Crime Fiction Index
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Missing Issues

The following is a list of all the magazines that are covered by the Crime Fiction Index for which it is believed that the information is (or might be) incomplete.

US Magazines

All Fiction Detective Stories Missing: 1944 (probably phantom)
All Star Detective Missing: Oct-1941 (probably phantom)
Amazing Detective Stories Missing: Mar-1931
Amazing Detective Tales Missing: any issues after Oct-1930
Best Detective Missing: any issues except Dec-1947
Black Bat Detective Mysteries Missing: Jan-1934
Cabaret Stories Missing: Nov-1928; Feb-1929
Detective [1933] Missing: Jan-1934
Detective and Murder Mysteries Missing: Oct-1936; Jan-1938; any issues between Jun-1935 & Sep-1936
Detective Story Annual Missing: 1945; 1947 (probably phantom)
Detective Tales Missing: Nov-1923
Detective Yarns Missing: Vol 2 #3
Double Action Detective and Mystery Stories Missing: Jul-1960; Sep-1960 (probably phantom)
15 Story Detective Missing: Jul-1951 (probably phantom)
Five Detective Novels Missing: Winter 1954 (probably phantom)
Futures Missing: #1, #2; #3; #6
Gangland Detective Stories Missing: any issues after Sep-1940 (probably phantom)
Giant Manhunt Missing: #4
Great Detective Missing: Dec-1933 to Jul-1934 (possibly phantom)
Gun Molls Magazine Missing: Mar-1931
Hank Janson Detective Magazine Missing: all issues except #1
Headquarters Stories Missing: Aug/Sep-1931 (ashcan)
International Detective Cases Missing: all except Apr-1936, Aug-1936, Nov-1936, Dec-1936, Mar-1937 & Dec-1937
John Creasey Mystery Magazine (US) Missing: Missing: Jul-1958 - Dec-1958; May-1959; any issue after Aug-1959
Kelly's Magazine Missing: all after v1 #2
Kracked Mirror Mysteries Missing: v3 #1; Jan-1996; any after Fall 1996
MacKill's Mystery Magazine (US) Missing: any issues before Dec-1952
Malcolm's Missing: Possible 4th issue
Master Mysteries Magazine Missing: Winter 1933; Spring 1934
Midnight Mystery Stories Missing: 20-Jan-1923
Murder Mysteries [1929] Missing: Aug-1929
Murder Mysteries [1934] Missing: May-1935; any issues between Jun-1935 & Sep-1936
Mystery Time Missing: any issues before 1993; Autumn/Winter 1997
Off Beat Detective Stories Missing: Mar-1963; any issues after May-1963 (probably phantom)
Out of the Gutter Missing: #6, January 2010; #7, February 2011
Over My Dead Body! Missing: #0, #2; #3
Real Detective Missing: Jul-1934; any issues after Dec-1934 containing fiction
Real Detective Tales Missing Jul-1924; Aug-1924; Sep/Oct-1924; Dec-1924
Red Herring Mystery Magazine Missing: v2 #1, 1995; v3 #2, 1996
Scarlet Gang Smashers Missing: Jun-1936
Scientific Detective (Annual) Missing: any before March 1945; May-1945; Jun-1945; Jul-1945; any after May 1948
Shock Mystery Tales Magazine Missing: Dec-1962 (possibly phantom)
Sleuthhound Missing: any except v1 #1, Hawk Edition & v2 #2, La Luz Edition
Snappy Mystery Stories Missing: May-1935 (possibly phantom)
Super-Detective (Stories) Missing: any issues after Oct-1950
Suspense Magazine [2000] Missing: v1, May 2009; v3, August 2009
Top Detective Annual Missing: 1950 (probably phantom)
True Gang Life Missing: Jun-1935; Nov-1936; Jun-1938; any after Jun-1938
Whispering Willow Mysteries Missing: Poison Quill Edition

