The FictionMags Index
Stories, Listed by Author
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McAULEY, PAUL J. (chron.) (continued)
_____, reviews:
- * Reign of Fire, by M. Bradley Kellogg, (br) Interzone Sep/Oct 1988
- * Reluctant Voyagers, by Élisabeth Vonarburg, (br) Interzone Jun 1995
- * Remaking History, by Kim Stanley Robinson, (br) Interzone Mar 1992
- * reMix, by Jon Courtenay Grimwood, (br) Interzone Jun 1999
- * Remnant Population, by Elizabeth N. Moon, (br) Interzone Oct 1996
- * Resurrection Day, by Brendan DuBois, (br) Interzone Dec 1999
- * Reunion, by John Gribbin & Marcus Chown, (br) Interzone Nov 1991
- * Reviews (with Barry Forshaw), (mr) Crime Time #24 2001
- * Ribofunk, by Paul Di Filippo, (br) Interzone Aug 1996
- * Rimrunners, by C.J. Cherryh, (br) Interzone Mar/Apr 1990
- * Ring, by Stephen Baxter, (br) Interzone Mar 1995
- * Rings, by Charles L. Harness, (br) Interzone Jun 2000
- * The Rise of Endymion, by Dan Simmons, (br) Interzone Oct 1997
- * Robert Silverberg’s Worlds of Wonder, (br) Foundation Spr 1990
- * Roofworld, by Christopher Fowler, (br) Interzone Jan/Feb 1990
- * Rune, by Christopher Fowler, (br) Interzone Jan 1991
- * Sacrifice of Fools, by Ian McDonald, (br) Interzone Apr 1997
- * Saint Leibowitz and the Wild Horse Woman, by Walter M. Miller, Jr., (br) Foundation Spr 1998
- * Salamander’s Fire, by Brian M. Stableford, (br) Interzone Oct 1996
- * Salt, by Adam Roberts, (br) Interzone Dec 2000
- * Sannikov Land, by Vladimir A. Obruchev, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Feb 2000
- * Scare Tactics, by John Farris, (br) Interzone Nov/Dec 1989
- * Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Reference, by Keith L. Justice, (br) Interzone Jan 1991
- * The Science of Discworld, by Terry Pratchett, Ian Stewart & Jack Cohen, (br) Interzone Oct 1999
- * Scudder’s Game, by D.G. Compton, (br) Interzone Sep/Oct 1988
- * The Sea’s Furthest End, by Damien Broderick, (br) Interzone Sep 1993
- * Seasons of Plenty, by Colin Greenland, (br) Interzone Oct 1995
- * Serpent’s Blood, by Brian M. Stableford, (br) Interzone Oct 1995
- * Seventh Son, by Orson Scott Card, (br) Interzone Mar/Apr 1989
- * Shadow Hunter, by Will Baker, (br) Interzone Sep 1993
- * The Shaft, by David J. Schow, (br) Interzone Jul 1992
- * The Shape of Their Hearts, by Melissa Scott, (br) Interzone Dec 1998
- * The Ships of Earth, by Orson Scott Card, (br) Interzone May 1994
- * Shiva 3000, by Jan Lars Jensen, (br) Interzone Oct 1999
- * Sign for the Sacred, by Storm Constantine, (br) Interzone Jul 1993
- * Signs of Life, by Cherry Wilder, (br) Interzone Aug 1996
- * Signs of Life, by M. John Harrison, (br) Interzone Jun 1997
- * The Silent City, by Élisabeth Vonarburg, (br) Interzone Sep 1990
- * Silver Screen, by Justina L.A. Robson, (br) Interzone Dec 1999
- * Sing the Body Electric, by Adam Lively, (br) Interzone Nov 1994
- * Six Moon Dance, by Sheri S. Tepper, (br) Interzone Feb 1999
- * Sky Coyote, by Kage Baker, (br) Interzone Aug 2000
- * Slant, by Greg Bear, (br) Interzone Oct 1997
- * Smoke and Mirrors, by Neil Gaiman, (br) Interzone Apr 1999
- * Snow Crash, by Neal Stephenson, (br) Interzone May 1994
- * Soul Eater, by K.W. Jeter, (br) Interzone Jun 1991
- * Souls in the Great Machine, by Sean McMullen, (br) Interzone Aug 1999
- * Space, by Stephen Baxter, (br) Interzone Dec 2000
- * Spinners, by Anthony McCarten, (br) Interzone Apr 1999
- * Splatterpunks: Extreme Horror, by Paul M. Sammon, (br) Interzone Jul 1991
- * Stalin’s Teardrops, by Ian Watson, (br) Interzone Nov 1991
- * Stalking the Wild Resnick, by Mike Resnick, (br) Interzone Jan 1992
- * The Star Fraction, by Ken MacLeod, (br) Interzone Oct 1995
- * Starborne, by Robert Silverberg, (br) Interzone Aug 1996
- * Stardust, by Neil Gaiman, (br) Interzone Feb 1999
- * Starfire, by Paul Preuss, (br) Interzone Mar/Apr 1989
- * Starfish, by Peter Watts, (br) Interzone Aug 1999
- * Starplex, by Robert J. Sawyer, (br) Interzone Feb 1997
