Magazine Data Page 186 |
ExplodeCountry: US
Subject of a dummy cover.
Exploration TalesCountry: US
This magazine was assembled for trademark purposes and was never offered for sale to the general public.
Editors: Hugo Gernsback |
ExplorersCountry: USTotal Issues: 1
Cover reproduced in pulp Culture (p.172).
Formats: standard pulp Prices: 10c Pagecounts: 64pp Mentioned in: The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps |
ExposedCountry: Canada
True crime.
Mentioned in: Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines |
Exposé Detective (True Crime) CasesCountry: US
True crime. Issues & Index Sources
PublishersFrequencymonthly |
Expose of Racketeers and Their MethodsCountry: USTotal Issues: 1
True crime.
Expression [1930]Country: US
"A quarterly devoted to things worth-while".
Editors: James Gabelle |
Expression [1965]Country: Bechuanaland and Swaziland
Editors: Eric José |
Expressions of DreadCountry: USTotal Issues: 3?
A slick professional looking magazine containing fiction, essays and columns.
Editors: Spencer Lamm |
Extension MagazineCountry: US
Religious magazine that regularly published fiction.
Editors: Rev. W.D. O'Brien Prices: 25c Pagecounts: 56 Frequency: monthly |
Extra MoneyCountry: US
Magazine devoted to inspirational stories and essays about getting extra money. Subtitled "And How to Get It".
ExtroCountry: UKTotal Issues: 4+3+3=10
Semi-prozine for the first two incarnations (7 issues). Issues & Index Sources
PublishersEditorsFormatsPricesPagecountsFrequencyRelated SitesScience Fiction Encyclopedia |
ExuberanceCountry: UKTotal Issues: 6
Small press sf/fantasy/horror fiction magazine.
EyeCountry: US
Glamour photography. Issues & Index Sources
PublishersMutual Magazine Corporation, NYFrequency |
EyefulCountry: US
Mentioned in: Ultimate Guide to the Pulps |
Eye of NewtCountry: US