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Every Week: A First Class Journal of General Literature

Country: US

Every Week was a weekly illustrated story paper with the usual mail-order advertisements, printing syndicated fiction from all around the world.

Issues & Index Sources:  1869? – ?: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
Publishers:   Horning & King, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Pagecounts:   16pp
Frequency:   weekly

Every Week [1915]

Country: US
Total Issues: 165

This magazine was actually copies of the preceding Sunday's syndicated Sunday supplement from Associated Sunday Magazine rebound as a 3c weekly magazine. It soon folded due to wartime paper shortage.

Issues & Index Sources:  3-May-1915 – 22-Jun-1918: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
Publishers:   Associated Sunday Magazines (Joseph Knapp & James B. Duke)
Formats:   tabloid
Frequency:   weekly
Online Sources:   University of Wisconsin
Issue Checklist

Every Week [1927]

Country: US

Syndicated magazine published in several papers.

Issues & Index Sources:  1927? – 1944?: FictionMags Index (partial issues only)
Publishers:   NEA Inc.
Frequency:   weekly


Country: US

The cover reads "Will Carleton's Magazine" at the top and "Everywhere" at the bottom but is only called "Everywhere" inside. Featured stories and poems, mainly by Carleton himself.

Issues & Index Sources:  1894 – 1912
Editors:   Will Carleton
Frequency:   monthly


Country: UK
Total Issues: 72+325+127=624

Large format slick women's magazine, 176 pages. Issue to hand (Oct 1937) had stories by Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah, John Hastings Turner, Mary Roberts Rinehart, Berta Ruck, Winifred Sykes. Incororated Woman's Fair in 1961 and Modern Woman in 1966; itself incorporated into Woman at Home in 1967.

Issues & Index Sources

  Mar-1934 – Feb-1940, as Everywoman's: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
  Mar-1940 – Sep-1961, as Everywoman
  Oct-1961 – Feb-1964, as Everywoman and Woman's Fair
  Mar-1964 – Mar-1967, as Everywoman
  Mar-1985 – Jul-1996, as Everywoman


  Odhams Press Ltd, 189 High Holborn, London WC1 (1934 - 1967)


  Mar-1934 – Feb-1940: Pearl Ashton
  in 1940s: Joyce Howlett
  in 1962: Graeme Hall


  large slick




  176pp (in 1937)



Every Woman's Magazine [1906]

Country: US

Issues & Index Sources:  1906 – ?: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   Every Woman's Magazine Inc., New York City, NY
Frequency:   monthly

Everywoman's Magazine [1940]

Country: US

A magazine sold in supermarkets from Jan-1951, but already existing; absorbed by the similar Family Circle. Authors included Ray Bradbury.

Issues & Index Sources

  1940? – May-1958: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)

#merges with Family Circle (US)


  Cuneo Press (in 1951)




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Everywoman's Weekly

Country: UK
Total Issues: 409

Regularly ran one or two stories per week.

Issues & Index Sources:  27-Mar-1915 – 20-Jan-1923
Editors:   Philippa Preston
Frequency:   weekly

Everywoman's World

Country: Canada

Probably Canada's first true "women's consumer" magazine.

Issues & Index Sources:  Jan-1914? – 1923?: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   Continental Publishing Company, Toronto
Frequency:   monthly
Online Sources:   Canadiana

Eve's Journal

Country: UK

A companion to Men Only, aimed at women.

Issues & Index Sources:  1937 – ?: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   C. Arthur Pearson
Formats:   digest
Prices:   1/-
Pagecounts:   120pp
Frequency:   weekly

Eve's Own

Country: UK
Total Issues: 831

Young women's story paper. First 183 issues had subtitle of "Stories". Incorporates: Girls' Favourite; Joy from 18-May-1928; Handy Stories from 19-May-1928 Merges with Woman's Illustrated.

Issues & Index Sources:  27-Oct-1923 – 30-Sep-1939: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   Amalgamated Press
Editors:   Frank Lazenby (in 1934)
Prices:   2d
Frequency:   weekly

Ev'ry Month

Country: US

"An illustrated magazine of popular music, the drama, and literature." Each number includes songs and selections for the piano. Absorbed by The Household Ledger.

Issues & Index Sources

  Oct-1895 – Sep-1902: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
  Oct-1902 – May-1903, as Ev'ry month and piano music magazine


  Ev'ry Month Publishing Company, New York, New York


  Oct-1895 – Sep-1897: Theodore Dreiser
  Oct-1898 – Jan-1900: C.A. Christian
  Feb-1900 – Jul-1901: Wm. E. Annis
  Aug-1901 – Apr-1902: A.D. Hill
  May-1902 – Sep-1902: M.C. Schuyler


  9.75" x 11.5"




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Excavating Engineer

Country: US

Engineering magazine that published a number of vignettes by Fredric Brown in the 1930s.

Issues & Index Sources:  1905 – ?
Online Sources:   Online Books


Country: US

Short-lived magazine that claimed to be "a magazine of fiction, fashions and housekeeping" and which published at least one story by Murray Leinster.

Issues & Index Sources:  1924 – 1925
Publishers:   Excella Corporation, New York

The Excelsior Library

Country: UK
Total Issues: 18 (approximately)

"Pure, healthy, and deeply interesting literature for the million."

Issues & Index Sources:  2-Oct-1894 – ?
Publishers:   Trapps Holmes
Prices:   1d
Pagecounts:   32pp
Frequency:   weekly

Excelsior Literature Series

Country: US
Total Issues: 30?

Issues & Index Sources:  1909: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   F. A. Owen Publishing Company, Dansville, NY
Formats:   7¼ x 4¾"
Prices:   15c to 30c
Pagecounts:   50-300
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

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