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GEIS, RICHARD E. (chron.) (continued)
_____, reviews:
- * Fifteen Faces of Science Fiction, (br) Science Fiction Review #12 1975; review of Science Fiction Today and Tomorrow: A Discursive Symposium, by Reginald Bretnor.
- * The Fifth Book of Virgil Finlay, by Gerry de la Ree, (br) Science Fiction Review #33 1979
- * Fighting Slave of Gor, by John Norman, (br) Science Fiction Review #35 1980
- * The Fillostrated Fan Dictionary, by Elliot Weinstein, (br) Science Fiction Review #22 1977
- * Find the Changeling, by Gregory Benford & Gordon Eklund, (br) Science Fiction Review #37 1980
- * Fire Pattern, by Bob Shaw, (br) Science Fiction Review #54 1985
- * First He Wrote Juvenilia: A Review of Kurt Vonnegut, Jr: A Checklist, by Betty Lenhardt Hudgens, (br) The Alien Critic #5 1973
- * The First Kingdom, Book 23: The Choice, by Jack Katz, (br) Science Fiction Review #59 1986
- * Five for Infinity, by Thomas W. Barker, (br) Science Fiction Review #19 1976
- * Floating Worlds, by Cecelia Holland, (br) Science Fiction Review #22 1977
- * Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said, by Philip K. Dick, (br) The Alien Critic #9 1974
- * Footfall, by Larry Niven & Jerry E. Pournelle, (br) Science Fiction Review #55 1985
- * For Fear of Little Men, by James A. Fitzgerald, (br) Science Fiction Review #22 1977
- * For the Flag, by Jules Verne, (br) Science Fiction Review #33 1969
- * The Forever War, by Joe W. Haldeman, (br) Science Fiction Review #18 1976
- * The Fourth Book of Virgil Finlay, (br) Science Fiction Review #31 1979
- * The Fourth Wall, by N.A. Diaman, (br) Science Fiction Review #35 1980
- * Frank Frazetta, Book Four, (br) Science Fiction Review #37 1980
- * Frank Frazetta, Book Two, (br) Science Fiction Review #22 1977
- * Frank Kelly Freas: The Art of Science Fiction, (br) Science Fiction Review #24 1978
- * Free Live Free, by Gene Wolfe, (br) Science Fiction Review #54 1985
- * Freezing Down, by Anders Bodelsen, (br) Science Fiction Review #43 1971
- * The Fringe of the Unknown, by L. Sprague de Camp, (br) Science Fiction Review #51 1984
- * Fritz Leiber: A Bibliography, 1934-1979, by Chris Morgan, (br) Science Fiction Review #33 1979
- * From Elfland to Poughkeepsie, by Ursula K. Le Guin, (br) The Alien Critic #10 1974
- * Frost and Fire, (br) Science Fiction Review #58 1986; review of the graphic adaptation by Klaus Janson, by Ray Bradbury.
- * The Fungus, by Harry Adam Knight, (br) Science Fiction Review #57 1985
- * Future Day, by Gene Day, (br) Science Fiction Review #33 1979
- * Future Glitter, by A.E. van Vogt, (br) The Alien Critic #10 1974
- * Gadget Man, by Ron Goulart, (br) Science Fiction Review #43 1971
- * Galactic Alarm, by Kurt Mahr & W.W. Shols, (br) Science Fiction Review #33 1969
- * Galaxies Inerieures, by Maxim Jakubowski, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * Galaxy Jane, by Ron Goulart, (br) Science Fiction Review #59 1986
- * The Games Malzberg Play, (br) Science Fiction Review #16 1976; review of The Gamesman, by Barry N. Malzberg.
- * Garbage World, by Charles Platt, (br) Science Fiction Review #28 1968
- * Gate of Ivrel, by C.J. Cherryh, (br) Science Fiction Review #19 1976
- * A Gazeteer of the Hyborian World of Conan, by Lee N. Falconer, (br) Science Fiction Review #22 1977
- * A Generation Removed, by Gary K. Wolf, (br) Science Fiction Review #22 1977
- * Get Ready to Pull Down Your Eyebrows, (br) The Alien Critic #6 1973; review of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, by Richard Bach.
