The FictionMags Index
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GEIS, RICHARD E. (chron.) (continued)
_____, reviews:
- * The Chaos Weapon, by Colin Kapp, (br) Science Fiction Review #24 1978
- * Children of the Thunder, by John Brunner, (br) Thrust Spr 1989
- * A Chimp in Time..., (br) The Alien Critic #11 1974; review of The Poison Oracle, by Peter Dickinson.
- * The Cipher, by Kathe Koja, (br) Science Fiction Review #4 1991
- * Cirque, by Terry Carr, (br) Science Fiction Review #22 1977
- * Cities and Scenes from the Ancient World, by Roy G. Krenkel, (br) The Alien Critic #10 1974
- * The City in the Glacier, by Robert E. Vardeman & Victor Milán, (br) Science Fiction Review #39 1981
- * The City Outside the World, by Lin Carter, (br) Science Fiction Review #24 1978
- * Clarion SF, by Kate Wilhelm, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * The Claw of the Conciliator, by Gene Wolfe, (br) Science Fiction Review #40 1981
- * The Clewiston Test, by Kate Wilhelm, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * Clone, by Richard Cowper, (br) The Alien Critic #9 1974
- * Closed System, by Zach Hughes, (br) Science Fiction Review #59 1986
- * Cloudcry, by Sydney J. Van Scyoc, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * The Cold Cash War, by Robert Lynn Asprin, (br) Science Fiction Review #23 1977
- * Cold Chills, by Robert Bloch, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * A Cold Nights Cop-Out, (mr) The Alien Critic #5 1973
- * Collected Poems, by Richard L. Tierney, (br) Science Fiction Review #42 1982
- * Collision Course, by Barrington J. Bayley, (br) The Alien Critic #9 1974
- * Cometose in the Middle Ages, (br) The Alien Critic #6 1973; review of Baphomets Meteor, by Pierre Barbet.
- * The Coming Dark Age, by Roberto Vacca, (br) The Alien Critic #8 1974
- * Commune 2000 A.D., by Mack Reynolds, (br) The Alien Critic #9 1974
- * Compound Interest, by Mack Reynolds, (br) Science Fiction Review #47 1983
- * Conan and the Sorcerer, by Andrew J. Offutt, (br) Science Fiction Review #32 1979
- * Conan the Defender, by Robert Jordan, (br) Science Fiction Review #46 1983
- * Concordance to Cordwainer Smith, by Anthony R. Lewis, (br) Science Fiction Review #54 1985
- * Confessions of a Crap Artist, by Philip K. Dick, (br) Science Fiction Review #28 1978
- * The Conspiracy Peddlers, by Robert Eringer, (br) Science Fiction Review #42 1982
- * Converts, by Ian Watson, (br) Science Fiction Review #55 1985
- * Cook, by Tom Case, (br) Science Fiction Review #46 1983
- * Cortez on Jupiter, by Ernest Hogan, (br) Quantum Sum 1990
- * The Cosmic Clocks, by Michel Gauquelin, (br) Science Fiction Review #34 1969
- * Cosmic Encounter, by A.E. van Vogt, (br) Science Fiction Review #35 1980
- * The Cosmic Trigger, by Robert Anton Wilson, (br) Science Fiction Review #24 1978, #34 1980
- * The Courts of Chaos, by Roger Zelazny, (br) Science Fiction Review #34 1980
- * Cowboy Heaven, by Ron Goulart, (br) Science Fiction Review #30 1979
- * The Crack in the Sky, by Richard A. Lupoff, (br) Science Fiction Review #18 1976
- * Crackpot, by Ron Goulart, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * The Crash of 79, by Paul E. Erdman, (br) Science Fiction Review #25 1978
- * A Crash of Symbols, (rv) Science Fiction Review #16 1976
- * Crash, by J.G. Ballard, (br) The Alien Critic #9 1974
- * Creatures of Light and Darkness, by Roger Zelazny, (br) Science Fiction Review #34 1969
- * Critical Threshold, by Brian M. Stableford, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * Critics Should Come in Coffins, (br) The Alien Critic #7 1973; review of Friends Come in Boxes, by Michael G. Coney.
