Science Fiction Index
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The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Index (or SF Magazine Index in short) is based on the index of the same name compiled by Stephen T. Miller and William G. Contento, which was available both in CD-ROM format from Locus Press and as a series of luxury hardback volumes from the Battered Silicon Dispatch Box. Agreement has been reached to publish an updated version of this index as part of the Fictionmags Index Family. This differs from the published index in a number of ways, as follows:

A list of all the magazines that are included in the index can be found here while a detailed list of the magazines and issues for which contents information is still needed can be found here. In general the index focuses on the fiction published in the magazine, but recently attention has also been devoted to indexing the letters in the letter columns and we'd always be interested in hearing from anyone who can assist with further such listings – currently indexes are known for the following:

If you think you can help with any of the above, or would just like more detail on the project, then please contact me – all contributions are welcome, no matter how small!


Thanks, in particular, must go to Bill Contento and Steve Miller who compiled the original volume on which the current index is based, and provided details of many more issues subsequently. However, the index would not have been possible without the many contributors mentioned above, and I would like to thank all of those who have already contributed (directly or indirectly) to the project:

Doug Anderson James Doig Ron Kihara Roger Robinson
Mike Ashley Alistair Durie Tom King Muffy St. Bernard
Chris Bartholomew Roger Dutcher David Kopaska-Merkel Richard Saunders
René Beaulieu Malcolm Edwards Daniel Krummes Andy Sawyer
Sam Bellotto, Jr. John Eggeling David Langford Karl Schroeder
Scathe meic Beorh Rai England Denny Lien Darrell Schweitzer
Ruth Berman Richard Fidczuk Steve Lines Steve Scott
Ted Blasingame Charles Coleman Finlay John Locke David Lee Smith
Richard Bleiler Jeffrey Fisher Art Lortie Karina Sumner-Smith
Bruce Boston Paul Fraser Dick Lupoff Bill Taylor
John Boston Robert Frazier Nick Mamatas Lorna Toolis
Ned Brooks Adele Gardner Todd Mason Steve Trussel
Brian Earl Brown Terry Gibbons Steve Miller Charles Tyra
Harry Buerkett Kim Gibbs George R. Morgan Scott H. Urban
Lela E. Buis Richard Gombert Sam Moskowitz Shelby Vick
Rusty Burke Douglas Greene Joe Moudry Morgan Wallace
Chad Calkins Rick Hall Kim L. Neidigh Sean Wallace
John Carnell Geoff Harrison Kim Neville John Walters
Darrah Chavey Jon Harvey Mark Olson Bud Webster
Neil Clarke Monte Herridge Mark Owings Jacob Weisman
Gavin Claypool Steve Holland Curt Phillips Martin Wooster
Jim Clements Rich Horton Graeme Phillips Chris Worthington
Debbie Cross Bill Hughes John S. Postovit Endre Zsoldos
Tom Daniels Charlee Jacob Corie Ralston  
William Denton Kenneth R. Johnson Mark Rich  
Paul Di Filippo Andrew Joron Len Robbins  
My apologies to anyone I have missed – please remind me!