- * Getting Into Death and Other Stories, by Thomas M. Disch, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * The Ghost Ocean, by Robert E. Howard, (br) Science Fiction Review #47 1983
- * The Ghost Ocean: Poems of Horror and the Supernatural, by Robert E. Howard, (br) Science Fiction Review #47 1983
- * Ghosts of the Golden West, by Hans W. Holzer, (br) Science Fiction Review #30 1969
- * Giants, by David Larkin, (br) Science Fiction Review #35 1980
- * God Emperor of Dune, by Frank Herbert, (br) Science Fiction Review #40 1981
- * God Game, by Andrew M. Greeley, (br) Science Fiction Review #60 1986
- * Gods in a Vortex, by David Houston, (br) Science Fiction Review #35 1980
- * Gods Teeth! Eclaimed the Reviewer, (br) Science Fiction Review #12 1975; review of The Mote in Gods Eye, by Larry Niven & Jerry E. Pournelle.
- * The Godwhale, by T.J. Bass, (br) The Alien Critic #10 1974
- * A Good God Is Hard to Find...You Always Get the Other Kind, (br) The Alien Critic #7 1973; review of Hard to Be a God, by Boris Strugatsky & Arkady Strugatsky.
- * Goodman 2020, by Fred Pfeil, (br) Science Fiction Review #59 1986
- * The Gorey Touch, (br) Science Fiction Review #15 1975; review of Amphigorey, by Edward Gorey.
- * The Grand Wheel, by Barrington J. Bayley, (br) Science Fiction Review #23 1977
- * Graven Images, by Edward L. Ferman & Barry N. Malzberg, (br) Science Fiction Review #25 1978
- * The Great and Secret Show, by Clive Barker, (br) Quantum Sum 1990
- * The Great Brain Robbery, by James P. Fisher, (br) Science Fiction Review #43 1971
- * The Great RocknRoll Swindle, by Michael Moorcock, (br) Science Fiction Review #36 1980
- * The Green Pages, by Maggie Oster, (br) Science Fiction Review #22 1977
- * Grinny Doesnt Live Here Any More, (br) Science Fiction Review #13 1975; review of Grinny, by Nicholas Fisk.
- * Growing Up in Erto, (br) Science Fiction Review #17 1976; review of Rax, by Michael G. Coney.
- * Grumbles from the Grave, by Robert A. Heinlein, (br) Science Fiction Review #1 1990
- * Guardians of the Universe?, by Ronald Story, (br) Science Fiction Review #36 1980
- * The Guide to Supernatural Fiction, by Everett F. Bleiler, (br) Science Fiction Review #47 1983
- * The Gypsy Earth, by George W. Harper, (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1981
- * The Hadonist, (br) Science Fiction Review #19 1976; review of Flight to Opar, by Philip José Farmer.
- * The Half-a-Moon Inn, by Paul Fleischman, (br) Science Fiction Review #36 1980
- * Halloween in Arkham, by Harry O. Morris, (br) Science Fiction Review #32 1979
- * Hammers Slammers, by David A. Drake, (br) Science Fiction Review #33 1979
- * Handbook for Space Pioneers, by L. Stephen Wolfe & Roy L. Wysack, (br) Science Fiction Review #30 1979
- * A Hannes Bok Sketchbook, by Gerry de la Ree & Gene Nigra, (br) Science Fiction Review #17 1976
- * Hard Science Fiction, by George E. Slusser & Eric S. Rabkin, (br) Science Fiction Review #59 1986
- * He Hears..., (rv) Science Fiction Review #27, #28 1978
- * Healer, by F. Paul Wilson, (br) Science Fiction Review #19 1976
- * Heart of Stone, Dear and Other Stories, by R.A. Lafferty, (br) Science Fiction Review #50 1984
- * Heat, by Arthur Herzog, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction Jun/Jul 1979
- * Hegira, by Greg Bear, (br) Science Fiction Review #32 1979
- * Hell on Earth, by Robert Bloch, (br) Science Fiction Review #57 1985
- * Hell on Wheels, (br) The Alien Critic #7 1973; review of On Wheels, by John W. Jakes.