- * The Steampunk Trilogy, by Paul Di Filippo, (br) Interzone Oct 1995
- * Steel Beach, by John Varley, (br) Interzone Nov 1993
- * The Stone Giant, by James P. Blaylock, (br) Interzone Jul 1991
- * Stopping at Slowyear, by Frederik Pohl, (br) Interzone Sep 1992
- * Storeys from the Old Hotel, by Gene Wolfe, (br) Interzone May/Jun 1989
- * Strange Toys, by Patricia Geary, (br) Foundation Aut 1990
- * Strange Trades, by Paul Di Filippo, (br) Interzone Oct 2001
- * Strange Travellers, by Gene Wolfe, (br) Interzone Apr 2000
- * The Stress of Her Regard, by Tim Powers, (br) Interzone Mar 1992
- * Strider’s Galaxy, by Paul Barnett, (br) Interzone Aug 1997
- * The Suburban Book of the Dead, Armageddon III: The Remake, by Robert Rankin, (br) Interzone Sep 1992
- * Summer King, Winter Fool, by Lisa Goldstein, (br) Interzone Jun 1994
- * Swordspoint, by Ellen Kushner, (br) Interzone Sum 1988
- * Synthesis and Other Virtual Realities, by Mary Rosenblum, (br) Interzone Oct 1996
- * Tales of Nevèrÿon, by Samuel R. Delany, (br) Interzone Jul/Aug 1989
- * Tehanu, by Ursula K. Le Guin, (br) Interzone Mar 1991
- * Temporary Agency, by Rachel Pollack, (br) Interzone Aug 1994
- * Tender Loving Rage, by Alfred Bester, (br) Interzone Mar 1992
- * Terminal Visions, by Richard Paul Russo, (br) Interzone Feb 2001
- * Terraplane, by Jack Womack, (br) Interzone Sep/Oct 1989
- * That Way Lies Camelot, by Janny Wurts, (br) Interzone Nov 1994
- * Thebes of the Hundred Gates, by Robert Silverberg, (br) Interzone Sep 1992
- * They Came and Ate Us, Armageddon II: The B-Movie, by Robert Rankin, (br) Interzone Sep 1991
- * Think Like a Dinosaur and Other Stories, by James Patrick Kelly, (br) Interzone Dec 1997
- * The Time Out Book of Paris Short Stories, by Nicholas Royle, (br) Interzone Oct 1999
- * Time, Like an Ever-Rolling Stream, by Judith Moffett, (br) Interzone Jan 1993
- * Time: Manifold 1, by Stephen Baxter, (br) Interzone Oct 1999
- * Timemaster, by Robert L. Forward, (br) Interzone Sep 1992
- * Time’s Hammers, by James Sallis, (br) Interzone Dec 2000
- * Titan, by Stephen Baxter, (br) Interzone Oct 1997
- * To Say Nothing of the Dog, by Connie Willis, (br) Interzone Feb 1998
- * To the Land of the Living, by Robert Silverberg, (br) Interzone Nov/Dec 1989
- * The Tower of Beowulf, by Parke Godwin, (br) Interzone Feb 1996
- * Transmetropolitan, by Warren Ellis, (br) Interzone Jun 2001
- * Trillion Year Spree, by Brian W. Aldiss & David Wingrove, (br) Interzone Mar/Apr 1989
- * Triple Threat, (mr) Crime Time #24 2001
- * The Troika, by Stepan Chapman, (br) Interzone Apr 1998
- * Tuf Voyaging, by George R.R. Martin, (br) Interzone Spr 1988
- * The Twinkling of an Eye, by Brian W. Aldiss, (br) Interzone Jun 1999
- * Under the Skin, by Michel Faber, (br) Interzone Jun 2001
- * The Unicorn Sonata, by Peter S. Beagle, (br) Interzone Apr 1997
- * Unquenchable Fire, by Rachel Pollack, (br) Interzone Nov/Dec 1988
- * Vacuum Diagrams, by Stephen Baxter, (br) Interzone Aug 1997
- * Video Reviews (with Barry Forshaw), (mr) Crime Time #25 2001
- * The Voices of Heaven, by Frederik Pohl, (br) Interzone Aug 1994
- * Voices of the Light, by Sean McMullen, (br) Foundation Spr 1995
- * Voyage, by Stephen Baxter, (br) Interzone Feb 1997
- * Voyages by Starlight, by Ian R. MacLeod, (br) Interzone Oct 1997
- * Walker of Worlds, by Tom De Haven, (br) Interzone Jan 1992
- * War in Heaven, by David Zindell, (br) Interzone Oct 1998
- * The Wave and the Flame, by William B. Rossow & M. Bradley Kellogg, (br) Interzone Spr 1988
- * The Weird Colonial Boy, by Paul Voermans, (br) Interzone Sep 1993
- * Wheel of the Winds, by M.J. Engh, (br) Interzone May 1990
- * When Gravity Fails, by George Alec Effinger, (br) Foundation Aut 1991
- * When the Feast Is Finished: Reflections on Terminal Illness, by Brian W. Aldiss, (br) Interzone Oct 1999
- * Where the Children Cry, by Jenny Jones, (br) Interzone Apr 1998
- * Wild Angel, by Mary Merriwell, by Max Merriwell, by Pat Murphy, (br) Interzone Feb 2001
