Magazine Data Page 7 |
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Adventure [1960s]Country: US
Weekly story paper.
Editors: Adrienne Bonham Pagecounts: 32pp Frequency: weekly |
Adventure [1987]Country: UKTotal Issues: 1
A one-shot summer special the size of one of the glossy newspaper Sunday supplement magazines.
Prices: 60p Pagecounts: 32pp |
Adventure (Australia) [1950s]Country: AustraliaTotal Issues: 10?
A series of Australian booklets, numbered but not dated. These slim (usually 34 page), undated publications were published on a monthly or bimonthly schedule during the early to mid 1950s. Most cover art was the work of Stan Pitt, both under his own name and the pseudonym "Safone Jais".
Formats: digest |
Adventure (Australia) [1960s]Country: AustraliaTotal Issues: 12+16=28?
Issues & Index Sources
PublishersCavalcade Magazine Pty Ltd, Sydney |
Adventure for MenCountry: USTotal Issues: 45+
Mentioned in: It's a Man's World |
Adventure Library (UK)Country: UKTotal Issues: 34 (numbered?)
Previously Newnes Adventure Library/Bulldog Adventure Library (qv).
Pagecounts: 68pp Frequency: 4 per month |
Adventure Library (US)Country: USTotal Issues: 181
Formats: paperback Prices: 15c Frequency: bi-weekly Mentioned in: Dime Novel Bibliography |
Adventure LifeCountry: USTotal Issues: 1+2+3+6+9=21
Issues & Index Sources
PublishersMentioned in: It's a Man's World |
Adventure Mystery Magazine/TalesCountry: USTotal Issues: 1+1=2
Issues & Index Sources
PublishersHidalgo Publishing Company; Des Moines, IAEditorsMark O. LambertFormatsquarto s/bPrices$10.95Pagecounts98ppRelated SitesThe Pulp Super-Fan |
The Adventurer [1752]Country: UKTotal Issues: 140
Hawkesworth used fiction, especially fantasy, as a vehicle for satire. With the vogue for the oriental fantasy he produced several for the paper, especially "Amurath" (Jan-1753).
Editors: John Hawkesworth Formats: folio Frequency: twice-weekly Mentioned in: British Literary Magazines Vol. 1 |
Adventurer [1954]Country: UK
Pagecounts: 16pp Frequency: monthly |
Adventure Series [1900]Country: USTotal Issues: 25
Mentioned in: Dime Novel Bibliography |
Adventure Series [1908]Country: USTotal Issues: 139
Formats: 7 x 5" Prices: 20c, 6 for $1.00 Pagecounts: 200 to 300 Frequency: bi-monthly (later numbers were issued sporadically) Mentioned in: Dime Novel Bibliography |
Adventures in HorrorCountry: USTotal Issues: 2+5=7
Semi-pornographic magazine of horror and occult fiction, published in "confession" magazine format, with posed photographs. Issues & Index Sources
PublishersStanley Publications, NYEditorsTheodore S. HechtFormatslarge format book paperPrices50c Pagecountstypically 64ppFrequencybimonthlyRelated SitesScience Fiction Encyclopedia |
Adventures of Sword and SorceryCountry: USTotal Issues: 7
Editors: Randy Dannenfelser Formats: quarto Frequency: intended as quarterly but irregular; in hiatus for over a year between issues #4 and #5 |
The Adventures of Swords and SorceryCountry: USTotal Issues: 2
Reprint fantasy magazine.
Publishers: Fortuna Publications |