- * Henry Martyn, by L. Neil Smith, (br) Science Fiction Review #1 1990
- * The Herald, by Michael Shaara, (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1981
- * The Hermes Fall, by John Baxter, (br) Science Fiction Review #26 1978
- * The Hero of Downways, by Michael G. Coney, (br) The Alien Critic #10 1974
- * Heroes and Horrors, by Fritz Leiber, (br) Science Fiction Review #29 1979
- * Heroics, by George Alec Effinger, (br) Science Fiction Review #35 1980
- * Herovits World, by Barry N. Malzberg, (br) Worlds of If May/Jun 1974
- * Highly Specialized Reference, (br) Science Fiction Review #15 1975; review of Science Fiction Book Review Index: 1923-1973, by Hal W. Hall.
- * Hollow Earth ApocalypseAsimovs Warning, by Floria Benton, (br) Science Fiction Review #58 1986
- * Hollow Faces, Merciless Moons, by William Scott Home, (br) Science Fiction Review #23 1977
- * Homecoming, by Frederik Pohl, (br) Thrust Spr 1989
- * The Horror at 37,000 Feet, (mr) The Alien Critic #5 1973
- * Hot Sleep: The Worthing Chronicle, by Orson Scott Card, (br) Science Fiction Review #31 1979
- * How Much Is That DNA in the Window?, (br) Science Fiction Review #16 1976; review of Beyond Control, by George Leonard.
- * How to Get a Buzz On..., (br) Science Fiction Review #12 1975; review of Cage a Man, by F.M. Busby.
- * How to Make Your Friends and Murder Your Enemies, by Jack Woodford, (br) Science Fiction Review #42 1982
- * How to Organize and Manage Your Own Religious Cult, by Duke McCoy, (br) Science Fiction Review #38 1981
- * The Human Termites, by David H. Keller, (br) Science Fiction Review #35 1980
- * The Hunters, by Burt Wetanson & Thomas Hoobler, (br) Science Fiction Review #35 1980
- * I Am Not the Other Houdini, by Michael Conner, (br) Science Fiction Review #27 1978
- * I Have a Blue Bone to Pick, (br) The Alien Critic #6 1973; review of Blue Bone, by Martin Woodhouse.
- * I Plucked a Roddenberry Off the TV Vine and It Was Sour, (mr) The Alien Critic #5 1973
- * Ice and Iron, by Wilson Tucker, (br) Science Fiction Review #15 1975
- * The Ice Schooner, by Michael Moorcock, (br) Science Fiction Review #37 1970
- * Ice!, by Arnold Federbush, (br) Science Fiction Review #30 1979
- * Icerigger, by Alan Dean Foster, (br) The Alien Critic #10 1974
- * Iceworld, by Hal Clement, (br) Science Fiction Review #38 1970
- * If the Stars Are Gods, by Gregory Benford & Gordon Eklund, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * The Illuminoids, by Neal Wilgus, (br) Science Fiction Review #29 1979
- * The Illustrated Roger Zelazny, (br) Science Fiction Review #25 1978
- * The Image of the Beast, by Philip José Farmer, (br) Science Fiction Review #29 1969
- * Images of Horror and Fantasy, by Gert Schiff, (br) Science Fiction Review #35 1980
- * An Imperfect Ark Has Lost Its Bird: A Review of Starlost, (mr) The Alien Critic #8 1974
- * Imperial Earth, by Arthur C. Clarke, (br) Science Fiction Review #17 1976
- * The Implosion Effect, by Gary Paulsen, (br) Science Fiction Review #17 1976
- * The Impulse of Fantasy Fiction, by C.N. Manlove, (br) Science Fiction Review #46 1983
- * In and Out of Quandry, by Lee Hoffman, (br) Science Fiction Review #46 1983
- * In Mayan Splendor, by Frank Belknap Long, (br) Science Fiction Review #25 1978
- * In Search of Forever, by Rodney Matthews, (br) Science Fiction Review #60 1986
- * In the Good Old Days When Men Were Men and Women Were Something Else!, (br) Science Fiction Review #13 1975; review of Hadon of Ancient Opar, by Philip José Farmer.