UK Magazines

Ace G-Man Stories (UK) two undated sample issues only
All Detective Magazine (UK) Missing: Oct-1933; any issues after Oct-1933 except Aug-1934
All Star Detective Stories (UK) Missing: Sep-1933
All-Story Detective (UK) Missing: any after #4
Black Mask (Detective) (UK) Missing: 1-Sep-1923; 1-Jan-1924; Jun-1925; Jul-1925; Aug-1925; Mar-1926; Apr-1926; May-1926; Jul-1926; Oct-1937; Jul-1939; May-1941; Oct-1941; Nov-1941; Dec-1944 plus 10 other issues between 1940 and January 1945; and any issues after November 1953.
Crack Detective Stories (UK) possibly incomplete
Crime Detective (UK) only partial contents known
The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine Missing: Apr-2018; Jul-2018
Detective Shorts Missing: #3
Famous Detective Stories (UK) Missing: #1; #4; any after #13
F.B.I. Detective Stories (UK) Missing: any after #6, 1951
Gang Shorts Missing: #2
G-Men Detective (UK) Missing: 10 issues prior to Spring 1945 (all except Feb-1940; Oct-1941; Jan-1942; Sep-1942; Jan-1943; Jun-1943; Dec-1943; Spring 1944; Summer 1944; Winter 1944); plus any after Mar-1952
Gripping Detective Stories Missing: all except #2
Hollywood Detective (UK) Missing: all except #1; #2; #4; #7
International Detective Cases (UK) Missing: all except single undated issue
Mercury Mystery Magazine (UK) Missing: Nov-1963
Murder Shorts Missing: #2
Mystery Stories [193?] Missing: #16; #17
New All-Action Stories Missing: #1 (New Western Stories); #12 (Fast-Action Western Stories)
New Detective Magazine (UK) [1940s] Missing: all except v13 #1
New Detective Magazine (UK) [1950s] Missing: #5; #10; #13; #14; any after #16
Pep Tec (Tales) Missing: any issues before Jun-1937 or after Nov-1937
Phantom Detective (UK) Missing: all except #1, #2 & #4
Pocket Reader Series Missing: #115; #120; all after #130
Popular Detective (UK) Missing: #6; #8; any after #14
Private Detective (UK) Missing: #4; #5; any after #9
The Saint Detective Magazine (UK) Missing: Oct-1959 (probably phantom)
Smashing Detective Stories (UK) Missing: any after #11
Street & Smith's Detective Story Magazine (UK) Missing: Apr-1943; possibly four other issues prior to 1945
Super-Detective (UK) Missing: #1; #6; any after #7
Thrilling Detective (UK) Missing: any issues prior to Apr-1945 (except Dec-1939; Apr-1942; Jun-1942; Feb-1943; May-1943; Oct-1943; Jan-1944; Mar-1944; May-1944; Nov-1944); May-1946; any after Nov-1954
Triple Detective (Novels) (UK) Missing: #5; #8; any after #9