- * The Crucible of Time, by John Brunner, (br) Science Fiction Review #49 1983
- * The Crystal Ship, by Robert Silverberg, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * Cthulhu Will Get Me for This, (rv) Science Fiction Review #14 1975 [Ted Pons]
- * Cult, by Edward J. Frail, (br) Science Fiction Review #2 1990
- * Cycle of the Werewolf, by Stephen King, (br) Science Fiction Review #57 1985
- * Dads Nuke, by Marc Laidlaw, (br) Science Fiction Review #59 1986
- * Damnation Alley, by Roger Zelazny, (br) Science Fiction Review #24 1978
- * Dark Age, (br) Science Fiction Review #46 1983
- * The Dark Barbarian: The Writings of Robert E. Howard, by Don Herron, (br) Science Fiction Review #54 1985
- * The Dark Design, by Philip José Farmer, (br) Science Fiction Review #23 1977
- * Dark Is the Sun, by Philip José Farmer, (br) Science Fiction Review #37 1980
- * Dark Valley Destiny: The Life of Robert E. Howard, by L. Sprague de Camp, (br) Science Fiction Review #51 1984
- * The Darkling, by David Kesterton, (br) Science Fiction Review #45 1982, #46 1983
- * Dawn of the Dead, by George A. Romero & Susanna Sparrow, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction Jun/Jul 1979
- * Dayworld, by Philip José Farmer, (br) Science Fiction Review #55 1985
- * Dead & Buried, by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, (br) Science Fiction Review #40 1981
- * Dead in the West, by Joe R. Lansdale, (br) Science Fiction Review #60 1986
- * The Dead Zone, by Stephen King, (br) Science Fiction Review #37 1980
- * The Demon of Cawnpore, by Jules Verne, (br) Science Fiction Review #33 1969
- * Demon of the Dark Ones, by Robert E. Vardeman & Victor Milán, (br) Science Fiction Review #42 1982
- * Demon Seed, by Dean R. Koontz, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * Demon with a Glass Hand, (br) Science Fiction Review #61 1986; review of the graphic adaptation by Marshall Rogers, by Harlan Ellison.
- * The Descendants of Star, by Thomas C. Bailey, (br) Science Fiction Review #38 1981
- * The Destiny Stone, by Robert E. Vardeman & Victor Milán, (br) Science Fiction Review #39 1981
- * The Devil and W. Kaspar, by Benjamin Appel, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * The Devil in Iron, by Robert E. Howard, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * Dictionary of Literary Biography Volume 8: Twentieth-Century American Science Fiction Writers, by David Cowart & Thomas L. Wymer, (br) Science Fiction Review #41 1981
- * A Different Darkness, by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #46 1983
- * Dilvish, the Damned, by Roger Zelazny, (br) Science Fiction Review #46 1983
- * Dimension A, by L.P. Davies, (br) Science Fiction Review #30 1969
- * Dimensions Beyond the Known, by John Macklin, (br) Science Fiction Review #28 1968
- * Dionysus: The Ultimate Experiment, by William S. Ruben, (br) Science Fiction Review #22 1977
- * Direct Descent, by Frank Herbert, (br) Science Fiction Review #38 1981
- * Disching It Out, (br) The Alien Critic #6 1973; review of The Right Way to Figure Plumbing, by Thomas M. Disch.
- * A Discordian Coloring Book, by Laramie Sasseville, (br) Science Fiction Review #46 1983
- * Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick, by Lawrence Sutin, (br) Quantum Sum 1990
- * Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, by Philip K. Dick, (br) Science Fiction Review #33 1969
- * Dont Learn Russian, Learn Swahili, (br) The Alien Critic #6 1973; review of (Fugue for a) Darkening Island, by Christopher Priest.
- * The Door Into Fire, by Diane Duane, (br) Science Fiction Review #35 1980
- * Doorways in the Sand, by Roger Zelazny, (br) Science Fiction Review #16 1976, #21 1977
- * Doris Lessing, by Lorna Sage, (br) Science Fiction Review #48 1983
- * The Douglas Convolution, by Edward Llewellyn, (br) Science Fiction Review #34 1980
- * Down Bound Train, by Bill Garnett, (br) The Alien Critic #9 1974
- * Doze Were the Good Old Days, (br) Science Fiction Review #16 1976; review of When the Waker Sleeps, by Ron Goulart.
- * Dr. Strange, (mr) Science Fiction Review #28 1978
- * The Dragon Lord, by David A. Drake, (br) Science Fiction Review #33 1979
- * Dragonflame & Other Bedtime Nightmares, by Don McGregor, (br) Science Fiction Review #29 1979
- * DragonRouge: An Adult Fantasy, by Lin Carter, (br) Science Fiction Review #54 1985
- * Dread Brass Shadows, by Glen Cook, (br) Science Fiction Review #2 1990
- * Dream MakersVolume II: The Uncommon Men & Women Who Write Science Fiction, by Charles Platt, (br) Science Fiction Review #47 1983
- * Dream Makers, by Charles Platt, (br) Science Fiction Review #38 1981
- * The Dream of X, by William Hope Hodgson, (br) Science Fiction Review #23 1977
- * The Dreams of Donald Roller Wilson, (br) Science Fiction Review #32 1979
- * Drinking Sapphire Wine, by Tanith Lee, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * Duel Under the Double Sun, by K.-H. Scheer, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * The Duende History of the Shadow Magazine, by Will Murray, (br) Science Fiction Review #36 1980
- * The Dying Earth, by Jack Vance, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * E Pluribus Disputum, (br) Science Fiction Review #14 1975; review of Pluribus, by Michael J. Kurland.
