large size slick
Frequency:   quarterly/half-yearly

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