Australian Magazines

Action Detective Magazine Missing: #3; #4; #8; #32; #34
Alfred Hitchcock's Suspense Magazine (Australia) Missing: Sep-1957; any 1958 digests prior to June or after September
American Crime Magazine Missing: #3, Jun-1952; #7, Sep-1953; #15, May-1954; #16, Jun-1954; #29, Jul-1955
American Detective Magazine Missing: #2, Dec-1951; #1, Mar-1953; #2, Apr-1953; #8, Oct-1953; #17, Jul-1954; #19, Sep-1954; #29, 1955; any issues after #30
American Detective Novels Missing: any before #100 or after #107
American Sleuth Missing: #3; #6; #10; #11; #12; #13; #14; #15
Colin Calhoun Detective Missing: #1; #2; #4; #5; #6
Crime Story Magazine Missing: all except v6#1; v6#2; v6#4; v6#6; v6#7; v6 #8; v6#9; v6#12; #3; #4; #7; #8
Detective Fiction Missing: #4, Mar-1949
Detective Monthly (Australia) Missing: #5; #8; #9; #10
Detective Stories Missing: v6 #4, 1953?; v6 #10, 195?; any from 1960s except v6 #8 & #9
Downtown Detective Missing: #3; #7; any issues after #11 (except #31; #35)
East-Side Detective Missing: #9; #11
Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine (Australia) Missing: all issues
GP Detective Stories Missing: #2; any after #3
Invincible Detective Magazine Missing: v1 #1, Dec-1949; v1 #4, Mar-1950; v1 #6, May-1950; v1 #7, Jun-1950; v1 #9, Aug-1950; v1 #11, Oct-1950; v1 #12, Nov-1950; v1 #13, Dec-1950; v2 #17, Apr-1951; v2 #18, May-1951; v2 #19, Jun-1951; v2 #22, Sep-1951; v2 #23, Oct-1951; v3 #29, Apr-1952; v3 #30, May-1952; v3 #31, Jun-1952; v3 #32, Jul-1952; v3 #34, Sep-1952; v4 #38, Jan-1953; v4 #39, Feb-1953; v4 #40, Mar-1953; v4 #41, Apr-1953; v4 #42, May-1953; v4 #43, Jun-1953; v4 #44, Jul-1953; v4 #47, Oct-1953; v4 #48, Nov-1953; v4 #49, Dec-1953; v5 #50, Jan-1954; v5 #51, Feb-1954; v5 #53, Apr-1954; v6 #55, Jun-1954; v5 #56, Jul-1954; v5 #57, Jul-1954; v5 #58, Aug-1954; v5 #59, Aug-1954; v5 #61, Sep-1954; v5 #62, Oct-1954; v5 #65, Nov-1954; any issues after #67
Leisure Detective Missing: #6, #13, #19, #41, #45, #50, #52
Mercury Mystery Book Magazine (Australia) Missing: #2; any after #6
Modern Detective Magazine Missing: any issues after #11
Popular Detective (Australia) Missing: #1; #13; any after #14
Pursuit--The Phantom Mystery Magazine (Australia) Missing: v1 #10
The Saint Detective Magazine (Australia) Missing: Jul-1955; Sep-1955; Oct-1955; Nov-1955; Dec-1955; Jan-1956; Feb-1956; Apr-1956; Jun-1956; Jul-1956; Aug-1956; Sep-1956; Nov-1956; Dec-1956; Mar-1957; Apr-1957; Aug-1957; Sep-1957; Oct-1957; Dec-1957; Jan-1958; Feb-1958; Mar-1958; Jun-1958; Jul-1958; Sep-1958; Nov-1958; Feb-1959; Mar-1959; Apr-1959; May-1959;
Smashing Detective (Australia) Missing: all except #2
Thrilling Detective (Australia) Missing: #3; #7; #15; #18; #20; any after #24
Underworld Stories Missing: all except v5 #1
Verdict Detective Story Magazine Missing: v1 #10, (December 1955?)
Westend Detective Missing: #4; #7; #10; #11; #12; #13; #14; #15; #16; #17; #18; #19; #20; #21; #22; #23; #24; #25; #26; #27; #28; #29; #30; any after #35