- * In the Name of Sanity, Kill All Those Scheming Paranoiacs, (br) The Alien Critic #5 1973; review of The Müller-Fokker Effect, by John Sladek.
- * In the Shadow of Omizantrim, by Robert E. Vardeman & Victor Milán, (br) Science Fiction Review #42 1982
- * The Incorrigibles, by Harold McGowan, (br) Science Fiction Review #27 1978
- * Index to the Science Fiction Magazine1982, by Jerry Boyajian & Kenneth R. Johnson, (br) Science Fiction Review #47 1983
- * Index to the Science Fiction Magazines: 1979, by Jerry Boyajian & Kenneth R. Johnson, (br) Science Fiction Review #42 1982
- * Index to the Science Fiction Magazines: 1980, by Jerry Boyajian & Kenneth R. Johnson, (br) Science Fiction Review #40 1981
- * Index to the Science Fiction Magazines: 1983, by Jerry Boyajian & Kenneth R. Johnson, (br) Science Fiction Review #51 1984
- * Index to the Semi-Professional Fantasy Magazines1983, by Jerry Boyajian & Kenneth R. Johnson, (br) Science Fiction Review #52 1984
- * Indoctrinaire, by Christopher Priest, (br) Science Fiction Review #43 1971
- * The Infinity Box, by Kate Wilhelm, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * The Inn of the Hairy Toad, by Mike Resnick, (br) Science Fiction Review #56 1985
- * Inside Outer Space: Science Fiction Professionals Look at Their Craft, by Sharon Jarvis, (br) Science Fiction Review #60 1986
- * The Integral Trees, by Larry Niven, (br) Science Fiction Review #49 1983
- * Involution Ocean, by Bruce Sterling, (br) Science Fiction Review #26 1978
- * The Iron Law of Bureaucracy, by Alexis A. Gilliland, (br) Science Fiction Review #34 1980
- * Is There Death After Death?, (br) Science Fiction Review #20 1977; review of Life After Life, by Raymond A. Moody, Jr., M.D..
- * The Island Under the Earth, by Avram Davidson, (br) Science Fiction Review #35 1970
- * It Is Books Like This, Sir, Which Give Heaven a Bad Reputation, (br) Science Fiction Review #12 1975; review of The Slaves of Heaven, by Edmund Cooper.
- * It Takes a Heap of Dying to Make a Casket a Home, (br) The Alien Critic #11 1974; review of The English Assassin, by Michael Moorcock.
- * Its a Mad, Mad, Mad Galaxy, by Keith Laumer, (br) Science Fiction Review #32 1969
- * Its Down the Slippery Cellar Stairs, by R.A. Lafferty, (br) Science Fiction Review #53 1984
- * J.E.S.U.S. Christ!, (br) The Alien Critic #6 1973; review of J.E.S.U.S. by Cox and Transfer by Smith; latter author given as George I. Smith, by R. Keith Cox & G. Lawson Smith.
- * Jack Woodford on Writing, (br) Science Fiction Review #34 1980
- * The Jade Mans Eyes, by Michael Moorcock, (br) Science Fiction Review #15 1975
- * Janissaries, by Jerry E. Pournelle, (br) Science Fiction Review #33 1979
- * Japan Sinks, by Sakyo Komatsu, (br) Science Fiction Review #18 1976
- * A Jaundiced (but Fair!) Review of New Dimensions II, by Robert Silverberg, (br) The Alien Critic #6 1973
- * Jem, by Frederik Pohl, (br) Science Fiction Review #32 1979
- * The Jesus Incident, by Frank Herbert & Bill Ransom, (br) Science Fiction Review #32 1979
- * The Jewel in the Skull, by Michael Moorcock, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * Jewels of Gwahlur, by Robert E. Howard, (br) Science Fiction Review #35 1980
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