- * The Wild, by David Zindell, (br) Interzone Apr 1996
- * Wildside, by Steven Gould, (br) Interzone Jun 1996
- * Winter Tides, by James P. Blaylock, (br) Interzone Dec 1997
- * World Enough and Time, by Joe W. Haldeman, (br) Interzone Nov 1992
- * Wyrms, by Orson Scott Card, (br) Interzone Sum 1988
- * Wyvern, by A.A. Attanasio, (br) Interzone Sep/Oct 1989
- * Ye Gods, by Tom Holt, (br) Interzone Nov 1992
- * Year Zero, by Brian M. Stableford, (br) Interzone Dec 2000
- * Young Blood, by Brian M. Stableford, (br) Interzone Mar 1993
- * Zod Wallop, by William Browning Spencer, (br) Interzone Feb 1996
_____, [ref.]
- * “Ancients of Days” reviewed by David Mathew, (br) Interzone Oct 1998
- * “Child of the River” reviewed by Brian Stableford, (br) Interzone Nov 1997
- * “Eternal Light” reviewed by Brian Stableford, (br) Foundation Spr 1992
- * “Eternal Light” reviewed by John Clute, (br) Interzone Aug 1991
- * “Evening’s Empires” reviewed by Paul Kincaid, (br) Interzone Nov/Dec 2013
- * “Fairyland” reviewed by James Lovegrove, (br) Interzone Sep 1995
- * “Fairyland” reviewed by Kev McVeigh, (br) Foundation Sum 1996
- * “Fiction File 52: Paul J. McAuley” by Liz Holliday, (bg) Fear Sep 1991
- * “Four Hundred Billion Stars” reviewed by John Clute, (br) Interzone Mar/Apr 1989
- * “Futures That Work: Paul J. McAuley Interview” by Duncan Lawie, (iv) The Zone #6 1997/’98
- * “Hard Science, Radical Imagination: An Interview with Paul J McAuley” by Nick Gevers, (iv) infinity plus Feb 2000
- * “Heirs to All Eternity: Paul J. McAuley’s Confluence Trilogy” by Russell Blackford, (ar) Nova Express Spr/Sum 2000
- * “Husky Genes and the Anthropocene: A Conversation with Paul McAuley” by Chris Urie, (iv) Clarkesworld Nov 2017
- * “In Dreams” reviewed by Neil Jones & Neil McIntosh, (br) Interzone Apr 1993
- * “In the Mouth of the Whale” reviewed by Elaine Gallagher, (br) Interzone Mar/Apr 2012
- * “An Interview with Paul McAuley” by Stuart Carter, (iv) infinity plus Aug 2007
- * “Into Everywhere” reviewed by Paul Kincaid, (br) Interzone Jul/Aug 2016
- * “The Invisible Country” reviewed by Pete Crowther, (br) Interzone Sep 1997
- * “The King of the Hill and Other Stories” reviewed by Brian Stableford, (br) Foundation Spr 1992
- * “The King of the Hill and Other Stories” reviewed by John Clute, (br) Interzone Apr 1991
- * “Little Machines” reviewed by Lavie Tidhar, (br) Interzone May/Jun 2005
- * “Making History” reviewed by Tom Arden, (br) Interzone Jul 2000
- * “Mythic Templates” by James Lovegrove, (iv) Interzone Aug 1995
- * “Pasquale’s Angel” reviewed by John Clute, (br) Interzone Jul 1994
- * “Paul McAuley in Conversation” by Gary M. Gibson, (iv) Territories Sum 1994
- * “Red Dust” reviewed by Colin Greenland, (br) Foundation Spr 1994
- * “Red Dust” reviewed by John Clute, (br) Interzone Apr 1993
- * “Secret Harmonies” reviewed by Brian Stableford, (br) Foundation Spr 1990
- * “Secret Harmonies” reviewed by Ken Brown, (br) Interzone Jun 1990
- * “The Secret of Life” reviewed by Jennifer Swift, (br) Foundation Spr 2001
- * “The Secret of Life” reviewed by Tom Arden, (br) Interzone Apr 2001
- * “Shrine of Stars” reviewed by David Mathew, (br) Interzone Feb 2000
- * “Whole Wide World” reviewed by Ken MacLeod, (br) Foundation Spr 2002
- * “Whole Wide World” reviewed by Tom Arden, (br) Interzone Nov 2001
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