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Golden Hours [1888]

Country: US
Total Issues: 870

Boys' story paper; authors inc. Horatio Alger, Weldon J. Cobb, W. Bert Foster, Prentiss Ingraham. Ran many reprints from UK and US sources.

Issues & Index Sources

  28-Jan-1888 – 1-Oct-1904
  Oct-1904 – 1911, as Golden Hours, the Monthly Family Magazine


  Norman Munro


  Jacob Abarbanell & William C. Dunn


  slightly larger than tabloid






  28-Jan-1888 – 1-Oct-1904: weekly
  Oct-1904 – 1911: monthly

Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography
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Golden Hours [1895]

Country: UK
Total Issues: 96

Issues & Index Sources:  30-Mar-1895 – 19-Jan-1897
Publishers:   Sully & Ford
Frequency:   weekly

Golden Hours [1972]

Country: UK
Total Issues: 31

Incorporates (?): Sleepytime Stories

Issues & Index Sources:  Jan-1972 – Dec-1972
Publishers:   Shelbourne; Williams
Frequency:   weekly?

Golden Hours

see also under Golden Stories

The Golden Hynde

Country: UK
Total Issues: 2

THE GOLDEN HYNDE was a charming hardback periodical published by two young ladies from an address in Wigmore Street. It ran for only two numbers, in December 1913 and June 1914. The title was explained as being from the smallest ship of Drake's fleet, in the hope that the venture would bring back treasure 'that will bring joy and health to many little lives that would otherwise be sad and dull," for all proceeds were to go toward sending poor London children for holidays in the country. The first number, which resulted in L7 3s. 7d. being sent to the Children's Holiday Fund, opened with Buchan's story "'Divus' Johnston", and included a short piece on Indian Railway travel by E.M. Forster. The second number included Belloc's HOMEWARD ('Lift up your hearts in Gumber! Laugh the Weald!') and three splendid pages by Buchan, "The Hynde Let Loose," being three lessons in how to be witty and get your sayings quoted in the OBSERVER of a Sunday.

Issues & Index Sources:  Dec-1913 – Jun-1914
Publishers:   Wigmore Street
Formats:   hardback

Golden Library

Country: US
Total Issues: 78

Issues & Index Sources:  1-Oct-1886 – 15-Dec-1889: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   Albert Sibley & Co, 18 Rose St., New York
Formats:   8 1/3 x 5¾"
Prices:   10c
Pagecounts:   64
Frequency:   Semi-monthly
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

The Golden Library of Choice Fiction

Country: US
Total Issues: 7

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1890s: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   Price-McGill Company, St. Paul, Minn.
Prices:   50c
Frequency:   monthly
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

The Golden Library of Indian and Detective Adventures

Country: UK
Total Issues: 12

Issues & Index Sources:  Jan-1888 – Dec-1888
Publishers:   General Publishing Co.
Frequency:   monthly

Golden Love Tales

Country: US
Total Issues: 6

Issues & Index Sources:  Feb-1946 – Feb-1947: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   Arrow Publications, NY
Editors:   Madge Bindamin
Formats:   standard pulp
Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps

Issue Checklist

The Golden Mag.

see under The Crusoe Mag.

Golden Nugget

Country: UK
Total Issues: 9

Golden Nugget was the first attempt by the Gold family at producing a men's magazine and of interest thanks to the involvement of New Worlds veterans Mike Moorcock, J.G. Ballard and Langdon Jones.

Jones was working for the Golds as a photographer and editor (and as Assistant Editor on New Worlds) and was art editor here. Moorcock was both editor (as Ken Macbeth) and Features Editor (as Bill Barclay) and was responsible for "stripping out some of the US content and adding UK content - thus the heavy reliance on articles about Burroughs, Ballard and so on". It also featured some short stories by Moorcock.

Issues & Index Sources:  Mar-1966 – Nov-1966: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
Publishers:   Dagg Books Ltd., 42-44 Dock Street, London, E1
Editors:   Ken Macbeth (Michael Moorcock)
Formats:   slick men's magazine
Prices:   5/-
Pagecounts:   72pp
Frequency:   monthly
Issue Checklist

The Golden Penny

Country: UK

Serialized Arnold Bennett's "The Grand Babylon Hotel" in 15 parts, 1901.

Issues & Index Sources:  15-Jun-1895 – 190?
Frequency:   weekly

Golden Perils

Country: US
Total Issues: 20+20?=40?

Fanzine with articles on a wide range of pulp-related themes, from The Avenger and Doc Savage, to the Lone Ranger and pulp-should-have-beens The Green Hornet and The Phantom.

Issues & Index Sources

  1985 – Summer 1992: FictionMags Index (Missing: all after #16, Summer 1990)
  Summer 2001 – ?


  Howard Hopkins, 5 Milliken Mills Rd., Scarboro, ME 04074


  Howard Hopkins
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Golden Rod Series

Country: US
Total Issues: 166

Issues & Index Sources:  4-Feb-1899 – 5-Sep-1900: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   F.M. Lupton, New York
Formats:   7 x 4¾"
Prices:   10c
Pagecounts:   175-200
Frequency:   semi-weekly
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Golden Star

Country: UK

Issues & Index Sources:  ?
Publishers:   C. Arthur Pearson?

Golden Stories

Country: UK
Total Issues: 872

Issues & Index Sources

  18-Jun-1898 – 8-Mar-1913
  15-Mar-1913 – 27-Feb-1915, as Golden Hours



Golden Sunbeams

Country: UK
Total Issues: 184

Contains "Stories of a religious nature suitable for young children."

Issues & Index Sources:  Dec-1886 – Mar-1916
Publishers:   Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Northumberland Avenue, London W.C.
Prices:   1d
Pagecounts:   16pp
Frequency:   monthly (1st of month)

Golden Visions Magazine

Country: US
Total Issues: 17

Amateur magazine with separate print and online editions which became downloadable from April 2010.

Issues & Index Sources:  Jan-2008 – Winter 2012
Editors:   Christine Golden, Columbus, Georgia
Frequency:   quarterly

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