Canadian Magazines

Ace G-Man Stories (Canada) Missing: all except Oct-1941; Dec-1941; Feb-1942; Jun-1942; Sep-1942; Nov-1942; Jan-1943; Mar-1943; May-1943; Jul-1943; Sep-1943; Nov-1943; Jan-1944; Mar-1944; May-1944; Jul-1944; Jan-1945; Mar-1945; Jul-1945; Sep-1945; Nov-1945
All Detective Magazine (Canada) Missing: all issues
Best Detective Magazine (Canada) Missing: all issues
Big Book Missing: all issues
Big-Book Detective Magazine (Canada) Missing: all except Jan-1942; May-1942; Apr-1944; Jun-1944; Aug-1944; Oct-1944; Dec-1944; Feb-1945
Big Detective (Canada) Missing: all issues
Black Book Detective Magazine (Canada) Missing: all except Fall 1946; Feb-1948; Apr-1948
Black Mask (Detective) (Canada) Missing: all except Jun-1932; Jan-1933; Jul-1933; Jan-1936; Dec-1936; Oct-1941; Apr-1942; Jun-1943; Dec-1943; Jun-1944; Aug-1944; Jul-1945; Oct-1945; Jan-1949; Sep-1949; May-1950; Nov-1950
Clues (Canada) Missing: all except Nov-1932; Dec-1932; Mar-1937
Complete Detective Novel Magazine (Canada) Missing: all except Aug/Sep-1932
Complete Detective Stories Missing: all issues
Crack Detective Stories (Canada) Missing: all issues
Daredevil Detective Stories Missing: Jun-1942; any issues after Oct-1942
Detective Fiction Weekly (Canada) Missing: all except 25-Jun-1932; 25-Mar-1933; 9-Dec-1933; 15-Sep-1934
Detective Mystery Novel Magazine (Canada) Missing: all except Spring 1949
Detective Novel(s) Magazine (Canada) Missing: any before Jul-1941; any after Sep-1944 (except Nov-1946)
Detective Romances (Canada) Missing: all issues
Detective Tales (Canada) Missing: all except Jan-1942; Mar-1942; Jun-1942; Nov-1942; Dec-1942; Apr-1943; Jun-1943; Jul-1943; Oct-1943; Nov-1943; Dec-1943; Mar-1944; Apr-1944; May-1944; Jul-1944; Nov-1944; Jan-1945; May-1945; Jun-1945; Jul-1945; Aug-1945; Dec-1945; Feb-1951; Jun-1952; Aug-1952
Dime Detective Magazine (Canada) Missing: all except Apr-1942; Nov-1942; Feb-1944; Apr-1944; May-1944; Jun-1944; Aug-1945; Sep-1945; Dec-1945; Nov-1948; Jan-1950; Apr-1950
Dime Mystery Magazine (Canada) Missing: any before Oct-1935 (except Mar-1935); Nov-1935; Mar-1936; Sep-1936; any after Oct-1936 (except Aug-1949)
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine (Canada) missing: any except Sep-1952
Exciting Detective (Canada) Missing: any before Dec-1941; any after Jul-1942
Fiction Quarterly Missing: all except Spring 1942; Spring 1944
Giant Detective (Canada) Missing: all issues
15 Mystery Stories (Canada) Missing: all except Feb-1950; Apr-1950; Jun-1950; Oct-1950
15 Story Detective (Canada) Missing: all except Feb-1950; Jun-1950; May-1951
F.B.I. Detective Stories (Canada) Missing: all issues
Flynn's Detective Fiction (Canada) Missing: all except Mar-1943; May-1943; Aug-1943; Dec-1943; Mar-1944; Apr-1944; May-1944; Jun-1944; Aug-1944; Oct-1944
G-Men Detective (Canada) Missing: all except Jan-1948
Mystery Book Magazine (Canada) Missing: all except Feb-1949; Summer 1950
Mystery Detective Stories (Canada) Missing: all except #3 & #6
New Detective Magazine (Canada) [1935] Missing: all except Sep-1935
New Detective Magazine (Canada) [1940s] Missing: all except Apr-1942; Aug-1943; Oct-1943; Feb-1944; Jun-1944; Aug-1944; Oct-1944; Dec-1944; Feb-1945; Apr-1945; Jun-1945; Jan-1949
Nick Carter Magazine (Canada) Missing: all except Dec-1935
The Phantom Detective (Canada) Missing: all except Feb-1943; May-1943; Nov-1943; Feb-1944; May-1944; Nov-1944; Feb-1945; Apr-1945; Aug-1945; Oct-1945; Dec-1945; Feb-1946; Apr-1946; Aug-1946; Nov-1946; Jan-1948; Mar-1948; May-1948; Sep-1948; Nov-1948; Jan-1949; Mar-1949; Summer 1949; Fall 1949; Fall 1950
Popular Detective (Canada) Missing: all except Jun-1935; Jul-1935; Oct-1941; Jan-1942; Sep-1943; Dec-1943; Mar-1944; Dec-1944; May-1950; Jul-1950; Sep-1950
Private Detective (Canada) Missing: Jun-1941; Jul-1941; Aug-1941; Sep-1941; Nov-1941; Dec-1941; Mar-1942; Apr-1942; May-1942; Jun-1942; Sep-1942; Oct-1942; May-1943; Jan-1944
Rex Stout Mystery Magazine (Canada) Missing: all except Jun-1946
The Shadow (Canada) Missing: all except Jul-1932; Sep-1932; 1-Apr-1933; 15-Apr-1933; 1-Jun-1933; 1-Aug -1933; 15-Aug-1933; 1-Sep-1933; 15-Oct-1933; 15-May-1934; 1-Jul-1934; 1-Nov-1934; 1-Dec-1934; 15-Jan-1935; 1-Feb-1935; 15-Feb-1935; 15-Mar-1935; 1-Apr-1935; 15-Apr-1935; 15-Jun-1935; 1-Oct-1935; 1-Dec-1935; 1-Mar-1936; 15-Jul-1936; 1-Aug-1936; Mar-1942; May-1942; Dec-1943; Mar-1944; Oct-1944; Jan-1945
Strange Detective Mysteries (Canada) Missing: any issues before Aug-1941 (except Nov/Dec-1938); Dec-1941; Jan-1942; Feb-1942; Jun-1942; Jul-1942; Sep-1942; Jan-1944; Jun-1944; Jul-1944; Nov-1944; Jan-1945; Jul-1945; Dec-1945
Street & Smith's Detective Story Magazine (Canada) Missing: all except Jan-1943; Mar-1943; Apr-1943; May-1943; Jun-1943; Feb-1944; Sep-1944; Oct-1944; Feb-1945
Super-Detective (Canada Missing: all except v1 #3
Sure-Fire Detective (Canada) Missing: any before Aug-1941; Oct-1941; Apr-1942; any after Aug-1942
Ten Detective Aces (Canada) Missing: all except Mar-1936; Dec-1943; Feb-1944; Apr-1944; Feb-1945; Dec-1947; Feb-19498; Aug-1949; Oct-1949
10-Story Detective (Canada) Missing: all except Sep-1941; Sep-1944; Sep-1946; Nov-1947; Sep-1949; Jan-1950
10 Story Mystery Magazine (Canada) Missing: all except Dec-1941; Feb-1942; Sep-1942; Nov-1942; Jul-1943; Sep-1943; Sep-1944; Nov-1945
The Thriller (Canada) Missing: all issues
Thrilling Detective (Canada) Missing: all except Sep-1941; Feb-1942; Apr-1942; Jun-1942; Feb-1943; Apr-1943; Jun-1943; Aug-1943; Oct-1943; Dec-1943; Apr-1944; Dec-1944; May-1945; Sep-1945; Feb-1950; Jun-1950; Oct-1950; Dec-1950
Thrilling Mystery Novel Magazine (Canada) Missing: all except Jul-1943; Jan-1944; Apr-1944; Summer 1945; May-1946
Triangle Quarterly Missing: all except Fall 1945
Two-Book Detective Magazine (Canada) Missing: all issues

