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Boys' Star Library [1902]

Country: UK
Total Issues: 20

Issues & Index Sources:  22-Jul-1902 – 23-Sep-1902
Publishers:   Charles Strong
Formats:   tabloid
Pagecounts:   16pp
Frequency:   weekly

Boys' Stories of Adventure and Daring

Country: UK
Total Issues: 44

Issues & Index Sources:  27-Mar-1898 – 23-Jan-1899
Publishers:   T.H. Roberts (Note: Gifford gives Lucas)
Formats:   pocket size
Pagecounts:   32pp
Frequency:   weekly

Boys' Story Teller

Country: UK
Total Issues: 6

Issues & Index Sources:  4-May-1897 – 8-Jun-1897
Publishers:   W.M. Stevens
Frequency:   weekly

Boys' Sunday Monthly

Country: UK

Religious paper

Issues & Index Sources:  May-1897 – ?
Publishers:   Religious Tract Society
Pagecounts:   24
Frequency:   monthly

The Boys' Sunday Reader

Country: UK
Total Issues: 52+52=104

An undistinguished imitative boys' weekly; may have continued as The Boys' Weekly Reader Novelette, as Waite thinks it ran for 5 years.

aka Boys' Weekly Revue

Issues & Index Sources

  8-Jan-1879 – 31-Dec-1879
  7-Jan-1880 – 29-Dec-1880, as The Boys' Weekly Reader


  E.J. Brett


  large quarto





Boys' Thrill Library

Country: UK

Published by E.R. Home-Gall to feature his own stories about "The Human Bat".

Issues & Index Sources:  1949 – 1950: Story Paper Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   Panmure Publications
Frequency:   monthly (?)

Boys' Torch Adventure Library

Country: UK
Total Issues: 92

"Religious based publication, issued in London under a variant imprint of the S.P.C.K. It's policy was "to tell of men of other lands and races... and help to build up international goodwill and mutual understanding". Each issue contains an approx. 10,000 word missionary adventure story for boys. The authors published in the series include Major J.T. Gorman, Leslie Duncan, William G. Sewell, D. Pocock, M.I. Bauman, and W.J. May." (John Eggeling) A selection of stories from the series appeared as The Prisoner of the Ruin and Other Tales (London, Shellow Press, 1933).

Issues & Index Sources:  1928 – 1936
Publishers:   Edinburgh House Press
Formats:   5" x 7"
Prices:   2d
Pagecounts:   32pp
Frequency:   monthly

Boys' War News

Country: UK
Total Issues: 2

Issues & Index Sources:  2-Dec-1899 – 9-Dec-1899
Publishers:   Crown
Formats:   tabloid
Frequency:   weekly

Boys' War Weekly

see under Dreadnought

Boys' Weekly

Country: UK
Total Issues: 20

Issues & Index Sources:  3-May-1919 – 13-Sep-1919
Publishers:   James Henderson, Red Lion Court, London E.C.
Formats:   tabloid
Prices:   1½d
Pagecounts:   8pp
Frequency:   weekly (every Tuesday)

Boys' Weekly Magazine

Country: UK
Total Issues: 1

Issues & Index Sources:  23-Nov-1867
Publishers:   13 Paternoster Road

The Boys' Weekly Novelette

Country: UK
Total Issues: 169

Issues & Index Sources:  28-Jun-1892 – 14-Sep-1895
Publishers:   Charles Fox
Formats:   small tabloid (quarto)
Pagecounts:   16pp
Frequency:   weekly

The Boys' Weekly Reader

see under The Boys' Sunday Reader

Boys' Weekly Reader Novelette

Country: UK
Total Issues: 676

Ran an original and complete story ever week; may be a continuation of The Boys' Weekly Reader.

Issues & Index Sources:  28-Nov-1853 – 1-Apr-1884
Publishers:   Charles Fox
Formats:   large digest (octavo)
Pagecounts:   24pp
Frequency:   weekly

Boys' Weekly Revue

see under The Boys' Sunday Reader

Boy's Welcome

Country: UK
Total Issues: 1

"Aldine's poor attempt to start a new paper had one complete story entitled "Gwenneth's Choice", a very dull, dreary story. Only one issue appeared. Issued at the same time as Our Boys which also ran for one issue." (W.O.G. Lofts)

Issues & Index Sources:  21-Jul-1897: Story Paper Index
Publishers:   Aldine Publishing Co.

Boys' Wonder Book

Country: UK
Total Issues: 6

Reissued in bound form as Boys' Wonder Book: An Illustrated Magazine of Wonder and Amusement (1867).

Issues & Index Sources:  1865 – 1866
Publishers:   Charles Griffin & Co. (Gifford gives Griffiths)
Editors:   Dr. Primrose
Formats:   demy octavo
Pagecounts:   80pp
Frequency:   monthly?

Boys' Wonder Library

Country: UK
Total Issues: 26

A short-lived pocket library series from Amalgamated Press, Boys' Wonder Library reprinted serials primarily from Chums, but included three stirring adventure serials by George E. Rochester from Boys Own Paper. Other authors include Draycot M. Dell (the last editor of Chums) under his pseudonyms Piers Anson and Rodney Holland, Leslie Beresford, John Hunter and John Wheway. All titles were abridged from their original appearances, some quite considerably.

Issues & Index Sources:  30-Jul-1932 – Jul-1933: Story Paper Index
Publishers:   Amalgamated Press
Editors:   Ernest L. McKeag
Formats:   6½" x 4½"
Prices:   2d
Pagecounts:   64pp+
Frequency:   2 per month
Mentioned in:   ,

The Boys' World [1879]

Country: UK
Total Issues: 404

Circulation reached 50,000 copies per week in 1882. Incorporates: (Gifford: Champion Journal for Boys from 1880?); Our Boys' Paper from 7-Feb-1883

Issues & Index Sources:  12-Apr-1879 – 27-Dec-1886
Publishers:   Ralph Rollington
Editors:   Ralph Rollington (W. Allingham).
Pagecounts:   16pp; larger size from around issue 100
Frequency:   weekly

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