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Crime Year Book (UK)

Country: UK

True crime.

Issues & Index Sources:  1952 – ?: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   L. Miller & Son. Ltd.

The Crisis

Country: US

"The object of this publication is to set forth those facts and arguments which show the danger of race prejudice, particularly as manifested today toward colored people." Published "On Saturday the Siren Sounds at Noon" by Ann Petry, Dec-1943.

Issues & Index Sources

  Nov-1910 – present



  New York


  Nov-1910 – 1934: W.E.B. DuBois
  1934 – Dec-1949: Roy Wilkins
  1950 – 1968: James Ivey
  1969 – 1973: Henry Lee Moon
  1947 – 1980: Warren Marr, II
  Jan-1981 – May-1981: Pat Patterson
  Jun-1981 – Dec-1983: Chester Higgins
  Jan-1984 – Dec-1984: Maybelle Ward
  1985 – 1991: Fred Beauford
  1992 – Jan-1994: Garland Thompson
  Feb-1994 – Dec-1994: Denise Crittenden
  1995 – May-1997: Eric Clark
  Jun-1997 – present: Paul Ruffins

Related Sites

  Spartacus Educational

Online Sources

  Online Books

The Criterion (UK)

Country: UK
Total Issues: 71

A literary review which encouraged new poetry and fiction; published Eliot's "The Waste Land" (Oct-1922).

Issues & Index Sources

  Oct-1922 – Fall 1925: The Criterion, 1922-1939
  Jan-1926 – Jan-1927, as The New Criterion: The Criterion, 1922-1939
  May-1927 – Mar-1928, as The Monthly Criterion: The Criterion, 1922-1939
  Jun-1928 – Jan-1939, as The Criterion: The Criterion, 1922-1939


  Cobden Sanderson to 1925, then Faber's


  T.S. Eliot



Related Sites


Mentioned in:   British Literary Magazines Vol. 4 (says 1922 - 1939)

Online Sources

  Online Books

The Criterion (US)

Country: US

A New York-based literary magazine which featured bold illustrated covers, saucy cartoons and a mix of news and feature reporting and forward-thinking satire.

Issues & Index Sources

  Aug-1896 – May-1905


  Henry Dumay; Joseph I.C. Clarke


  Aug-1896 – 31-Mar-1900: weekly
  Apr-1900 – May-1905: monthly

Related Sites


Criterion Series

Country: US
Total Issues: 21

Issues & Index Sources:  Apr-1894 – Jan-1896: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   Street & Smith, 31 Rose St., New York
Prices:   50c
Frequency:   monthly
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

The Critic

Country: US

Initially the book review section was the outstanding feature; in addition departments of drama, fine arts, news notices, literature and poetry were well written and edited. Putnam's purchased the weekly in 1898 turning it into a monthly. The book review section was shortened; illustrations were added; articles and poetry increased.

Issues & Index Sources

  15-Jan-1881 – 5-Jan-1884: Index to Periodical Literature
  12-Jan-1884 – 28-Jun-1884, as The Critic & Good Literature
  5-Jul-1884 – Sep-1906, as The Critic: Index to Periodical Literature

#becomes Putnam's Monthly


  The Critic Printing and Publishing Company, New York


  15-Jan-1881 – 5-Jan-1884: biweekly
  12-Jan-1884 – 25-Jun-1898: weekly
  Jul-1898 – Sep-1906: monthly

Online Sources

  Online Books

Critical Mass Magazine

Country: US
Total Issues: 4


Issues & Index Sources:  Jun-1988 – Fall 1989: Science Fiction Index
Issue Checklist

The Critical Quarterly

Country: UK

Literary journal, mainly of criticism, but went through a fiction-publishing phase in the 1980s.

Issues & Index Sources:  1959 – ?: Short Story Index (Missing: all before 1974 at least)
Editors:   C.B. Cox & E.A. Dyson, Colin MacCabe
Frequency:   quarterly
Mentioned in:   British Literary Magazines Vol. 4

The Critical Review

Country: UK

Contributors include Samuel Johnson, Oliver Goldsmith.

Issues & Index Sources:  1756 – 1790
Editors:   Tobias Smollett
Mentioned in:   British Literary Magazines Vol. 1 (which says - 1817)

The Cromcast Chronicle

Country: US
Total Issues: 3 (as at Oct-2024)

"A zine featuring fiction & scholarship of the savage, the weird, & the macabre!"

Issues & Index Sources:  #1, Winter 2020 – present: Science Fiction Index (Missing: any after #3, Winter 2022)
Publishers:   Three Professors Press
Editors:   Joshua K. Adkins, Luke E. Dodd, & Jonathan Larson
Issue Checklist


Country: US
Total Issues: 3

Fanzine about Robert E. Howard, featuring some fiction.

Issues & Index Sources:  Spring 1985 – 1988: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Cromlech
Editors:   Marc A. Cerasini
Formats:   pamphlet
Issue Checklist


Country: New Zealand

Formed by merger of Rimu and Pacific Quarterly Moana.

Issues & Index Sources:  1986 – 1989
Publishers:   Outrigger Publishers Ltd., Hamilton, New Zealand
Frequency:   quarterly


Country: US

Emphasis on short fiction. Publishes up to 60 per year. Has published Saul Bellow, Joyce Carol Oates, John Updike. Circulation 3,000.

Issues & Index Sources:  1980 – 1994
Publishers:   Crosscurrents, Westlake Village, CA
Editors:   Linda Brown Michelson
Formats:   review
Pagecounts:   176pp
Frequency:   quarterly

Crossed Genres Magazine

Country: US
Total Issues: 36+36=72

Online SF magazine.

Issues & Index Sources

  Dec-2008 – Dec-2011: Science Fiction Index
  Jan-2013 – Dec-2015: Science Fiction Index


  Crossed Genres Publications, 330 Cochituate Rd #1433, Framingham, MA 01701


  Bart R. Leib and Kay Holt (Dec-2008 - Nov-2010); Jaym Gates and Natania Barron (Dec-2010 - present)
Issue Checklist

Cross Plains

Country: US
Total Issues: 7

Fanzine about Robert E. Howard.

Issues & Index Sources:  Jan-1974 – Sep-1975: Science Fiction Index
Issue Checklist


Country: US
Total Issues: 22

Issues & Index Sources

  Mar-1992 – Oct-1999: Science Fiction Index



  Mar-1992 – Feb-1995: Pat Nielsen, Jacksonville, FL
  Jun-1995 – Feb-1997: Pat Nielsen, Jacksonville, NC
  Jun-1997 – Oct-1999: Pat Nielsen, Beulaville, NC
Issue Checklist

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