Indian Magazines

Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine/Stories (India) Missing: all except Mar-1991; Mar-1993; May-1993; Sep-1993

New Zealand Magazines

F.P. Detective Stories Missing: all except Aug-1949; Mar-1950; Jul-1950; Sep-1950; Nov-1950; Jan-1951; May-1951; Jul-1951; Mar-1952
The G.P. Detective Stories Missing: all except #14, 194x; Oct-1948; Dec-1948; #23, Feb-1949; #24, Apr-1949
Gripping Detective Stories (New Zealand) Missing: all except #2

South African Magazines

Who? Detective Magazine Missing: all except Feb-1950

Magazines for which no information is known

The following is a list of all the magazines that are covered by the Crime Fiction Index for which no detailed information is currently available - many of these may not actually exist.

Crime Stories Monthly Ace-High Detective Magazine (UK)
Detective Adventures Amazing Detective Mystery Stories (UK)
Detective Thrillers Strange Detective Mysteries (UK)
Hollywood Mystery 10-Story Detective (UK)
Mystery Buff The Underworld [1930] (UK)
Racket Stories  
Railroad Detective Stories Canada
Real Western Mystery Novels Complete Mystery Novelettes (Canada)
Red Seal Detective Stories 5 Detective Novels (Canada)
Red Seal Mystery Magazine Mystery Novels Magazine (Canada)
Three Detective Novels (US) Triple Detective (Canada)