- * The Earth Again Redeemed, by Martin Green, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * Earth Song, by Sharon Webb, (br) Science Fiction Review #47 1983
- * Earth: Our Crowded Spaceship, by Isaac Asimov, (br) Science Fiction Review #22 1977
- * Earthlove, by Neil McAleer, (br) Science Fiction Review #35 1980
- * The Eastercon Speeches, by Bob Shaw, (br) Science Fiction Review #34 1980
- * Eaters of the Dead, by Michael Crichton, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * Ebon Roses, Jewelled Skulls, by James William Hjort, (br) Science Fiction Review #36 1980
- * Eclipse, by John Shirley, (br) Science Fiction Review #58 1986
- * Ecotopia, by Ernest Callenbach, (br) Science Fiction Review #17 1976
- * Edgar Cayce on Atlantis, (br) The Alien Critic #9 1974
- * Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Man Who Created Tarzan, by Irwin Porges, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * An Edge in My Voice, by Harlan Ellison, (br) Science Fiction Review #56 1985
- * The Edward De Bono Science Fiction Collection, by George Hay, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * The Eldritch Twitch, (br) Science Fiction Review #14 1975; review of Lovecraft: A Biography, by L. Sprague de Camp.
- * Electric Forest, by Tanith Lee, (br) Science Fiction Review #33 1979
- * ElfquestBook Two, by Wendy Pini & Richard Pini, (br) Science Fiction Review #47 1983
- * Elfquest, Book 4, by Wendy Pini & Richard Pini, (br) Science Fiction Review #55 1985
- * Elric of Melnibone, by Michael Moorcock, (br) Science Fiction Review #20 1977
- * Emile and the Dutchman, by Joel Rosenberg, (br) Science Fiction Review #58 1986
- * The Emperor of the Last Days, by Ron Goulart, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * Empire, by Samuel R. Delany & Howard V. Chaykin, (br) Science Fiction Review #35 1980
- * The Empress of the Earth & The Purple Cloud, by M.P. Shiel, (br) Science Fiction Review #36 1980
- * Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology, by Leslie A. Shepard, (br) Science Fiction Review #25 1978
- * Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, by Leslie A. Shepard, (br) Science Fiction Review #58 1986
- * The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy Through 1968, Volume 1: Whos Who, A-L, by Donald H. Tuck, (br) The Alien Critic #9 1974
- * The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy Through 1968, Volume 2: Whos Who, M-Z, by Donald H. Tuck, (br) Science Fiction Review #25 1978
- * The Encyclopedia of the Strange, by Daniel Cohen, (br) Science Fiction Review #58 1986
- * The End of the Matter, by Alan Dean Foster, (br) Science Fiction Review #24 1978
- * Enders Game, by Orson Scott Card, (br) Science Fiction Review #58 1986
- * An Enemy of the State, by F. Paul Wilson, (br) Science Fiction Review #38 1981
- * The Ennead, by Jan Mark, (br) Science Fiction Review #36 1980
- * The Environmental Handbook, by Garrett De Bell, (br) Science Fiction Review #37 1970
- * Escape from New York, by Mike McQuay, (br) Science Fiction Review #40 1981
- * Eschatus, by Bruce Pennington, (br) Science Fiction Review #26 1978
- * The Esper Transfer, by George W. Proctor, (br) Science Fiction Review #34 1980
- * The Eternal Savage, by Edgar Rice Burroughs, (br) Science Fiction Review #33 1969
- * Eternity, by Mack Reynolds & Dean C. Ing, (br) Science Fiction Review #54 1985
- * Everything Youd Ever Want to Know, (br) Science Fiction Review #15 1975; review of The Ray Bradbury Companion, by William F. Nolan.
- * Excalibur, by Sanders Anne Laubenthal, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * Exotic Weapons: An Access Book, by Michael Hoy, (br) Science Fiction Review #32 1979, #46 1983
- * An Extremely Raw Deal, (br) The Alien Critic #11 1974; review of Wild Card, by Raymond Hawkey & Roger Bingham.
- * The Eye of the Heron, by Ursula K. Le Guin, (br) Science Fiction Review #46 1983
- * The Eyes of the Overworld, by Jack Vance, (br) Science Fiction Review #21 1977
- * Fabulous Illustrated History of Psychoactive Plants or Great Grandmas Pleasures, by Michael Starks, (br) Science Fiction Review #43 1982
- * The Faces of Science Fiction, by Patti Perret, (br) Science Fiction Review #55 1985
- * Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, (br) Science Fiction Review #33 1969
- * Fandom Directory No. 6: 1984-85, by Mariane S. Hopkins, (br) Science Fiction Review #52 1984
- * Fantastic Nudes, by Stephen E. Fabian, (br) Science Fiction Review #17 1976
- * Fantasy Art Techniques, by Boris Vallejo, (br) Science Fiction Review #58 1986
- * A Far Sunset, by Edmund Cooper, (br) Science Fiction Review #25 1978
- * Faulty Structure, (br) Science Fiction Review #19 1976; review of Bridge of Ashes, by Roger Zelazny.
- * Fear That Man, by Dean R. Koontz, (br) Science Fiction Review #32 1969
- * Female Sexual Fantasies, (br) The Alien Critic #9 1974
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