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The Banner Weekly

Country: US
Total Issues: 758

Issues & Index Sources:  18-Nov-1882 – 22-May-1897: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   Beadle and Adams
Formats:   14 x 21"
Prices:   6c
Pagecounts:   8pp
Frequency:   weekly
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

The Banshee

Country: UK
Total Issues: 9

SF/fantasy/horror fanzine, mainly publishing vignettes.

Issues & Index Sources:  Oct-1992 – ?: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   The Banshee, 16 Rigby Close, Croydon, CR0 4JU, Surrey
Editors:   Rachel Fones
Formats:   A5
Prices:   £1.25
Pagecounts:   52pp

Barbarian Scroll

Country: US
Total Issues: 15

A well produced fanzine dedicated to sword and sorcery fiction, especially the writings of Robert E. Howard, featuring interviews with writers and artists in the field, a poem or two, much quality artwork and fiction.

Issues & Index Sources:  1988? – 1992
Publishers:   Conquest Press, Miami, Florida
Editors:   A. Alfonso
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Bardic Runes

Country: Canada
Total Issues: 16

Fantasy fiction fanzine.

Issues & Index Sources:  1990 – 1997: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   Grihlih-hih Glyphics, Ottawa
Editors:   Michael McKenny

Bards and Sages Quarterly

Country: US
Total Issues: 61

Semi-professional magazine available in print and downloadable forms.

Issues & Index Sources:  Jan-2009 – Jan-2024: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Bards and Sages Publishing, Bellmawr, New Jersey.
Editors:   Julie Ann Dawson
Frequency:   quarterly
Issue Checklist

Bare Bone

Country: US
Total Issues: 10

Perfect-bound and containing 30,000 words of text, Bare Bone features dark fiction and poetry in various styles and permutations from new and well-established authors.

Issues & Index Sources:  #1, 2001 – #11, 2009: Science Fiction Index
Email Address:
Publishers:   c/o Kevin L. Donihe, 1742 Madison Street, Kingsport, TN 37665
Editors:   Kevin L. Donihe
Formats:   Perfect bound, glossy
Pagecounts:   90pp
Frequency:   Triannual
Issue Checklist

Barely Evil Magazine

Country: US

Companion magazine to the website devoted to "alt sexuality", featuring a single short story in each issue.

Issues & Index Sources:  Jul-2017 – present

Barely South Review

see under Dominion Review

The Bark

Country: US
Total Issues: 82 (to Summer 2015)

"A literate and entertaining approach to canine culture through essays, stories, poetry, reviews, interviews and artwork."

Issues & Index Sources:  1999 – present
Publishers:   The Bark, 2810-8th St., Berkeley, CA 94710
Editors:   Claudia Kawczynska
Frequency:   bimonthly (in 2006)

The Barker

Country: US

Store catalogue for Dark Carnival Books that published some original fiction.

Issues & Index Sources:  1994 – May-1996: FictionMags Index (incomplete)
Publishers:   Dark Carnival Books
Frequency:   quarterly

Barker's Canadian Monthly Magazine

Country: Canada
Total Issues: 12

Issues & Index Sources:  May-1846 – Apr-1847: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
Publishers:   Edward John Barker, Kingston, Ontario
Editors:   Edward John Barker
Frequency:   monthly
Online Sources:   Canadiana

Barnabe Mountain Review

Country: US
Total Issues: 5

Issues & Index Sources:  1995 – 1999
Publishers:   P.O. Box 529, Lagunitas, CA 94938
Editors:   Gerald Fleming
Frequency:   annual
Mentioned in:   O. Henry Awards Website (not in 2002)

Barnes & Noble Review

Country: US

Bookstore magazine providing "appraisals of fiction and nonfiction, as well as essays, interviews, and other features on a wide variety of topics". Occassionally published fiction.

Issues & Index Sources:  in 2010s: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
Editors:   Bill Tipper

The Barrelhouse [1990s]

Country: US


Issues & Index Sources:  in 1990s: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Editors:   Doug Coulson

Barrelhouse [2004]

Country: US

"A literary magazine that seeks to bridge the gap between high-brow literary tastes and the mid-brow appreciation of daily joys like good music, bad television and a decent hot dog."

Issues & Index Sources:  2004 – present

The Barsoomian

Country: US


Issues & Index Sources:  Aug-1952 – Oct-1969
Editors:   Paul C. Allen

Bar Trek

Country: UK
Total Issues: 3

Fanzine that published some fiction by Brian Stableford.

Issues & Index Sources:  Oct-1976 – Nov-1977
Editors:   Mike Dickinson & Lee Montgomerie

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