Bibliography of Ellis Parker Butler
Ellis Parker Butler published in "National Magazine"
- National Magazine (February, 1896) "His Little Joke" [HARPER]
- National Magazine (June, 1897) "How Marthy 'Disapinted' Kilo" [HARPER]
- _____ (July, 1897) "The 'Funny' Man" A story. Syndicated as "A Lifetime of Regret." [HARPER]
- _____ (August, 1897) "The Death of Caesar" A sketch. [EPBLIB]
- _____ (August, 1897) "Hard to Please" A sketch. [EPBLIB]
- _____ (August, 1897) "Two Love Letters" A poem in 16 verses. [EPBLIB]
- _____ (September, 1897) "Uncle Eseck and the Play" [HARPER]
- _____ (October, 1897) "Before the Announcement" [HARPER]
- _____ (November, 1897) "How G. W. Jones Swayed Swayed Social Customs" A story. Set in Kilo. [HARPER]
- _____ (December, 1897) "Busted" A poem in 12 verses. p 269. [HARPER]
- _____ (December, 1897) "Too Soon" [HARPER]
- National Magazine (January, 1898) "Mrs. Digby's Pie" [HARPER]
- _____ (February, 1898) "Scraps" [HARPER]
- _____ (March, 1898) "How He Said It" [HARPER]
- _____ (March, 1898) "Would You Rather--?" [HARPER]
- _____ (July, 1898) "The Incompleat Angler" [HARPER]
- _____ (October, 1898) "The Death of Mephistopheles" [MISC]
- _____ (November, 1898) "Our Typewriter" [HARPER]
- National Magazine (February, 1899) "Almost a Crime" [HARPER]
- _____ (September, 1899) "A Lost Angel" A poem. p 637. [HARPER]
- _____ (October, 1899) "Be Jolly!" [HARPER]
- _____ (December, 1899) "What Tom Said About It"
A story. Published in the "'Twixt Smiles and Tears" section. p 342-344. [EPBLIB]
- National Magazine (January, 1900) "If the End of the World Should Come" [HARPER]
- _____ (February, 1900) "The Ballad of the Kentucky Feud" [HARPER]
- _____ (March, 1900) "John L. White, of Waukegan" [HARPER]
- _____ (April, 1900) "The Ballad of the Antiquarian" [HARPER]
- _____ (April, 1900) "How Silas Long Was April-Fooled" [HARPER]
- _____ (May, 1900) "The Moaning of the Pines" [HARPER]
- _____ (August, 1900) "Hiram's Harlem Flat" [HARPER]
- _____ (December, 1900) "Hiram's Fam'ly Tree" p 189. [HARPER]
- National Magazine (June, 1901) "The Patience of Snooks Rogers" [HARPER]
- _____ (July, 1901) "Boob Maxon, Evolutionist" [HARPER]
- _____ (August, 1901) "Nels Petersen, Labor Agitator" A short story. [EPBLIB]
- _____ (September, 1901) "When Ida Puts Her Armor On" p 692. [HARPER]
- National Magazine (October, 1903) "Lonce Boggs, Runner" [HARPER]
- National Magazine (February, 1912) "Doctor MacCloodicus: A Romance of Revenge" [RGTPL]
- National Magazine (April, 1923) "The Mayor of Sweet Grass" [HARPER]
- _____ (June, 1923) "Hank Wilfers, Sweet Grass Policeman" [HARPER]
- _____ (August, 1923) "Frost-Bit Frisbie" [HARPER]
- _____ (November, 1923) "The Octopussy Cat" [HARPER]
- _____ (December, 1923) "The Moaning of the Pines" [HARPER]
- National Magazine (October - November, 1924) "Hiram's Harlem Flat" [HARPER]
- National Magazine (September - October, 1932) "Tom Watched - with the Watch Missing" A story. A reprint of "What Tom Said about It." p 189+. [HARPER]
See all the National Magazine cover art.
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